Nzev dlu Bikini Wax /Vosková stopa
seril:NCIS: Námoøní vyšetøovací služba
seril NCIS: Námoøní vyšetøovací služba - 41.dl Vosková stopa
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Datum premiry:
2005.03.29 - Úterý
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2007.11.28 - Støeda
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Navy NCIS 041
Pidno dne:
12.05.2010, 23:15:59
Zmna dne3:
12.05.2010, 23:15:59
Dlka dlu:
45 min.

Při soutěži krásy v plavkách je nalezena mrtvá poručice námořnictva. Vyšetřování ukazuje, že dívka vedla dvojí život. Nejenom, že sloužila v námořnictvu, ale také usilovala o kariéru modelky a fotila slušné, avšak přesto lechtivé fotky do různých časopisů. První stopa vede k vězni, který se snažil ženě psát milostné dopisy z vězení a byl na ni velmi fixován. A to i v situaci, kdy ona na dopisy neodpovídala. Záznam televizní společnosti ze soutěže však dokáže, že propuštěný vězeò ženu nezabil, že mluví pravdu. Gibbsovi lidé však dokáží, že vrahem byla ženina přítelkyně. Ta ji zavraždila ve chvíli, kdy zjistila, že oběť čeká s jejím přítelem dítě.


Tony is exiting the elevator into the squad room where he is met by Abby. Abby compliments Tony on his new tie. Tony is glad she likes it because it cost him over $100. Kate, at her desk, turns around in disgust and wonders why Tony always has to mention how much things cost. Tony doesn't understand her point. Kate doesn't see why Tony brags about how much he spends on clothes because they all know how much money Tony makes. At this McGee enters the conversation to say he doesn't. Kate just doesn't think it's very professional. Gibbs would never announce how much he pays for his clothing. "That's because the prices have been pretty consistent at Sears since the late 70s," Tony explains.

Gibbs walks into the squad room announcing the discovery of a body at Virginia Beach. The team starts to gear up as Gibbs tells McGee to call Ducky. As they walk to the elevator, Tony asks Gibbs if he's had a chance to sign off on one of his reports. No, he hasn't. "Tried to get to it last night," Gibbs says as he enters the elevator, "but Sears was having a sale." And the elevator doors snap close.

The team arrives to find a scene of colorful commotion. Kate says "Give it 5 seconds." "Untill what?" McGee asks. "Until he notices that," Kate continues. "Bikini contest!!" Tony finishes the thought. "It's over, DiNozzo," Gibbs tries to rain on Tony's parade. "Gear up." The local LEO, Lt. Sommers, flags Gibbs down to give him a situation report. Gibbs sees a TV truck for VOLT and is informed it is a local cable channel that caters to men. They air all the contests. Kate will get a dub of the tapes. An elderly woman found the body and notified one of Lt. Sommers' men. Gibbs wants to speak with her. She's in back in Lt. Sommers' vehicle. Gibbs ducks under the crime scene tape and keeps walking. Lt. Sommers wonders if Gibbs wants to talk with the woman. Kate tells him Gibbs isn't really one for chit-chat and she'll interview the woman. Tony wonders if there are any contestants left around. Gibbs hollers for DiNozzo just as he asks this. "Right behind you, boss," Tony snaps back to work.

Gibbs, Tony, and McGee enter the public restroom where Tiffany is still located. Tony takes one look and thinks that's one helluva swirly. McGee doesn't know what that is, so Tony happily explains. "Take a kid by the ankles, dunk them in the toilet, then flush. Usually reserved for dorks. Does it look familiar, Probie?" "I don't think so," McGee responds. "Noogies, sure. Wedgies. Occasional Melvin, but, uh, no." Gibbs turns and looks at the two of them and says "If you two don't start working, I will show you hazing. And the Marine Corps does not do wedgies or noogies or Melvins." "Thank you, boss," Tony gets back to work.
Gibbs wants sketches and measurements of the footprints since they seem to match her shoes. There are no smudges, no sign of a struggle, no bruises on her arms or neck. Tony surmises that she may have been in the vomiting position when she was attacked. Gibbs compliments Tony on his logic and then orders him to get down on the floor and start sketching. Tony balks, pointing out it is a public restroom. Gibbs points out that it could be worse. Tony doesn't see how until Gibbs reminds him it could be a men's room. Gibbs leaves Tony and McGee standing there.

Outside the ladies' room, Gibbs is peeling off his gloves when Ducky approaches him. Gibbs tells Ducky that Tony and McGee should be done with their work shortly. Ducky is in no rush, saying "It takes time to do detailed and concise work. Mr. Palmer here finishes his work quite quickly." "Thank you, Doctor," Mr. Palmer says, not quite getting the meaning of Ducky's comments. Gibbs and Ducky share a look and Ducky goes into the restroom.

Kate has been on the phone with Petty Officer Tiffany Jordan's CO. Tiffany's ship had been at sea for 57 days and just returned to port yesterday. Gibbs wonders what the witness had to say. Not much apparently. She doesn't usually use public restrooms, having a phobia about them. "Well, this won't help," Gibbs remarks. Gibbs asks for Tiffany's address and Kate and Gibbs leave to investigate.

Tony and McGee exit the woman's room, leaving the place to Ducky and Mr. Palmer. Tony tells McGee that he loves the beach. It reminds him of college. McGee doesn't see how, since Tony went to Ohio State. Tony is talking about spring break. McGee went to MIT. They didn't really do that whole spring break thing. "Go figure," Tony says. McGee wonders if it is really as wild as it looks on MTV. "Probie, my stories alone could make you a man," Tony tells him as he eyes the girls in bikinis walking by.

Ducky is standing at the stall looking in at Tiffany with a sad expression on his face. Mr. Palmer comes up and wonders if anything is wrong. "Her head is in the toilet, Mr. Palmer," Ducky replies. "Right. Sorry. I've just never seen you hesitate before," Mr. Palmer explains. "When I person is as experienced as I am, it's rare to come across something you've never seen before." Mr. Palmer wonders how long she's been lying there. Ducky estimates 2 to 3 hours. Mr. Palmer is impressed with Ducky's skill at this. "Give yourself time, Mr. Palmer," Ducky says. "I've been doing this since long before you were a twinkle in your mother's eye. Or even your mother's mother." Ducky and Mr. Palmer spread a plastic sheet on the gurney in preparation for moving the body. As they retrieve Tiffany from the toilet and carry her body to the gurney, Mr. Palmer remarks that some people find their profession strange. "Yes, so I've heard," Ducky agrees.

Mr. Palmer asks Ducky if he had ever considered another line of work. "I suppose so," Ducky answers. "I think there comes a time in everybody's life when they stop and wonder if what they're doing is meaningful. It's only healthy." Mr. Palmer starts to ask what other things Ducky might have considered, but Ducky keeps talking right after him. "Shortly after I graduated from Edinburgh Medical School I gave serious consideration to a career in teaching. In fact, I heard there was a vacancy at Eton, my alma mater. I almost applied." Mr. Palmer tries to get a word in, but Ducky is on a roll. "I loved the idea of teaching the world's youth. Yeah. But then I realized that deep down academia was not for me. I could never picture myself giving those long, rambling esoteric lectures." Mr. Palmer smiles and agrees, "Me either, Doctor." Ducky brushes Tiffany's hair from her face and whispers, "Let's get you out of here, my dear" and then carefully wraps her in the plastic tarp.

Gibbs and Kate are searching Tiffany's apartment. Kate remarks on how clean she keeps the place, but Gibbs knows she didn't see the apartment very often. Kate finds a whole bunch of weight loss books. Gibbs finds a stack of workout videos. The preoccupation with weight loss and vomiting before the attack, Kate figures Tiffany had an eating disorder. Gibbs finds a picture of Tiffany with another woman, but sets it down when Kate finds a card that goes with flowers. "Tiff, I hope you enjoyed my letters. I live for the day that we can be together. Love, John" The flowers are fresh and John delivered them himself. There is no florist's insignia on the card. "Don't you ever get flowers?" Kate asks Gibbs. Gibbs just laughs and says "Don't like gifts that require attention." Going through Tiffany's mail, Kate only finds bills, no letters from John. Gibbs tells Kate that Tiffany never got them, she's been at sea for the past two months so her mail is being held.

McGee exits the elevator into the squad room carrying a cup of coffee and a lunch bag. Tony wants to know where McGee has been. McGee missed lunch, so he stopped for a snack. Tony has set up an interview with Tiffany's rack mate and they need to get going. McGee wants a couple minutes just to eat. Tony asks if McGee brought something for Tony. No, he didn't. "Then there's no time," Tony tells him. McGee stands up, grabbing his food to go. "No food in the truck," Tony adds. Tony insists it is one of Gibbs' rules and McGee dumps his lunch. Tony turns back and says "On second thought, I think the rule is there is no eating in autopsy. The truck's okay." McGee looks at his sandwich in his messy garbage can and leaves it there, following Tony out of the squad room.

On the ship, Tony wonders why McGee is breathing so funny. McGee confesses that he doesn't like boats. "It's not a boat," Tony informs him. "It's a ship. And it's docked." That doesn't matter to McGee; he starts feeling queasy as soon as he's on water. Tony doesn't think that's a great trait for someone who investigates the Navy. McGee is starting to feel dizzy. Tony thinks it's a good thing he didn't eat that burger then. It could have gotten embarrassing.

Tony is interviewing Tiffany's rack mate who is upset to hear about Tiffany's death. She cannot think of anyone who might have been angry with Tiffany. Tiffany was friends with everyone and everyone loved her. McGee is blowing into a paper bag, trying to calm his breathing. Looking over at McGee she expresses concern. McGee tells her he just hasn't gotten his sea legs yet. She offers to get him some dramamine, but McGee tells her he's all ready taken 6. Tony clears his throat and McGee assures her he will be just fine. Tony asks if Tiffany had been ill since she had been vomiting when she was attacked. Her rack mate is distressed by this, and tells Tony that Tiffany came to her about a month ago, and said that there was something that could potentially ruin her career in the Navy.

Down in autopsy, Ducky has Tiffany spread open. Gibbs comes in and asks for a report. Tiffany definitely drowned. Ducky has noticed that her esophagus is worn, as if she had been vomiting excessively. Gibbs wonders if she is bulimic. "Possible, but not probable," Ducky replies. "Her throat shows little evidence of self-regurgitation. Preliminary tests conclude that her bout with hyperemesis was caused by a hormonal imbalance. Particularly a drastic rise in her estrogen level." "Morning sickness?" Gibbs queries. "Indeed," Ducky confirms. "Our young exhibitionist was pregnant."

McGee is on the phone, being put on hold again. Kate is also on the phone, trying to get an expedited warrant. And Tony is on the phone, but not exactly working. He is stretched full out in the chair with his sunglasses on, talking about view from hotel rooms. Kate and McGee exchanges looks and Kate wonders aloud why they are working while Tony is planning a vacation. Tony is not just planning a vacation, he is planning on going on spring break! Kate cannot believe Tony is doing this, but Tony is all set. He's going back to Panama City. Kate thinks Tony is too old for spring break, but Tony assures her he can bong a beer in under 6 seconds, he's sure he'll fit right in.

Gibbs strides into the squad room, telling them that Abby didn't find any prints for him, so one of them had better give him a lead. As always, despite seemingly doing no work, Tony is prepared for Gibbs. Tony reports on their conversation with Tiffany's rack mate, including the news that Tiffany knew she was pregnant. The rack mate does not know who the father is, but Tiffany called him from a pay phone and left a message on the man's voicemail. Kate is trying to get the letters from the Post Office, without much luck. She tells Gibbs it will take "two days, three tops." "You've got four," Gibbs responds. Kate is pleasantly surprised, until Gibbs adds hours to his sentence.

McGee is standing in front of his desk. Gibbs calls out "McGee" and he still stands there. Finally, Gibbs asks "Are you waiting for me to announce you?" and McGee gives his report. McGee has Tiffany's phone records. She made only one call and it was to a woman named Lisa Kerr, two hours prior to the estimated time of death. Gibbs asks if the address is work or home. It's both. Lisa is an at-home yoga instructor. This last sentence peaks Tony's interest. "Good job, McGee," Gibbs tells him, and then calls for Tony. "Right behind you, boss," and Tony is eagerly gathering all his gear. As he walks past Kate's desk, Tony coughs "three hours and fifty-eight minutes" at Kate, who is still on the phone.

Down in autopsy, Mr. Palmer is using a black light to examine the body. He has found something and calls Ducky over to help determine what it is. It looks like paraffin wax to Ducky, the kind that his grandfather used to make his handlebar moustache. Mr. Palmer doesn't understand, but Ducky assures him it was before his time and definitely in style back then. "It epitomized high society," Ducky says as he mimics twirling the ends of a moustache. What Mr. Palmer doesn't understand is why Tiffany would have this kind of wax in her hair. Ducky thinks it was on the killer's hands and tells Mr. Palmer to take the sample up to Abby right away.

Gibbs and Tony are arriving at Lisa Kerr's home, a large estate. Tony thanks Gibbs for bringing him along and assures Gibbs that this time all the women will not distract him. Gibbs remains silent through all of Tony's remarks, as Tony tells him he will be "attentive and meticulous to every detail in my notes; oblivious to any distraction." Gibbs parks the car and Tony sees a line of attractive women doing yoga poses in the grass, facing the water. "DiNozzo," Gibbs calls, and Tony snaps out of his reverie. He hasn't managed to get out of the car yet. As Tony approaches Gibbs, Gibbs has to remind Tony to bring his PDA along.

Lisa Kerr is teaching the class, but asks one of the students to take over while she talks to Gibbs and Tony. Lisa and Tiffany met when Tiffany signed up for Lisa's tantric yoga class. "It combines physical fitness with the ability to heighten a woman's pleasure during prolonged lovemaking," Lisa explains. Tony is taking notes on his PDA, but this bit of information overloads both Tony and the PDA as a rapid beeping emits from the device. Gibbs stops, and gives Tony the eye. "I'll reboot," Tony tells him.

As far as Lisa knew, Tiffany was not dating anyone. Tiffany was the only one in the class strictly for physical fitness. Tiffany needed to lose 10 pounds for a shoot. The shoot was for GSM and Tony, of course, remembers that particular issue. Gibbs does not know what GSM is. Tony informs him it stands for "Get Some Magazine, like Playboy only less risque." Gibbs just looks at Tony. "They both have really great articles," Tony concludes. Gibbs asks Lisa what the Navy's response was. Lisa tells him that it was revealing, but not nude, so Tiffany only got a slap on the wrist. Lisa has a copy of the magazine in the house, but Tony tells her they won't be necessary. "Why won't it?" Gibbs asks Tony. "I make a point of keeping all my copies," Tony tells him. And then adds, "Like I said. Great articles."

Gibbs asks about the phone call. Tiffany told Lisa she needed to see her to talk about something, but didn't say what. At this moment, a man calls out to Lisa; he is walking across the grass, carrying a surf board. He reports on the waves and Lisa tells him he should have gone with her in the morning, much better surfing. Lisa introduces him as Kevin Holt, her fiance. Kevin thinks that since Tiffany was murdered in public at a bikini contest it should be pretty simple to find her killer. Gibbs is done here.

McGee is down in Abby's lab looking at the evidence. He holds up a bag and wonders what that stuff is. It's bikini glue, used to keep the bottoms from riding up. McGee has never heard of this. Abby informs him she used to go through sticks of it while she was on the circuit. McGee looks up, as Abby turns and tells him there is a lot about her he doesn't know. The bikini glue is not what was found in her hair. Abby wonders how Kate is doing on time. McGee looks at his watch and says she has eight minutes left. "Seven," Kate says in an out-of-breath voice but she has the letters. Kate sets the letters down on the counter and also wonders what that stick of glue is for. McGee tells her not to ask. Abby wants to know how Kate got the letters. "Did I ever tell you about the feeb in mail fraud that's always flirting with me?" Kate asks. "I called him." Abby cannot believe that Kate agreed to go out with him. "Not exactly. I read him Section 22-A of the federal government's sexual harassment code. And then I told him I needed a favor." "Right on!" Abby says as she and Kate fist bump.

McGee and Kate are going through Tiffany's mail. There is a lot of it, mostly junk mail. Abby has liberated herself from paper mail, she doesn't even have a mailbox anymore. If it doesn't come electronically, Abby doesn't deal with it. McGee divides the mail into thirds and says they should each look through a pile. "I love it when you're rough," Abby coos at him.

A picture of Lisa Kerr in an apron holding a platter of cupcakes is on Tony's monitor. Lisa Kerr is the daughter of the founder of Mr. Kerr's cupcakes. Tony knew she looked familiar. Gibbs says that explains the house. Tony is glad to have figured it out. Gibbs wonders why he didn't just ask Lisa. Tony was afraid to ask her since he's had a lot of short-lived relationships and he doesn't always remember them. Gibbs understands, he has the same problem with his ex-wives.

Kate strides into the squad room clutching a handful of letters. She's found Jonathan Redding who has written Tiffany 4 letters in the last 6 weeks. The writing is classic stalker, if he can't have her, no one can. "Sounds like our guy," Tony says as he starts to gear up. Gibbs wants to know his address. It is Cell Block F. He's in the Danville Correctional Facility. "It can't ever be easy," Tony moans and sits back down. Kate still wants to talk with Redding. Tony sees no point since the guy is in prison. McGee comes in with the news that Redding was paroled 13 days ago.

Redding's mug shots are up on the plasma. He was serving time for assault and battery, not his first arrest. Two of his previous assaults have been against girlfriends. McGee has not been able to find him and is waiting for a callback from Redding's parole officer. A look from Gibbs sends McGee to the phone to call the parole officer again. Tony hangs up his phone announcing that Redding's former cellmate just called and has some information he'd like to exchange for a possible deal with the DA. Gibbs tells Tony and Kate to go and see what the cellmate has to offer. Tony picks up his gear and says "Kate, with me," in his best Gibbs' imitation. Kate just rolls her eyes.

Kate and Tony are walking through the prison yard and Tony is reminding Kate that she should never let her guard down around a prisoner, unlike civilians, prisoners have nothing to lose. Kate reminds Tony that the prisoner asked to speak to them. "He's a felon, and that's the way we're going to treat him," Tony tells her as the gates clang open.

Tony is trying to pin down exactly how long Luke and Redding were cellmates. He leans in and tries to physically intimidate Luke. Luke tells him it was about 7 months. Luke was the one who gave Redding the GSM magazine with Tiffany's picture in it. As Tony is circling Luke, he notices a tattoo on Luke's upper arm. Turns out Luke is a member of the same fraternity as Tony. "Rutgers, 91," Luke tells Tony. Tony sits down and takes off his sunglasses, examining Luke quizzically for quite some time before breaking into a huge smile, extending his hand, and saying "Ohio State, 89!" The two of them start to reminisce and Tony fills Luke in on his spring break plans. Kate leans her head against her hand and cannot believe this turn of events. Tony and Luke are bonding.

McGee has managed to track down Redding. Redding is working at a car wash that is located less than 2 miles from where the bikini contest was held. Gibbs chides McGee that they should have had Redding 3 hours ago. McGee apologizes and explains that he kept hitting dead ends in his inquiries. "Learn to anticipate, McGee," Gibbs tells him. "Always think a step ahead. You shouldn't have to ever waste time deciding what to do next."

Kate is reporting in by phone as Tony and Luke continue laughing at their frat memories. Redding stared at the photos of Tiffany for hours at a time. He got her address from the internet and sent her letters. Redding told Luke his plan was to contact her when he was released. "He didn't want to live without her," Kate concludes. "Or her to live without him," Gibbs clarifies and then tells her they have an address and he and McGee are going to pick him up. Gibbs gets up from his desk and calls for McGee to get the "keys to the car," McGee finishes for him and throws him the car keys.

There is a car show going on at the car wash. Gibbs and McGee do not fit in with the clientele or the cars. Gibbs comments on feeling a little out of place and McGee remarks that it reminds him of high school. Gibbs looks at a car and wonders what that is. McGee tells him it is an Escalade. Gibbs meant the wheels, which have spinners on them. Gibbs doesn't understand the point. McGee tells him it's a hip-hop thing. Gibbs just shakes his head, "the more I know, the less I understand."

They are approached by the car wash manager who tells them their sedan looks like it could use a wash, but that tapers off a Gibbs flashes his badge and tells him they're looking for Redding. The manager points Redding out, he's driving the cars today. As they watch, Redding gets into a car and drives away. Gibbs and McGee take off after the car. They see that Redding has driven the car to the start of the washing apparatus and is rinsing off the tires. Gibbs calls out his name, Redding looks at them, and takes off running. McGee immediately gives chase, following Redding into the car wash apparatus. McGee gets soaped and buffed and waxed as he fights his way through the big spinning brushes. McGee emerges completely covered in soap suds only to see that Gibbs has Redding pinned down on the ground and is cuffing him. Both Gibbs and Redding are dry. "Anticipate, McGee," Gibbs reminds him.

Redding is sitting in interrogation waiting. Kate and Tony are watching in observation. Tony concurs with Luke's assessment of Redding, he's creepy. Kate accuses Tony of having a man-crush on Luke. Tony denies that and says he just feels sorry for him. Kate does not understand the whole fraternity thing. "It's like this pact to get drunk and laid supersedes everything." Tony corrects her. "Getting drunk and laid is only like 90 percent of it and the rest is brotherhood and solidarity." Kate feels the whole thing is as juvenile as spring break. Tony doesn't believe Kate was ever on spring break, but she assures him she was and it was in Panama City.

Gibbs comes into interrogation and Redding complains about how long he's been sitting there. "I'm sorry, Jon," Gibbs replies. "I asked them to put out refreshments and they must have forgotten." Redding wants to know why he's there. "Because killing people is illegal," Gibbs reminds him. Redding denies killing anyone. He ran because he owed the wrong people a lot of money when he went away. Redding claims he mistook Gibbs and McGee for collections people.

Tony believes that Redding is lying. Kate thinks he's doing a good job of it, if he is. The door to observation opens and McGee comes in dressed in a t-shirt, shorts, and gym shoes. Tony and Kate find his outfit amusing. McGee explains about the car wash and says that they came directly back to the office. This was the only clothing McGee had that was clean. "Your gym clothes were clean? Who would have guessed," Tony says snidely. Kate starts laughing out loud.

In interrogation, Gibbs is showing Redding his letters. Redding just realizes that Tiffany never got his letters. Gibbs wonders if that's why he killed her, because she didn't respond to his letters. Redding again denies killing her; he loved her. Redding admits to being at the bikini contest, he wanted a chance to speak to Tiffany. Gibbs asks why he didn't talk to her when he delivered the flowers. Because Tiffany wasn't home so he left them at the door. Redding also did not get a chance to see her at the contest. She never showed there. Redding went to the contest alone, got there about a half hour before it started, got a spot right in front, and stayed until the contest was over.

Gibbs is standing in front of the plasma in Abby's lab looking at a screen full of snow. Abby doesn't know what the problem could be, it was fine when she tested it. Abby tapes a few more keys and gets the picture up. McGee asks her what happened. "Tony forgot to rewind," Abby says. "Thanks, Abs," Tony mutters. Kate cannot believe that Tony watched the tape of the bikini contest. Tony admits to glancing at it, but Abby outs him again, saying he took it home. "What is wrong with you?" Kate asks. "It's like you have some sort of a sickness!" Tony had a hunch there might be something on the tape. "Yeah, like 10 half-naked women," Kate responds. Gibbs stops the bickering by telling Abby to cue up the tape. Abby explains that it was a two-camera shoot, one camera on the stage and the other on the crowd for their reactions. As Abby manipulates the tape playback, Gibbs spots Redding in the crowd, right up front. And he stays there until after the time of death. Redding was telling the truth; he's not the killer.

The next day Tony comes into the squad room looking for Gibbs, he thinks he's found a lead. Tony holds up a copy of GSM and Kate cannot believe it. She tells Tony that he needs help but Tony can't wait to show his lead to Gibbs. Gibbs walks in then and wonders what Tony wants to show him. Tony shows Gibbs Tiffany's layout and explains that two of the photos were not taken by the magazine staff. As Gibbs thumbs through the layout, McGee comes and looks over Tony's shoulder, asking who might have taken those photos. Tony tells McGee to back it up a bit and then says that according to the article the photos were taken by her boyfriend. McGee thought Tiffany didn't date, but Tony reminds him she was pregnant and there's only one way to get that way. Tony contacted GSM and got the name of the photographer, Jason Kaplan. Gibbs tells him to check it. Tony takes back his magazine and assures Gibbs he will keep it professional. "Yeah, I know you will," Gibbs says, "because Kate's going with you." Neither Kate nor Tony are very happy with this turn of events but Gibbs has made his assignment.

Going into the Kaplan's studios, Tony is quite jealous of his lifestyle, spending all day taking pictures of the world's hottest women. "I'm sure his mom is proud," Kate says sarcastically. Tony doesn't understand the problem and Kate explains how the pictures are demeaning. Tony tells Kate she needs to loosen up a bit, the human body is a beautiful thing, it should be admired. Tony steps into the studio and Kate follows. Once inside, Kate agrees. The human body is a beautiful thing. It seems that today, the models are male, members of the US water polo team. Kate admires their uniforms. Tony is uncomfortable and wants to talk elsewhere, so they move to the Kaplan's office.

Tony asks about the two pictures that were supposedly taken by Tiffany's boyfriend. Kaplan doesn't know about that, his job is just to get the pictures and the release forms in to the magazine. Kate asks if he still has the release form on file and he does. Kevin Holt, Lisa Kerr's fiance, was the photographer. Kate wonders why Kevin was photographing Tiffany in the bedroom. Tony suspects that Lisa would be wondering the same thing.

Meanwhile, Abby is testing all sorts of paraffin wax, bars and bars of it. "What do you have, Abs?" Gibbs asks. "A serious hatred of wax," Abby replies. Gibbs thinks Abby looks stressed. This could be because she has compared the wax found in Tiffany's hair to over 100 different products. Each of the wax formulas differ from the others by just one molecule. Abby wonders if Gibbs knows how small a molecule is. McGee does. "Shut up, McGee," Abby says. "I like this new Abby," Tony says. But Abby has come through and found a match, holding up a can of wax. "Does that say sex wax?" Kate asks. Yes, it does. McGee wonders how that works, but Tony assures him that he shouldn't worry about it. He's pretty sure McGee would still need a girl first. Abby tells them all that sex wax is just a brand name and it is used by surfers. They put it on their boards to help with traction. Gibbs and Tony exchange knowing looks.

At Lisa Kerr's house, Kevin is waxing his surfboard. Kevin greets Gibbs and Tony, asking them what they know. "More than you'd like us to," is Tony's response. This gets Kevi's attention. But he claims he barely knew Tiffany, she was just one of Lisa's friends. Gibbs wonders if Kevin takes intimate photos of all of Lisa's friends. Tony criticizes the lighting in his photos. Kevin insists it was totally innocent, they just hung out a couple of times and he was just helping her out by taking those photos. "Generous of you," Gibbs agrees and wonders if Lisa knew about the photos. No, she didn't and she didn't know they were friends either. Since nothing was going on, why was it a secret. Kevin confides that Lisa is very insecure and always suspects him of cheating, even to the point of going through his e-mail. "Look at that, boss," Tony says. "She's suffocating him and all he's doing is taking lingerie shots of her girlfriends." Kevin insists it isn't what they think. He was not sleeping with Tiffany. "Good," Gibbs tells him. "Then you won't mind submitting a DNA sample." Kevin wonders why they need that. Have they got the killer's DNA? They do not answer him. Kevin is only too happy to submit his DNA. He has nothing to hide.

Not surprisingly, Abby matches Kevin's DNA to the baby's. "Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, we have a winner," Abby says just like a game show host. "Tony, tell us what he's won." Continuing on in the same vein, Tony crows "Well, Abby, he's won an all expenses paid iron vacation to sunny Leavenworth." Kate is not impressed and suggests Tony should keep his day job. "May not be an option," Gibbs says as he comes into the lab.

Abby compared Kevin's prints with those in the public restroom, but those do not match. "We must have lifted hundreds of prints," McGee says. "Are you sure you ran them all?" "No, McGee, about mid-way through I got tired so I was just like screw it," Abby snaps back at him. McGee just thought he would check. Tony feels all this proves is that Kevin is more careful at a crime scene than he is in the bedroom.

Tony walks into interrogation and puts a folder on the table in front of Kevin. Kevin is getting a little put out. He agreed to take a test. He did not agree to spend the entire night in a tiny little room. Tony explains that this room is a luxury suite compared to where Kevin is going. They know that Kevin lied to them.

McGee escorts Lisa into the observation room where Gibbs is standing. Lisa doesn't understand why Kevin is still there and Gibbs explains that the evidence is pointing to him as Tiffany's killer. Lisa defends him, saying he could not possibly do that.

Tony tells Kevin that he has good news and bad news, which does he want first. Before Kevin can respond, Tony informs him that Tiffany was pregnant and there is a 99.98 percent probability that Kevin is the father, handing Kevin the file so he can see for himself.

In observation, Lisa's jaw just drops.

Tiffany's pregnancy is a surprise to Kevin. Tony decided to go with the bad news first. Kevin denies knowing about this.

Lisa's voice quavers as she says "He cheated on me? I can't believe he cheated on me. I've given him everything." Gibbs asks if she ever suspected. "Why would I? She was my friend," is Tiffany's answer. "It'll be okay," Kate tells her as she sympathetically pats Lisa on the shoulder. Gibbs tells McGee to get Lisa a glass of water and McGee does this. Lisa still doesn't believe that Kevin killed Tiffany.

Kevin asks for the good news. "Right. I almost forgot," Tony says as he checks the file folder. "There is a point 02 percent chance that you're going to walk out of here." Kevin admits that he screwed up, but he denies killing Tiffany.

McGee very carefully hands Lisa the glass of water and she takes it.

Kevin tells Tony that the last time he saw Tiffany was right before she shipped out and they had both decided to end the affair. Tony doesn't find Kevin a very reputable guy and wonders why he should believe him. Kevin insists he's telling the truth. Tony asks Kevin if he's so innocent why has he been avoiding them. Kevin doesn't know what he's talking about. Tony tells Kevin that NCIS has been calling him for two days, leaving him 4 messages on his cell phone.

"He's lying," Lisa tells Gibbs. "He never left him any messages." Gibbs wonders how Lisa would know that.

Lisa is now sitting in interrogation. Gibbs asks her if she wants her lawyer. Lisa assures him she didn't do anything wrong and she just wants to get this over with. Gibbs tells her it must have been a shock to hear Tiffany's message and no one would blame her for being angry. Lisa denies listening to Kevin's messages. She would not invade his privacy like that. Gibbs reminds her that she didn't have any problems searching through Kevin's e-mail. Lisa is surprised that Kevin told them that. Gibbs reaches in his pocket and brings out the glass McGee gave her back in the observation room. It is in an evidence bag. Gibbs explains how they lifted her prints from the glass and matched them to a print that was near Tiffany's body. Lisa's eyes fill with tears and she manages to say that she'd like to call her lawyer now. "I think that's probably a good idea," Gibbs agrees.

Up in the squad room, Tony is whistling and clearing off his desk. He is eagerly looking forward to his week vacation in Panama City. Kate suggests he try not to embarrass himself. Tony assures her he is way too grown up for that. The next thing we see is Tony lying on the ground with a large funnel over his mouth and several hands pouring beer into the funnel. Tony stands up and starts going through the crowd on his way to the head. Tony stops to admire the Wet T-Shirt Hall of Fame when what does he see? The winner from 1994: Kate!

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