Nzev dlu Judgment Day 1 /Soudný den (1. èást)
seril:NCIS: Námoøní vyšetøovací služba
seril NCIS: Námoøní vyšetøovací služba - 112.dl Soudný den (1. èást)
Aternativn nzvy epizody
Datum premiry:
2008.05.20 - Úterý
esk premira:
2010.05.03 - Pondìlí
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Navy NCIS 112
Pidno dne:
23.06.2010, 23:10:42
Zmna dne3:
23.06.2010, 23:10:42
Dlka dlu:
45 min.

Ředitelka Shepardová jede do L.A. na pohřeb svému kolegovi, který náhle zemřel na infarkt. Tony a Ziva ji doprovázejí jako ochranka. Na pohřbu se objeví záhadný muž a ptá se po panu Ošimaidovi. To byl krycí kód pro deset let starou operaci, které se ředitelka Shepardová zúčastnila spolu s Gibsem a agentem Deckerem v Moskvě. Jenny je jasné, že Deckerova smrt není náhoda a že bude zřejmě další na řadě. Požádá o pomoc Mika, Gibbsova bývalého šéfa a přítele, a vydává se tajemného muže hledat.

Ziva a Tony zjistí, že něco není v pořádku a začnou ředitelku hledat. Bohužel přijíždějí pozdě. Ve starém bistru v poušti došlo ke konfrontaci mezi ředitelkou a členy ruského komanda a ředitelka podle všeho přestřelku nepřežila.


Two young boys are playing with a BB Gun. One young boy has the "hots" for the young mail-woman. As she delivers the mail and closes the mailbox, the young boy fires a shot off and hits the back of the mailbox. The door to the mailbox pops open, startling the mail-woman. The two young boys run away and come across a man with sunglasses on a float in his pool. They shoot the float to deflate it and the man sinks to the bottom because he's already dead.

Ziva and Tony go with Director Shepard to attend the funeral of former NCIS Agent William Decker. Decker's death was ruled natural causes; he died of a heart attack. As Jenny is signing the guest book, she hears a man ask for Mr. Oshimida (?). Jenny stops, takes out her compact and views the man from her mirror. As the man leaves, she follows him taking pictures of him from her camera phone. She is only able to get back and side views of him. Jenny returns to Tony and Ziva and dismisses them, giving them the rest of the trip off. She tells them she's just going to do paperwork. Jenny takes the car and as Tony turns to ditch Ziva, she's already walked away so he runs to catch up.

McGee steps off the elevator in the squad room and has a puzzled look on his face. He walks towards his desk and sees Abby sitting at Ziva's desk. He looks and Ducky is sitting at Tony's desk. He sits down and Abby flicks open a knife, acting like Ziva. Ducky pretends he's Tony. As they pick on McGee, Palmer rounds the corner and heads to Gibbs' desk with a cup of coffee in his hands. They finally admit there is a bug sweep going on and they had to leave. Gibbs walks in as Ducky is making a Tony-type crack about him. McGee hands Gibbs a big envelope that Fornell had left for him. Gibbs takes the envelope and leaves. Ducky heads back to autopsy thanking "probie" for sharing the space.

Jenny pulls into a cheesy motel parking lot and gets out of the car. She is met by former NCIS Agent Mike Franks. After much reluctance, she tells him she thinks Decker was murdered and she believes she's next. She tells him about a special op she and Decker had been on with another agent 10 years prior. They were there to infiltrate a Russian spy ring. She tells him that there was one word the three of them knew if their identities were compromised. She tells him she heard that word at the funeral and tells him about the man asking for Mr. Oshimida. Oshimida was the code they used if anything went bad. Franks asks Jenny who the third agent was, who she is protecting. Jenny says "Gibbs." Franks asks where to sign on.

Gibbs walks down to his basement with the envelope from Fornell in hand. He puts the envelope down and opens it to reveal the contents are from The Frog investigation. He goes through the contents of the file.

Tony shows up in his funky Hawaiian shirt and takes photos of the ladies. He sees Ziva lying there in her bikini and takes pictures of her. She is reading a book, while sunbathing. He teases her about not leaving the hotel when they have time off. She worries that they are supposed to be on security detail and feels guilty so she wants to remain at the hotel. Tony references the movie "Against All Odds" and wants to go cruising. Ziva says he doesn't have a car and he tells her he does. Out front they hop into a nice red mustang with white racing stripes. They head out cruising in L.A.

Jenny and Franks break into Decker's house looking for a clue. Jenny knows he left a clue behind to help her. As she discovers his laptop, they hear a noise coming from a closet. They advance and open the closet door, revealing Decker's 22 year old girlfriend, Sasha, crouching on the floor crying. They assure here they are no there to harm her and that they believe Decker didn't die of natural causes. Jenny realizes Sasha knows this as well. Sasha tells them that Decker told her if anything happened to her, she was to give something to someone. Jenny offers to pass along the message. Sasha takes down a book and removes a bookmark with Jenny's name on it. Not revealing that that's her, Jenny assures Sasha they'll make sure the Director gets it. On the back of the bookmark is the name, address and a key to a diner. Sasha reveals Decker had bought it was going to fix it up the following month. She says Decker left an insurance policy there for Jenny. Jenny encourages Sasha to go and be with family ASAP and gives Sasha the keys to her rental car. Sasha takes the keys and leaves. Jenny says she didn't reveal who she was so Sasha would be safe as the less she knew the better. Franks starts to ask Jenny how it's going to go down and she replies, "Just the way you like it, no paperwork."

Abby has been sent the photos from Jenny. She is working on them but because she has no "front" view of either of the two people Jenny caught photos of (the driver and the man from the funeral), she's at a loss. She turns and begins talking to "Tony" and "Ziva." She has taken janitor buckets with mops, turned the mops upside down and pasted Tony and Ziva's faces on each mop. She says it's to fill the void because they aren't there in person. She explains this to McGee when he walks in and sees her talking to the "mops." McGee brings Abby a Caf-Pow but starts to retreat with it when she won't tell him what she's working on. Abby finally gives in and gets her caffeine fix. When he realizes they can't find out who the two identified people are from the photo, McGee comes up with an idea. He takes the time the photos were taken and pings cell phone calls made from that area as the mystery man was in the process of making a call when Jenny took his photo. Just as they figure out who it is, Jenny calls. Abby tells her the man's name is Viggo Drantyev and they realize that his name is a burn alias. The man didn't exist prior to 3 days before and stopped existing that morning. The Director orders Abby to erase the file and the search. Abby complies as she looks at McGee.

Stuck in traffic, Tony and Ziva bicker. He turns up the radio, she turns it down. She has a funny feeling about leaving the Director and can't shake it. Tony is all about orders and hands Ziva his phone and tells her to call Jenny. She dials the Director's number and puts it on speaker phone. When Jenny answers, Ziva shoves the phone in front of Tony's face, forcing him to talk. Jenny reveals nothing of what's going on and chastises them for bugging her and not enjoying the time off. Before she hangs up, they hear Franks in the background revealing information to the Director. As Tony closes his phone, he says it's probably a roll in the hay. Ziva believes something is going on. Tony teases that she doesn't know about sex so she wouldn't understand. Ziva laughs and says she could tell him stories. He begs her to share and she agrees but only if he calls the L.A.P.D. and asks them to run a trace on the GPS on the Director's rental. Tony agrees.

Gibbs walks into autopsy and stops. Palmer is on the ground performing CPR on a blow-up doll. Gibbs asks him "New girlfriend?" He gives Ducky a look so Ducky excuses Palmer. Gibbs inquires about La Grenouille's autopsy and they both agree it was clear cut, he died from the gun shot wound. Gibbs leaves as Ducky yells out that some things are better left alone. Gibbs goes up to Abby's lab and hands her a photo from the bullet pulled out of La Grenouille's body. She pulls it up on her screen and after some geek chat, she shows him a flaw in the bullet. There are two lines in it that she tells him are from a flaw in the gun that fired it. Gibbs grabs the photo and leaves.

Jenny and Mike Franks show up at the diner. Of course, it's a bit run down in the middle of nowhere. They go in and look around for evidence or the "insurance policy" but have no luck. Franks asks what he's supposed to be looking for and Jenny mentions numbers, photos, etc. Franks points to the wall and tells her there are plenty of photos around. Jenny looks closely at them and realizes the dates on them are wrong. She remembers back to their operation and they had used a code with numbers on photos for messages. She pulls down the photos and writes down the numbers. Franks gets ready to go and Jenny tells him she's not leaving, it's going to end there. He pulls out a gun and tells her she'll need an unregistered gun as he hands it to her. He sits down to wait with her.

Tony and Ziva get the location of the Director's car. They drive to the Santa Monica pier and find nobody in the car and no sign of the Director. As Tony begins to pull out he stops and backs up as they see police cruisers. They exit the car and go down to the crime scene. There they discover a very dead Sasha. After a debate, Ziva calls Jenny back up. She informs Jenny that Sasha is dead, that she had been thrown off the pier at the beach. Jenny claims she's okay and still reveals nothing. Ziva and Tony head to the car and argue about what to do. They finally call McGee to see what he says. McGee teases them but finally agrees to look up the last location of Jenny's cell phone and gives it to them. They head out without telling Gibbs what is going on.

In his basement, Gibbs sits down with the files on La Grenouille's death. He pours himself a drink as he looks at the photo of the bullet. He remembers the scene where he handed Jenny her gun and then the clip. He remembers Jenny handing him back the clip with bullets later in the squad room. After a quick swallow of his drink, he looks down at the clip and removes a bullet from it. He picks up a magnifying glass and discovers the same two identical marks on the bullet as the one that killed La Grenouille. He picks up the phone to call Jenny.

Tony and Ziva pull into a gas station, bickering, as a black SUV pulls out. The mustang was on empty and Ziva thought they would make it. Tony knew they wouldn't so they stopped for gas. She jokes about holding his nozzle when he tells her to make herself useful. She goes in to get a map, directions, donuts and a blue Gatorade for Tony. Once back on the road, Tony thinks they are lost, stops the car, gets out and screams. He gets back in and they head towards the diner.

At the Diner, Jenny and Franks have a heart-to-heart talk about love-life regrets. Jenny admits her regret was Gibbs. She admits she is the one who pushed Gibbs away after the Paris operation because he didn't fit into her five year plan. Franks makes a remark about it not being too late and with tears in her eyes, Jenny subtly reveals she's in love with Gibbs without saying it. Franks finally asks if Gibbs knows she's sick. She tells him it's nothing bad but he reveals he searched her car, purse and cell phone so he knows the truth. She finally admits Gibbs doesn't know.

Jenny walks around and finds some very dusty tea and offers to make some. Franks says he has to go to the 'head' so he'll go out and gets some fresh water. While he's out back, the black SUV pulls up in front of the Diner.

Four heavily armed men step out and head towards the diner. One goes in the back, one in the side and two in the front. Shots are fired over and over, no screams or shouts are heard as everything goes quiet.

Tony and Ziva pull up to the diner and see the black SUV and remember it from the gas station. As they head towards the diner, they see bullet holes in the door and broken glass. Ziva asks if he still thinks the Director is off having a quickie. They draw their weapons and quietly enter the diner. They immediately spot several of the dead gunmen with bullet wounds to their heads. As Ziva walks around the diner, she sees the Director's reflection in a pool of blood. She calls Tony over and they both look at the Director's blood covered arm. Tony leans down and checks her pulse and finds nothing. The Director's cell phone rings and Tony picks it up; it's Gibbs calling. Tony answers it.

Gibbs is hauling down the highway in a sedan. Over the phone, he tells Tony to stay put until he arrives. A few minutes later he arrives at the crime scene. Tony and Ziva are hauling boxes out of the diner. They both see Gibbs and sadly stare at him. Gibbs starts to yell at them for not staying put when Vance walks out of the diner. Vance says it's his crime scene. Gibbs walks inside and Vance tells him the bodies were removed the day before. Gibbs walks around and stops at the tag labelled "Shepard" and stares at the pool of blood around it. Vance walks up alongside him and apologizes. Vance re-enacts the scene to Gibbs, telling him Jenny was standing in the middle of the room. He tells him she got all four of them but took numerous bullet shots before she fell. He tells Gibbs that Ducky will be overseeing the autopsies on all five victims. He says he is heading back to oversee "his" investigation and tells Gibbs, Tony and Ziva to remain behind to follow up on the fifth shooter. They discovered another vehicle had been there along with another shooter. Vance leaves and Gibbs orders Tony and Ziva to investigate Vance's investigation.

Gibbs drives down the road and pulls over at a gas station. Someone pulls up on the other side and Gibbs says, "You're late." Mike Franks says he got there as fast as he could. They go inside the diner and chat. Franks fills Gibbs in on how he got involved and what Jenny knew. Gibbs wants to know where Franks was when Jenny was gunned down. Franks tells him he was out back filling up a pitcher when they arrived. Franks shot the man entering the back of the building and polished off two more with gunshot wounds to the head. Jenny had shot them but Franks wanted to make sure they were dead. Franks told Gibbs about the insurance policy Decker had. He then tells Gibbs that Jenny died protecting him. Franks gives Gibbs the numbers he and Jenny got off the photographs. He also mentions the code name, which tipped Jenny off. When Franks pushes him about loose ends, Gibbs says there were none from the Paris operation. Gibbs admits there were three members for three kills. Gibbs and Decker killed their targets and believed that Jenny killed hers.

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