Nzev dlu Holiday Hi-Jynx /Svátky s Jynx
prohlte: 99 . seznu s : 2 dly
seril Pokémoni - 1.dl Svátky s Jynx
Aternativn nzvy epizody
lb se ti?? Dej to vdt!:


Datum premiry:
1998.10.05 - Pondělí
Epizodu pidal uivatel:


Epizodu naposledy upravil uivatel:


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Produkn slo:
Pidno dne:
03.12.2010, 23:20:08
Zmna dne:
03.12.2010, 23:20:08
Dlka dlu:

The episode opens on a cold, snowy night, with a castle on a cliff in the distance. It is Christmas, and kids everywhere are waiting for their presents from Santa, including the resident of this castle... none other than... Jessie?! She pretends to be asleep, and the door to her room slowly opens. Santa has arrived! Before he can begin to lay down presents, however, he is trapped in a net, and unable to move. Jessie and Meowth are enthusiastic about their capture, and cannot wait for the real Santa to come to be trapped, this test decoy having been James in a Santa suit.

This plot is the realization of Jessie's revenge against Santa for having stolen her favorite doll ten years beforehand. She flashes back to the night she stopped believing in Santa, when she waited awake for him. But instead of a jolly old elf down the chimney, a Jynx appears and does nothing but take her doll, broken moments earlier by Jessie in her waiting enthusiasm. James and Meowth doubt Jessie's story, but Jessie is insistent that this occurred, and that Santa is a Jynx.

Meanwhile, in the southern part of the Kanto region, Ash and his friends are scouting out a Jynx which holds a single boot. Ash attempts to capture it, however, it doesn't work. Brock deduces that it must have a Trainer, and Misty, seeing the inside of the boot, figures out that it belongs to Santa. After Jynx telepathically tells its story to the group, they agree to help it get back to the North Pole to Santa. Team Rocket, on the other hand, sees Jynx as Santa attempting to con the twerps as well, and plots to follow them so as to find Santa's lair and exact her revenge.

Ash calls out his Squirtle, and Misty calls out her Pokémon, in order to pull their raft to the North Pole. The Pokémon, however, quickly become tired, and so Ash volunteers to pull them the rest of the way. He, as well, becomes tired, and hears a voice. Confused, he asks his friends if they said anything, but they haven't. The voice speaks again, and Ash is caught in a wave, while the others drift away on the raft. Ash is plunged underwater, and finally the source of the voice reveals itself to him: a Lapras! The Lapras brings him above the water and reveals its telepathic powers, as well as the fact that it was sent by Santa to get Jynx back to the North Pole. It offers to bring them the rest of the way there, and they accept. Soon, they arrive, but before they can enter Santa's workshop, Team Rocket in their Gyarados submarine nab Jynx and trap the twerps and Lapras under a net.

Team Rocket enter Santa's workshop, then proceed to steal all of the presents, holding Santa, as well as Ash and co., who have confronted them, hostage. Jessie gives her reason for doing this to Santa, and the Jynx which "stole" Jessie's toy is revealed to have it, having taken it to Santa so he could repair it, and not being able to give it back because Jessie had stopped believing. Despite this, Jessie still plans to steal all of the presents, and Team Rocket makes their getaway. Lapras freezes the submarine with its Ice Beam, but Ash, using Charmander, accidentally unfreezes it by using Fire Spin. Team Rocket seems to have won, but Santa has all of his Jynx use Psywave to bring back the submarine, shake the presents out of it, and send Team Rocket blasting off again.

Santa begins his yearly journey around the world, using a Ponyta as his steed, and flies away. Ash regrets not having told Santa what he wanted, but Lapras tells him that he already knows, and Santa's Jynx present Ash, Misty, Brock, and Pikachu with gifts.

Team Rocket lie in a bed together, having been defeated once more, but Jessie has hung a stocking in the hopes that she might get some presents. The other two believe it to be futile, but just then, a Jynx appears in their window. They stare in shock at it, and it uses Lovely Kiss to put them all to sleep. Santa wishes Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.

Televizn tb

== osoby ==
== profese ==

Hlavn postavy dlu

== osoby ==
== postava ==

Vedlej postavy dlu

== osoby ==
== postava ==

Postavy jednoho dlu

== osoby ==
== postava ==

Datum uveden as Stanice
Vysln ve svt:
Nzev sttu Datum Doplkov info

Spojené státy americké


Originln Nzev
Premiera v skr
1. dlSvátky s Jynx
Holiday Hi-Jynx
Hiroshi Sakai1998.10.05 - Pondělí
2. dlVánice
Snow Way Out!
Shin´ichirô Kajiura1998.10.05 - Pondělí
prohlte: 99 . srii s : 2 dly

Peteno: 300 krt
vygenerovano za: 0.49470901 sek.

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