Nzev dlu See No Evil /Nevidím zlo
seril:NCIS: Námoøní vyšetøovací služba
seril NCIS: Námoøní vyšetøovací služba - 24.dl Nevidím zlo
Aternativn nzvy epizody
Datum premiry:
2004.09.28 - Úterý
esk premira:
2007.08.01 - Støeda
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Navy NCIS 024
Pidno dne:
03.05.2010, 18:15:44
Zmna dne3:
03.05.2010, 18:15:44
Dlka dlu:
45 min.

Do NCIS se dostaví sekretářka vyššího důstojníka s tím, že její šéf je vydírán. Údajně došlo k únosu jeho rodiny, manželky a slepé dcerky a on je teï vydírán skrze počítačové spojení. Únosce po něm požaduje převést dva miliony dolarů na zahraniční konto. Tým se dokáže nejen napojit na kapitánův počítač, ale i vypátrat místo, kde je rodina držena. Zprvu se podaří osvobodit dcerku a na základě informací od ní si agenti už dojdou i pro ženu. Co je však překvapí, je zjištění, že samotný únos měl být zástěrkou pro finanční podvod, jehož pachatelem je sám vydíraný důstojník.


A Navy Captain is taken hostage by his own computer in his office and his wife and 8 year old blind daughter have been kidnapped and the kidnapper wants $2 million before he will let them go. The Captain's Secretary comes to NCIS with the note he gave her and asks them to help.

Kate walks into the squad room and says hi to Tony. She walks to her desk to sit down when she feels McGee under her desk.Poor Kate is wearing a skirt. "McGee!!! You have 2 seconds to explain why you're down there." "I was uhh rewiring the uhh." " Times up" Kate grabs McGee's ears removing him quickly." Kate .I didn't mean to" McGee walks away from Kate to Tony. Tony wraps his arm around McGee in a friendly way. " McGee I was wondering is she a pantyhose or a thong because I'm thinking thong." Kate elbows him harshly.(Tony)

Kate and McGee go and look at the Captain's house. Kate finds the door is locked and she must go through the window.The window is too high so she gets on McGee's shoulders. McGee still worried about that morning won't open his eyes until Kate finally tells him too. He looks up her skirt again but couldn't help it because of his position. They finally get in the house and they find no signs of forced entry. Gibbs goes to the Captain's office as a Gunnery Sergeant pretending to give the Captain some paper work but also slips in a camera so that they can track what is happening. They still can't communicate with the Captain so Tony goes in as a Chinese takeaway delivery boy and slips him an electronic earwig which the Captain puts in his ear. They can now speak to him and Gibbs tells him what to do.

The Captain bargains for his daughter and the kidnapper leaves her at a train station. Kate and Tony go to pick her up and once back at headquarters the team discover that she has extraordinary hearing. Abby and McGee are trying to hack into the Pentagon but because the air conditioning in the building is not working the computer overheats. They move down to Autopsy where they hack into the Pentagon again and see what the kidnapper is showing the Captain. The 8 year old daughter helps them track down where the kidnapper and her mother are and Gibbs, Kate and Tony go to find them.

McGee is left to tell the Captain what to do but the Captain takes the earwig out and sends the money to where the kidnapper wants it. McGee then tells the kidnapper that the FBI are outside and to come out with his hands up. The kidnapper takes the wife and runs but is trapped between Gibbs and Kate and Tony. The wife is now safe and Abby and McGee are trying to track down the money. The family are reunited and then the money comes back to Washington D.C. The team go to arrest who ever is taking the money out and they find the Captain and it turns out that he set up the whole thing so that he and his family could get away with $2 million. Gibbs is just lost (and extremely angry) as to why the captain would risk all that for some money.

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vygenerovano za: 1.31582904 sek.

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