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seriál:NCIS: Námořní vyšetřovací služba

seriál NCIS: Námořní vyšetřovací služba - 33.díl Pouta
Aternativný názvy epizody
Datum premiéry:
2004.12.14 - Úterý
Česká premiéra:
2007.10.03 - Středa
2 . sezónu s : 23 díly
Díl v serii
Produkční číslo:
Kód epizody:
Navy NCIS 033
Délka dílu:
45 min.
Přidáno dne:
10.05.2010, 09:15:13
Změna dne:
01.01.1970, 01:00:10
Seznam žánrů






Díl seriálu je v jazycích..

Gibbs a jeho tým pracuje na krádeži velkého množství starožitností z Iráku. Jelikož má podezřelého, ale nemá ony starožitnosti, nechá onoho muže v doprovodu DiNozza utéci z vězeòského převozu. Gibbs doufá, že uprchlík dovede DiNozzu ke svému komplici. Tato část plánu sice vyjde, ale Gibbs s Kate zjistí, že uprchlík je mnohem nebezpečnější, než vypadá. Má za sebou několik podříznutých obětí. Gibbs s Kate se snaží co nejrychleji vystopovat uprchlíky, bojí se o DiNozza. Ten nejenom že objeví starožitnosti, ale ochrání i sebe.


The NCIS sedan pulls up and Gibbs gets out and goes over to the bus. Gibbs wants to make sure everything went okay. The driver pulls padding off of his throat and tells Gibbs it went perfectly. Gibbs wonders if White bought it. The driver and guard are in agreement, White definitely bought it. Just then Gibbs' cell phone rings. It is someone wanting to buy his used VW convertible. Gibbs tells them they have the wrong number and hangs up on them, yelling at Kate to come on. They're on the move.

Abby is draining the last of her Caf-Pow, waiting for Gibbs to call. Gibbs wants to know if Abby has a lock on Tony. "Are you honestly asking me that?" she asks Gibbs. "No, Abs, I called to flirt," Gibbs responds. Abby pulls up GPS maps on her screens and assures Gibbs she would not let Tony out in the world without keeping an eye on him. Gibbs tells Abby to go to video and Abby appears on camera. Gibbs does not have this information in his car. As he is telling Abby it is not working, Kate leans over and turns on the GPS monitor. The maps show up in the car. Gibbs tells Abby that he has Tony now. "You forgot to turn it on," Abby smirks.

"Put McGee on," Gibbs tells her. We see Abby walk away from the camera and around the corner to McGee. "He wants you," she tells him as she takes the headset off and puts it on McGee. "How'd he know I was here," McGee wonders. "Because he's Gibbs," is the only answer. Abby drags McGee back around the corner into the sight of the camera. Gibbs tells McGee that he's getting a lot of phone calls about a VW for sale. "A VW," McGee says with a quizzical look on his face. "It's a car," Gibbs explains. That wasn't it. McGee just didn't know that Gibbs owned a VW. "Do I seem like the kind of guy who would drive a squishy little car?" Gibbs voice indicates that the very thought of this offends him. McGee explains that it is probably a wrong number printed in an ad in the paper. "Do you think?" Gibbs snaps. "Fix it!" and Gibbs hangs up.

McGee has no idea how he can fix this problem. Abby tells him he can't so he is doomed and suggests he simply get back to the case.

McGee asks Abby where she finally ended up putting the GPS chip. Abby wanted to put it subdurally in Tony's neck, but Tony wouldn't go for it. McGee asks if she thought of using a suppository. Abby did, but Tony balked. Abby ended up putting it in Tony's shoe, a really boring implementation.

The scene shifts to a close-up of Tony's shoes running through brush. White falls to the ground and tells Tony he cannot keep going. Tony urges him to get back up and keep running. White shakes his head no but Tony tells him he just killed a guard and he is not getting caught for that. They need to get moving again. White tells Tony that if Tony kills him, Tony is going to have to drag him. Tony squats down next to White and introduces himself. He asks White if he's ever seen the movie The Defiant Ones. White is having an asthma attack and has not seen the movie. Tony describes the cast and the plot. White tells Tony he is not black. Tony tells him that Tony's grandmother was. Okay, White wants to know the rest of the movie. Tony explains more of the plot and gives White a real pep talk, convincing White to get up and get moving again. White stands up and takes one step and runs smack into a low-hanging tree bench. As Tony bends over to check on him, White groans.

Back in the squad room, McGee is sitting at his desk working when the new senior MTAC control officer comes looking for Gibbs. Gibbs is in the field and the deputy secretary of state is going to be on the phone in MTAC and she's going to want an update. Gibbs needs to be there. McGee calls Gibbs who answers his phone "I don't have a VW for sale." McGee switches to the video phone in the car and informs Gibbs he needs to come back for this phone call. "Handle it, McGee," Gibbs barks. McGee is taken aback by this. "You're the highest ranking member of our team in the office. Deal with it," Gibbs commands. McGee tries to explain to Gibbs why that isn't a good idea, but Gibbs simply hangs up on him.

Up in MTAC, McGee is chewing a large amount of antacids, in hopes of calming himself. Deputy Secretary of State Elliot appears on the screen and she does not look impressed by McGee. McGee explains that he is the senior agent in charge of the investigation in the office. Gibbs is in the field and unreachable. Elliot asks for the short version. McGee launches into a very long explanation, including video of the antiquities which have been stolen. "This is the short version?" Elliot asks. "Yes," McGee responds. "Shorter," Elliot tells him, "Faster. And let's skip the whole Sumerian period."

The bottom line is two civilians who were supposed to be packing the antiquities for shipment back to Iraq stole them instead. Jeffrey White is one of those civilians and he is "in custody, sort of." Elliot doesn't like the sound of that. Lane Danielson is the other thief. Lane is at large and in custody of the 87 stolen antiquities which are stored in a large shipping container. Elliot brings McGee back to the phrase "in custody, sort of." McGee does not answer, explaining more about the case. Elliot asks him again, looking less happy with each word she utters. McGee explains that they couldn't get White to talk, so they let him escape along with an undercover NCIS agent. "You let the one you had in custody escape?" Elliot asks incredulously. "With an undercover agent, yes, ma'am," McGee answers. Elliot severs the connection. McGee heaves a sigh of relief as the MTAC control officer just shakes his head.

Tony and White are trying to break their chains with a large rock. Tony is still comparing their situation to The Defiant Ones. White remarks that Tony does not speak like a criminal and wonders what Tony did. Tony explains that he did nothing. He is a pilot and was stopped by customs who found 4 kilos of cocaine on the plane. The cocaine belonged to the rich couple Tony was piloting for, but Tony ended up with 25 years to life. White is very sympathetic to Tony's story. Giving up on breaking the chains, Tony gets White up and they start moving again.

Gibbs and Kate are tracking Tony and White through the GPS in the car. As Tony and White start moving, Gibbs starts the car and follows.

Coming through some brush and down a slight hill, Tony spies a pickup truck in a clearing next to a small camper. They need to find out if anyone is home, but Tony views the pickup truck as their ticket out of here. Tony starts to move and White slips and drags them both down the hill. They land in a small stream at the base of the hill and White starts having hysterics. Tony calms him as they stand in the stream. White guesses that no one is home since they would have heard them. White then asks Tony if there was anything like this in The Defiant Ones. Tony admits there was, but that was in a river, not a stream. They are in no danger of drowning in two feet of water. White begins to suspect that Tony is not happy with him and doesn't understand what he did wrong. Tony doesn't feel surviving an encounter with a stream is a heroic accomplishment. White explains he has a phobia about drowning so to him it is. Then White notices that Tony appears cold.Tony says that's because his is cold. They get out of the stream and head towards the trailer to investigate.

Gibbs pulls the car over to the side of the road and informs Abby that they lost the signal. Abby agrees that she lost it as well; there must be a problem with the GPS. Gibbs looks just a little worried in the "phoof."

Tony and White have changed clothes but they remain chained together. Tony tries to convince White that he looks great in his "new" clothes. White doesn't see anything in the mirror that would inspire confidence. Tony suggests that there is nothing wrong with White that couldn't be fixed by pumping a little iron, getting a tan, contact lens, caps, and maybe a little plastic surgery. Tony finds the keys to the truck and tells White that it is their lucky day. "You know, you've only been with me 4 hours, Jeffrey. You realize how much your life has changed? "You're out of prison. You got new threads. And you're riding in a tricked-out GMC Sierra," Tony says as he claps sunglasses and a knit hat on White and starts the truck.

The truck pulls out onto the road and drives by the sedan. Gibbs reports to Abby that they have picked up the signal from the truck. They're back in business. "Cash, clothes, and the car. Everything Tony loves," Kate remarks. Gibbs just hopes that Tony isn't heading for Vegas.

As Tony drives, White complains that he is going too fast. Tony feels if he goes any slower, they will be driving backwards. Next White complains about the cuffs chafing his wrists. Tony offers to stop and buy lotion. White misses the sarcasm in that remark. Tony tells White that they are criminals on the run and criminals on the run do not stop for lotion. Tony suggests that they drive to Florida where Tony has someone who can help them. The problem is that the truck is probably lo-jacked and they cannot stay in it forever. White tells Tony that he has a friend nearby and they could go to him for help. White says they need to find a payphone. Tony grins at him and pushes a button on the side of the rear view mirror.

"On Star. How can we help you, Mr. Reynolds?" Tony would like to place a call. The camera pulls back and we see Abby lying on the desk talking into the phone in her best telephone operator voice. "I'd be happy to place that call for you. What is the number?" Tony asks the operator to hold on for a second and leans closer to White, asking him to give the number. Tony wants out of the cuffs.

We see out the windshield that the truck has been following a motorcycle. White suddenly yells WATCH OUT and grabs the wheel and turns it violently to one side. This sends the truck off the edge of the road and into a tree.

Abby informs Gibbs that it sounds like Tony was in an accident. Gibbs accelerates the car and tells her they're on it.

Back in the truck, Tony is trying to deflate the airbag. Tony calmly informs White that he was not going to hit the motorcycle, that he definitely saw it. White complains that he has a concussion. Tony tells him he didn't hit his head on anything. White points out the sticker which says that airbags can be fatal. "For children," Tony snaps. Tony tries to start the truck, but it doesn't turn over.

The motorcyclist comes running up to ask if they are okay. Tony quickly throws his coat over the chains linking White and Tony and tells him they are fine. The motorcyclist shakes a cell phone and tells them he's called 911. Tony immediately starts calling for Kate and tells the motorcyclist that Kate is his dog and she must have jumped out the window during the accident. Tony leans out the window and whistles for his dog. Then Tony tries to get out of the car, but stops, leaning back in pain, complaining about his leg. The motorcyclist offers to go and get the dog and starts to run off, stopping to ask what she looks like. "Uh, shih tzu," Tony tells him. He doesn't know what that is. "Long brown hair, kind of mangy," Tony tells him. The motorcyclist runs off to find the dog.

Tony and White get out of the truck and run quickly to the motorcycle. In the background we can hear the motorcyclist calling for the dog. Tony hops on the motorcycle and White gets on behind him. Tony tries to adjust the chain binding them together, but White just keeps moving it back. White clasps onto Tony and holds on for dear life as they speed away. The motorcyclist realizes what is happening too late.

Gibbs is speeding to the scene of the accident when the motorcyclist flags them down. He explains that his motorcycle was stolen and he needs help. It was stolen by two guys whose truck went off the road. He was helping them find their dog and they stole his motorcycle. Kate is surprised to hear that they had a dog. She is even more surprised to hear that the dog's name is Kate. Gibbs doesn't know what a Shih Tzu is. "It's a little annoying dog," Kate explains and then asks if there was a description of the dog. He repeats the description of long brown hair, kind of mangy, and Kate decides she's going to shoot Tony. Gibbs stays on task, asking how much gas was in the motorcycle. The tank was nearly empty. Gibbs and Kate get back in the car, leaving the motorcyclist standing there asking about his motorcycle. Gibbs assures him that they will find out. But what should he do? "Find the dog," Gibbs tells him and drives off.

On the motorcycle, Tony and White are fighting about the position of White's arm. Tony feels that White is choking him and tries to move it. White claims that his hand is numb and he cannot move it and puts it back every time Tony moves it. As they do this, the motorcycle tips slightly and White is sure he is going to fall off. He cannot ride without hugging Tony. Tony assures him he will not fall off and begs him to stop choking him. White just tightens his grip.

Abby is working on a video, trying to find something to work with. The video is from a security camera in the area where the antiquities were stolen. Abby realizes that one of the thieves has leaned against a dolly with a bare hand and she's got them now!

Meanwhile, White is on the pay phone, trying to explain to his friend how he got into the situation he is in. White is talking to Lane and warning him not to sell anything without him. The conversation does not end on a good note, as White slams the phone down. Tony manages to leave something in the return coin slot of the pay phone as they walk away. White tells Tony that Lane is not happy about Tony being with White. Tony reminds him that once the chain is cut, Tony will be history. White asks if Tony could fly White and Lane out of the country. Tony rattles off a bunch of difficulties and says it will be expensive. White assures him he'll have the money and that if Tony did that, Lane might like Tony. Tony doesn't need for Lane to like him. Tony suggests that White might want to come with Tony, once they've got the cuffs off. White says he can't leave Lane. They climb back on the motorcycle and White wants to drive. "No," Tony tells him. White complains that Tony didn't even think about it. Tony reminds White of the tree incident and tells him White shouldn't be driving machinery. All through this, they are doing the arm dance again, with White ending up with both arms tight around Tony's neck.

Kate is showing mug shots of Tony and White to the gas station attendant who hasn't seen either of them. Kate leaves her card just in case. As they walk back to the car, Kate tells Gibbs that she knows he's worried about Tony, she can tell. Gibbs tells her that he is worried about the job and Kate should not confuse the two. Gibbs' phone rings and he answers it with "I sold it!" and immediately hangs up.

Up in MTAC, Deputy Secretary of State Elliot is wondering where Gibbs is. McGee stammers out that he is still in the field. "Is he planning on coming back? Or am I doomed to speak to you for the duration of this investigation?" she wonders. McGee tells her Gibbs is searching for a missing agent. "The agent chained to Jeffrey White?" Elliot demands. McGee says yes and tries to explain, but Elliot cuts him off. "So you lost the agent who is chained to Jeffrey White?" she repeats. Yes. "Using the transitive property then that leads me to the conclusion that NCIS has lost Jeffrey White." Elliot is getting more and more combative. McGee tells her no, they haven't lost White. Elliot then assumes they have White in custody. The answer to that is no as well. McGee freezes up and stammers, unable to get an answer out. "Call me the minute you find them," Elliot tells him. "Or whenever your mouth begins to work again. Whichever comes first." Elliot hangs up on him again.

Abby is dusting the dolly for prints and she has found one. She lifts it from the dolly and starts the fingerprint match program running.

Tony and White pull up to a cabin on the motorcycle. Tony is beginning to lose patience with White, telling him that he will not continue this conversation and White should shut his pie hole. Lane comes out of the cabin and watches as Tony and White untangle themselves from the motorcycle. Lane does not look happy to see them. Nor does he respond to Tony's outstretched hand or any of his remarks. Lane does break the chains linking Tony and White. Lane questions whether Tony really killed a Federal Marshall or not, saying Tony doesn't look like a killer. Lane is also curious to know just exactly how much information White has given Tony about their situation. Tony assures Lane all White has said is that he wants Tony to fly them out of the country. Lane says that Jeffrey manipulates easily and accuses Tony of doing just that. Tony offers to leave but Lane tells him there's no need to rush off, unless Tony wants to. Unsure of a response here, Tony just laughs.

Abby has found a match for the fingerprint. McGee is surprised because they found no prior criminal records for White and Lane. Abby explains that's because this print belongs to Billy Collins and brings up a rap sheet for the man we've met as Lane Harrison. "Oh no," McGee looks concerned as he reads the rap sheet.

Gibbs comes back to the sedan with food and wakes Kate up. McGee calls him to tell him about Lane Harrison's alias, Billy Collins, and that Billy Collins is wanted for three murders in the Seattle area. Gibbs asks for the MO of the murders and Abby hesitates but tells after being prompted by Gibbs informs him that "he is a regular Mack the Knife, Gibbs. Their throats were cut from behind." Gibbs and Kate are both affected by this news.

Back at the cabin, Lane is showing Tony to his room. Lane offers Tony a bottle of whiskey, telling him it will help him sleep. Tony takes a swig and hands the bottle back to Lane. Lane takes the bottle and leaves the room, pausing in the hallway to lean up against the wall.

McGee is back up in MTAC filling Elliot in on the latest developments. "You put your agent with murderers." McGee tries to explain but Elliot continues talking. "And then you lost contact with your agent." Again, McGee tries to explain but Elliot rides right over him. "You still have no idea where in the world he is." McGee is making no headway with her as she continues "And you have no idea where the Iraqi antiquities are." McGee agrees to that. "No, you don't," Elliot concludes. "Not a clue," McGee echoes. "You ever worked for the Post Office, Agent McGee?" Elliot wonders. No, he has not. "You ever clean toilets at a federal campground?" Elliot asks. No, he has not. "If these antiquities are not found immediately, you will not even be able to get those two federal government jobs," Elliot threatens. "Am I clear?" and she hangs up on McGee again.

Kate and Gibbs have found the keys to the truck in the coin slot of the pay phone. "He's leaving bread crumbs," Kate tells Gibbs. Gibbs calls McGee who has to run to answer the phone on time. Gibbs gives McGee the pay phone number so McGee can pull the records on it and then compare the numbers to see if they can find any connection to White or Lane. McGee tells Gibbs that Elliot is calling and calling and threatening things. "Things? What kind of things?" Gibbs wants to know. "Not letting us clean toilets. Other jobs like that," McGee says somewhat disjointedly. "Hey, McGee, calm down," Gibbs tells him. "Okay," McGee takes a deep breath. "Sorry. I'm calm now." "Okay, I'm going to tell you how to handle this," Gibbs says. "The next time she calls, you give her two words from the bottom of your heart." "Two words," McGee repeats. "Stick it!" Gibbs says forcefully. "Stick it?" McGee says cautiously. "I, I' I'm not sure that," McGee stammers as Gibbs hangs up on him.

Tony wakes up to see White sitting beside the bed staring at him. White tells him that they need to get out of there because Lane left. "Last night we fought. Over you," White tells Tony. Tony doesn't like the way that sounds. Lane wanted to get rid of Tony, but White stuck up for him. Tony is grateful and wants to know where Lane went. White explains the situation to Tony. White is about to make a lot of money, but he needs a partner. Lane and White stole some very valuable stuff. Tony says he figured that, but what was it? Drugs? Nope. It's really old stuff, like 100,000 years old stuff from Iraq. Tony explains that there were no people then, but White just knows it's really old stuff. And the stuff is worth $3 million to a Japanese collector. They get the money in 8 hours but they have to deliver the goods. Lane took off to sell the stuff out from under White so Tony and White have to get to the buyers before Lane does. Although Tony pushes to find the exact location of the stolen goods, all White will tell him is they are someplace safe. White pleads for Tony's help, telling him he can't face Lane alone. Tony agrees to join in with White.

Gibbs and Kate are waiting impatiently in the car. Kate breaks the silence and says "Let's break the pattern." What pattern, Gibbs wonders. "Dishonest, silence pattern," Kate tells him. She'll start. "I'm worried for Tony," Kate says. "There. I said it." Kate looks at Gibbs. Gibbs turns his head and looks at Kate, but says nothing. "I dropped my guard for two seconds, I got it, now I'm happy," Kate finishes. "That made you happy?" Gibbs asks. Yes, Kate says and smiles broadly at him. Gibbs looks away from her. Doesn't Gibbs want to be happy? Kate asks. "I am happy," he tells her. "You don't look happy," Kate responds. Just then Gibbs' phone rings. "We're done with this," Gibbs says as he answers his phone. "I thought we were," Kate agrees and looks away.

The phone call was from McGee. He has traced a call from the pay phone to a hunting cabin and is feeding the GPS coordinates to them via the car feed.

Back at the cabin, Tony and White are packing up. White is wondering how quickly Tony can get a plane for them. Tony explains they need to get to Florida where he knows someone who can get them a plane that will get them to at least Mexico. Tony sees a cell phone sitting on the table and manages to nab it while White is packing. White is happy that the two of them are working together now, he thinks they will make a good team. As they head outside, Tony realizes that Lane took the bike and left them the car. White throws his bag into the back and climbs into the driver's seat, Tony gets into the passenger seat.

White looks at the cabin with something approaching nostalgia. His father used to bring the family to a cabin like this. "Good times?" Tony asks. "He used to beat the crap out of me," White responds. "Your parents are supposed to help you, Tony, not hurt you. Your father hurt you?" "No, he was too drunk to hurt anyone," Tony answers. "I hate it here," White says. "Then let's get out of here," Tony tells him. "Make us some money!" White starts the car as they both agree it's time to make lots of money.

McGee marches into MTAC to talk with Deputy Secretary of State Elliot yet again. He stands firm as Elliot appears on the screen. "Either I speak to Agent Gibbs and get a full accounting of this investigation or I've been authorized to pull NCIS from the investigation and put under the FBI's jurisdiction," she tells McGee. "You're getting in the way," McGee responds. "Excuse me, Agent McGee?" Elliot is incredulous at this. "We're working very hard," McGee continues as the senior MTAC operator looks on in approval. "We have an undercover agent who is missing. He is risking his life and your constant interruptions are keeping me from doing my job." McGee states forcefully. "You lost your prisoners. You lost your agent," Elliot scoffs. McGee denies this. Elliot responds that is what he told her. "Look. The truth is that while Agent DiNozzo is lost, Jeffrey White is still with him. So Jeffrey White, technically, is with an NCIS agent and therefore, technically, is still in custody," McGee clarifies. "Well, you've clearly been empowered to tell me off," Elliot realizes. "Yes, ma'am," McGee agrees. "And what exactly did Agent Gibbs tell you to say to me?" Elliot wonders. With the MTAC operator watching, McGee gathers his courage and responds "He told me to tell you to stick it." Elliot leans over her desk threateningly and says "You're telling me to?" "Stick it," McGee finishes firmly. "Thank you Miss Deputy Secretary of State. Our conversation is now over." McGee rushes through this and the MTAC operator cuts off Elliot. McGee heaves a huge sigh of relief as the MTAC staff applaud his performance.

Gibbs and Kate arrive at the cabin only to discover Tony has gone. While they are searching the cabin, Gibbs' phone rings, but no one is there when he answers. Gibbs calls McGee and requests that he run the records of the land line at the cabin. McGee will do so, and he reports to Gibbs that he told off Elliot. "Yeah?" Gibbs says. "How did it work?" "Well, she submitted a formal complaint to the director," McGee reluctantly tells him. "McGee! Good job," Gibbs says and hangs up.

Kate has found a box filled with bloody rags. They begin their search of the cabin property and Gibbs finds the motorcycle covered with a tarp. Kate finds a hastily dug hole that contains Lane Harrison's body, throat slashed to the spine. Kate and Gibbs reach the same conclusion, Lane didn't kill those people in Seattle, Jeffrey White did. "Tony has no idea who he's with, Gibbs," Kate says. Gibbs covers his eyes with his hand.

The scene opens with a shot of Ducky's ME truck. Ducky is kneeling near Lane's corpse and explaining that there really wasn't much of a struggle involved. "By the look of things, he was experienced in this method of execution, Jethro," is Ducky's conclusion. "We think he's responsible for three other murders. Same MO," Kate informs Ducky. "And Tony's with the bastard?" Ducky's concern is palpable. "Is he aware?" "Probably not," Kate tells him. "We have to think Tony didn't know anything about this," Kate continues. "He would never have allowed it to happen." "Unless," Ducky begins and then falters, looking up at Gibbs. "We checked the rest of the area. No other bodies," Gibbs assures Ducky. Ducky looks down at the corpse. "Tony's still alive," Gibbs asserts.

Ducky finds a piece of paper in Lane's shirt pocket and carefully pulls it out, opens it, and reads "Lynchburg across from Wal-Mart. Mean anything?" Gibbs shakes his head no as he answers his phone. Again, no one is there. Gibbs hangs up and looks vastly annoyed as it rings again immediately. "I do not have a VW," he barks into the phone. It is McGee, reporting in on the land line calls. No local calls and the phone is a mechanically switched one, so tracing the long distance calls will take some time. Gibbs requests the location of all Wal-Marts in Lynchburg and McGee gets on it.

White stops the car and tells Tony they have time to get to the buyers. White climbs into the back seat and announces he's going to take a nap. Tony offers to drive for a while. "You think we ought to keep moving?" White asks. "I do," Tony replies and White starts to hand him the car keys. As Tony reaches for the keys, White draws them back and asks if Tony has his back. "You know it," Tony answers and White gives him the keys. As White gets comfortable in the back seat, we see him hide a very large knife under the seat. "You know, I feel like I've been running my whole life just to get to this moment. Finally doing something right," White says as Tony starts the car and pulls away from the curb.

McGee has found a Wal-Mart in Lynchburg with a storage facility across the street. Gibbs instructs McGee to call the local LEOs and to make sure that they understand that there is a federal agent working undercover.

At the Lynchburg storage facility the local LEOs are using bolt cutters and opening all of the storage containers. They do not find the antiquities.

McGee reports this to Gibbs who asks about the long distance records on the cabin. McGee says he's working on it, but Gibbs wants him to work faster. "It was a misdirect," Gibbs tells Kate. "He knew that we would search the body." "What do we do?" Kate wonders as Gibbs' phone rings again. And again no one is there. Gibbs looks at the display on his phone, puzzles for a second, and then realizes that Tony has been the one calling and hanging up. Gibbs calls McGee back who is flustered and tells Gibbs it has only been 10 seconds, he doesn't have anything yet. Gibbs wants McGee to trace the last call to Gibbs' cell phone and have Abby run a GPS location on it. "This isn't about the VW is it?" McGee asks. "No," Gibbs barks. "It's where DiNozzo is." McGee hangs up on Gibbs and springs into action.

Abby reports to Gibbs that it is Lane Harrison's cell phone. Gibbs climbs into the car, telling Abby to stay on the phone and guide them to the location. Gibbs is barely in the car when he floors it, prompting a slight squeal from Kate. "Are you all right?" Abby asks. "Gibbs is driving," is Kate's response. "I'm saying a prayer in many languages," Abby assures her.

Tony is driving down the highway when White suddenly appears behind him, asking how they're doing. "You scared the hell out of me," Tony tells him. "That's part of my charm," White responds. Tony chuckles. Tony surreptitiously dials Gibbs again.

Gibbs shows Kate the screen on his cell and they agree, it's Tony. Abby continues directing them.

White is directing Tony to the warehouse. Right then Lane's cell phone rings. Tony wonders what that is and White tells him it's in his bag, he thought it was turned off. Tony digs out the cell phone, holds it up, and says the battery is dying. White wants it turned off because they can trace a cell phone. Tony turns it off.

Abby has lost the signal.

Tony and White pull into a parking lot, next to a storage container. White rattles off the number, confirming that this is the right one. White is thinking about all the things he is going to do with this money. Tony is looking around for Lane. White wants to scuba dive. Tony reminds White that he cannot swim and that might be a problem. White comes up behind Tony and says that Tony could teach him to swim. Tony doesn't answer. Another car pulls up and flashes its lights at them. The buyer has arrived.

White is right behind Tony and pulls a gun on him. White then reminds Tony that Tony is going to watch his back, hands Tony the gun, and says he's going to get the cash. Tony breathes deeply, and makes sure the gun is loaded. White starts to get out of the car but Tony stops him. "I want you to listen to me, Jeffrey," Tony says. "I'm a federal agent." White laughs at this. "Good one, Tony," he says. "Naval Criminal Investigative Service," Tony says flatly, watching White in the rearview mirror. "Don't say that," White tells him. Tony wishes he didn't have to. White leans back into the seat.

Kate is on the phone with McGee insisting on the long distance numbers. McGee's fingers are flying on the keyboard, but he doesn't have them just yet. "Never lost an agent undercover, Kate," Gibbs informs her. "I am not about to let DiNozzo screw that up."

A Japanese man gets out of the other vehicle, carrying a briefcase. In the car, Tony is explaining to White that he will say that White drove them there to show him where things were. That White will have to testify against Lane, but White will get a deal. Tony tells White to sit tight, Tony will arrest the buyer, and then he'll call Gibbs and Gibbs will come and pick them up. White agrees to this, but he is reaching for the knife.

McGee has the phone calls. One call to a Dr. Haru Owagawa, a PhD in art history. Kate asks for a GPS location on the doctor's cell since he has to be the buyer. Abby's fingers fly, and she directs them to the storage facility. Gibbs turns the car and floors it again.

White is explaining to Tony how he knows Tony doesn't have any back-up. White deliberately dunked them in the stream and crashed the truck. Just to make sure there were no bugs. As White talks, he's bringing the knife up from the floor of the car. Tony realizes that there's a good reason why Lane isn't at the buy. White leans forward until he is right behind Tony. "You're having naughty thoughts, Tony," he says as he reaches forward and holds onto Tony's shoulder. "Just so you know, when I said no one ever treated me like you did, I meant that." "I know," Tony says softly. The knife comes up from behind the seat as White jerks Tony's head back.

Gibbs and Kate arrive at the scene just at this moment. Kate arrests the buyer as Gibbs advances on Lane's car. There is blood all over the windows in the car and Tony is slumped forward on the steering wheel. Gibbs come up alongside the car and sees White lying in the back seat, dead. Gibbs opens the driver's door and we see Tony staring down at the gun in his hands. Tony looks up at Gibbs and says "Really liked him." "Yeah. Yeah, I can see that," Gibbs responds.

24. díl
Thomas J. Wright
25. díl
Dennis Smith
26. díl
James Whitmore Jr.
27. díl
Dan Lerner
28. díl
O´Hara Terrence
29. díl
Jeff Woolnough
30. díl
Thomas J. Wright
31. díl
Dennis Smith
32. díl
Dennis Smith
33. díl
Thomas J. Wright
34. díl
O´Hara Terrence
35. díl
O´Hara Terrence
36. díl
Thomas J. Wright
37. díl
James Whitmore Jr.
38. díl
Jeff Woolnough
39. díl
Thomas J. Wright
40. díl
Dennis Smith
41. díl
Stephen Cragg
42. díl
Jeff Woolnough
43. díl
Dennis Smith
44. díl
James Whitmore Jr.
45. díl
Dennis Smith
46. díl
Thomas J. Wright

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