Nzev dlu Road Kill /Road Kill
seril:NCIS: Námoøní vyšetøovací služba
seril NCIS: Námoøní vyšetøovací služba - 123.dl Road Kill
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Datum premiry:
2008.12.02 - Útery
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Kd epizody:
Navy NCIS 123
Pidno dne:
15.07.2010, 09:41:21
Zmna dne3:
15.07.2010, 09:41:21
Dlka dlu:
45 min.

A group of kids drink and party in the woods. A boy and girl are contemplating if they should join in. As they finally decide to go in, another man crashes their party, collapses on one of the kids, then dies.

The next day, Tony takes a webcam snapshot of himself and posts it on a website featuring people competing in various categories including air guitar. Ziva tells Tony that what he is into is stupid and asks McGee to back her up. She looks over to McGee and sees that he also wants to participate in the website. Gibbs arrives and tells the team that they have to investigate the death of a petty officer named Greg Collins. The team goes to the woods where Greg died. Ziva finds a blood trail that leads back to the road. Ducky sees that the man has wounds consistent to being in a car accident. He finds that he has multiple old wounds that have been bandaged up. Ziva and Tony find Greg's car and see that it was shot at. Tony makes a joke that somebody had a problem with parallel parking, to which Ziva quips that she always would have problem with parking when being shot at. The kids state that they didn't hear any gunshots. Gibbs notices that the clock in the car stopped an hour before the party started. They find a foot print on the ground next to the car. Tony is certain that this was not made by a "chuck" ( a type of footwear that Collins was wearing), thus it would have to be either the killer or a possible co-passenger.

Ducky takes the body back to the lab and finds that the victim was beaten, but he fought back and scratched his attacker. He finds that Greg Collins' body has a DNA sample underneath his fingernails that matches the DNA found on the bandages. They suspect that the person that beat him, also tended to his wounds. Ziva finds that there are two sets of tires. They determine that a bullet went through the back window. Gibbs believes that the person who ran Greg off the road might have known him. They discover that the security alarm at Greg's house is going off. The team goes to Greg's house and sees that no one is there. In the backyard, Ziva finds a towel with dried blood and a tooth while McGee finds around 600-700 dollars cash. A group of neighbors, including a man named Parker, arrive and say that they heard the alarm going off for 45 minutes. The team tells the neighbors that Greg was murdered. They notice that the neighbors don't flich hearing such an outcome. Tony is curious and asks if murder is quite common in Wysteria Lane (was that the real place or a joke about DHW?) Parker tells the team that Greg was always loud and recently had a group of brawling men in the backyard.

Abby finds that the shoe print is probably from a custom made pair. They find that the DNA found under Greg's nails and on his bandages matches a man named Sam Bennett. They learn that Sam works as part of a salvage crew on a decommisioned ship. Tony and McGee go to the ship that Sam was working on. McGee tries to explain to Tony that when a naval ship is decommisioned, first the weapons and secret zones are taken off and then teared apart, but Tony is not interested. They speak to the foreman and he says that Sam left early. Tony tells the foreman that Sam is wanted in connection to a murder, since he was being unresponsive. The foreman says that Sam took off after learning that the authorities were on their way.

The team returns to headquarters and begin to search for Sam. Tony is trying desperately to put up a BOLO for Sam Bennett but the person on the other end of the phone is not being able to type in the name properly, thus infiurating Tony. Almost at the same time, Sam shows up at the headquarters. Sam is brought to the interrogation room. He tells Gibbs that Greg turned his life around and help him out. He smiles and says he was good with his hands and that's how Collins got him the job in the salvage crew. Gibbs says he noticed that on Collins' face... and asks about the fighting. Sam says that he is not supposed to talk about what they did. Gibbs says that he knows that they had backyard brawls. Sam says that they fight for money. Sam says that he was randomly chosen to fight Greg. He says that after the fight, he fixed Greg up then killed him. DiNozzo is alarmed and says this was not yet to come ... at least not before the Gibbs stare. Gibbs tells Sam that he doesn't think that he killed him. Sam says that he told Greg that it wasn't safe to drive after the fight. Gibbs tells Sam that someone shot at his car, causing him to lose control of his car then crash. Sam is shocked and enraged at the news and asks who shot at him.

Abby and McGee talk about who they would like to see fight. Abby says that she would like to see Gibbs get into a fight with a group of Terminators. McGee asks which model , Abby says any of them. McGee plays on asking what about GodZilla , Abby says same result ... and urges McGee to bring up a real worthy opponent for her superhero. McGee asks what would happen if it was Gibbs versus Gibbs.... Abby is thrilled at this idea and asks what would it be .... an evil twin or a clone?

Gibbs arrives and overhears their conversation. Abby tells Gibbs that they found auto paint scraped into Greg's car. Abby creates a computer recreation of the crash. She says that the paint on the car is rare and should be traceable. McGee says that the paint matches a Maserati belonging to a woman named Tabitha Summers. McGee asks Gibbs on his way out asks Gibbs if he ever lost a fight. Gibbs disinterestedly says, he is not sure if he ever won one.

Later, Tabitha arrives in the office with her lawyer. Tony thinks that Tabitha is attractive and tells McGee that Tabitha is like a cougar, always on the hunt. McGee tells Tony that he thought that cougars were only into young guys. Tony can not think of a good reply. Gibbs speaks to Tabitha and her lawyer. Tabitha says that she has been married four times. She says that she is currently married to her lawyer, Dale. They say that the car is being brought to their vacation home. Gibbs brings Abby fingerprint samples obtained from the water glasses in the conference room. They discover that Dale's fingerprints match the partial prints found on the car. They locate his cell phone signal and find that it is in front of the building. Tabitha returns to the office and tells the team that Dale took off without her.

McGee sees a traffic camera showing Dale running a red light just before Greg was killed. Tony tells Ziva that he moved into second place in the website air guitar competition. Ziva comes forth with a pose and tells him that she is more into adult things .... Tony remembers that is just reading books. Abby finds that Dale had chat messages making plans to have a date with a girl named Jody. McGee finds address from the IP address of the last and frequent visitors to Jody's MySpace page .

Gibbs and Tony go to Jody's apartment. Gibbs and Tony hear a woman who tells them to let themselves in. They announce themselves multiple times and everytime a inviting reply, not really a reply expected from hearing that it is federal agents. They find that there is a camera watching the apartment. They go to the bathroom and see that there is a dummy in the shower. They find that the voice is pre-recorded and activates with motion sensors. Gibbs lock picks into the office in the apartment and finds a room full of computers recording the apartment. Dale is in one of the videos.

Abby and McGee figure Jody was blackmailing men with recordings of them entering the apartment thinking that they were going to have an affair with a woman. Abby further implies that it was not just any random men but men who were married to rich wives.... which was exactly what Dale was. Abby says that the image linked to the chat room matches a stock photo of a model from the Ukraine. They find that the profile was set up by an ip address registered to Greg Collin's house. The team goes to Greg's house and finds Dale's car parked in front with the engine still warm. Inside the house, they find Dale's dead body. Ducky finds that the man was beaten to death. He confirms that he might have been struck with a board of wood that McGee found outside. Parker, the neighbor, arrives at the scene and tells Gibbs that he spotted a man at the house matching Sam's description.

The team arrives at the salvage boat to look for Sam since he was making calls from a phone booth nearby. The lights cut out and they figure that Sam knows that they are there. Tony finds a makeshift bedroom and figures that Sam has slept there. They find Sam and tell him to give himself up, but instead he runs. Gibbs tries to call McGee, but he doesn't respond. They hear a scream and find McGee placing Sam in handcuffs. The team is surprised that McGee is able to take down a backyard brawler. McGee says that Sam fell over and hit his head.

They bring Sam to the headquarters and he says that he didn't kill Dale. Ziva tells Sam that they have a witness that spotted him at the house. They bring Parker to the office. Parker says that Sam is the one that he saw at the house. Sam sees Parker and tells the team that he is the one that killed Dale. McGee tells Parker that he knows that he hacked and sent emails to Dale using Greg's internet network (Parker was the one running the Jody site and doing the blackmailing). Sam tells Tony that he stayed at Greg's house from time to time. He says that he hid in Greg's house when Parker arrived and make a phone call. Sam tells the team that he hid and overheard Parker tell a man to pay up or else. Sam watched as Parker beat Dale to death. Sam says that he didn't stop Parker beating Dale because he wanted him dead, too, for killing Greg.

Tony invites Ziva to go to the movies. She says that she doesn't want to go out tonight. After Tony leaves, Ziva records herself air guitaring.

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vygenerovano za: 0.64847493 sek.

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