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seril:NCIS: Námoøní vyšetøovací služba
seril NCIS: Námoøní vyšetøovací služba - 23.dl Pomsta
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Datum premiry:
2004.05.25 - Úterý
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2007.07.25 - Støeda
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Navy NCIS 023
Pidno dne:
02.05.2010, 23:51:08
Zmna dne3:
02.05.2010, 23:51:08
Dlka dlu:
45 min.

Kate ve městě zahlédne Gibbsem hledaného teroristu, který v minulosti vnikl na pitevnu NCIS, bohužel ve snaze tohoto muže dopadnout naskočí do auta, kde jedou jeho komplicové. Ti ji zajmou a Kate musí přihlížet, jak se teroristi připravují zaútočit na presidentský vrtulník. Mezi tím se podaří MacGeemu konečně pro Gibbse zjistit teroristovu totožnost. Ke svému zděšení zjistí, že muž je agent Mosadu vyslaný infiltrovat buòku palestinské skupiny Hammas. V té chvíli i Kate zjistí, že muž není teroristou a že jen rafinovaně likviduje arabské teroristy. Gibbs si však vymíní na svých nadřízených setkání s tímto mužem. Mezi čtyřma očima si vyjasní své postoje. Gibbs se s ním však rozloučí sobě vlastním způsobem. Oplatí mu zranění, které tento muž způsobil pomocníkovi patologa. Střelí ho do ramene.


Gibbs spends a night in the office and sees a dream in which Kate is dead, in a body bag shot in the head. When he wakes up, he sees McGee and Abby who tell them that McGee wrote a program that can determine a person's age from the photograph and the program can speed up the search for the terrorist that Gibbs is determined to find. Gibbs then asks McGee if he stayed at Abby's place. "You sleep in the coffin?" He then leaves McGee, who has a shocked look on his face. "A coffin? You said it was a box sofa bed. That's why you wouldn't turn the lights on. I can't believe I slept in a coffin." Abby smiles, "Not just SLEPT."

Tony is out running, and is out-run by a striking woman in much better physical condition than he is, who says she is Swedish. Gibbs meets Kate in the coffee shop and asks her to profile that terrorist. Kate says he is not a fanatic and he is not in it for the money but for the risk. Gibbs can't understand why the terrorist didn't kill him when he had a chance.

The terrorist is in Washington and he gets a missile launcher. Together with his accomplices, he plans to use the training missiles to attack the Marine Helicopters when the President flies to Camp David with the Prime Minister of Israel, who is visiting. The plan is to provoke an emergency evacuation and then attack the president when the helicopters leave. The only problem is that the terrorists don't know which helicopter is Marine One.

When Ducky, Kate and Tony are eating lunch outside, Tony sees the Swedish girl he met in the morning and runs up to her. When Kate is about to cross the street, she sees the terrorist on the motorcycle and gets into someone's car to follow him, only to be kidnapped by the terrorists. Back in the office, Ducky suddenly realizes that the terrorist knew anatomy and must've gone to medical school in Britain.

The terrorist allows Kate to call Gibbs only if she tells Gibbs that she got food poisoning and went home sick, and if Kate refuses to tell Gibbs that, Marta, the Swedish girl will kill DiNozzo when she meets him later. Meanwhile, McGee finds a match and the terrorist's name is revealed – Dr. Ari Haswari. His father is Israeli and mother is Arab.

Ari wants Kate to tell him which helicopter is Marine One. Kate tells him she doesn't know and Ari says he believes her. Marta becomes very angry and pulls the gun on Kate. Ari takes the gun away from her and when she tries to call the terrorists, he shoots Marta and asks Kate to call her friends at the Secret Service. Ari reveals that he is an Israeli and in Mossad.

The terrorists are arrested and on the news it is presented as a drug dealer arrest. Ari is not detained, as he is deep undercover. His dad was in Mossad and Ari was a sleeper agent all his life. The Directors want Gibbs to forget about Ari. Gibbs agrees on one condition – meeting with Ari. They meet in the basement of the morgue where Marta is lying in the body bag. Ari will be going back to Middle East and report that Marta was the double agent. Gibbs shoots Ari in the shoulder before leaving and says it'll make Ari's escape more believable.

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