Název dílu Forced Entry
Neoprávněné vniknutí usa
seriál:NCIS: Námořní vyšetřovací služba

seriál NCIS: Námořní vyšetřovací služba - 32.díl Neoprávněné vniknutí
Aternativný názvy epizody
Datum premiéry:
2004.12.07 - Úterý
Česká premiéra:
2007.09.26 - Středa
2 . sezónu s : 23 díly
Díl v serii
Produkční číslo:
Kód epizody:
Navy NCIS 032
Délka dílu:
45 min.
Přidáno dne:
10.05.2010, 09:10:32
Změna dne:
01.01.1970, 01:00:10
Seznam žánrů






Díl seriálu je v jazycích..

Žena námořního důstojníka postřelí neznámého útočníka, který jí vnikl do domu. Při dalším vyšetřování se zjistí, že útočník se s ní seznámil na internetu a ve chvíli, kdy se pokusil jejich internetový flirt skutečně realizovat, vše se poněkud vymklo kontrole. Abby však zjistí, že žena žádné e-maily nepsala. Tým se pustí do dalšího vyšetřování, při kterém zjistí, že žena, která se vydává za sestru postřeleného, je známá násilnice a muž je její komplic. Se svými oběťmi se seznamuje právě skrze internet.


When the team arrives on site Gibbs hands his coffee to Tony telling him not to drink any. Tony then passes it off to an unsuspecting McGee telling him it's for him. Kate plays along. Inside the MP on-scene tells them the man has been taken to the hospital and that there was no forced entry, most people on base leave their doors unlocked. When Gibbs is talking to the woman, Laura Rowens, she tells him she never saw the man before and that her husband has been deployed for about half of their marriage.

Tony and Kate have gone to the hospital to question the man. However, the attractive doctor won't let them in to see him until tomorrow, despite Tony’s flirting. On a pretext Tony sends Kate to check on the MP guarding the room, but really to fingerprint the man. As she is doing this the man regains consciousness. He grabs Kate’s arm and tells her it was a game that Laura invited him, he thought she loved him.

Abby can't find a fingerprint match for the man. He is not in the database, no record. So she is running his DNA in hopes of identifying him, however, it will take awhile. Fortunately, the MPs manage to ID the man as Jeremy Davison from his car registration. Warrant in hand Gibbs and Kate head to Davison’s home. Kate finds a provocative picture of Laura Rowens on his computer as well as explicit emails she sent him. His sister Michelle’s arrival interrupts the search. When they tell her what happened she says she knew this would end badly. She tells them her brother went on a date last night with a woman he met online.

Back at the squadroom the team is spitballing theories when Abby and McGee come up. They have found that both Laura Rowens and Jeremy Davison were members of a sex website, “Where discriminating adults go to play.” And according to their profiles they shared the same fetish, rape fantasies.

They bring Rowens into interrogation. Gibbs confronts her about her activity on the website, which she admits to. However, she said it was only ever online. When he shows her the picture from Davison’s computer she is shocked, claiming she only ever sent it to her husband. She says she never met Davison online, let alone sent him anything. Rowens is further confused by the emails. Gibbs is pressing her about them when Abby rushes into observation saying we screwed up big time. Kate reluctantly interrupts the interrogation at Abby’s insistence. Abby tells a rather upset Gibbs that Rowens is telling the truth, she didn’t write the emails. Unfortunately, Abby doesn’t know who did.

Jeremy now seems the victim and target. He thought he was actually communicating with Laura Rowens and was set up to die. In order to determine who was pretending to be Laura, they need access to the sex website’s mainframe. Abby says they need to be inside the system to do it, can't hack it from the outside. Kate remembers the company had a job opening for a computer programmer. McGee gets very excited about the idea of going undercover but Tony says he is too “cop” and wants to go himself. McGee responds with Tony’s inability to pass as a computer programmer. Kate says Tony does have online dating experience, and Tony admits to a relationship with a HotJugs24. Luckily, Gibbs has a solution… Abby will do it.

Tony and Kate have gone to the hospital to see if Jeremy had any enemies. He is upset and confused when they tell him the relationship was not real. When his sister arrives she asks if the handcuffs are still necessary. Kate promptly removes them. Meanwhile, Abby (undercover as Miss Gibbs) and McGee backtrace the email writer. When Gibbs, Kate and Tony arrive at the address they find the writer, Victor Grotinski, dead in front of a bank of monitors. His throat has been slit and his eyes gouged out.

While searching the scene they find jars of pee but no eyeballs, the killer took them. Tony also notices a hidden camera in a vent. The tape shows Grotinski having sex, it is the woman he is with who kills him. Unfortunately, the tape is grainy and Abby needs some time to clean it up. Meanwhile, Ducky has sent evidence to Abby and she is trying to isolate and ID the female DNA. But it will take even longer than the photo, 10 hours. Up in autopsy Ducky describes the technique used to slit Grotinski’s throat, it is the same way a Marine does it. Based on this Gibbs wants Laura Rowens picked up, Kate sends the MP. At Rowens’ house the MP finds Grotinski’s eyeballs and takes her into custody.

Gibbs, Kate, and Tony go to the hospital to see what Jeremy Davison can tell them about these new developments. While they are questioning him and his sister, Abby gets some unexpected DNA results. McGee is surprised because he thought she said it would take longer. She immediately tries to call Gibbs to tell him that the DNA ID is wanted for 5 other murders. However, their cell phones are off at the hospital.

Meanwhile Gibbs is picking up some hinky vibes from Davison and his sister when the as-yet grainy video of the killer is mentioned. She squeezes his hand and his heart rate increases. After the team leaves the room, the woman gives Davison a very unsisterly kiss and tells him they need to leave now. As they exit the hospital Gibbs is there to arrest them. With Kate and Tony covering them Gibbs finally answers the phone. Abby quickly tells him her news, Davison is wanted for murder, and Gibbs replies we know already. This doesn’t exactly please Abby, who turns on McGee demanding if he knew.

Later in the squadroom Kate is feeling relieved that they didn’t let the serial killers slip through their fingers. Their name wasn’t even Davison, Grotinski had set up that identity for them. They note how easy it is to pretend to be some one else online. At this point McGee reveals that he has tracked down HotJugs24, a heavily tattooed, overweight, middle aged man.

24. díl
Thomas J. Wright
25. díl
Dennis Smith
26. díl
James Whitmore Jr.
27. díl
Dan Lerner
28. díl
O´Hara Terrence
29. díl
Jeff Woolnough
30. díl
Thomas J. Wright
31. díl
Dennis Smith
32. díl
Dennis Smith
33. díl
Thomas J. Wright
34. díl
O´Hara Terrence
35. díl
O´Hara Terrence
36. díl
Thomas J. Wright
37. díl
James Whitmore Jr.
38. díl
Jeff Woolnough
39. díl
Thomas J. Wright
40. díl
Dennis Smith
41. díl
Stephen Cragg
42. díl
Jeff Woolnough
43. díl
Dennis Smith
44. díl
James Whitmore Jr.
45. díl
Dennis Smith
46. díl
Thomas J. Wright

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