Název dílu The Bone Yard
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seriál:NCIS: Námořní vyšetřovací služba

seriál NCIS: Námořní vyšetřovací služba - 28.díl Pohřebiště
Aternativný názvy epizody
Datum premiéry:
2004.10.26 - Úterý
Česká premiéra:
2007.08.29 - Středa
2 . sezónu s : 23 díly
Díl v serii
Produkční číslo:
Kód epizody:
Navy NCIS 028
Délka dílu:
45 min.
Přidáno dne:
09.05.2010, 23:22:35
Změna dne:
01.01.1970, 01:00:09
Seznam žánrů






Díl seriálu je v jazycích..

Na námořní základně v prostoru pro zkušební bombové útoky najdou tělo civilisty. Zjistí se, že takto se mafie zbavuje svých svědků a nepohodlných lidí již léta. Gibbs se dozví, že mrtvý muž byl agent FBI a pracoval v utajení. Agent FBI Fornell je obviněn ze spolupráce s mafií a uvězněn. Svou vinu popírá, Gibbs i přesto, že má s agentem Fornellem časté pracovní neshody, mu věří a pokusí se udělat vše pro jeho záchranu. Prvním krokem je odhalení skutečného informátora mafie, který pracuje uvnitř samotné FBI. Gibbs s Fornellem proto nastraží originální malou past. Gibbs k tomu musí jen předstírat, že jeho přítel Fornell se v cele oběsil.


Gibbs, Tony, Kate and McGee are at a gym, where Gibbs is holding his version of "close combat training". Kate is stretching as McGee and Tony come in. Kate catches McGee staring at her while she stretches and gives the "look" she always gives Tony. Gibbs tells McGee to go with Kate and Tony to come with him. Tony and Gibbs go into a boxing ring and throw a few punches, but Gibbs' punch gets Tony and knocks him down. Meanwhile Kate is kicking McGee's butt. Tony walks past and asks McGee if he's just going to take that. McGee then moves and pins Kate down. Kate asks McGee why he was holding back and he begins to answer then stops. "Because I'm a girl?" Kate asks. "Tony, do I look like a girl to you?"
"All I see are two NCIS agents," Tony says. "Yeah, that's what I thought." Kate says and kicks McGee in the crotch. Gibbs gets a call telling him about the bomb and they leave, as McGee is lying in pain on the floor.
When they arrive CID is all ready at the scene. The rather unpleasant Gunnery Sergeant in charge thinks the victim stumbled onto the range by accident and almost spits chew on Gibbs shoe. The team have to go out to the body and together Kate and Tony tease McGee about the possibility that the cleared path is marked wrong and have him go first. While examining the body Tony notes the victim is wearing very expensive Italian shoes. Gibbs follows the footprints to another incinerated body in a shelled out car. Ducky concludes that the original victim had been beaten and that the second body had been dead at least 6 months. They think they have found a serial killer’s dumping ground.

CID manage to collect additional finger bones before a live explosive detonates. Meanwhile, Abby Ids the first victim and just as she does so someone begins to hack her computer. She and McGee desperately try to stop it, but are having no luck when Gibbs and Tony arrive. Suddenly it stops. Gibbs had simply unplugged the computer. The team discuss the ID, that of a small-time hood in the mafia, while Abby and McGee backtrace the hacker’s connection. They are reluctantly telling Gibbs that the FBI hacked the computer when Fornell arrives. He informs them that the victim was an undercover agent and wants to speak to Gibbs alone. In the elevator he tells Gibbs he has been working to bust Jimmy Napolitano, a big time mafia kingpin, but Napolitano is always one step ahead. They think there is a mole in the FBI unfortunately the FBI think it is Fornell and arrest him. He asks Gibbs, his closest thing to a friend, for help.

The other FBI agent, Charles, Tony and Gibbs are in MTAC watching a surveillance video of Napolitano and his son Little Ricky. Later when Gibbs goes to visit Fornell in jail Fornell tells him they found coke and money in his freezer. He is being framed because he is vulnerable. He set up the meeting at which Gibbs shot Ari, he is already in trouble. Ducky has discovered he was wrong about the time of death for the second body since it was kept frozen before it was dumped. He was to be a witness against Napolitano before he went missing five years ago. Down in Abby’s lab Tony is telling him how he let Gibbs beat him, took a dive for the team. Of course Gibbs arrives and Tony is waiting for the headslap but Gibbs delays it until he is on his way out, its no fun if you know its coming. Abby had found out that the mob had been dumping bodies on the range for at least 18 years. In order to get Little Ricky’s DNA McGee comes up with going to the paternity clinic Ricky used in the past. Tony volunteers himself and Kate to go undercover. FBI Agent Charles arrives to deliver the file on Fornell Gibbs asked for. There are photographs from an anonymous source that depict a meeting between Fornell and Napolitano. The photos are from the day before the undercover agent went missing at a time when Fornell had withdrawn surveillance. The final scene is Fornell hanging himself in his cell.

Kate and Tony go undercover at the clinic as a couple straight from Springer and take pictures of Little Ricky’s DNA. Abby matches it to blood from the crime scene. The team pullover Napolitano’s car to arrest Little Ricky. Napolitano makes some not so nice comments about Fornell and Gibbs gets defensive. He threatens to kill Little Ricky unless Napolitano handover the mole. He agrees to swap the mole for Little Ricky. When he calls later to set up the swap he threatens to kill Gibb’s brothers, uncles, and father. Gibbs suggests he fax him his ex-wives names and addresses. All of the team volunteer to be the one to accompany Gibbs and they squabble about who is best qualified until Gibbs picks FBI Agent Charles. At the meet Napolitano doesn’t uphold his end of the agreement and tries to take his son by force. However, Gibbs had placed explosive cord around a tree and before Napolitano can make a move he detonates it and puts more cord around Little Ricky’s neck. Gibbs repeats the trade, Little Ricky for the mole. Napolitano indicates Agent Charles who his men then shoot. Afterwards McGee is wondering how he missed that Charles was the mole and getting teased for it by Kate and Tony. They are all stunned when Gibbs walks in with Fornell. It had been a ruse to flush out the true mole.

46. díl
Thomas J. Wright
45. díl
Dennis Smith
44. díl
James Whitmore Jr.
43. díl
Dennis Smith
42. díl
Jeff Woolnough
41. díl
Stephen Cragg
40. díl
Dennis Smith
39. díl
Thomas J. Wright
38. díl
Jeff Woolnough
37. díl
James Whitmore Jr.
36. díl
Thomas J. Wright
35. díl
O´Hara Terrence
34. díl
O´Hara Terrence
33. díl
Thomas J. Wright
32. díl
Dennis Smith
31. díl
Dennis Smith
30. díl
Thomas J. Wright
29. díl
Jeff Woolnough
28. díl
O´Hara Terrence
27. díl
Dan Lerner
26. díl
James Whitmore Jr.
25. díl
Dennis Smith
24. díl
Thomas J. Wright

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