Nzev dlu The Bob Next Door /Levák od vedle
seril Simpsonovi - 463.dl Levák od vedle
Aternativn nzvy epizody
Datum premiry:
2010.05.16 - Nedìle
esk premira:
2011.01.27 - Ètvrtek
Epizodu pidal uivatel:
Epizodu naposledy upravil uivatel:
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Dl v serii
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Titulky Verze ripu Velikost Jazyk Autor
Produkn slo:
Kd epizody:
SI-2111 / S21E22
Pidno dne:
22.11.2009, 12:45:32
Zmna dne3:
10.11.2010, 23:14:34
Dlka dlu:
21 min.

A financial crisis in Springfield causes, amongst other cost-cutting measures, the sale of many houses and the release of all low-level criminals from Springfield Penitentiary, including a seemingly mild-mannered man named Walt Warren. Walt purchases a house next door to the Simpson family, and he immediately charms the neighborhood. However, Bart is convinced that Walt is his archenemy, Sideshow Bob in disguise, because, rather worryingly, they have the same voice. He tries several times to find proof. Marge convinces him otherwise by taking him to visit the penitentiary, where they see Bob locked in a padded cell, wearing a straitjacket and writing "Bart Will Die!" on the walls. A reassured Bart decides to go to a baseball game with Walt; however, Bart's initial instincts prove right when "Walt" reveals himself as Sideshow Bob. Bob restrains Bart in the car, planning to take him to Five Corners, a location where five states meet, to kill him.

Meanwhile, the real Walt Warren — still bearing Bob's hair and face — escapes prison and comes to the Simpsons' home. At first, everyone thinks Bob has escaped prison, but Walt's small feet reveal his true identity. Walt explains that he and Bob were cellmates and, prior to Walt's release, Bob drugged him and performed plastic surgery to switch their faces. The anesthetic left Walt unable to talk properly, and his garbled speech led the guards to put him in the padded cell; he wrote "Bart Will Die!" to warn of the impending crime. Walt and the Simpsons immediately go after Bob, knowing that Bart's life is in danger. Meanwhile, a waitress at a roadside diner becomes infatuated with Bob-as-Walt until Bob's new face becomes loosened. Amidst a distraction outside the diner, Homer and a not-fooled Lisa travel to Mexico in search of Bart while Walt gets away and continues to Five Corners to save Bart.

At Five Corners, Bob explains that — by standing in one state, firing the gun in the second, having the bullet travel through a third state, hitting Bart in a fourth state and letting Bart collapse and die in the fifth state — the killing would take place in five separate states and thus no single action can be prosecuted. Bart stalls by repeatedly jumping into the same state as Bob until Walt arrives. Walt startles Bob, but Bob regains the upper hand. Just before Bob is able to pull the trigger on either Walt or Bart, Chief Wiggum and the Springfield Police Department arrive to arrest Bob, stating that Bart was never convinced that Bob was Walt at all, and called the Springfield Police Department, asking them to track Bob before leaving with him to the game. They manage to do so through Bob's hybrid car (as all hybrid cars are secretly being monitored by the government). However, Bob gets away by jumping into another state, stating that the Springfield police cannot arrest him in a different state because they lack jurisdiction there — but officers from the other four states promptly arrive on the scene as well. Realizing he's trapped, Bob surrenders and is taken away by officers with a strong New Jersey accent. His house on Evergreen Terrace is quickly bought by Ned Flanders' cousin Ted, causing Homer great dismay as he now has to live next door to two Flanders families.

Dl serilu je v jazycch..
Hlavn postavy dlu

== osoby ==
== postava ==

Dabing dlu

== osoby ==
== postava ==

442. dl
Lance Kramer
443. dl
´´Kirkland Mark´´
444. dl
´´Faughnan Matthew´´
445. dl
´´Anderson Mike B.´´ ´´Schofield Matthew´´
446. dl
´´Kruse Nancy´´
447. dl
Chuck Sheetz
448. dl
Bob Anderson , Rob Oliver
449. dl
Steven Dean Moore
450. dl
Michael Polcino
451. dl
Matthew Nastuk
452. dl
Chris Clements
453. dl
CHuck Sheetz
454. dl
Raymond S. Persi
455. dl
Mark Kirkland
456. dl
Steven Dean Moore
457. dl
Michael Polcino
458. dl
Bob Anderson
459. dl
Chris Clements
460. dl
Mark Kirkland
461. dl
Lance Kramer
462. dl
Matthew Nastuk
463. dl
Nancy Kruse
464. dl
Steven Dean Moore

Peteno: 499 krt
vygenerovano za: 1.8940289 sek.

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