Nzev dlu Murder 2.0 /Lekce vraždy
seril:NCIS: Námoøní vyšetøovací služba
seril NCIS: Námoøní vyšetøovací služba - 119.dl Lekce vraždy
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Datum premiry:
2008.10.28 - Útery
esk premira:
2010.06.28 - Pondìlí
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Navy NCIS 119
Pidno dne:
15.07.2010, 09:30:01
Zmna dne3:
15.07.2010, 09:30:01
Dlka dlu:
45 min.

V nádrži na vodu je nalezeno tělo muže. V ústech má váleček se vzkazem, na němž stojí odkaz na webový link. Na něm je nahrávka s mužovou vraždou, proložená snímky, které napovídají, kde, kdy a jak se stane další vražda. A k té skutečně dojde. A i druhá oběť má v ústech váleček s odkazem na videolink s dalšími nápovědami. Na druhém vzkazu je ale také pozdrav Gibsovi. Ducky je přesvědčený, že vrahem je silně narušený člověk trpící narcisistní poruchou osobnosti, který si v hlavě vykonstruoval příběh, do kterého sám sebe vložil jako hrdinu a Gibse jako svého úhlavního nepřítele.


Tony intercepts McGee coming out of the elevator, telling him to run. McGee finds this strange warning suspicious. Ziva yells for McGee to get into the bull pen. She is sitting at McGee’s desk pointing to his computer screen asking why he didn't erase the bikini photos of her after she told him twice. She gives him a chance to explain and promises she'll only remove ONE of his eyes. He tries to explain his way out of it, but blaming it on the computer...doesn't work. Gibbs arrives and tells them to gear up. When Tony asks what they've got, even Gibbs can't describe it!

At the crime scene, they're taking photos and samples from the bloody bathtub. Tony is imitating Norman Bates from "Psycho"..."my mother isn't quite herself today." Ziva says she's going to get back at McGee, wondering what he's been doing with the photos of her. Tony says she's being uptight about the photo thing. Gibbs arrives and they explain it's human blood, though watered down...they called in Ducky. Tony continues his Norman Bates imitation. Both Gibbs and Ziva feel he is the one being psycho.

Outside, there are people searching with flashlights for evidence. McGee explains where the water source is on the marine base, local aquifers distribute to local nodes that pump to the houses. Ducky arrives and they open one of the nodes. The water inside is all bloody and a body pops to the surface. Palmer is less than calm. The tank is drained and the body removed. Ducky estimates the man hasn't been in the tank for more than 24 hours. The slashes on the body are post mortem. There is blunt force trauma to the head, but he doubts that was the cause of death. He also didn't drown, no froth near the nose and mouth. They open his mouth and find a metal capsule with a paper note inside listing a website.

The website redirects to a cyber video link, where people post their own videos. To demonstrate how this works Abby and McGee show him a sample Gibbs interrupts with a glare. They are now looking at a night vision video of the dead guy walking up to his truck and getting in, the videographer/killer is in the back seat The video shows the guy being beaten and is interspersed with short odd clips of pictures/videos. Everyone is stunned.

Gibbs asks for an ID on the victim, but there is nothing yet. The video link was created at a cyber cafe in Richmond. McGee heads out to check it out. Tony and Ziva will talk to security at Quantico to see who didn't show up for work. Abby tells Gibbs that the website name "Primitus-Victor" is Latin for "first victim," he says he knows.

In autopsy, Palmer is excitedly cutting open the victim's head. Gibbs arrives and he tells him the victim is missing his brain. Ducky chastises Palmer about his perky attitude. Ducky explains to Gibbs that it was probably removed with a crochet hook like tool through the nose, as the Egyptians. Most of his brain was removed when he was still alive, fortunately he was unconscious. After the brain was removed, he was frozen, so hard to determine the time of death. Gibbs thinks the murderer is playing some kind of game.

In the bullpen, they find out the victim was a civilian Billy Cole that worked at a local car wash. Tony and Ziva arrive and interrupt McGee's report to Gibbs. Tony makes Gibbs pick his "favorite" to continue reporting. Gibbs looks back and forth between Tony and McGee, then calls on Ziva. Quantico security says no one got past them, unless they used the river, but how would someone drag a body through the river? Gibbs answers...he was frozen. Tony says he was going to guess using one of the James Bond submersible sleds from "Thunderball." They review the "clues" in the video (the short interspersed photos/videos)... a clock face showing 11:45, a baseball player hitting a ball and a wooden bear statue. Gibbs and Tony take off for the victim's house. As he goes Tony reminds Ziva about the screensaver Tim has of her in the bikini.

At Cole's house, Gibbs and Tony hear a scream inside. It's a band practising. The screaming lead singer is a pretty young blonde. The drummer (Tommy Doyle) and singer (Rose) knew the victim, he was a roommate. They say he'd been missing about a week. He owed a few months' rent, so they figured he was just skipping out on the debt. The female singer is flirting with Gibbs, says he has an interesting name. Tony gets a little competitive about this. Tony and Gibbs go into the garage where Cole's bedroom was. The girl was the last one to see him. Tony spies a photo of the band with the statue of the wooden bear in it. They head to where the statue is.

At the bear statue, they find another dead body. It's tied around the body and leaning against the statue, there's a bloody baseball bat nearby and the victim's watch is broken at the time of death. The details match the clues in the video clip. Looking inside the mouth they find another metal cylinder with another note inside and another website "Secondus Victor", meaning second victim. On the back of this note it says "Hello, Agent Gibbs"!!!

In the lab, they're watching the online video of the killing of the second victim. There are more clue clips inserted in the video. Vance wants to know how the killer knew Gibbs was assigned to the case. They notice ZNN is already reporting the second murder and video. Vance mentions that Sec Nav is breathing down his neck on this one. He tells Gibbs he'll handle Sec Nav while Gibbs handles the investigation. Warns Gibbs to watch his back.

In the bullpen, the team analyze the video, the clues to the next victim, time, location and method of murder. Tony critiques the videographer to Wes Craven, etc. They try to decipher the clues...a nuclear blast, a ship's anchor and a nun/Madonna crying bloody tears. They guess on the method of murder. Ziva says, radiation poisoning...Tony says drowning...McGee says killer nun. Next they guess on the location...bombing range...Anchor-age, Alaska ...convent. Tony asks if that's where they keep the killer nuns!

Gibbs arrives and asks if they found anything other than agitated nuns. They've ID-ed the victim, Bob Sims, as now homeless a former Navy chief. There is no connection to the first victim, but he also had his brain extracted through his nose. They were unable to trace the 2nd video. However, the female singer, Rose, comes into the bullpen saying she thinks she can help. She thinks she knows who made the videos.

In a conference room, Rose gives Gibbs and Ziva a music video they hired someone to make to help promote the band, it was Cole's idea. Ziva can tell Rose is smitten with Gibbs The video has the same kinds of intercut photos and video clips as the killer’s videos. Sam Loomis is the producer, Loominosity Pictures. Gibbs sends Ziva with Tony to check it out. Rose asks Gibbs if NCIS is hiring. If not she'd still like to hang out, it feels safe. Gibbs says he can assign an agent to her, she asks if it could be him. Gibbs says no, but gives her his card., says to call him if she's got a problem...but ONLY if she's got a problem.

At Loomis' house, Tony says Rose is nice, but not his type, Ziva jokes that she was breathing. Tony zings back that he has standards, otherwise he'd be dating her. Loomis opens the door with a video camera rolling. He lets them in and continues to tape. They show him a photo of Cole. Loomis says it was his video, that is. He knows Cole is dead and they suspect him because his videos are similar to the murderer's.

In the bullpen Tony is on conference call with Gibbs and McGee. Loomis used a "build your own music video" website which randomly pulls in pictures from the person's photo file and inserts them into the video. Then Gibbs gets a cell call from number "666.” He has McGee try to trace the call. The voice on the phone has been altered. The caller says they won't be able to trace the call and seems to know all about Gibbs. The caller says he has something very special planned for Gibbs. Unfortunately the call is bouncing all over the world...untraceable.

Abby calls from her lab up to the bullpen...there's a new video on the just popped up. Abby suddenly recognizes things in the video. The poster just outside her lab. McGee realizes it's not a video, it's a live stream...the person is down by Abby's lab.

Abby talks to Gibbs on his cell as he and McGee race downstairs. She can see the person's shadow on the wall. McGee is locking down the building on his cell as Gibbs tells Abby they're almost there. She has hidden under a table, but set up a trap as well. Gibbs and McGee bust out of the stairwell to find...Harry the janitor. A remote video machine was hidden in his lunch box on his supply cart. McGee heads to the lab calling to Abby that everything is safe...he falls SPLAT on his face. Abby put crazy glue on the floor and McGee's shoes stuck to it. She says he's lucky it wasn't her second choice, hydrochloric acid.

In the lab, McGee, Tony and Ziva check out the "Janny-cam." Abby says she's never been so scared in her life....well except for the time her ex tried to kill her...and when her assistant had her at knife point...and when McGee's crazy fan had a gun to her head! Gibbs returns telling Harry is innocent, he had an alibi for both murders. They wonder how and when the camera got into the lunch box and how the killer knew that Gibbs would be assigned to the case? Vance enters and says the murderer has been targeting Gibbs from the beginning, someone Gibbs really pissed off. Tony says it's not a short list and gets the Gibbs glare. They decide it can't be Loomis, he was with Tony and Ziva when Gibbs got the call. Vance leaves, saying someone needs to get McGee a new pair of shoes. Abby asks why the latest video was different and if she can stay with Gibbs.

In autopsy, Ducky is replaying the call from 666...says the person has a narcissistic personality disorder. The killer sees himself as the hero and Gibbs as the villain. He wants to be famous and the more he kills, the more famous he'll be. Ducky suddenly recalls where he's seen one of the new clues...a doomsday clock that shows 5 minutes to midnight. They have less than 3 hours to find the location of the next murder.

In the bullpen, Ziva takes the crying nun clue, sending alerts to all churches in the area. Tony takes the anchor clue, contacts shipyards, harbor and Navy Yard. McGee says Tony and Ziva took the "easy ones", so he doesn't know what to do. Gibbs has him look into the phone call. Gibbs is agitated, saying the killer is playing with them and they're doing exactly what he wants them to do.

In Vance's office, Gibbs tells the director to evacuate the Navy Yard. If no one is there, no one can be killed. He thinks the Janny-cam was a recon video for the killer. Vance agrees to initiate an early security lockdown, but Gibbs gets a call from McGee first. He has determined the killer wasn't actually on the line with Gibbs, it was a recording with prerecorded generalized responses. Meanwhile, Abby got a print off the Janny-cam, Loomis!

They have Loomis in interrogation, his alibi didn't check out. Gibbs starts to interrogate him and he's sweating, agitated....he starts to freak out, then collapses....his eyes are bleeding like the nun in the video clue and the time is 5 to midnight.

In autopsy, Ducky says he was poisoned through an arthritis patch on his skin. It caused a spike in his blood pressure causing a heart attack and his eyes to bleed from an increase in vascular pressure. The transdermal patch can administer the meds very precisely. Gibbs is upset because Loomis was murdered in his custody. Ducky says the killer is pushing Gibbs towards something…but what? Tony calls Gibbs with more bad news a 4th video is up. The new video is Gibbs interrogating Loomis in the interrogation room. Video clues are intercut again. Gibbs wants to know how he got the video footage from interrogation. Abby says it was her fault.

In the lab, Abby says she wanted to find out how the killer was broadcasting a live feed from the Janny-cam, so she uploaded the firmware and got herpes. McGee translates, she got a computer virus. She's disabled it now, but it was broadcasting from NCIS for the past 24 hours. Abby freaks saying Gibbs could be the next victim… he could be poisoned .... there could be a bomb in his cell phone! She rips his cell apart handing Gibbs back the bits. McGee suggests they turn on both the Janny-cam and the Trojan virus to triangulate the source. They find the video is being broadcast by a DSL account registered to Rose, the singer.

In the bullpen, Tony reports that the local cops says Rose just left and they found blood in Doyle's room. Rose's registered "cybervid killer" trademark recently. Tony ponders how much Manson would have made if he trademarked "Helter Skelter." Also, Rose's father was an Egyptologist, explaining the "nose pick from hell." They review the new video clues again....snowglobes of Sears Tower in Chicago, Moscow and Rio de Janiero. Gibbs says the clues aren't the cities, it's the snow. This sparks something with McGee and he says Gibbs is a God among men (Abby had called McGee that earlier) McGee races to MTAC, saying his CPU is too small...Tony says he'll let that one slide.

In MTAC, McGee says this was the only video with flash frames. That there's a video embedded in the snow shown between the clips. It's a video of Doyle tied up and struggling. They head to Loomis' studio, but first try to get Gibbs to stay at NCIS and then in the car. Gibbs tells Tony to shut up or he'll shoot him. They bust down the garage door and find Rose standing in front of Doyle with a shotgun pointed at him. He's tied to a chair, but manages to get the gag off and tells them all to shoot Rose, that she's crazy. The entire team have their Sigs pointed at Rose, telling her to drop the shotgun, but she keeps pleading with them to just leave. While Doyle keeps screaming for them to shoot her. Gibbs notices the video camera recording the scene and suddenly shifts his gun to point at Doyle, everyone else is confused. Doyle is still screaming to shoot Rose, but Gibbs says the only one he's going to shoot is him. Doyle starts laughing, then holds up a deadman's switch, he has C4 wired to Rose and threatens to kill them all if they shoot him. Gibbs walks up to him, with the gun still pointed at his head, saying Doyle doesn't want to die, he wants to be famous. He gives up the dead man switch and they remove the explosives from Rose. Ziva asks how Gibbs knew Doyle was the killer. He points to the video camera which always recorded the victim's death, it was pointed at Rose...he was the murder weapon. Doyle says he doesn't care, he'll still be famous. Gibbs was just a set one ever remembers who caught the serial killers, they just remember the killers.

At NCIS, the team is in a big conference room an awards ceremony is going on. McGee is watching a ZNN broadcast saying the CyberVid killer was caught, but because he may have ties to terrorism, they won't reveal his name. He WON'T be famous. Vance announces another award for Gibbs, who, of course isn't there, so Tony saunters up to accept for him.

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