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seril:NCIS: Námoøní vyšetøovací služba
seril NCIS: Námoøní vyšetøovací služba - 39.dl Noèní život
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Datum premiry:
2005.03.01 - Úterý
esk premira:
2007.11.14 - Støeda
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Navy NCIS 039
Pidno dne:
11.05.2010, 09:24:59
Zmna dne3:
11.05.2010, 09:24:59
Dlka dlu:
45 min.

NCIS je přivolána k vraždě mladé poručice. Zprvu vše vypadá, že mladík, který se ženou spal, ji ubodal. Další vyšetřování však ukáže, že muž říká pravdu, že žena, se kterou se probudil, není ženou, se kterou do postele šel spát. Jako další možná varianta vyšetřování přichází v úvahu podivný konkurenční boj mezi nočními kluby, muž totiž v jednom z nich pracuje. Gibbs též pochopí, že majitel druhého klubu považuje své zaměstnankyně za osobní majetek. Mrtvá byla sestrou jedné jeho zaměstnankyně a chtěla jí pomoci se z tohoto podivného zaměstnání dostat.


We see a man waking up in bed with his lady friend. As he cuddles up to her, he notices that she is freezing cold. We hear a knock on the door and see blood all over the man's hand as he moves to get up and answer the door. He sees the blood and rolls his lady friend over to see that she is quite dead and he leaps from the bed in surprise. The knocking becomes a little more insistent. The man opens the door to find two police officers. The police officers see a man with blood all over his face.

Opening credits roll.

Tony and Kate enter autopsy squabbling about Tony eating some of Kate's food without asking. Ducky is performing an autopsy and tells them to show respect, this is a place of peace and dignity. Tony makes a remark about Kate who gives him a shot in the gut with her elbow. Kate stalks up to Ducky and tells him that they need a mediator, or she will have to go to Employee Relations. Tony likens that to tattling, but Kate disagrees. Tony calls it the adult version of "I'm telling Mommy." Kate calls him juvenile and it very quickly disintegrates into a volley of "Am not" "Are so" exchanges. Ducky continues to work on the autopsy with Mr. Palmer's help, doing his best to ignore them.

Kate tells Ducky they need an unofficial mediator. Ducky recommends Gibbs, but realizes that probably won't work. Kate says they thought of McGee but neither of them have any respect for McGee so they thought of Ducky. Ducky is delighted to be third on their short list. He takes comfort in the thought that he beat out Abby. Turns out they just came from Abby who turned them down. Ducky sighs and says "he is busy, but" and motions with his head at Mr. Palmer who grabs up some blood samples and disappears to take them to Abby.

Ducky is very busy, but he's flattered that they would trust their relationship to him. He likens it to marriage counseling, which sets of all sorts of alarms for both Kate and Tony. Ducky is looking forward to helping them. He starts to tell them about his study of psychology at the University of Edinburgh, but Kate cuts him off to tell him her side of the story. Kate left her desk for a moment and when she came back Tony was eating half of her tuna fish sandwich. Before Ducky can say a word, Tony is making hand gestures that indicate Kate is crazy and overreacting. "See, I'm hungry. We're buddies. It shouldn't be a big deal. It's not a big deal. But little miss tighty twisty pants blows everything out of proportion and it becomes a major deal." Kate is horrified by Tony's description of their problem. He ate her entire lunch. Both Kate and Tony are imploring Ducky to tell the other one that they are right.
Ducky thinks the problem lies a little deeper in their relationship. "There's clearly a latent sibling rivalry being expressed by your adolescent and sexually charged bickering." As he speaks, Ducky is slowly backing up and away from the two of them who are pursuing him across the room. "It all stems from a desperate desire to please a father figure, and I think we all know what that is," Ducky continues. Tony and Kate have Ducky cornered in front of his desk. Kate doesn't understand what this has to do with her sandwich and Tony denies any father figure being involved.

Ducky is saved by the father figure as Gibbs comes into autopsy looking for Tony and Kate. They have a dead petty officer and they need to get going. Tony and Kate leave autopsy each claiming a chore to do with the other claiming they've all ready done it. "There are clearly issues here," Ducky says to the closing elevator doors. "We need to meet twice a week. At least."

The local LEO is giving a report on the body of PO Manda King. They have Willie Taylor in custody. Willie tends bar at Sugar Street. Ducky's initial cause of death would be the stab wounds. Ducky found something around Manda's nares. Gibbs isn't sure that he has nares, but Mr. Palmer assures him that all mammals do; they are your nostrils. The sample is to go to Abby. Mr. Palmer tries to explain to Gibbs that he didn't mean to imply that Gibbs didn't know what nares were, but Gibbs ignores him and asks for the time of death. Ducky lists all the reasons why it will be difficult to be precise but Gibbs wants an answer. Ducky tells him 0330 to 0500. The LEO tells them they had an anonymous 911 call at 5:30 about a woman screaming in this apartment. Ducky amends his time of death to 0530. Gibbs tasks McGee with finding the anonymous caller.

Mr. Palmer notes that the body has been moved and the LEO tells them that the suspect admitted to rolling her over. Tony has found the waste basket and calls Gibbs over to look at the evidence of a night of lots of passion. Those also get bagged and sent to Abby. Tony drops that task squarely into the probie's hands. Kate reports in on her conversation with Manda's CO. She was a good sailor, straight laced and was on track to be promoted to the personal yeoman to the captain. That doesn't track with what they see at the scene of the crime. Manda told her shipmates she had business in Norfolk, but not what it was.

Gibbs is interrogating Willie in the local police station. Willie insists that Manda is not the girl he took home last night. Gibbs finds it a bit hard to believe that he went to bed with one woman and woke up with another. Tony and Kate are in the observation room and Tony remarks that he hates when that happens, it's never pretty. Kate gives him a dirty look and he apologizes. Kate writes it down and informs Tony that she's keeping a journal so she can tell Ducky.

Willie tells Gibbs that the knife wasn't his, he carries a Swiss Army knife. He only had a couple of drinks, yet his blood alcohol level was .12 percent. Willie admits to having a few more drinks than he said. Bartenders act friendly and the patrons buy them drinks. Willie met Manda in the parking lot where she was looking for her keys. Willie hadn't seen her before and he just thought "damn he was a lucky bastard." Gibbs asks if the lucky bastard got the woman's name. "Manda." What a coincidence. The dead sailor they found in his bed was named Manda. Willie still insists that was not the woman he slept with. Willie doesn't have a last name or phone number. Things just progressed really quickly from a kiss to going back to his place. There are no witnesses who can verify Willie's version of the story.

Willie insists they just had a good time. The cop says they found traces of meth in Willie's blood. Gibbs wonders if Manda had meth as well. Willie denies doing drugs with Manda. Willie gets very frustrated and insists that this is not the girl he slept with. Gibbs looks at Willie and at the picture and starts to believe Willie is telling the truth.

Gibbs, Kate, and Tony come in to Abby's lab; McGee is all ready there. Gibbs wants the condoms tested both inside and outside. Gibbs wants to make sure that the outside DNA matches Manda's. Tony tells Abby that the suspect is claiming that Manda is not the girl he slept with. Abby says that happens to girls too. You go to bed with some guy whose all dark and gnarly and you wake up next to someone who works in a bank and has fake tattoos. McGee takes the criticism a little personally saying he used to work in a bank. Abby assures him that his tat is real and he does not disappoint. Tony and Kate exchange a look and turn simultaneously to look at Abby and McGee. McGee realizes this isn't the time to be discussing this and moves on to report to Gibbs on the anonymous phone call, it was made from a pay phone outside Willie's apartment.

Gibbs is holding the evidence case with the murder weapon. There were no prints which is odd; he sleeps with her, he stabs her, and yet there are no prints. The blood on the knife is Manda's and Abby is running a tox screen on it. The powder Ducky found in her nose was meth and Abby is pretty sure they'll find meth in her blood. Kate wonders why a straigh laced PO would OD on meth. Tony says maybe she wasn't so straight laced. Everyone has a funky side, except for Kate. This earns Tony another shot in the gut from Kate's elbow. Tony quickly tells Gibbs that he's sure that he doesn't have a funky side either. Gibbsis moving on, they need to find out the truth about Manda King.

Manda's father is in the hospital, dying of end stage lung cancer. His other daughter is caring for him. Manda has been at sea for 8 months so they really don't know if she's seeing anyone. Gibbs promises the father that they will make sure Manda's murderer is punished. The father describes Manda as a hard worker who dedicated her life to raising her younger sister, Samantha. Samantha tells her father that Manda was promoted to captain's yeoman. Gibbs tells them about finding the drug residue in Manda's nose. Samantha insists that's a lie. She and her father refuse to believe it. Samantha doesn't think her father needs to hear this. Gibbs needs to know who Manda really was in order to find her killer. but her father insists she was a good girl.

Back in Abby's lab, the DNA tests are not finished yet but Abby found an answer using blood typing. The sample on the outside of the condoms does not match Manda King, so she did not have sex with Willie Taylor. Willie was set up.

In autopsy, Ducky is explaining the actual cause of death to Gibbs. The knife did not hit anything fatal and she did not bleed to death or as Ducky likes to say there was no exsanguination. It's a lovely word and he can't help saying it, he tells Gibbs. She was stabbed after she was dead. She died from the overdose. Gibbs called it an accidental overdose, but Ducky corrected him. There was so much meth in her system it had to have been a suicide. Tony pokes his head into autopsy to tell Gibbs that Willie is in the building.

In interrogation, Gibbs is wondering if Willie knows why he's here. "Yeah," he says. "I'm a ping pong ball. They serve me to you and you smack me right back." No, Gibbs informs him, they know he's telling the truth. PO King OD'd, someone stabbed her, and then put her in Willie's bed. Who would do that to Willie? Now that they know Willie is completely innocent, he wants an apology. Gibbs tells him he's getting to slide on the meth charge, that should be good enough. It doesn't seem to be to Willie so Gibbs gets up and leaves. Willie catches him before the door closes to tell him that the bar where he works, Sugar Street, needs the sailors to stay in business. If NCIS ties the murder of a sailor to him, Sugar Street will close. Who benefits from that? A man named Ian Hitch who owns a bar called Teaz. Sugar Street is Teaz' only real competition. This is the kind of stunt that Hitch would pull.

Hitch's nickname is Bulldog because, according to Tony, a bulldog bites you in the ass and never lets go. Hitch was charged with manslaughter twice in Manchester, England, but never convicted. McGee has heard of Teaz, and that they have very hot dancers, but he never went. Honest. Kate is sure that Tony is going to beg to take the lead on this case. What Tony was going to say was that Hitch probably used one of his dancers to seduce Willie and if Willie can identify her, they'll have an in. Tony is now chronicling Kate's opinion of him for their sessions with Ducky. Gibbs has no patience with this. "You done?" he asks. "Almost," Tony answers. "Done or fired are the choices." Tony is done.

Gibbs does not want Willie anywhere near Hitch. McGee recommends pulling their names from their W2s and getting pictures from the DMV. Tony explains how the dancers work for tips and their names, Tiffany Glitter, etc., will not be on their driver's licenses. Then he says he really should take the lead on this, nearly stopping as he realizes he has fallen into Kate's trap. Kate and Gibbs both laugh at him.

Tony and Kate are at Teaz wearing glasses that have cameras in them. Abby is up in MTAC receiving their signals and capturing their images. They start with Tony who is watching a dancer's bottom as she gyrates. "Well, what do you know" says Gibbs. "DiNozzo is finally looking where he is supposed to be looking." Tony heard that. Abby tells Tony to look at their faces as she does screen captures of the images. Tony has to be reminded to move on. Tony is having a great time, even though Gibbs keeps reminding him that he can see Tony. Kate has to get closer to get her pictures. Gibbs directs Tony to a back booth and they get a picture of Hitch. McGee runs the facial recognition software and verifies that it is Hitch. The DJ introduces the featured singer, Jade, who turns out to be Samantha King. Tony is bobbing his head up and down in time to the music and Gibbs has to tell him to stop it so MTAC can see what's going on. Jade is a big hit in the club.

Kate approaches Jade as she leaves the club. She wants to know why Samantha is signing the day after her sister is murdered. Jade doesn't answer and glances over her shoulder at a couple of men watching them. Tony won't let her leave until they get some answers. The bouncers call for reinforcements and go over to stop Kate and Tony. Tony pulls his gun on them and tells them that Lulu (Kate) wants to sign Jade to a recording contract. Tony also gets verification of how Hitch got his nickname. Jade assures them that Hitch would not have killed Manda, even though she wanted Samantha to leave this life. Kate calls Tony Bruce and says they're going, Jade isn't interested.

Back at the squad room, the team is showing Willie the pictures of the dancers. Willie is enjoying the view and tells them that he doesn't know, he sleeps with a lot of women. Tony tells him he's a Morman, while Gibbs just rolls his eyes. Willie gets flustered by Tony's remark and picks out a possible suspect, but claims he was really drunk. Gibbs forcibly sits Willie down and tells him he's going to have to do better than that. Willie says he's doing the best he can, but Gibbs gives him the look, and Willie starts getting serious with the photos.
Willie identifies one woman as a strong possibility, Summer Diamond. Gibbs is still unhappy about the "I think" part of Willie's answer. Tony goes into a little speech about how there's always something about a woman you remember, even 20 years later. Kate groans and Willie is confused, he thought Tony was a Morman. Willie remembers that the woman had a bulldog tattooed on her butt. Tony knew there was something and starts to tell a story about this woman who squeaked. Kate gets offended and asks if he wants to tell that story to Ducky. Gibbs assures Kate that Ducky has all ready heard this story, everyone has heard this story, and Tony can tell it to Kate while they go and pick up Summer Diamond. The only one who wants to hear the story is Willie, and he doesn't get to.

Summer is in the interrogation room with Gibbs. She does not recognize the photo of Willie. She does not go to Sugar Street. She works 6 nights a week at Teaz and does not go clubbing on her one night off. Gibbs shows her a photo of the bulldog tat but Summer assures him she dances practically naked so hundreds of men have seen that. Summer denies having slept with Willie. She also tells Gibbs that every single dancer has that tat; it means they're in Bulldog's crew. "I'd have thought he'd use a bite mark," Gibbs replies. Abby knocks on the door and comes in to take a DNA mouth swab.

Abby and Gibbs are in the hallway when Ducky comes up telling Jethro he needs him right now. Ducky missed something in his initial examination of Manda King. Ducky found a mark, a perfect circle, in Manda's nose, probably made by a funnel. Someone stuck a funnel in her nose and poured meth into her. It wasn't suicide but instead "a horrible, painful death."

Kate is having lunch with Samantha King and telling her exactly how her sister was killed. Manda was restrained and meth was forced down her nose and throat until her heart failed. Willie has been framed for this murder and they think it is by Hitch. Samantha again protests that Hitch wouldn't do it. Why not asks Kate. If Sugar Street is declared off limits, Teazwill get a huge surge of new business. But Kate knows that's not why Hitch did it. Mrs. King died when Samantha was 3 and Manda raised her. When Manda found out Samantha was hooked up with Hitch, she was determined to stop it. Hitch told Samantha that he had record company connections and would make her a star. She believed Hitch; Manda did not. Samantha cannot leave because she signed a contract. Manda was trying to get her out of the contract but Hitch had her killed.

Kate offers to help Samantha, but Samantha knows she cannot leave Hitch, he owns her. Samantha says Hitch will get away with the murder and then Hitch phones her. Against Kate's advice, Samantha answers her phone. She tries to lie to him, but he's right outside the restaurant watching her. Kate pulls her weapon in anticipation of problems but Hitch identifies her as Lulu, assuring her that Jade all ready has a manager. Jade tries to agree, but is told to keep quiet. Hitch wants to know what labels Lulu scouts for. Kate tells him it's none of his business, but he disagrees when she's after his property. Hitch is holding Jade's hand very firmly in his own. Jade is only available to Hitch and Lulu and Bruce might want to leave town, tonight. Hitch pulls Jade up from the table and walks out with her.

Gibbs walks into the squad room carrying his usual cup of coffee. He tells Kate she should have taken back-up with her, but Kate did not expect Hitch to show up. Gibbs keeps looking at Kate who assures him it won't happen again. "I know," he tells her and goes to McGee, wondering how Hitch found Samantha. Samantha's cell phone belongs to Hitch so he is most likely using the GPS in the phone. Gibbs calls Hitch paranoid and Tony says that kinda reminds him of someone. Gibbs looks at him, but Tony says Hitch should be paranoid about losing Samantha, with her voice she could be the next Brandy. Gibbs doesn't know who that is, Tony and McGee do. Kate feels the point is that Hitch will kill Samantha before he would let her go. Gibbs phone rings; Norfolk Homicide found the body of a young woman, hit and run victim, with Gibbs' card in her bra.

The victim's name is Keisha Scott, also known as Summer Diamond. Gibbs tells the detective that they had her in NCIS for interrogation yesterday. Kate keeps on, saying they believe she is the woman who had sex with Willie. There is no way this was an accident. They tell the detective that Ian Hitch is involved; the detective recognizes Bulldog's name. He says that explains the lack of witnesses, Bulldog has this part of the town in his pocket. Gibbs wonders if the detective is also in Bulldog's pocket. Gibbs is taking Bulldog down. The detective assures Gibbs that he may find who did the hit and run, but he won't be able to connect it to Bulldog. The detective says Bulldog's lawyer will have him out as soon as he takes him in. Gibbs asks for jurisdiction and the detective gives it to him. "How soon can you have the rest of your team down here?" he wonders. Pretty soon Gibbs assures him as he whistles and gestures. The NCIS evidence truck and Ducky's van immediately pull into view.

Tony says there is no way it was an accident because Summer is practically naked and it was only 35 degrees out this morning. Ducky points out bruising on the shoulders to Mr. Palmer, making it possible that she was shoved in front of the vehicle. As always, Ducky will know more when he gets the poor girl back home. Kate found broken glass, probably from a headlight. Gibbs hollers for McGee, telling him the locals think it was a hit and run. What does McGee think? "Me?" McGee asks. "Uh, me?" he asks again as he looks around the crime scene. "Answer the man, probie" is Tony's advice. McGee doesn't think it was a hit and run. "Why?" Gibbs wants to know. There are no skid marks before or after the body. Whoever hit her didn't slow down. Gibbs gives a small, satisfied smile then dispatches Kate and Tony to pick up Samantha, making sure her cell phone is off, and not telling her about Summer.

Back in the squad room, the picture of Hitch is up on the plasma. Gibbs wants to know where he was when Manda was killed and when Summer took her half-naked walk. McGee is on it. Kate and Tony exit the elevator with Samantha, who is not really happy about being there. She's worried that Hitch will discover where she is. Tony says no problem and tasks McGee with rigging her cell phone GPS to show that she is at the hospital with her dying father from noon to 1730. Samantha tells Gibbs she isn't going to talk so can she go, but Gibbs assures her she isn't here to talk, but rather to see. "What?" Samantha is surprised. "A friend" Gibbs assures her.

Down in autopsy, they unzip Summer's body bag. Samantha is very upset but still refuses to believe it was Bulldog. Summer has a 2-year-old, not even Bulldog would do that. They assure her that Bulldog is tying up his loose ends and that if she talks, they will protect her. Samantha still refuses to talk to them. "Your sister is in the freezer, maybe you'd like to say good-bye" suggests Gibbs as he strides to an autopsy drawer and opens it. Samantha believes that Summer is on that slab because she talked to Gibbs, and she isn't going to make the same mistake. Gibbs agrees, it's not happening to her, but rather because of her. Samantha tells him that's enough and either charge her or she's leaving.

Samantha is walking out of the squad room with Gibbs, Kate, and Tony trailing behind telling her that if she leaves, they cannot protect them. McGee interrupts to tell Gibbs that Hitch has a very good alibi for Summer's murder. Bulldog was in New York promoting his club. McGee has verification of this alibi. "He always wins" Samantha says as she picks up her cell phone. "I tried to tell my sister that but she didn't listen. I hope you do before I end up dead too" and Samantha leaves.

Gibbs is down in autopsy going over the cause of Summer's death with Ducky. She had multiple fatal injuries indicative of vehicular homicide. If Ducky had to pick one, it would be internal bleeding although her neck was broken on impact. If she had survived, she would never have danced again. She also had meth and alcohol in her blood, although not enough to kill her like Manda King did. All Ducky can tell from the bruising is that someone held her very firmly. There is a procedure that Abby can use to lift prints from the dead skin but Abby needs Gibbs' approval first. Why, Gibbs wants to know. "Well, it's prohibitively expensive and rarely works," Ducky tells him. "So's getting married" shrugs Gibbs. "Do it." Ducky just laughs.

Back in the squad room, Tony is trying to rush McGee through his work. Tony's isn't just hovering around McGee, he is actually eating cookies above his head, dropping crumbs on McGee's head and brushing them off. McGee finishes and puts his results up on the plasma. Tony compliments Kate on her cooking and says just how good these cookies are. McGee asks for one and Kate opens the tin to discover one cookie left. There were a dozen in there. Tony's response "They were really good." Gibbs shows up and wants to know what they have for him. McGee has rigged Samantha's phone so that they can keep track of them. As they stand there, Gibbs helps himself to the last cookie out of Kate's tin. McGee starts to suggest that that cookie was his, but thinks better of it and explains to Gibbs exactly what he did. Samantha is 20 miles outside of Norfolk and moving. "Good work, McGee. That's a good job," says Gibbs and hands him the cookie. McGee admits that it was Tony's idea so Gibbs takes the cookie back and eats it himself. Kate simply stands there holding the cookie tin with a horrified look on her face. "That's so not right" Tony whispers to her as Gibbs barks out assignments. McGee is to help Abby and Tony and Kate are with him. They're going to visit Ian Hitch and bring Samantha back. Gibbs is not going to let her end up like her sister.

Abby is down in autopsy with Mr. Palmer who wants to know how this is going to work. Abby isn't quite sure since she's never done it before, but she's sure they'll figure it out together. Mr. Palmer asks Abby to call him Jimmy, which she has done, but he isn't paying any attention to anything she says, but rather staring at her with a particularly insipid look on his face. Abby is explaining that they are using super glue which should adhere to the fingerprints and then when it dries they can peel them off like a sticker. Jimmy really isn't paying attention and manages to dump over the pot of super glue and then knocks Abby over as she's trying to clean it up. Mr. Palmer puts his hands in the super glue and then helps Abby up, who is beginning to think she would be better off doing this procedure alone. It's too late for that, though, because they are now super glued together.

Abby tries to pull herself away from Mr. Palmer, who simply slides along the floor in his booties. As McGee comes into autopsy, he finds the two of them in a hug, although that certainly is not Abby's intent. McGee wants to know what Palmer is doing, but Jimmy doesn't seem able to find words, he just smiles. Abby wants acetone and band aids, FAST.

Kate is riding shotgun with Gibbs driving and she has tracked Samantha's cell phone back to Teaz. Gibbs calls for DiNozzo, who is snoring in the back seat. "I'll wake him up," sighs Kate. "No, no, I've got a better idea," Gibbs tells her. "Hold on." Gibbs floors it and then slams on the brakes. Fortunately, Tony had on his seat belt. Kate laughs while Tony mumbles something about a dream. Tony is to call Abby and see what she has for them.

In Abby's lab, Abby is lecturing McGee saying that he didn't have to yell at Mr. Palmer, now he's terrified of McGee. McGee finds that cool. Abby is lifting the prints from the bruise on the right arm and she's wondering if He-Man (McGee) has found a match for the prints from the left arm. McGee tells her he will apologize to Jimmy later just as a match pops up on the monitor. The print belongs to one of Hitch's bouncers, Richard Blue McGinty.

Tony has the information and relays it to Gibbs who floors it and leaves rubber behind.

In her dressing room, Samantha is having second thoughts about her dream. Hitch sent Blue to get her and Blue tells Samantha it's a little late for that.

The team pulls up to the club and head inside.

In Hitch's office, Hitch has discovered that Lulu isn't a talent scout after all but rather a Navy cop. Samantha says she didn't tell them anything, but Hitch pulls a gun from his desk and aims it at her.

The team is tracking her in the club using her cell phone, while Samantha is trying to convince Hitch that she isn't playing any games with her. He doesn't believe her. Hitch tells Samantha that's exactly what Summer said, did she know Summer was dead. Samantha doesn't answer, but her face gives her away.

The team hears two gun shots as they go up the stairs to enter the club. Their progress is slowed by all the dancers running from the club away from the gun shots. In the office the team finds Blue standing over Bulldog's body with Samantha in the background. Blue says Bulldog was going to kill Samantha, he didn't have a choice. Blue drops his weapon and Kate goes over to protect Samantha.

Gibbs walks in to Abby's lab with a Caf-Pow and wants to know the status of the evidence, has it gone to Norfolk yet. McGee and Abby are working on it, but there is a small problem. Summer's DNA does not match the DNA found on the outside of the condoms. They did get a partial match on the DNA from the Armed Forces DNA database, however. It's a 70 percent match.

In the hospital, Samantha is talking to her father, telling her how proud of her he will be, how everyone will know her name. Her father is telling her that he has always been proud of her and how he wished that he, no, we, would be around to see it. Manda always loved her singing. Gibbs and the team are there and they need to talk to Samantha, outside. Her father only has a few hours left to live, so Samantha wants to get back to him. Gibbs tells her this is not about Blue, but about her. They know Summer didn't set her sister up. What they don't know is if Samantha was going to split the money with Blue or use it to make a demo tape. They know everything, Manda told them. Manda's DNA is the near match to the DNA on the condoms and only a sibling could have that close of a match.

Samantha set up her own sister. They used the GPS chip in her phone to place her at the scene of both her sister's and Summer's murders. "Setting up Ian Hitch was a nice touch," Gibbs admits. It gets Samantha out of the record contract, plus she gets all of her father's money when he dies. The look of puzzlement leaves Samantha's face and instead she just looks annoyed. "She's dead and still screwing with my life," she says. "Go say goodbye to your father," Gibbs tells her. "If I were you, I'd keep lying to him."

Back in her father's room, he tells her that he always believed in her, that she's going to make it, she'll be famous, he can feel it. Then the flatline sounds and he is gone. "That's right, Daddy," she tells him. "I'm gonna be a real star." The scene ends on a shot of Gibbs' disapproving face looking in from the corridor.

Dl serilu je v jazycch..
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Dennis Smith
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O´Hara Terrence
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Thomas J. Wright
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44. dl
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Dennis Smith
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Thomas J. Wright

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vygenerovano za: 1.48551393 sek.

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