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Prohlížíte hudební skupinu Aaron Buchanan and The Cult Classics
Prohlížíte hudební skupinu Aaron Buchanan and The Cult Classics 1.0.10
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Aaron Buchanan & The Cult Classics are a British rock band formed in 2016 by former Heaven's Basement vocalist of international acclaim and Red Bull Records alumni Aaron Buchanan. Band members include Aaron Buchanan (Vocals), Laurie Buchanan (Guitar and Vocals), Tom McCarthy (Guitar), Chris Guyatt (Bass) and Kev Hickman (Drums). The band cite 1990s grunge rock influences and came together for first rehearsals in June 2016, this was followed up with a full UK tour alongside InMe starting on 17 October 2016 through to 23 October in support of forthcoming album The Man With Stars On His Knees.

The Man With Stars On His Knees (debut album)

After departing Heaven's Basement in late 2015. Buchanan went into the studio to record "The Man With Stars On His Knees". Many of the demo's were produced by Buchanan during his time in Heaven's Basement. The album was produced by life-long friend and producer James Curtis-Thomas at Plus 11 Studios (now re-branded as Essex Recording Studio). "The Man With Stars On His Knees" was predominantly written by Buchanan in the United Kingdom with many of the vocals and song structures put together at the Reddington family home in Chambers Flat, Brisbane, Australia. The album features Aaron Buchanan (Vocals/Drums/Guitar/Bass), James Curtis-Thomas (Drums), Laurie Buchanan (Guitars/Vocals) and Ryan Woods (Guitar/Bass) and was tracked in the original Plus 11 Studio location in Boreham. The first single video, "All The Things You've Said And Done" was released on 12 October 2016 initially on Facebook and shortly after on YouTube. and was released as a physical copy with a b/side "Fire In The Fields Of Mayhem". Collectively the video has over 40,000 views to date. The album features 10 songs and has a run-time of 34 minutes and 30 seconds. The front-cover artwork was created by Sam Mayle and inspired by a portrait Ryan Woods had shown Buchanan that Mayle had created in 2014 featuring Gerard Way of My Chemical Romance.

Track listing
Show Me What You're Made Of
All The Things You've Said And Done
Dancin' Down Below
The Devil That Needs You
Journey Out of Here
The Man With Stars On His Knees
A God Is No Friend
Left Me For Dead
Mind Of A Mute


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