Nzev dlu An Eye for an Eye /Oko za oko
seril:NCIS: Námoøní vyšetøovací služba
seril NCIS: Námoøní vyšetøovací služba - 40.dl Oko za oko
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Datum premiry:
2005.03.22 - Úterý
esk premira:
2007.11.21 - Støeda
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Navy NCIS 040
Pidno dne:
12.05.2010, 23:05:25
Zmna dne3:
12.05.2010, 23:05:25
Dlka dlu:
45 min.

Poddůstojníkovi ze zpravodajského oddělení přijdou poštou v balíčku vyříznuté lidské oči. Omylem balíček otevře sousedka a je to pro ni šok. NCIS zjistí, že poddůstojník, který mezitím spáchal sebevraždu, byl napojen na zpravodajského lektora z vojenské fakulty. Tento muž, dle zjištění NCIS, má další "kšeftíky" právě v jižní Americe, v místě, odkud oči byly odeslány.

Gibbs na místo vyšle DiNozza a Kate. Ti zjistí, že lektor je pedofil a oči patřily zřejmě jeho "přestárlé" sedmnáctileté ženě. Ve chvíli, kdy Gibbs naléhá na své nadřízené, aby mohl lektora nechat zatknout, neznámý muž z velení nechá lektora zastřelit.


In Autopsy: Ducky and Palmer examine the eyes. Gibbs walks in and asks what he has found so far. Ducky then asks where they came from and Gibbs says they were sent to a Petty Officer and the mailman put it in the wrong box. Ducky then says that the eyes were well preserved with the expertise of a surgeon.

In the Squadroom: Tony is sitting back in his seat and Kate thinks he's sleeping with his eyes open. He says he's meditating and Kate asks if it's about how much he drank the night before or if he's trying to remember a dates name. He says he doesn't kiss and tell, and McGee finds it hard to believe and says he knows more about Tony's sex life than his own. Tony then says that McGee doesn't have a sex life, and Kate says they should find out more about the package. Gibbs walks in and asks if anyone has anything for him and Kate mentions a donation firm. Gibbs then asks her if they are missing a pair of blue eyes and she says no. McGee then says that he contacted the post office and he's running the tracking number from the barcode. Gibbs then stands up and looks at Tony who is laying back in his chair. Tony then tells Gibbs the package was addressed to a Petty Officer on a 72 hour leave due back the next day. He also says he's a student at the Navy and Marine Corps Training Center and he's been living at that address since the year before and that nothing stands out except for a speeding ticket and he didn't pay his cable bill the week before. Gibbs then says glad that at least someone is working. Kate tells Gibbs that nobody had reported the eyes missing, and McGee says where the package was shipped from and Gibbs starts to head out. Kate asks Tony how he knew the info and he says to work smarter not harder. Tony then tells McGee to find out what ship the package was on and tells Kate to hurry up.

At the Apartment Complex: A woman tells the team that this isn't the first time the mailman put the mail in the wrong box, and that she once got a video of college girls flashing the week before. Kate asks the woman when the last time she saw the Petty Officer was, and the woman says a couple of days before. Tony then asks her what she can say about him and she says he quiet, he keeps to himself and he has a girlfriend. Gibbs then asks if him and his girlfriend live together and she says she can't tell and that she thinks he made her a key. She says it's a violation of the lease, but she looked the other way. Gibbs then asks her if they can look at the Petty Officers apartment. The woman was so shaken by the contents of the box that she says yes and then she notices that Gibbs isn't wearing a wedding ring and offers to watch that video of college girls with him. Tony then tells the woman that Gibbs is indeed single.

Inside the Petty Officer's Apartment: The team looks around and discovers that his girlfriend is dominating the apartment. Tony finds some evidence of him while Kate finds the girlfriend's clothes and questions her taste. The Petty Officer walks in and Gibbs introduces himself and explains why they are there. He says he's never been to where the package came from and he broke with his girlfriend the month earlier. He also says he doesn't know anything about eyes.

At the Apartment Complex: Kate mentions that their is open lipstick in the bathroom, and that the girlfriend is definitely living there. Gibbs then tells Kate and Tony to survey the Petty officer and starts walking when his cell phone rings. It's Abby and Ducky, Gibbs keeps walking while talking on the phone.

The Phone Call: Ducky starts talking, but then stops and tells Abby to go first and Abby tells Gibbs that the eyes are female. Ducky then says that the woman lost her eyes involuntarily. He then mentions that she was most likely poisoned and died of cardiac arrest.

In Abby's Lab: Ducky thinks that they lost the connection, Abby points out that Gibbs hung up. She then tells him he can finish telling his story to her.

In the Car: Kate looks out the windshield with binoculars and tells Tony to wake up. Tony is already awake, and Kate asks him to turn the heat up. Tony then says he can't because the exhaust will give away their position. Kate then says that she's really cold and Tony says they should press their bodies together with her naked and she says there is not enough liquor in the world for that. Kate then mentions she needs a vaction to a place warm with no cell reception and Tony mentions the tropics. Kate agrees and watches the Petty Officers window when the lights go out. They then hear gunshots and rush over to the apartment and clear the place weapons drawn and notice the girlfriend dead and a revolver on the floor.

In the Petty Officer's Apartment: Ducky examines the body and concludes the body is of a trans-sexual. He also concludes the weapon was held directly over the heart and that the death was instantaneous. Kate concludes that she was a woman trapped in a man's body and killing herself set her free.

Dl serilu je v jazycch..
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