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Prohlížíte hudební skupinu Hashtags
Prohlížíte hudební skupinu Hashtags 1.0.10
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Ever since their inception in late 2015, #Hashtags has taken It’s Showtime by storm, effortlessly converting many of its non-regular fans into rabid followers, madly in love with each and every one of the members, perhaps more so than the others. But it isn’t just their good looks or wicked dance moves that brought them to where they are; it’s perhaps the fact that they hail from different islands of the Philippines, converging into one supergroup, that makes them so appealing. Zeus, for example, hails from the cool and breezy lands of Rizal, Luke enjoys the beach life in his hometown of Batangas, and Tom savors the deliciousness and pungency of Davao’s delectable durian. The group’s diversity has made them more relatable to many Filipinos, many of which have never lived or even visited Manila. Relatability aside, they’re also great dancers, and any of their performances in It’s Showtime can easily attest to that.

Truly, their rise to fame was almost overnight and instantaneous, but none of that has ever changed the attitudes of the young men; they remain the humble, care-free, and fun-loving individuals that they were when they initially started, and with how things are going for the group, they might just stay that way throughout their entire career. They love to perform and make their audience happy, but in their off-days, they bond together with fellow members, treating each other as a big, extended family.

Their good looks, dance moves, and humility under pressure and in spite of fame are perhaps why people love them so much, and were the factors that drove them to finally release their very own dance album. And their efforts have paid off nicely; despite being a fairly new group in the scene, they’re already set to release a new album, featuring dance tracks they performed on It’s Showtime, as well as some songs that the members sang together on. But if that isn’t enough to convince you, Yeng Constantino herself wrote a song for the boys, and will be featured on their new album, coming out soon!

Are you a fan of these awesome boys? Watch out for their upcoming dance album, coming out very soon!


Jimboy Martin
Jameson Blake
Zeus Collins
Jon Lucas
McCoy De Leon
Tom Doromal
Ronnie Alonte
Luke Conde
Nikko Natividad
Ryle Santiago



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