Nzev dlu Red Cell /Rudá buòka
seril:NCIS: Námoøní vyšetøovací služba
seril NCIS: Námoøní vyšetøovací služba - 43.dl Rudá buòka
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Datum premiry:
2005.04.26 - Úterý
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2007.12.12 - Støeda
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Navy NCIS 043
Pidno dne:
13.05.2010, 08:51:23
Zmna dne3:
13.05.2010, 08:51:23
Dlka dlu:
45 min.

NCIS je přivolána k mrtvole námořníka, veterána, tentokrát přímo na civilní školu. Agenti zjistí, že skupina námořníků zde studuje vyšší matematiku. Zprvu vše vypadá tak, že na škole mariòáci vytvořili tajný klub, jehož hlavním cílem jsou podivné adrenalinové zábavy typu paintball. Dva přátelé se měli mezi sebou pohádat a jeden veterán měl zabít druhého. Ve chvíli, kdy je objeven podezřelý, který je také zavražděný, Gibbs pochopí, že za vším není jen hloupá hra. Mezitím McGee dokáže vystopovat podivného hackera, který prozradí, že za vším byla žena. Přítelkyně jednoho ze zavražděných - Ashley Simmonsová podle výpovědi hackera začala chodit s druhým zavražděným.

Ducky zjistil, že oba námořníci byli zavražděni holýma rukama. Někdo zkušený a silný jim zlomil vaz. Ashley, pro kterou si mezitím přijede Gibbs s týmem na školu je však menší postavy a hubená...

Při zatýkání Ashley je přítomen i velitel zavražděných mariòáků, seržant Leeka. Je to silný a zkušený mariòák, který prošel tvrdým výcvikem a zúčastnil se mnoha bojových akcí. Kate s DiNozzem odvádí Ashley z místnosti, kde zůstává Gibbs se seržantem Leekou. Gibbs začíná tušit, že Leeka je přesně ten typ, který mohl oba námořníky zabít, ale jaký mohl mít motiv?

Když navíc uplakaná Ashley sdělí Kate a DiNozzovi své podezření, že oba námořníky pravděpodobně zabil seržant Leeka, protože se jim svěřila, že se jí Leeka pokusil znásilnit, je jim jasné, že Gibbsovi hrozí nebezpečí...


McGee is playing a video game in his apartment. He is Strike Force Command and he is talking Red Leader through an assault on a building when a knock comes on the door. McGee tells Red Leader to wait one and stands up as his apartment door swings open. It is Kate and Tony and they are letting themselves in. McGee tells Dave he will have to call him back. McGee is in a t-shirt and boxers. Kate has just lost a bet on that with Tony, she thought he was a tighty-whitey kind of guy. Kate and Tony have come to pick up McGee just a little early. They arrived at 6:30, but don't have to be at work until 9. They wanted to observer McGee in his natural habitat, like National Geographic. Tony starts doing a voice-over describing McGee moving from the watering hole, trailed by hyenas. Kate is wandering around the apartment checking McGee's things out, like what kind of cereal he eats, while McGee hastily puts on his pants.

Tony has found McGee's typewriter and calls that area of the apartment the history channel room asking if this is where McGee does his writing thing. Tony sits down at the typewriter, puts McGee's pipe in his mouth, and starts pounding on the typewriter keys, making noises like The Penguin from Batman. Tony then picks up a typed page and reads "The Continuing Adventures of L. J. Tibbs." McGee grabs the page away from Tony, telling him it is personal as Tony wonders just who L. J. Tibbs could be. Tony then flings McGee's pipe across the room.

Kate points out that McGee eats dinosaur cereal and Tony starts making dinosaur noises from Jurassic Park and pretending to be a T Rex. McGee grabs his cereal from Kate and pleads with them to please just wait by the door. Tony starts going through McGee's record collection, causing McGee panic since those are valuable collector's items. Tony pretends to drop the record as McGee tries to grab it from him. McGee is trying to get the situation under control, telling them it is bad enough they have to work on Sundays, without them ransacking his apartment. Tony agrees, saying it was very inconsiderate of the Marine sergeant to die on a weekend.

McGee runs out of the room, telling them he is getting his weapon and they are not to touch anything else. As he leaves Tony remarks that "George Clooney could not get laid in this place." Kate laughs in agreement. McGee hurries back into the room, clutching his dress shirt, tie, and jacket. Kate has found herself something to eat. Tony's only kind comment is "at least you're not building a boat in your basement." McGee rushes them out the door and closes it behind him.

Inside the apartment, the toilet flushes, and the camera shows a shapely pair of female legs walking out of the bathroom. She's dressed in just a t-shirt and wanders out into the main room of the apartment calling for Tim. As she stands there, we hear Red Leader trying to get a hold of Strike Force Commander. The woman sits down at the computer, puts the head piece on, and says "This is Strike Force Command. Do you copy?"

In a future episode, we will learn that the woman is McGee's sister (and in real life, Donald Bellisario's daughter.)

At the crime scene, Gibbs is snapping pictures as Ducky examines the body. Rigor has resolved so the sergeant has been dead for at least 36 hours. Gibbs is more concerned with how rather than how long. "Apart from the obvious, he took a tumble down the hill, neck's probably broken. But then we never do put too much emphasis on the obvious, do we sergeant?" Ducky continues. Ducky kneels on a beer can and yowls ouch. "It's remarkable how these college hangouts all smell the same. Stale beer. Tobacco. Vomit." The vomit is from the pledge that found him. Ducky wonders why that young man is half-naked. "Must be a college thing," Gibbs says in a disapproving tone of voice.

Just then Kate, Tony, and McGee show up. Gibbs hollers at them and Tony tries to placate him with a cup of coffee. Gibbs just takes it from Tony and starts barking out the details of the crime scene. Tony remarks that it sounds like Hell Week. Gibbs does not know what Hell Week is. "Fraternal rite of passage," Tony reminisces. "The worst week of my life followed by the best 4 years." Gibbs is curious to know if Tony was running around in his skivvies. "Technically," Tony tells him. "But back then they made us wear them on our heads. It was a sort of character building thing." Kate and Gibbs agree that that explains a lot about Tony. Gibbs tasks McGee with finding out what Sergeant Turner was doing on campus.

The local LEO comes up and wonders if the pledge could be released so that he could go home and get some more clothes on. Gibbs says sure, after one of his agents interviews him and then assigns Tony to do that. Tony tries to foist this off onto Kate, but Gibbs feels that Tony and the pledge have so much in common it is right up Tony's alley. Gibbs interviews the LEO about the college's use of this area. It's mainly used for extracurricular activities like bonfires and fraternity pranks, including hazing, which have resulted in broken bones, alcohol poisoning. This is not the first accidental death. Gibbs wonders who said it was accidental. The LEO looks surprised that Gibbs would think it would be a homicide. Gibbs, of course, always thinks it's a homicide until proven differently.

McGee comes back with the information that Turner was an NROTC student on campus living in the dorms.

Gibbs and McGee are looking through Turner's dorm room. Gibbs is surprised to see all of the electronics in the room, saying he thought college students were supposed to be poor. "Most of my midshipmen would not know how to survive without at least 200 channels and a DSL hookup, Agent Gibbs," Captain LeMay, the Marine Officer Instructor, responds. Turner has been at the college for a year. LeMay wants to know what happened. He did not expect to lose a man on a college campus.

Turner was one of LeMay's best midshipmen. He started college after two combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. Turner did have some culture shock, but he was adapting. Turner also had some run-ins with the student activists on campus. Turner took a lot of personal abuse when the activists found out he was a veteran. Turner did not take that well.

McGee has accessed Turner's hard drive and discovered that he was doing advanced math and physics. LeMay concurs that he was "a real asset to the Corps."

Ducky is looking at Turner's x-rays but is distracted by Mr. Palmer who has gotten a little too close and is blowing in Ducky's ear. Mr. Palmer has noticed that the break in the neck was too clean. The break should be more jagged if Turner had landed on his neck. Mr. Palmer walks back to the body and Ducky wonders if Mr. Palmer has noticed anything else. Mr. Palmer remarks on the beating Turner took. Ducky agrees that he was beaten, but that's not what caught Ducky's eye. The numerous circular bruises all over his torso were inflicted just prior to Turner's death. Mr. Palmer asks if they know what caused the bruises. "We do not. Yet." Ducky says, raising 1 finger.

This reminds Ducky of a story. An English Earl was abducted and asphyxiated. Every bone in the Earl's body was broken. Mr. Palmer wonders what happened to the Earl. "Well, it was on a moonlit night," Ducky starts, but is interrupted by the arrival of Gibbs. Ducky reports that Sgt. Turner was in a nasty fight that resulted in a broken neck. "He was murdered?" Gibbs asks. "Yep." is the response. The welts were probably painful, but did not cause any internal damage. "You thinking what I'm thinking, Duck?" Gibbs inquires. "I'm afraid so, Jethro," Ducky replies. "Call me when you find out," Gibbs says and exits autopsy. This conversation has left Mr. Palmer in the dark. "Sgt. Turner may have been tortured before his death," Ducky informs him. "Whoa!" Mr. Palmer says. "So that's what happened to the English Earl." Ducky looks confused and asks "What English Earl?"

Abby is very impressed with Sgt. Turner's mathematical work. She tells McGee that it looks like homology. McGee thinks it is cohomology. They debate this until McGee plays the MIT card and Abby calls him on it. The debate ends with them both sticking their tongues out at each other. "Oh, I'm so glad to see that you two don't need adult supervision," Gibbs says as he walks in. "McGee was annoying me again," Abby responds. McGee starts to laugh and respond but Gibbs raises his index finger and simply says "Don't." This ends all joking and they get back to the case. Turner's blood alcohol level was .07, not drunk but not sober. Abby found traces of someone else's blood on his knuckles and lots of chemicals on his skin. "It's like he was partying in a janitor's closet," she tells Gibbs.

Gibbs asks McGee what he found and McGee goes off on a tangent about the mathematical work that Turner was doing. When asked if he found anything having to do with his death, McGee has to admit nothing yet. "I didn't go ti MIT," Abby interrupts, "but I think I found something." Abby has found a private container on Turner's PC and is in the process of opening it. She digresses into a discussion of the nickname she wanted as opposed to the nickname she had, but Gibbs steers her back on course. Abby has found an encrypted e-mail which has a picture of Turner with a gun sight superimposed on his head and the legend "Turner . . . Today is the day you die." The e-mail was received on Friday, the same day Turner was killed.

Gibbs and Kate arrive on campus to see the NROTC squad drilling on the football field. Gunnery Sergeant Leeka is chewing out two female midshipmen who have dyed their hair purple and orange. "Sometimes I feel like I'm a kindergarten teacher," Leeka remarks. "Well, yeah, I'm familiar with the sentiment," Gibbs concurs. Gibbs and Kate interview Leeka about Turner, wondering if the peace activist who spit on Turner's uniform could have been out for revenge. Leeka is surprised to hear that Turner was murdered. Leeka sends Simmons to find midshipman Blake. Blake was Turner's buddy, they were both enlisted men now in NROTC. Plus Blake is the one who broke up the fight between Turner and the protester. It turns out Blake is missing. Captain LeMay comes up to inform Gibbs that no one has seen Blake since Friday night.

Tony and McGee are in the dorm searching Blake's room. They are approached by Simon Frankel who tries to monitor their activity, asking why they aren't using gloves at a crime scene and if they have a warrant for this search. McGee immediately notices the docking station for the new hand-held computer. Tony finally calls Frankel "Urkel" and back him out of the dorm room. Frankel just wants to help, so Tony tells him to put up his hands, spread his legs, stick out his tongue, and then informs him he is the gargoyle that guards the door and shuts it in Frankel's face. "That was nice," McGee says sarcastically. Tony reminds him they don't pay them to be nice and then throws a pair of gloves at McGee and tells him to put them on. Just in time, too, as McGee finds a bloody rag stowed under the bed. Tony lifts the bedspread to reveal a big blood stain on the mattress.

In the squad room, the e-mail from Turner's computer is up on the plasma, alongside a similar e-mail from Blake's computer. The two e-mails are essentially identical, the only difference is one has Turner's picture and the other Blake's. The blood on the rag and bed match Blake's type. No one on campus has seen Blake since Friday night. One of the things the two men have in common is their dislike of the organization CATP (Coalition Alliance Team for Peace). Hunter Huxley is the leader of the organization and has been arrested 5 times for disturbing the peace. This makes Tony reminisce about a girl he dated in college, "wasn't bad until she stopped shaving her armpits and her" at which point both Gibbs and Kate stare at Tony who immediately amends this to "she owns a car dealership now if you're looking for a good deal." Huxley is the protester that spit on Turner and got into the fight with him. Gibbs assigns Kate and Tony to go and find out if Huxley has it in him to "take it to the next level."

Tony and Kate are back on campus and Tony is in his element watching the girls go by. Kate is surprised that Tony remembers much about college since "you spent most of it throwing up in a urinal." Tony figures Kate spent her college years alone in her pjs watching Julia Roberts' videos. Kate tells Tony he does not know what she did in college to which Tony immediately responds that he does know what she did on spring break. And the fight over the wet t-shirt picture is back on! Their bickering is interrupted when the catch sight of Huxley organizing a rally and shouting "No More War!" through a bull horn.

As Kate and Tony approach Huxley, he asks them if they are there to help them defeat Big Brother. Sadly, Tony and Kate work for him. Huxley immediately responds that he has a permit. That's not what they care about and Tony shows Huxley a picture of Turner. Again, Huxley immediately responds that if Turner is pressing charges, then he's pressing charges too. Tony advises him against doing that. The news of Turner's death is a surprise to Huxley. Huxley didn't know anything about it since he's been out of town. As Tony and Kate continue to question Huxley about his combative relationship with Turner and then about the missing Blake, Huxley suddenly turns the interview into street theater, calling them Gestapo goons and preferring his hands for imaginary handcuffs. Tony shakes his head and tells Huxley "you should really meet our boss. He'd like you." To which Huxley responds "and you should really meet my lawyers. They'd love you."

McGee is down in Abby's lab talking to her about all of the campus organizations, in particular the writing workshops. Gibbs walks in on this conversation and wonders what it has to do with the case. McGee explains that he was hacking into the campus e-mail servers looking for any mention of Turner or Blake, but the servers have been pretty quiet. At that moment, Turner gets an IM. McGee and Abby attempt to explain to Gibbs what an IM is, but all Gibbs wants is to see it up on the plasma. A computer generated voice speaks "Hello, NCIS." They are not on Turner's buddy list so McGee will try to trace the connection while Abby chats them up. "Hello, Creepy Voice," she types. "You're looking in the wrong places." is the response. McGee's fingers are flying as he traces the route all over the eastern seaboard, back to campus. "That's it. Get him. Get him, McGee," Gibbs encourages. "Where should we be looking?" Abby asks. "Deeper," VISITOR answers. Abby doesn't feel that is a very helpful answer. McGee keeps tracing, tracking it back to campus. "Look beyond the surface," is the next response. "That's a really sucky clue," Abby says as she types "When you say beyond the surface are you being literal or metaphorical?" Gibbs gives Abby the eyeball but she tells him she's just trying to clarify. "They're everywhere." is the not helpful reply. McGee has narrowed it down to a single city block and needs just one more second to pinpoint the location. "Goodbye," VISITOR signs off. But McGee has got him! Gibbs is very happy with his team at this moment.

It's dark out and we hear Gibbs ask McGee if he is sure that this is the right place. McGee explains to Gibbs how he found the location, but Gibbs just wants a yes or no answer. "Yes. I'm sure, boss," is McGee's answer. Kate is sent to the back of the house. As Gibbs and Tony approach the front door, they hear a woman screaming "No, no, stop" and then just a scream. They burst through the door yelling federal agents and then we hear many more screams as we see a room full of women in their jammies. "I am going to kill McGee," Gibbs tells Tony who in turn yells at Kate that they've got things covered.

McGee asks if Gibbs is still mad at him. "About what, Probie?" Tony wonders. "Dead Marine on campus? Missing Petty Officer? Computer hacker who might be part of a radical peace movement? None of these things are your fault. Really. But sending Gibbs on a panty raid?" "He's going to kill you," Kate concludes. At this point Gibbs comes in and demands answers. His first question is where is Abby. McGee responds that she is on a run to the evidence garage. Gibbs does not turn around or in any way acknowledge that McGee has spoken. Tony repeats what McGee just said. Gibbs wants any information on the hacker. Kate and Tony glance sideways at McGee who explains that the hacker was probably sitting someplace outside of the sorority house using their WiFi. He's working on it. Gibbs tells Tony to tell Abby he wants her.

At this moment Abby comes skating in shouting "Oh, Gibbs, I never knew!" Abby is pushing/riding on the back of an evidence cart filled with various items. Ducky wants Abby to figure out what caused the welts and Abby is going to start with a ball peen hammer, simply because she likes the way it sounds. Abby then repeats ball peen about 20 times. Gibbs wonders what else she's got. Abby details the various items she's going to test next and the notes that "someone" is in a very bad mood. "Spending the night in a room full of crying women tends to do that to me," Gibbs says very carefully. Abby has something that will cheer him up, telling him that the blood on Turner is Blake's. And the bloody rag has both Turner's and Blake's blood on it.

Turner's PC beeps again and the hacker is back with another IM. "NCIS, if you want the truth be at Unity Quad at ten hundred hours today." the creepy voice tells them. Gibbs takes Tony and Kate with him leaving with a recommendation that McGee get him an exact location this time. Abby asks McGee if he is sure he can do it. "Positive. I think," McGee hedges.

Tony is roaming around the Quad talking to McGee on his com unit. McGee is positive the hacker is in the Quad and tells Tony to look for someone with a laptop or wireless device. Since nearly every student in the quad has one of those, it is not exactly a helpful clue. Gibbs wants less chatter and more work. He wants this hacker found. Tony spots a guy with a laptop, acting very suspicious. Kate and Tony approach from behind and realize it is because the guy is looking at a porn site. It is now 10:45 and Kate thinks the hacker is just playing with them again. McGee assures him that the hacker is there and they should continue looking for something abnormal.

Right then a student comes running through the Quad, chased by someone else in a ski mask with a gun in his hand. Tony feels this qualifies as abnormal and Kate and Tony join in the chase. Gibbs joins in the chase. The man running from the man in the ski mask comes up against a chain link fence and turns around as the man in the ski mask catches up. Shouting "You're dead," the man in the ski mask fires point blank at the man pinned on the fence. We see the man on the fence slowly slide to the ground as Tony comes up with his weapon drawn, identifying himself as an NCIS federal agent and ordering the man in the ski mask to drop the weapon. The man in the ski mask slowly turns around to see both Tony and Kate pointing their guns at him and telling him to drop his weapon. Gibbs arrives on the scene, shouts "hold your fire" and pushes Tony's weapon down. The man in the ski mask belatedly puts his weapon on the ground.

The man who has been shot slowly stands up, grunting slightly. The man in the ski mask wants to know what's going on. "Shut up dumb ass," Gibbs tells him and gives him a shove. Tony goes up to the man who has been shot and pokes him in the spots on his shirt, asking each time if that hurts. The man says it does but Tony keeps on poking him. Gibbs removes the ski mask from the other man's head and pulls out his campus ID from his pocket. His name is Kyle Zolin and he is a midshipman.

Gibbs' phone rings and it is a very excited Abby who has figured out what caused the welts on Turner's body. "We know," Gibbs tells her. "A paintball gun." And he hangs up on her. "Really, really hate it when he does that," Abby tells her lab. The theme music from Peter Gunn starts playing and Abby assumes a firing stance, takes aim, and shoots her paintball gun, killing her zombie doll. "Oops."

Gunnery Sergeant Leeka is in the process of chewing out the two midshipmen who were caught playing paintball on campus. Captain LeMay walks in with Gibbs and informs Leeka that Gibbs will deal with things from here. Gibbs wants to know where Blake is, they don't know. Gibbs also wants to know who else is in the paintball club. They don't answer. Gibbs understands. If they answer, they other members will also get kicked out of school. However, Gibbs needs an answer. Turner is dead of a broken neck and Gibbs thinks Blake is the one that did it. They assure Gibbs that Turner and Blake were best friends. So why were they fighting on Friday night? Again, no response. Gibbs knows they were there. What happened? They tell Gibbs that it was just a couple of punches; an hour later they were drinking beer together and laughing about it. Gibbs shows them Turner's photo again and points out the broken neck. What was the fight about? Turner had never lost a paintball game so Blake decided to change the rules. "By killing him," Gibbs says. No, normally they play one-on-one, but on Friday everyone got Turner's picture in their e-mail and they ambushed Turner. It was supposed to be funny. Gibbs rolls his eyes at this, takes out his notepad and tells them he wants the names of everyone in their club. "You do that and we can talk about your futures," Gibbs tells them. "And if we don't?" one of them asks. Gibbs leans in right into his face and softly says "Son, you trust me. You will not do well in prison."

Photos of the midshipmen in the paintball team are up on the plasma in the squad room. The paintball team was called the Red Cell and every member claims the last time they saw Blake was on Friday night. Tony thinks they are protecting Blake. The paintball team also claims no one else knew of their existence. Tony quotes the rules of Fight Club: "The first rule of fight club: never talk about fight club." And continues talking about the cast of the movie until Gibbs gives him the stare. Tony tells Gibbs he'll rent the movie for him. Kate tells Gibbs either they're lying or someone is the hacker. Gibbs wants that hacker. Right then McGee comes into the squad room and is greeted with an angry demand "You find my hacker yet?" McGee answers "No, but . . ." and Gibbs keeps walking away from him. Kate and Tony feel sorry for McGee and Kate wonders if he needs a group hug. "I found Blake" McGee shouts at Gibbs' back. Gibbs is halfway up the stairs but turns around at this.

Down in Abby's lab, McGee is explaining what he did to find Blake. McGee remembered that the docking station for the handheld computer was in Blake's dorm room, but not that computer. Since they are worth about $2,000, Blake most likely took it with him. Since this computer automatically connects to the nearest network. McGee has found out what node on the campus wireless network Blake's handheld is connected to and the logs indicate that's where Blake has been since Saturday morning. "Not bad, McGee," Gibbs says as he leaves the lab. "Let's roll." McGee eagerly follows Gibbs and Abby tells him that she knew Gibbs liked him.

On campus McGee is tracking the handheld computer. Kate wants to know if McGee is sure about this, and McGee definitely is. McGee leads the team to a chain link fence surrounding a construction site, insisting that this is where Blake is located. Certain that he is right, McGee opens the fence and goes into the construction area following his monitor. McGee is certain that the device is there, but no one can see it. Finally McGee figures out that he is standing on it and starts to dig. Tony and Kate are certain they are being screwed with again by the hacker, but McGee has unearthed a pair of sneakers. There is a body buried there. Judging from the direction of the shoes, the body is buried face down. McGee goes to pull back the hood to see the face, but Gibbs stops him reminding him that this is now a crime scene. Gibbs' gloved hand reaches in and pulls back the hood, revealing Blake's face. The body is not lying face down.

Blake is on the table down in autopsy. Ducky informs Gibbs that he was killed early Saturday morning, just hours after Turner's death. Mr. Palmer has put up the x-rays of Turner's and Blake's necks. Ducky has noted that each man was killed in the same violent manner. The killer most likely used his bare hands. Mr. Palmer wonders how that was done. Ducky informs him that it is a very specific technique and offers to demonstrate, pulling Mr. Palmer into a clear area in the room. Ducky demonstrates and narrates at the same time: "One hand is placed on the jaw here, and the other hand . . ." as Ducky stretches up to place his other hand on the back of Mr. Palmer's head. "I'll do it, Duck," Gibbs interrupts. "Ah, thank you, Jethro," Ducky says as Mr. Palmer gets a somewhat frightened look on his face. "This ought to be good," Tony smirks. "No, on you," Gibbs tells Tony. "Do you think that's really necessary," Tony asks. "Yeah," Gibbs says. "It'll be fun."

Tony has the option of lying on the floor or Gibbs will drop him to the floor. Gibbs drops Tony to the floor as he is giving him these options. Now Gibbs is on top of Tony, pinning him down with a knee to the chest and applying his hands to Tony's jaw and the back of the head as Ducky had demonstrated. While he's doing this Gibbs is explaining this is how you silence enemy sentries. Ducky and Mr. Palmer are standing to one side and chuckling as Gibbs explains he will apply 66 pounds of torque and SNAP!!! Gibbs grimaces and snaps Tony's head to the side. We get an instant replay a couple of times as Tony's head snaps to the side, and then a close up of the shocked look on Tony's face. Gibbs finishes up with "and your eyes are on the back of your head. Any questions, DiNozzo?" Tony doesn't have any questions. Gibbs lets Tony up who informs Gibbs he should have been a chiropractor.

"We're looking for someone who knows how to kill," Gibbs concludes, as Tony tries to adjust his neck back to a comfortable position. Ducky also points out that both Blake and Turner had to be face-to-face with their assailant to receive that particular killing blow. Which means they were either ambushed or they knew the killer. Tony wonders if it could be another midshipman since they are taught combat courses in NROTC. "Maybe. You find my hacker yet?" Gibbs asks. "McGee is upstairs working on it," Tony responds. "I didn't ask McGee," Gibbs snaps. "I asked my senior field agent. I want that damn hacker," and Gibbs leaves autopsy. "Did you hear that Palmer," Tony asks. "He sounded pretty upset," Mr. Palmer agrees. "No. He called me his senior field agent. Finally." Tony gloats as he leaves autopsy.

McGee is having a confidence crisis in Abby's lab. He doesn't think he can track the hacker. Abby reminds him that he went to MIT. Tony and Kate walk in then and Tony tells McGee not to let Gibbs hear him talking like that as he hands a fresh Caf-Pow to Abby. Abby tells Tony and Kate that they are just in time for McGee's crisis of faith. "He's starting to realize that there may be someone on the planet that's smarter than him," Abby continues. "Oh, I'm looking at one right now," Kate says. Tony naturally assumes Kate is talking about him. After all, he IS the senior field agent. Kate was talking about Abby. Abby curtsies and thanks Kate.

McGee starts rambling about how he thinks he can embed a virus to track him if the hacker contacts them again. Tony stops McGee and tells him he's going at this the wrong way. Tony asks McGee what the first rule of Fight Club is. McGee doesn't think Tony has the computer skills to track the hacker. "YOU DO NOT TALK," shouts Tony. And then whispering "about Fight Club." What is the second rule of Fight Club? Abby knows. She's bouncing in the back row, raising her hand. Tony calls on her. "DO NOT TALK ABOUT FIGHT CLUB," Abby says in a harsh voice. "Ahem," Tony clears his throat. "SIR!" Abby finishes. "Exactly!" Tony concludes. Since Creepy Voice led them to Fight Club, he's either a member or he knows a member. And all the members are midshipmen. Tony even goes so far as to say that if the hacker is giving McGee a run for his money, he must be pretty smart. Tony asks McGee what his GPA was. "3.9," McGee admits and then qualifies by saying he failed a fencing class in sophomore year. Tony continues "So I'm sure you all ready checked the NROTC records to make sure that there's no computer genius in the unit." Abby and McGee share a guilty look.

Gibbs walks into the squad room and overhears Kate admitting that Tony actually had a smart idea. Kate tells Gibbs that Tony might have figured out how to find the hacker. "That's his job," Gibbs says. "Do you think I keep him around for his personality?" Kate smiles and walks away.

McGee has found the computer science major in the NROTC unit who has a 4.0. "Look familiar?" he asks Tony. "Want to bring him in with me?" Tony responds. "Considering he embarrassed me, almost got me fired, ruined my weekend? What do you think?" McGee asks as he gears up.

Turner's computer down in Abby's lab beeps and Creepy Voice says "Hello, NCIS." Abby points her finger at the screen and says "You might be smart, but my geek carries a gun!" "Hello, you twisted piece of" Abby types as the scene shifts to a student area on campus. We see the back of someone typing on their laptop. "Red Cell is just the beginning. You have to ask me why?" "Knock Knock" is the reply from JTurner. "Who's there?" responds Creepy Voice. We see McGee's thumbs texting on his cell. "I'm right behind you dirtbag. Turn around." The camera comes around and we see Simon Frankel sitting at his laptop with Tony and McGee standing right behind him. Frankel turns slowly, sees them, and starts to run. Tony and McGee push him back into his chair. Tony calls him Urkel again and McGee cuffs him rather roughly. Frankel complains shouting ow, but Tony and McGee don't hear a thing. McGee takes Frankel away as Tony follows carrying the laptop, flashing his badge at the rest of the students, telling them not to worry. "Federal agents."

Tony strides into interrogation to find Frankel standing in a corner. Frankel wants to know what they call interrogation "The box? Coffin? Sweatshop?" "We just call it interrogation," Tony tells him. Now Frankel wants to know if Tony is the good cop or the bad copy. Tony tells him this whole thing is a waste of time since it is clear that Frankel did not do this. Tony slaps down several file folders onto the table and walks over to the one-way mirror to primp. Gibbs is standing in the observation room. Frankel thinks Tony is trying reverse psychology now. "But my boss, he needs to close the case," Tony continues. "Brass wants answers," Frankel says as Tony picks his teeth. "And there is this other agent, Kate, severe looking thing," Tony says as we see that Kate is also in observation, not looking to pleased at Tony's description of her. "No sense of humor. She built a profile on you," Tony says. "What kind of interrogation technique is that," McGee wonders. "The DiNozzo method," Gibbs tells him. "Not pretty. But it's effective."

Tony sits down at the table and snaps the rubber band off of the file folders. He calls Frankel the geeks' geek, the last one to be picked for the team. Frankel denies this. Tony explains that he thinks Urkel is great. Sure he broke a few federal laws by interfering with an ongoing investigation. Frankel assures Tony he was just trying to help. "Right," Tony agrees. Frankel explains that he had to "help" the way he did. He couldn't risk being labelled a rat in the unit. Tony wonders if it is simply payback because they wouldn't let Frankel play paintball with them. "That's crazy," Frankel scoffs. "You know what's crazy?" Tony asks. "Me almost putting a bullet in a kid's head because he's playing paintball."

Frankel insists that he didn't want anyone to get hurt. Turner was a friend and Frankel was trying to help. Tony asks how cryptic e-mails were supposed to help. Frankel tells Tony he thinks he knows who did it, Petty Officer Blake. Why, Tony wonders. Frankel explains that one of the girls in the unit, Ashlee Simmons, used to date Blake and then they broke up. Tony asks if Turner started dating Simmons. Frankel doesn't know for sure, but he knows that Turner liked Simmons. Tony doesn't think that like is that strong of a motive for murder. Frankel saw all three of them in the quad last week and Simmons was crying. Blake pushed Turner but there wasn't a fight. Turner left with Simmons. Tony finds this an interesting theory but there is one problem. What, Frankel asks. Blake is also dead, murdered a few hours after Turner. It is clear that Frankel did not know this. "But by who?" he asks Tony. "Someone who wanted to frame him for the murder of his best friend," Tony tells him as he picks up the file folders and leaves interrogation.

Gibbs wants to see Ashlee Simmons now.

Ashlee Simmons is on her hands and knees scrubbing a floor as Gunnery Sergeant Leeka wonders why her hair is still purple. Simmons replies that it takes a few days to wash out. Leeka hopes that Simmons has finally realized that he owns her until the day she graduates. "Yes, Gunny, it won't happen again" Simmons assures him. Leeka squats down and leans into Simmons face to say "You want to give people orders some day? You need to learn to follow them." Gibbs walks in at this point and agrees that that is pretty good advice. Gunny stands up and asks Gibbs if they've had any luck finding Blake. That's why they're here Gibbs tells him. Leeka suggests they talk in his office, pointing out a spot on the floor that Simmons has missed. At this, Kate and Tony walk in and say that they've come for Simmons. "We found Blake," Gibbs says. "He's dead." "We think she knows why," Tony continues as he and Kate take Simmons by the arms and lift her up from her knees. Simmons protests that she doesn't know anything about it. Gibbs tells Kate and Tony to take her out to the sedan and he'll be right there.

Gibbs wants to know everything there is to know about Simmons from the Gunny. Leeka walks over and shuts the door to the room and admits that Simmons is a bit of a screw up but not a bad kid. Leeka wonders if Gibbs thinks Simmons is involved in this.

On the way to the sedan, Simmons is still confused. Blake didn't kill Turner? She is informed that they were both murdered and it wasn't pretty. Their heads were twisted almost completely off. Simmons stops and sobs "Oh my God. He did it."

Leeka gets himself a cup of coffee and remarks that he is getting to old for this, ROTC was supposed to be an easy tour. He offers a cup of coffee to Gibbs, who turns him down. Leeka tastes the coffee and puts the cup down realizing that Gibbs was right to pass on it. Leeka asks Gibbs how Blake was murdered.

Simmons is sobbing and explaining that she went to Turner and Blake for help last week. "He wouldn't leave me alone."

Leeka is surprised to hear that Blake was murdered the same way Turner was. Gibbs admits they think the killer has military training.

"He was forcing me to sleep with him," Simmons continues sobbing. "Blake and Turner were going to go talk to him. Make him stop. And he killed them." Who, Kate asks her.

Leeka assures Gibbs that he will have his entire unit ready tomorrow and Gibbs can question them all at the same time. Gibbs is appreciative of this. "Just one thing," Gibbs says. What, Leeka asks. "I said Blake had been found dead. You said murdered." Leeka walks to the door and locks it as Gibbs' cell phone rings. Leeka wonders if Gibbs is going to answer his phone. "No," Gibbs smiles and shakes his head. "No, I'm pretty sure I know what it is they want to tell me." Instead of reaching for his phone, Gibbs pulls his weapon. Leeka kicks the gun from his hand and a serious fight breaks out. Gibbs slams Leeka into a glass cabinet. Leeka turns around with a bloody face, saying not bad. "I'd give up now, it's only going to get worse," Gibbs assures him as Leeka rushes him. The two go down, knocking a lamp off the table. Gibbs is on the bottom with Leeka on top, trying to get a death grip on him.

Kate and Tony are running through the halls, pushing open doors, racing to get to Gibbs.

Gibbs head butts Leeka and manages to get away and on his feet. The two men are racing for the gun lying on the floor out of both their reaches. Punches are thrown.

Kate and Tony arrive outside the locked door, weapons drawn. They can hear the fight going on inside. "I think he knows," Tony says. "You think?" Kate responds. Tony attempts to kick the door open.

Inside Leeka has Gibbs backed up to a book case and is smashing on him. Both men are trying to get the head twisting grip on the other. Now they are down on the floor again, Gibbs on the bottom, with Leeka pinning him down.

Tony is still trying to break down the door.

Leeka has Gibbs' jaw in his hand as Gibbs tries to push him away. "You should have stayed out of this old man," Leeka tells him.

Tony finally tells Kate to stand back and shoots the lock out. Kate and Tony burst into the room to find an extremely battered Gibbs on his feet with Leeka lying very still on the floor at Gibbs' feet. "Cuff him," Gibbs gasps. "Sure thing, boss," Tony says and comes over to cuff Leeka. Gibbs stumbles a bit and stoops down and retrieves his gun. "Somehow I don't remember college being quite like this," Kate says. "Reminds me of this time at Ohio State," Tony says. "We had this frat guy who," Tony continues. "The next person who mentions a spring break or a frat party or college is fired," Gibbs manages to speak as he's trying to catch his breath. "Are we clear?" Gibbs asks. "Yes," both Kate and Tony answer. "Good," Gibbs says and leaves the room.

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