Nzev dlu Pilot /Pilot
seril:Sbìratelé kostí
seril Sbìratelé kostí - 1.dl Pilot
Aternativn nzvy epizody
Datum premiry:
2005.09.13 - Úterý
Epizodu pidal uivatel:
Epizodu naposledy upravil uivatel:
slo epizody:
Dl v serii
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Titulky Verze ripu Velikost Jazyk Autor
Produkn slo:
Pidno dne:
05.01.2010, 23:59:28
Zmna dne3:
06.01.2010, 00:35:23
Dlka dlu:
45 min.
Obsah- star(2008):

Antropoložka doktorka Temperance Brennanová pomáhá FBI pøi identifikaci nalezených ostatkù neznámých obìtí. Spoleènì s kolegyní Angelou, asistentem Zackem a Hodginsem se v laboratoøi snaží dopátrat podoby a charakteristických rysù obìti. Brennanová je ve svém oboru velmi schopná, a tak se postupnì její spolupráce s agentem FBI Seeleym Boothem prohlubuje a doktorka se zaèíná podílet i na samotném vyšetøování vražd. Prvním pøípadem, který doktorka Brennanová vyšetøuje už spoleènì s FBI, je nález kostry na dnì rybníka. Doktorka obì identifikuje jako mladou asistentku senátora Ellerrovou, která je již dva roky pohøešovaná. To zužuje výbìr podezøelých a nyní je potøeba nalézt pachatele tohoto èinu…Soudní antropoložka Temperance Brennanová se právì vrací z Guatemaly, kde pomáhala s dentifikací obìtí genocidy. Na letišti ji èeká nejen její pøítelkynì a spolupracovnice Angela, ale také agent FBI Seeley Booth, který ji žádá, aby pomohla se zjištìním totožnosti mrtvoly, která byla nalezena v jezírku na Arlingtonském høbitovì. Temperance nejprve váhá, ale nakonec svolí.Temperance svou práci velmi miluje, je v ní dokonalá a obèas ji dokonce trápí pomyšlení, že jediné smysluplné vztahy dokáže navázat s kostrami, které studuje. Z vody je vylovena kostra, která tam s nejvìtší pravdìpodobností ležela už témìø dva roky. Temperance i tentokrát identitu mrtvé brzy odhalí: podle neklamných znakù je jí brzy jasné, že mrtvá byla mladá žena afroamerického pùvodu. Její lebka nese stopy po silných úderech tupým pøedmìtem. Pøesto se ale ukáže, že dívka zemøela ještì døív, a to následkem nìkolika bodných ran...Když se pøi poèítaèové simulaci zaène rýsovat tváø zemøelé, je Temperance ihned jasné, že ji odnìkud zná. A skuteènì: zavraždìná je jistá Cleo, která byla milenkou senátora Bethlehema, vyhlášeného suknièkáøe, a pøed dvìma lety záhadnì zmizela. Její rodièe dodnes nevìdí, co se s jejich dcerou stalo. Je na Temperance a Woodovi, aby jim oznámili smutnou novinu...Analýzy kosterních pozùstatkù odhalí, že mladá žena byla v raném stupni tìhotenství. Vyšetøovatelé se tedy mezi pøípadnými podezøelými soustøedí právì na senátora a také na jeho tajemníka Kena Thompsona, i on mìl s dívkou krátký pomìr. Je tøeba ale postupovat velmi opatrnì, protože senátor jakékoli podezøení rozhoøèenì odmítá...


Returning to Washington, D.C., after two months in Guatemala, where she was identifying victims of genocide, renowned forensic anthropologist Dr. Temperance Brennan is accosted at the airport by an agent from Homeland Security for carrying a human skull in her bag (when the agent grabbed her, Dr Brennan, who is a student of three different martial arts, easily took him down until the gathering security drew their guns on her). Upon the arrival of FBI Special Agent Seeley Booth, Brennan is released, which she finds odd and realizes that it was his plot to get her to help him on an FBI case. She refuses to help until Booth promises her full participation in the case.

At the crime scene, Brennan and Booth find decomposed human remains with only the bones remaining. Brennan and her assistant, Zack Addy (Eric Millegan), determine the victim is a woman 18 to 22 years old and was a tennis player. Back at the Jeffersonian Institute, Brennan argues with her boss, Dr. Daniel Goodman (Jonathan Adams), for assigning her to work with other federal agencies without consulting her.

Inside the Medico-Legal Lab of the Jeffersonian Institute, Brennan examines the victim's remains while her colleagues inquire about the resemblances between themselves and the characters in her new book, Bred in the Bone. Dr. Jack Hodgins (T. J. Thyne), an entomologist, finds that the victim has been in the pond for more than two summers. Hodgins has also found small bone fragments in the silt, which he guesses are rana temporaria or, simply, frog bones. Dr Brennan's best friend Angela Montenegro (Michaela Conlin), a forensic artist who flashed the airport clerk to get his attention when trying to find Brennan to pick her up at the start of the episode, uses a computer program she has developed, called the Angelator, to make a three-dimensional holographic reconstruction of the reassembled skull. The victim is revealed to be Cleo Louise Eller, a missing Senate intern who was rumored to have had an affair with Senator Bethlehem.

Brennan wants to confront the Senator but Booth argues that he is not the only suspect. The Senator's aide, Ken Thompson, was Cleo's boyfriend. There is also Cleo's stalker, Oliver Laurier. Booth tells Brennan that they have a major case and that FBI Deputy Director Cullen is going to want to set up a special unit to investigate. To do everything by the book he wants her to stay at her lab; but Brennan coerces Booth into agreeing to let her come with him into the field.

Based on the particulates embedded in Cleo's skull, Hodgins determines that Cleo's skull may have been smashed by a sledgehammer on a cement floor with diatomaceous earth. By the distinctive damage done to her finger pads and the way the body was hidden, the team determines that the murderer had put a lot of effort into hiding the body. Hodgins also reveals that Cleo was taking medicine for her depression, while Brennan realizes that the small bones found with Cleo's body are not frog bones but fetal ear bones, indicating Cleo Eller was pregnant.

Hodgins, a devout conspiracy theorist, convinces Brennan that they may never find the truth because Senator Bethlehem will impede the investigation. Without telling Booth, Brennan recklessly confronts the Senator. Consequently, Deputy Director Cullen removes Booth from the case, but Brennan refuses to give up. With the help of her fellow scientists, she uncovers evidence that Cleo Eller's boyfriend, Ken Thompson, had killed Cleo because he feared the scandal of Cleo's pregnancy would affect his career negatively.

Dl serilu je v jazycch..


Hlavn postavy dlu

== osoby ==
== postava ==

Dabing dlu

== osoby ==
== postava ==

Datum uveden

22:00 - Prima
1. dl
´´Yaitanes Greg´´
2. dl
Allan Kroeker
3. dl
Patrick R. Norris
4. dl
Allan Kroeker
5. dl
Jesús Salvador Treviño
6. dl
Tawnia McKiernan
7. dl
David Hugh Jones
8. dl
Sanford Bookstaver
9. dl
Greg Yaitanes
10. dl
Greg Yaitanes
11. dl
Dwight H. Little
12. dl
James Whitmore Jr.
13. dl
Sanford Bookstaver
14. dl
Tony Wharmby
15. dl
Allan Kroeker
16. dl
Joe Napolitano
17. dl
Donna Deitch
18. dl
Jesús Salvador Treviño
19. dl
James Whitmore Jr.
20. dl
Sanford Bookstaver
21. dl
Jonathan Pontell
22. dl
Jesús Salvador Treviño

Peteno: 390 krt
vygenerovano za: 0.17890215 sek.

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