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seril:NCIS: Námoøní vyšetøovací služba
seril NCIS: Námoøní vyšetøovací služba - 125.dl Caged
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2009.01.06 - Útery
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Navy NCIS 125
Pidno dne:
15.07.2010, 09:45:45
Zmna dne3:
15.07.2010, 09:45:45
Dlka dlu:
45 min.

McSoftie! McGee is getting shafted by the car repair guy...every time he calls, the car isn't ready and the cost to fix it is more. Tony and Ziva tease him about his McSoftieness. Oooo! McCranky! Another one! Gibbs enters...dead squid...gear up!

On the scene, Ducky says the skeleton is missing fingers that appear to have been sawn off. Gibbs knows that the guy was killed 11 years ago by a hooker/man hater. She was sentenced to 175 yrs to a women's prison. She was never convicted of this man's death, however....Ziva says she'll get a confession out of her. Tony says a virile man can get a confession out of her...Ziva says, Gibbs. LOL. Gibbs decides to send McGee. Tony starts to tease McGee that he won't be able to convince a woman of anything. Ziva gives McGee a vote of confidence, but secretly agrees with Tony that McGee is toast.

Anyway, McGee is at the prison and goes through security to interview the convict. A woman guard recognizes McGee...LOL, she barfed over his shoes after graduation. She warns him that Celia Roberts is a tough one. She's kinda flirting with McGee...her nervousness reminds me of Abby. He says they should get together sometime and he's off to meet the inmate, Celia Roberts.

She's alone in a room...McGee introduces himself and then shows her photos of the victim...says she killed 2 other men the same way...would be nice for the Family to have closure on the murder. He says if she confesses, it'll remain a federal death penalty, which is what will happen if he turns the case over to the state.

There's a ruckus outside...the female inmates are taking over!

They grab McGee...Commercial...

Abby is up in the bullpen when Gibbs comes to get the team to head to the prison...she's worried...he promises to call her with news.

In the prison, the women prisoners are arguing over the attack on the is killed...the others are handcuffed to a window screen. The women are fighting about how to handle things...they'll all be blamed...they threaten McGee's life.

Gibbs gets to the prison control center and talks to the warden...prison is on lock-down...there's a no negotiation policy. Gibbs asks if the warden has ever done hostage recovery...he hasn't. I smell a coup!

Inside the prison ward, the guards are telling McGee the stories of all the various women locked up and how dangerous they are. One of them is threatening McGee.

Abby keeps calling Tony. Gibbs invites himself along with the warden to speak with a negotiator...McGee. He's been told he can only talk to Gibbs! McGee explains the situation inside and one guard is dead...stabbed. The inmates want assurance that only the murderer will be punished and they all get immunity for the injuries to the other guards. tries to regain control over the ward...and only NCIS is involved.

The warden gets all the visitors out of the prison...McGee talks to the women inmates asking them to trust him. LOL! He needs to frisk ALL the women to look for the murder volunteers!

Gibbs tells Tony and Ziva that he's going in as soon as he gets a chance. Warden says they have 7 hours to sundown to solve things and then his men are going in. Celia the hooker frisks Gibbs and Ducky who are there to help investigate.

McGee's woman prison guard friend warns the inmates to leave McGee alone. or they will wish they had been sentenced to death...

They examine the body...head wound and stab wound...they follow a blood trail to the bathroom. Celia keeps eyeing Gibbs...what is up with that? The dead guard was doing something he shouldn't have...he never notified the other guards he was going to the head, when he should have.

In the lab, Tony and Ziva bring evidence for Abby to analyze before sunset...she starts going off about how they always go off to these dangerous situations and leave her behind. She keeps asking about McGee...will he be OK?

At the prison, McGee continues to look for a murder weapon in the garbage, etc. One of the inmates asks if food is coming soon...she is hoping for pizza. He asks if this kind of thing happens a lot. He asks about new info. She talks about her initial anger, then she got into dog training and had an epiphany...she can't wait to die to find that soul and apologize for what she did

Gibbs on the phone with Abby. She informs him that after running the tox-screen she found antifreeze in the dead guard's body...someone was poisoning him and even if the stab wound killed him, he was going to die anyway. He was a dead man walking, according to Abby.

Tony and Ziva in the bullpen tell Gibbs via phone that no-one saw Trimble get stabbed. Tony describes the video of the's been edited by the warden...hmmm! Brenda Carter...McGee's guard friend was calling Trimble all the a psycho number of times. She says they were going out and broke up a month ago...she says he was obsessed with her, not the other way around. She didn't stab him, she was out of the building...she also wasn't poisoning him. Something about a drug screening...the warden missed his last one and faked the one before that!

In the prison, McGee is reviewing inmate records...starts to interview them. He's talking to one that appears to be going through withdrawal...LOL! She maces him! Oh poor McGee! Tasered last time and now maced!

Gibbs threatens the warden to stop the proposed takeover...threatens to expose his drug test avoidance. The warden says no.

In the ward, McGee demands the name of the drug supplier, was the guard they let go with the broken arm. Gibbs and Tony interrogate him...they found drugs in his car. He admits he was dealing, but Trimble wasn't trying to stop the drug ring...was the head of it!

In the bullpen, Ziva Tony and Gibbs discuss the Mabro was part of a big drug op...maybe he wanted to take over. Abby calls with something....she's pinpointed when he was poisoned and has info from the bed sheets...semi match to one of the inmates...the daughter of one!

In the prison, McGee talks to Celia...says she's a criminal...she says he doesn't know her. McGee finds a photo of Trimble with a very young girl...ew! Zoe Bellows...mother is an inmate who has 1 more year to serve.

They bring in the daughter to NCIS...Trimble was eyeing her when she came to visit her mom. He threatened her mother with death if she didn't have sex with him...he also shot her up with drugs. She started to spike his drinks with antifreeze.

McGee talks to Zoe's mom in the prison...says Trimble E-mailed the photo around to the other guards. She denies killing Trimble.

Gibbs screams at the warden to call off the SWAT attack...what the inmates think is the food is really tear gas, etc.

Sharon, Zoe's mom, is talking to Celia...they exit and Celia says the warden can have Trimble's killer. Ahhh...Celia is dealing with the kill so Sharon can still go home in a year to her family!

In the yard, Tony and Ziva greet McGee along with the warden and Gibbs...Celia is there and puts down a homemade knife. So I was kinda right...Celia didn't really do it, but says she did for Sharon's sake. She also says she killed Lt. Poletto.

Back at NCIS they all know Celia really didn't do it, but justice was served. They say they all had confidence in him...LOL! He sees the distorted photo of himself on the plasma! The car repair calls again, but this time he lays down the law and tells them how much they will charge and that they'll have his car ready tonight. Abby says the Big House changed him...and says she LIKES it! End of show!!!

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136. dl
James Whitmore Jr.
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138. dl
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