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seril NCIS: Námoøní vyšetøovací služba - 6.dl Širé moøe
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Datum premiry:
2003.11.04 - Úterý
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2007.03.28 - Støeda
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Navy NCIS 006
Pidno dne:
22.04.2010, 19:05:44
Zmna dne3:
22.04.2010, 19:05:44
Dlka dlu:
45 min.

Stan Berly, bývalý vyšetřovatel NCIS požádá o pomoc svého bývalého nadřízeného Gibsse. Námořníci z obsluhy záchytného zařízení letadel na letadlové lodi byli na vycházce. Jednomu z nich, desátníku Wilksovi, přeskočilo a našli ho nahého v ledničce - pravděpodobně byl pod vlivem drog, protože podobnými záchvaty trpí i narkomani. Gibbs přijíždí se svým týmem na letadlovou loï. Zjišťuje, že poslední rozbor Wilksovy moči před třemi týdny byl negativní a nelze ho obejít, protože systém kontrol je podrobný. Gibbs navštíví na ošetřovně Wilkse a vyslýchá ho. Wilks tvrdí Gibbsovi, že nikdy žádné drogy nebral, ten je však přesvědčený o opaku. Na přistávací ploše mezitím dostane záchvat další námořník z té samé jednotky. Stejně jako Wilks vypovídá, že s drogami neměl nikdy nic společné. Wilks je v zápětí zavražděn. Gibbs zjistí, že v jednotce záchytného zařízení panovaly velmi napjaté vztahy. Velitel Reyes se snažil plnit úkoly na více než 100% a to samé požadoval od svých podřízených, kteří často nebyli schopni jeho nároky splnit. Nakonec se prokáže, že Reyes dodával svým podřízeným drogy, aby splnili všechny jeho náročné pracovní požadavky. Jak však obešel vyšetření moči? Musel mít komplice a Gibbs už ví, kdo jím je...


Gibbs is in his basement, working on his boat, with a ball game on the television. His phone rings; he lets the machine get it. The voice on the line announces itself as Stan Burley, admonishing Gibbs to put down whatever he's doing with "that stupid boat" and pick up. Burley goes on to say he needs Gibbs' help with a case on the Enterprise - and he addresses Gibbs as "Boss." Gibbs answers - "Okay. You got my interest." Burley, who we see on an aircraft carrier (presumably the USS Enterprise), explains about the young man in the freezer: an arresting-gear operator who "went wacko" on liberty in Rota, Spain. When he was found in the freezer, his body temperature was 106. Gibbs knows that the young man must be a chronic drug user from the symptoms; Burley suspects amphetamines, but the young man's last random drug test - less than three weeks ago - was negative.

At HQ, Tony and Kate have arrived with their luggage, ready to head for the carrier. The group discusses Burley; Abby and Ducky remember him fondly. Ducky asks Kate to take Burley a cricket ball; apparently it's one of the few sports Burley does not play. Tony is clearly upset by all the love being shown to Burley. Gibbs gets off the phone and says their flight is waiting; they exit. Arriving at the plane, Tony explains to Kate that she will get lost. There is a detailed explanation of the labeling system of the bulkheads, by which the ship is navigated. Watch the episode. Tony and Gibbs are clearly yanking her chain about getting lost, though navigating a ship that size is bound to be somewhat confusing at first.

On arrival, the team is met by Stan, who confirms that Wilkes's tox report came back with traces of meth. Tony is made to feel insecure by Burley, probably by accident, but Tony has a rather delicate ego despite his bravado. Kate is sent to interview Petty Officers Niles and Schrewe, Wilkes's buddies; Tony is sent to interview CPO Reyes, their CO. Gibbs asks for deck tapes of Reyes in action; Burley can provide. Kate does, in fact, get lost; she finds her way into a men's head and has an embarrassingly funny conversation with a man at a urinal, who gives her directions. Gibbs goes to sickbay to interview Wilkes, who vehemently insists he does not use drugs, nor anyone on his crew.

Kate finds the deck 5 berthing, is told that Niles has gone up to work out in the hangar bay. We note that she is writing on her hand instead of using her Palm Pilot or a notebook and the idle mind wonders why. She finds Niles, who admits he messed around with drugs in high school but says he doesn't touch the stuff now. He also does not believe Wilkes would do so; Wilkes is 4th-generation Navy. Cut to Gibbs on the ship's bridge; the ship's commander advises Gibbs that the Enterprise is being temporarily rerouted on a search-and-rescue mission. The skipper is very adamant about needing any existing drug problem found and stopped.

We find the flight deck crew in action. It's all very exciting. Reyes is not forthcoming with Tony. He saw nothing unusual, heard nothing unusual. Tony clearly does not buy it. Another plane is coming in for a landing, but before it can, another crew member - Petty Officer Schrewe - goes nuts on the deck, screaming about the flyer calling the meatball. The incoming plane is waved off at the last moment, and Schrewe is taken to sickbay. The doctor says it looks like the same situation - chronic, long-term meth use... but Schrewe's last random drug test was also negative, just like Wilkes. Gibbs requires the doctor to make sure Schrewe is conscious to be interviewed at 1500. Gibbs sends Tony to toss Schrewe's rack and Kate to interview the urinalysis coordinator.

Watching the flight deck tapes, Gibbs and Burley find an anomaly - one crew member virtually dancing around on the deck. The tape was made before the liberty stop at Rota; Burley says the drug supplier could have restocked at Nice or a previous port. Kate interviews the urinalysis coordinator. Urine samples are not tested on board; they are shipped stateside. He explains the testing procedures and some ways that the men may try to beat the test. The coordinator feels it unlikely that two men in six weeks should be able to beat the test, but claims that anything's possible.

Gibbs goes to sickbay to interview PO Schrewe, who also claims he has never done drugs, drunk alcohol or even used tobacco in his life. While Gibbs is interviewing Schrewe, a Code Blue is called on Wilkes, who dies. Gibbs watches this occur. Gibbs, Kate and Tony stand on a balcony watching as a large group of men inspects the flight deck. Gibbs believes Wilkes was killed because he would give up his supplier; Kate points out that the whole situation makes no sense. Tony asks after Burley; Gibbs says he is looking at flight deck footage still, and goes to see how he's doing. Kate tries to make Tony's fragile ego feel better, but the sentiment gets lost in translation. Tony and Kate both have great smiles.

In autopsy, Ducky is working on PO Wilkes's body. Gibbs goes into the conference room where Burley is watching tapes and gives Burley a bagel; in return, Burley shows him footage of Reyes handing his men something. Gibbs wants the footage sent to Abby for enhancement, and wants Kate and Tony to get the air boss's take on Reyes. The air boss takes Kate and Tony to watch Reyes putting his crew through what is either hazing or punishment, and mentions that the crew's performance is 50% above average. Kate, Tony and the Air Boss watch from above; Gibbs watches from a secluded alcove to the side as Reyes drives two men through some kind of jumping push up exercise thing. It looks like a scene from "Full Metal Jacket."

Via video conference, Ducky explains how PO Wilkes died - someone put air in his IV drop and the air bubble went into his heart. Instant, unstoppable death, and without question not an accident - the gas bubble in Wilkes's heart was 6% CO2, meaning it was breath. Gibbs questions the medical corpsman in sickbay but there is no evidence he was involved. Burley found a second set of prints on the saline bag; Wilkes's. He killed himself after taking a call from his "very proud retired CPO father."

Abby, via video conference, reports that all the urine she has retested was clean, but there's a twist: Wilkes and Schrewe's urine are exactly the same - they came from the same person. Kate and Tony now know that someone has been swapping out the urine samples. They go to check the record books and find out who it might be. Abby also reports to Gibbs with the new video; she was able to bring the resolution very high and we see that Reyes is providing his men with small white tablets. Gibbs and Burley go to find out what those tablets might be; Reyes claims they are caffeine tablets such as might be purchased over the counter at any convenience store.

Tony runs the tablets through a drug ID kit and gives a mini-lecture about how it works; they turn up clean. Gibbs is sure Reyes is the supplier. We learn that Tony's work history is a bit uncertain; he has a history of changing jobs every eighteen months to two years. It is pointed out that Tony has now been with NCIS a little over two years. We also learn that, prior to coming to NCIS, Burley was a Senator's aide. Gibbs orders the three to toss Reyes's bunk tomorrow morning while Reyes is occupied with flight ops.

While they are searching, the search-and-rescue mission finds the survivors they are looking for. The trio finds nothing obvious, so they turn off the lights and start using the black light to search. Kate finds some sort of residue on the shelf in Reyes's locker. They examine it in the drug testing kit; it is clean. Gibbs points out that there's no reason for caffeine capsule residue to be on the shelf unless the capsules were emptied for some reason. They decide to go to the one person who might still be holding actual meth capsules: PO Niles. Gibbs interviews Niles, who stridently insists that the only pick-me-up he uses is a cup of coffee in the morning and "a couple of these when I'm on deck" - and he provides Gibbs with a bottle of capsules that looks just like the ones Reyes had. These capsules test positive: they are meth.

Gibbs expresses the need to catch Reyes with the evidence in hand. He has a plan. Of course. We cut to the Air Boss's workstation; he is expressing concern about the crew to Reyes, pushing Reyes to dip into his meth stash. We watch Reyes, who apparently thinks he is quite clever and sneaky, go into the urinalysis coordinator's office. We watch a bit of a rescue operation. Reyes comes out a few minutes later, and Burley goes in, followed by Kate and Tony. They confront the urinalysis coordinator, who (as it turns out) was assigned to two previous ships with Reyes on which Reyes's crew had the distinction of best performance rating on the ship. Burley demands Reyes' stash.

Rescue helicopter lands on the carrier; a survivor is helped away. Reyes enters a room; he is met by Niles, looking worried and sweaty, and claiming that he needs something to help get him going. Reyes takes Niles aside and gives him a capsule; Niles asks for a second, and receives it. Niles studies the capsules in his hand for a moment and then, looking betrayed and sad, he hands the capsules over to Gibbs, who has done his ninja sneak-up-on-you trick and is standing behind Reyes.

Reyes knows he's done for, but tries to justify himself by saying he did what he had to do to get his men up to snuff. Gibbs is deeply unimpressed and arrests Reyes.

We finish up with a very touchy-feely scene on deck as the HQ team is leaving. Burley thanks Gibbs for his help and shakes his hand. Gibbs leaves; Kate shakes Burley's hand and follows Gibbs. Tony comments that Gibbs has never shaken his hand; Burley tells Tony that it was two years before Gibbs looked him in the eye, three before he called him by name and four before he got the name right... then says that Gibbs must really like Tony. Tony's fragile ego feels much better; he shakes Burley's hand and follows Gibbs and Kate.

Gibbs warns Kate about the takeoff, which is going to be as rough as the landing was, only backwards. They take off. Gibbs hollers to find out how Kate is doing; she does not respond. He asks Tony, who responds, "She's smiling." (Which is good, because Kate has a great smile.)

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== osoby ==
== profese ==

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´´Bellisario Donald P.´´
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