Nzev dlu Yankee White /Air Force One
seril:NCIS: Námoøní vyšetøovací služba
seril NCIS: Námoøní vyšetøovací služba - 1.dl Air Force One
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Datum premiry:
2003.10.23 - Ètvrtek
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Titulky Verze ripu Velikost Jazyk Autor
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Kd epizody:
Navy NCIS 001
Pidno dne:
18.12.2009, 22:52:59
Zmna dne3:
20.04.2010, 22:26:28
Dlka dlu:
45 min.

Na palubě Air Force 1 dojde k záhadnému úmrtí důstojníka, který měl na starosti atomový kufřík. Mezi různými složkami státních ozbrojených institucí (CIA, FBI, NCIS) začne růst řevnivost, kdo bude případ vyšetřovat. Agentovi NCIS Gibbsovi se podaří díky chytrosti získat pro svůj úřad tělo, aby společně s agentkou tajné služby Caitlin Toddovou zjistili, že na prezidenta se chystá teroristický útok. A právě tomuto útoku se jim podaří na poslední chvíli zabránit. Odhalí totiž falešného novináře. Agentka Toddová poté, co nesouhlasí s chováním svých nadřízených, odchází do NCIS.


The scene opens on a sexy silver-haired gentleman using hand tools to work on a boat located in a basement. He is interrupted by a telephone and when he answers, we learn his name is Gibbs. A younger man speaks to him from an office somewhere, advising him about the death of the "football" carrier. Air Force One made an emergency landing in Wichita, Kansas, and the younger man has booked them on the first available flight, which includes a layover. When asked if that was the best he could do, he protests, "It's Saturday, Gibbs." Gibbs instructs the younger man to have Ducky get in touch with his coroner friend and ask him to hold the body until they can arrive.

The two men are now seen moving through a Washington, D.C. airport. The younger man complains about everyone else ("FBI, CIA, ATF, even NYPD") having private jets, but "we" do not. They arrive at the security checkpoint and advise the TSA guard that they are LEOs. The (clearly clueless) guard replies that he is a Capricorn, in a "so what?" tone. They clarify that they are Law Enforcement Officers, providing permits and identification from an agency called NCIS, of which the guard has no knowledge. The guard says they can go around the metal detectors but their bags must be scanned. This exercise in governmental logic is interrupted by the arrival of an older man who calls out to the guard that those are his bags. It turns out that this gentleman - the doctor - has a bag permit and they can now skip the scanning process.

Back on Air Force One, a coroner is arguing with an FBI agent, refusing to allow anyone to move the body until the medical examiner arrives and releases it. Agent Todd jumps into the fray; it seems the FBI is trying to steal the investigation from the Secret Service and she is determined to prevent that. The older doctor, who is now identified as Ducky, arrives, trailing Gibbs and the still-unidentified younger man. There is discussion of steaks having been air-expressed. The FBI man is introduced as Agent Fornell. Ducky orders that everyone who boarded in Wichita must leave the plane. Agent Fornell refuses; Agent Todd flew in on the plane. They are allowed to stay. The details of Commander Trapp's death are discussed. Agent Todd mentions that the President is fine and his physician diagnosed Trapp's death as a stroke. Ducky admits it looks like a natural death and that the agents can have the body if they sign releases. As they leave to do so, the coroner asks Ducky about his soft-shell crabs. Ducky says "You'll have them by the weekend."

As soon as the coroner and agents are gone, Gibbs orders the young man - Tony DiNozzo - to get the pilot to fly them out of there, quickly - they are stealing the body and the airplane. Tony goes. Gibbs and Ducky discuss the Commander's death. Agent Todd returns, suspicious: "There's not a soft-shelled crab within a thousand miles." Gibbs identifies himself as NCIS. Todd refuses to give up her part in the investigation and Gibbs offers her a spot on his team. When the pilot refuses to take off without Todd's authorization, she tries to hold out for a chance to head up the team, but concedes when Gibbs threatens to hijack the airplane and leave her behind in Wichita. Tony literally shuts the aircraft door in Fornell's face, and the plane leaves.

Gibbs gets on the comm with his boss and is ordered to make sure that the FBI does not get the body, because if they do, "we won't see an autopsy report until after they leak it to the Washington Post." Below, Ducky is taking the temperature of the corpse's liver to determine time of death. Todd tells him that the President's physician called it as 2032 Zulu. Discussion ensues when Tony asks Agent Todd to stand clear so that he can measure the crime scene for sketches. He must explain why he takes the sketches (measurements are impossible to determine from photos, involving an amusing discussion of the measurements of a swimsuit model on a magazine cover.) Ducky states he would put the time of death as 1915 Zulu, an hour or so earlier than the President's doctor. Todd says he must be mistaken. Gibbs, returning, tells Ducky to note his own time. Then he tells Tony that sketches are not needed; Agent Todd will give him a floor plan.

She follows him as he tours the aircraft, refusing to provide the floor plans because they might be leaked. Gibbs states that NCIS does not leak. He discusses how he's seen all this in a Harrison Ford movie. They discuss the commander, and Major Kerry's flu. More discussion of who left the plane (everyone but the stewards who prepared and served the President's lunch.) Todd learns Gibbs' first two rules. The question of the time discrepancy is resolved - the President's physical was busy checking on the President and did not call TOD until his return to Commander Trapp's body an hour later. We learn that Ducky likes to tell stories and Kate has a great smile. Upon entering the President's office, where Tony is waiting (in the President's chair), Gibbs begins to collect evidence in the form of lunch leftovers. Todd becomes ill and is chased to the bathroom by Gibbs, who makes her vomit into an evidence bag. Gibbs then sends Tony to get Ducky.

We eavesdrop on a phone conversation between Agents Baer and Fornell, who make plans to steal the body (and the investigation) back from NCIS, who Fornell dismisses as "retread cops and ex-MPs." Baer points out that he cannot control NCIS. We go back to the airplane, where Ducky has examined Todd (who is lying on a couch) and confirmed that she appears to be suffering from a stomach virus. She confirms that she is - the same symptoms Major Kerry had. We learn that Todd and Major Kerry were having a clandestine relationship. Gibbs looks disapproving but says nothing, even when challenged by Todd. They maintain intense eye contact until interrupted by a call for Todd from Baer. She goes to take it.

We move to the President's office, where Tony is finishing up his interview of the Chief Steward. Gibbs enters and goes to the bathroom. Ducky follows. He and Tony take photographs of one another in the President's chair. There is discussion of the food, which is probably not where the poison came from since the President is fine. Gibbs comes out of the bathroom and they go to move the body aft. We see Todd on the phone with Baer, being ordered to turn the body over to the FBI on landing at Andrews Air Force Base. She doesn't like it (it's bad for her credibility with NCIS) but it's a direct order. She conveys this to Gibbs, and finds that the body is already moved. He tries to see if she will stall her people long enough for him to sneak away with the body; she refuses, saying she will not defy a direct order. They land at Andrews.

We see Fornell in a van with a driver, discussing why they let NCIS keep the evidence from the plane. A ringing cell phone interrupts their conversation - it is Tony, in the body bag in the back of the van! Gibbs is calling to let him know he can get out and Agent Axelrod is following them to pick him up when the FBI toss him out of their van. The scene switches to a teleconference room with big screens (we will later learn this is MTAC). Gibbs' boss (we will later learn he is Director Morrow) is conversing with the directors of the Secret Service and the FBI. He tries not to gloat about having won this round. He fails. The three directors agree to share the investigation with NCIS at the head. In the autopsy room, Ducky's assistant advises Gibbs that he found Abby and she is on her way in. Ducky advises Gibbs to go home and get some sleep. Gibbs opts for a nap on an empty autopsy table instead.

Tony enters the forensics lab with a box full of organic health food brought from the Commander's home, and we meet Abby, a perky Goth woman who is the team forensics specialist. She is examining the Commander's uniform, but Tony interrupts her and has her begin to examine the food instead. She sends him to take a nap on the futon she keeps under her desk.

The scene moves on to the next day, in the middle of the squad-room. Ducky is explaining cause of death - a cerebral embolism in the parietal lobe - to his audience, made up of Gibbs, Tony, Abby, and Agents Fornell and Todd. Abby elaborates that she found no foreign substances in the Commander's blood. They seem to agree that Trapp died of natural causes. Fornell and Todd turn to leave; Gibbs calls Kate back and asks to tag along on the ride out to California to rejoin the President on his flight back to Washington. She allows it but he is required by Secret Service regulations to come unarmed. He agrees and leaves with her, telling Abby and Ducky to keep looking. The team is left in surprise that Gibbs said "please."

Next we find Kate having dinner with Major Kerry (mentioned earlier) in a Georgetown restaurant. They toast Commander Trapp's memory. Kerry tells her that he and Trapp had lunch a few weeks ago and he gave Trapp suggestions like good dry cleaners, watering holes, and the like, but he did not tell Trapp about the restaurant they are in, because he might have run into Kerry and Todd there. She breaks things off with him, explaining that she is afraid that her focus would be off while working and that her lack of focus might cause the death of a President. He understands. They leave in a friendly manner; he sees her to her car, then goes to his own, where he convulses and dies in his front seat just like Trapp did.

The scene returns to Air Force One. Todd and Baer discuss Gibbs's joining them on the plane; Baer states that he is still just as perturbed as Gibbs; this is not over. Cut to Abby's lab: Ducky suggests that since she is having such trouble finding man-made poisons, perhaps she should look for natural ones (that is, venoms). Cut back to Air Force One: Todd and Gibbs discuss Kerry and Todd confesses to Gibbs that she broke up with Kerry. She blithers a bit. He says little.

Cut to: Abby's lab. She is trying to find the natural venom; having no luck so far. Back to Air Force One: members of the press are getting ten minutes with the President in turn. Gibbs points out that in the Harrison Ford movie he referenced earlier, the terrorists used a reporter to do their dirty work. Todd gently discounts his theory. In her lab, Abby keeps trying. On the street in front of the Georgetown restaurant, DiNozzo arrives at the scene of Kerry's death and is given the investigation by Metro P.D. In her lab, Abby discovers the poison: the venom of a coastal taipan (the most deadly snake in Australia). She is ecstatic.

On the airplane, Gibbs begins noting the differences between their current aircraft (the backup Air Force One) and the other plane (the one Trapp died on). Todd allows that the other aircraft is newer and has minor updates, including keyed locks on the current plane versus digital locks on the other. They are interrupted by a call for Gibbs from comm; he leaves, demanding that Todd make him a list of all differences between the aircraft. He goes to comm and receives the call from Tony, Ducky and Abby, who tell him that Major Kerry is dead and what he and Trapp both died of. They learn that the poison was probably put there by the dry cleaner; Morrow advises Gibbs that the FBI is taking the dry cleaner, which is probably an Al Qaeda sleeper cell.

Coming back downstairs, Gibbs drags Todd into a restroom for a private chat. Holding her own gun on her, he tells her about the venom. She is incredulous - "You think I did it?" - and he points out that she was alone with both Trapp and Kerry right before they died. He makes a sarcastic crack about her "kissing and saying bye-bye" with Kerry, and Todd attacks him, crying and slapping him. He holds her until she calms and sort-of apologizes, explaining that he gave her the information that way to see her reaction. They discuss what the purpose could be for killing the aide; Gibbs deduces that the killer wanted them to transfer to the backup plane. While they are conversing, a man in the press cabin begins to convulse just the same as Trapp and Kerry. The medical team is summoned. One reporter (earlier identified as Leonard in a throwaway scene) is left unattended in a hallway.

While everyone is focused on the dying reporter, Leonard goes to a cabinet, unlocks it with a key, and pulls out an automatic rifle. He grabs a clip and loads it, cocking it and hiding it under his coat. Then he moves to return from whence he came (presumably the President's office). Back in the bathroom, Gibbs deduces that the different (keyed) locks on this plane are the reason for the diversions; that the terrorist they suspect to be on board must have a key to the armory. Todd replaces her earwig and learns that there is a medical emergency in the press cabin. Gibbs knows this is a diversion; he sends Todd to cover the President and goes himself to the armory, (running past the hidden Leonard) which he finds open. He arms himself with what looks like a Sig Sauer handgun. Todd advises the new "football" carrier that no one is to get past him, then moves farther into the plane, presumably into the office where the President is.

Leonard approaches the "football" carrier, who orders him to stop several times. He pretends ignorance - "What? What's happening?" until Gibbs, from behind, yells "Freeze!" Leonard does, turning slowly and saying, "Sure. Someone yelled for a doctor." He then opens fire with his automatic, missing Gibbs, who shoots him several times in the chest. Leonard falls, dead. Wordlessly, Gibbs hands his borrowed weapon over to a shocked Agent Todd and walks away.

After the plane has presumably landed at Andrews AFB, Gibbs and Baer take their leave of one another with friendly words and a handshake. Baer informs Gibbs that Todd has confessed her affair with Major Kerry and handed in her resignation, which Baer was forced to accept because of fraternization rules.

Kate is walking through a parking lot when Gibbs catches up to her. They discuss her leaving the Secret Service. She says it was the right thing to do. "Yep," Gibbs agrees. "Pull that crap at NCIS, and I won't give you a chance to resign." She stops in her tracks, calling out to ask him if that was a job offer. Just then, a silver BMW pulls up, driven by an attractive red-haired woman. Without answering Kate, Gibbs climbs into the BMW, kisses the woman on the cheek, and they drive away. Kate watches them go, looking stunned.

We return to Gibbs' basement. His television kicks on to news coverage of Fornell, discussing the attack and how it was foiled by Federal agents. Gibbs, seemingly unconcerned with the news, has gone back to working on his boat.

Dl serilu je v jazycch..


Televizn tb

== osoby ==
== profese ==
Televizní scénář
Výkonný producent

Vedlej postavy dlu

== osoby ==
== postava ==

Dabing dlu

== osoby ==
== postava ==

Datum uveden

16:00 - Nova

01:55 - Nova
0. dl
Bellisario Donald P.
1. dl
´´Bellisario Donald P.´´
2. dl
Alan J. Levi
3. dl
Bradford May
4. dl
Alan J. Levi
5. dl
Terrence O´Hara
6. dl
Dennis Smith
7. dl
Michael Zinberg
8. dl
Ian Toynton
9. dl
Dennis Smith
10. dl
James Whitmore Jr.
11. dl
Alan J. Levi
12. dl
Jeff Woolnough
13. dl
Peter Ellis
14. dl
Alan J. Levi
15. dl
Thomas J. Wright
16. dl
Peter Ellis
17. dl
Dennis Smith
18. dl
Peter Ellis
19. dl
Dennis Smith
20. dl
Jeff Woolnough
21. dl
Terrence O´Hara
22. dl
Alan J. Levi
23. dl
Thomas J. Wright

Peteno: 603 krt
vygenerovano za: 0.09798288 sek.

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