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seril NCIS: Námoøní vyšetøovací služba - 127.dl Love & War
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2009.01.27 - Útery
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Pidno dne:
19.07.2010, 13:12:26
Zmna dne3:
19.07.2010, 13:12:26
Dlka dlu:
45 min.

In the squad room, Tony and Ziva are arguing with tech support on the phone...they've been down for hours. McGee comes in smiling...said he had a VERY good weekend. He touches a key on Tony's computer and it comes back. McGee says he met someone online...level 5 sorceress. Tony laughs saying it could be anyone...a guy, etc. (Tony should know...remember HotJugs?!) McGee shakes his head and says "What part of level 5 sorceress don't you understand?" Gibbs comes in and says, "All of it." McGee starts to explain the skill level it takes to become a level 5 sorceress, but Gibbs silences him with a look.

Gibbs comes in and mentions a report of a missing naval officer...but he's not been missing for 48 hrs yet. In comes the daughter and ex-fiance...father was supposed to meet them at a restaurant last night and never showed. Ex-fiance (Kevin) is more worried about his disappearance as the daughter...she storms out of the conference room. Tony comes in and says they found a body that matches the description in Shenandoah SP.

At the park, they talk to the ranger...he leads them to a small building where they find the officer lying dead and bloody!

At the crime scene, the team gathers evidence....Ducky explains how traitors were executed...explaining about being drawn and quartered. Tony and McGee are taking castings of the tire mark. Tony keeps ripping on McGee about the online girl. Doh...Timmy says something really nasty about him dating the daughter of an arms he shouldn't be giving out dating advice. Ouch! That was mean!

At the crime scene, Ducky explains the body mutilation...Ziva notices the blood is extra bight red. Ducky says erythema is normally seen with carbon monoxide poisoning. Ducky also finds a pentagram etched in the guys back...ick.

At the man's house, Tony and Ziva start searching. LOL...Tony is freaking about the whole Satanic pentagram basement dwelling people. In the process Tony confesses to Ziva that the girl McGee met online was really Tony! Ziva is outraged as Tony tries to explain. He was bored, and he had no idea it was going to get this far. Ziva says that he has to tell Mcgee the truth. But Tony has a better idea. "Ever see Fatal Attraction?" A woman comes up from behind and scares Tony...the housekeeper. They tell her Capt Jennings is dead. Ziva talks to her in Spanish. Tony asks if they can go into the basement...they find nothing unusual except a talking bear.

At the squadroom, McGee says how much he wanted the bear for Xmas, but never got one, so he created his own...LOL! He called it Pooh 2.0! McGee found a recording on Capt's phone. It's from his daughter, being really nasty. Tony explains that the Captain works in a Counter Espionage Lab and has been working on creating "whiz bangs" for the Navy. He works 18 hour days, travels a lot, but his travel logs show he never actually arrived at his destinations. Hmmm

LOL! In the lab, Abby is doing an autopsy on Beary Smiles! "Scapel.....Hemostat.....Screwdriver.." Aw, Gibbs recalls waiting in line for 6 hrs to get one for Kelly. *sniff* Abby notices the factory seals are broken, so the insides have been tampered with, but she won't know more until she finishes her exploratory surgery. The pentagram has given nothing...unsure if it's satanic...she has nothing for Gibbs.

In autopsy, Ducky had found no other health issues for the Capt, except maybe a reaction in the duodenum. Green tissue, possibly a reaction to an antibiotic. The tox screen indicates CO2 poisoning and the mutilation occurred after that and then the pentagram was imprinted on his back. Whoever sliced the Captain open was looking for something.

They have the guts of Beary Smiles in the squad room talking to them. Tony is getting very annoyed at what McGee has programmed it to say, like..."Cheer up DiNozzo....McGee, did I ever tell you how brilliant you are?....I love you McGee" and Gibbs is standing right there! McGee realizes this and makes the bear say, "Sorry Boss." The capt was using the bear to build a freak box. DiNozzo explain its a thing frm the 80s that hackers would use to remotely access computer systems. Everyone looks at him funny and he makes references to the movies WarGames, Sneakers, and Hackers. Since the technology in Beary was so old there was no modern defense against it being used to hack something. McGee and David report that they found IP address to Homeland Security and a bunch of encrypted E-mails. Tony says every time he had an overseas flight, the emails stop...Gibbs sends Tony and Ziva to go and talk to Jenning's boss. Abby calls Gibbs down to her lab.

On the way out Tony asks how the online girl thing is going. McGee said things have gotten strange. Apparently the girl got really mad at him when he didn't reply immediately to her email. Tony tells McGee to just dump her. McGee says he's going to give her another shot, since he feels they really connected. Oops! On the way to the elevator, Ziva again tells Tony to tell McGee the truth. Tony agrees, but not until he's 100% sure that lying won't work.

In the lab, Abby has identified the tire and car...1972 Buick Skylark...and the hubcap has a pentagram that matches the one on the capt's back. Abby ran a hydrocarbon blood panel andfound chemicals in Jenning's blood that comes from car exhaust. The CO2 poisoning came from the car...Jennings was in the trunk and the pentagram came from him lying on the spare tire. The captain choked on the exhaust fumes and was taken to the shack where he was then disemboweled. Gibbs starts to speak and Abby says she already told Tony to put out a BOLO. Gibbs says he was gonna say nice job. Abby is bummed..."Obviously not nice enough." Gibbs walks out and just says "Fridge." Abby runs to the fridge and finds a Caf-Pow.

Tony is hitting on the assistant to Capt Jenning's boss...he's a geek. Tony keeps trying to guess all the gadgets they may have...seems he thinks everything has a dual purpose. The assistant is unimpressed. The Lab Scientist tells them that Jennings was an honorable man and a patriot. He also informs them that there had been a breach. One of the gadgets is missing...a miniprocessor called Keyhole, disguised as a toothpaste cap. He says Jennings could not have done it because everyone is thoroughly searched upon leaving.

Back at the squadroom, they discuss the gadget Keyhole, which Jennings may have been trying to sell. They postulate that Jennings might have swallowed Keyhole, which would explain the mutilation.

They get a call on the BOLO on the they walk toward the building where the car is parked, a body falls out of the sky! His face is bloody and he is dead

Another crime scene to process...The guy is Brandon Sykes, a low grade felon. It appears he was pushed from the top of the building. The car belongs to Sikes...maybe he was stealing Keyhole from the captain and got caught...someone is cleaning up loose ends.

At NCIS, Kevin the ex-fiance comes in alone...and explains that he and Rebecca are back together. Gibbs says he has some questions and some photos for Rebecca to look at, but Kevin says Rebecca isn't ready and asked him to come pick them up for her. Gibbs says she has to be here in person. Gibbs shows him Sykes picture but denies knowing him and says Rebecca is in a very bad place right now and that she needs time. Gibbs gives him his card for Rebecca to call when she's ready to talk.

In the squad room, they investigate Rebecca, Gibbs sends the team out to talk to her friends, job, etc. McGee mentions having to cancel his date tonight and Tony says they'll cover for him so he can go.

Rebecca meets Gibbs at a diner...he shows her Sikes' photo...she says she doesn't recognize him. He doesn't believe she knows anything about her father's death. Gibbs mentions the nasty voicemail she left on her father's phone. She asks if he's close to his father...he says he's been there. She breaks down and says Jennings was still her father and now she has no one. Gibbs mentions Kevin, but she's not sure he's for her, even though he was there for her when her mother died. Gibbs says she has it in her to get through this. McGee calls Gibbs babbling about being stood up on his date...but he managed to track down a laptop in use in Jennings' house right now.

In interrogation, they have the maid, Adriana...Tony says, it's always the maid...Ziva corrects him and says he's NEVER said it was the maid! Gibbs enters and asks who she is...the maid service Jennings paid never heard of her...she's got a green card, but there's no record of her at all She met Jennings in Cuba...Gibbs asks if she recruited the capt to sell keyhole...she says no, she loved him. Both of them had just lost their spouses...Jennings came as often as he could to visit her...Jennings tried to hide his travels. The capt got her a green card and they hid their relationship saying she was just his maid, because they didn't want the daughter to find out...she did just what Jennings asked her to and kept it quiet. McGee comes down and says the Spy Lab found was in a sub-basement at the lab. Jennings didn't try to steal it. He set it up for remote access and then used the freak box to hack the system, but it was to get Adriana a green card. No espionage. Tony asks, so why was Jennings killed?

In the squadroom...they discuss the motive. No connection between Sykes or Jennings. Gibbs sends Tony and McGee to Sykes' place. Tony asks about McGee being stood up...McGee is bummed because he thought this girl might have been "the one"....Tony gets ready to pick the lock, but McGee reaches down and turns the knob, the apartment is unlocked. They go inside and find the apartment has been completely trashed.

In the lab, Abby rambles on about loving trashed apartments. She says that whoever trashed it was just there to do damage...they weren't looking for anything. They find a print that belongs to...the lab assistant.

In interrogation, she admits to trashing his apartment, but she didn't kill him. She trashed the apartment because the engagement ring he gave her turned her finger green.... Excuse me...Torrey Pine, not green... Back in Abby's Lab, the green coloring is the same as the green tissue in the captain's duodenum. The ring was fake gold, it was actually made of copper, and when it comes in contact with the natural acids in human sweat, it turns the skin green. The green tissue had intestinal acids, so the ring was IN Jenning's intestine.

Ducky and Gibbs discuss Jennings' past age 5 he swallowed his mother's engagement ring, but they never removed it because it was too dangerous. They decided to wait for it to pass but instead the intestinal tissue simply grew around it. Ducky says medical records are confidential, but as family tales go, this would be a captivating one. Someone knew the story and wanted the ring!

At Jennings' house, Rebecca and Kevin are packing things up. Gibbs and Tony arrive and tell her Jennings died because of the ring...she recognizes it as her grandmother's. Kevin hired Sykes to kill Jennings' and get the ring...Tony has photos of a party where Kevin and Sykes were hanging out together. Kevin asks why would he have the father killed. Tony says because Rebecca broke off their engagement. She threw him out two years ago, but took him back after her mother got sick and died. "Were you hoping that history would repeat itself?" asks Gibbs. They arrest him.

In the squad room, they discuss the is killing for money any different than killing for love. Tony asks about McGee's online relationship. McGee is again bummed, says his online babe is getting back with her ex-boyfriend, but he says he won't stop trying. She really might be the one, so he is NOT going to give up. Tony freaks and clearly is upset. McGee manages to get the money Tony owes him, because Tony now feels guilty. Tony leaves and McGee grins at Ziva...she told McGee what Tony did!

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