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seril:NCIS: Námoøní vyšetøovací služba
seril NCIS: Námoøní vyšetøovací služba - 3.dl Moøský vlk
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Datum premiry:
2003.10.07 - Úterý
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Kd epizody:
Navy NCIS 003
Pidno dne:
20.04.2010, 23:40:50
Zmna dne3:
20.04.2010, 23:40:50
Dlka dlu:
45 min.

Parta mladých lidí, kteří mají na pláži večírek, zaslechne střelbu. Následně z moře vyjede na pláž rozstřílený člun. Ráno na to pak moře vyplaví mrtvolu zastřeleného námořního důstojníka. Důstojníci NCIS jsou zprvu přesvědčeni, že by se mohlo jednat o spojení tohoto případu s nálezem dvou mrtvých drogových dealerů o pár kilometrů dál. Další vyšetřování však ukáže, že od jednoho z lídrů místní drogové scény si někdo vypůjčil rychlý člun. Skupina, která si půjčila člun, jak se ukáže, připravuje teroristický útok na elektrickou síť na celém pobřeží. Muž je při jedné přípravné akci překvapil, a proto musel zemřít. NCIS na poslední chvíli plánovanému útoku zabrání.


Gibbs enters the squad room on a Monday morning. DiNozzo is desperately searching for a case to avoid sexual harassment training. Gibbs opines that if he has to sit through sexual harassment training again, he'll shoot himself. In the nick of time they get a call. A dead Navy Commander washed up on the beach. They arrive to find a local officer talking to a reporter - Diane Fontaine. The officer states that the commander was involved in running drugs. He advises Gibbs that the DEA is working two dead drug dealers three miles north. Gibbs has DiNozzo escort the reporter off the scene, then he and Ducky chastise Sergeant Linn for contaminating the crime scene. Actually chastise is too mild a word for what they do! Verbal disembowelment comes closer.

Gibbs sends Kate to get witness reports, examine the boat and have it towed back to the garage. DiNozzo returns, with Fontaine's phone number, crowing. Ducky comes to the group, still ranting about Linn and the contaminated crime scene. They roll the body over and find that the Commander was shot in the back. Gibbs orders Tony and Gerald to bag the body and any evidence and meet him and Ducky at Fort Story, where the DEA is working the drug dealers.

Gibbs and Ducky arrive at the DEA scene and are met by DEA Agent Fuller and Army CID Captain Bradstone. Agent Fuller believes that the deaths are connected because "How many guys do you know go out fishing in the middle of the night?" Gibbs says that he does. The drug dealers, however, did not. Fuller believes that the dealers were killed for their drugs and their boat. Captain Bradstone's medical examiner is unavailable; he has no objection to NCIS and DEA working the scene as long as he can get the reports. Upon initial examination of the bodies, Gibbs discovers that they are carrying large amounts of $100 bills. Gibbs wants to know how many drug dealers dump bodies and cash.

Returning to the squad room, Kate is incensed that she was left to ride in the tow truck with the boat. She voices her displeasure. She then begins to go over the particulars of the evidence: the gun battle occurred around 0230. The Commander was running from the gunfire: there were six bullet holes in the stern of the boat and two in the engine housing. The partying students heard the attacking boat go up the coast. On the boat was all the evidence that the Commander was simply out doing some night fishing. No drugs. Gibbs tells Kate about the money; she wants to see it. Gibbs notes that the college kids were right: the shooters either went up the Chesapeake or the Maryland coast. He tells DiNozzo to find out which.

In Autopsy, Ducky is sharing a story with Agent Fuller while retrieving the bullets from the Commander's body. When he starts his incision for examination, Agent Fuller does not look well and abruptly excuses himself. Ducky sends a bullet up to Abby. We see Gibbs in the squad room doing paperwork; Fontaine is on the news telling how Commander Farrell was found dead on the beach near the drug dealers' bodies. She goes on to state that a night basketball program Farrell helped found - which was designed to bring at-risk youth off the street - has been suspended because of the suspected drug connection. Gibbs becomes determined to clear Farrell's name and restart the program.

Gibbs goes down to one of the basketball courts and finds two young men who have jumped the locked fence and are playing in the dark. He questions them about Farrell and whether he might have been involved in drugs. The young men are suspicious of Gibbs but, once he assures them that he simply wants to clear Farrell's name and get the basketball court unlocked, they finally tell him that they do not believe Farrell would have been involved in drugs. Here we learn that Farrell's nickname among the young men he helped was "Seadog."

The next day, in Abby's lab, Kate gives a mini-lecture about micro-printing on American money to foil counterfeiters. She has determined that the bills the drug dealers had are fake, because the micro-printing on them reads "Untied" States of America. Tony states that according to the tide charts, judging by the location where the bodies washed up, the dealers' boat must have been entering Chesapeake Bay. Gibbs asks Agent Fuller to bring in the two rival drug gang leaders to help identify and locate the missing boat. He asks Kate if there is anyone with the Secret Service she can trust to help her find out who forged the money without informing their boss. She thinks there is.

As Kate leaves, Abby waves her arms to get Gibbs' attention from behind a window. She uses sign language to tell Gibbs that the AK-47 round that killed Farrell came from the same gun that killed the drug dealers. Tony is surprised that Abby can sign; Gibbs tells him that her parents were/are deaf. Tony asks where Gibbs learned; he does not answer. She comes out and advises him that she has more information. She found gunshot residue on the smugglers' hands, but Farrell was clean. In the elevator, Gibbs asks Tony for Fontaine's number.

Gibbs meets Fontaine for lunch. He offers her further information on the Farrell story in exchange for her being willing to air a story to clear Farrell's name. Returning to HQ, Gibbs refuses to give Tony details about lunch. The drug dealers are there; Gibbs goes down to Autopsy, where they are waiting. Gibbs pulls out the bodies; the drug dealers are Trujillo's. Gibbs explains about Farrell dying in the crossfire between Trujillo's and Wilkins' gangs; Trujillo decides to lawyer up. Gibbs brings out the counterfeit bills, explains that they came from a foreign government known to support terrorism. He explains his intention to hold Wilkins and Trujillo as supporters of terrorism and have them sent to Guantanamo to be held without habeas corpus. It works - Trujillo decides to talk.

Trujillo explains that the dead smugglers took the boat out without his permission or knowledge. Wilkins states that his people did not kill Trujillo's, and Trujillo believes him. Gibbs says he will accept this if Trujillo will give them the boat. Trujillo tries to claim he can't do this, but Wilkins tells them that all of Trujillo's boats are outfitted with GPS equipment. The boat, La Eternidad, is located and the investigation there begins. The boat is shot up and the interior covered in blood. Gibbs sends Fuller out to find information, then stands on the stern of the boat, visualizing the shootout. Tony believes that he is looking at the attractive young ladies in a boat across the way.

Kate is sitting on a park bench, working on a sketch of Gibbs. Here we learn for the first time that Kate is an artist. A woman approaches her, calling her Caitlin. She greets her warmly. This woman is Marcy, to whom Kate has gone for help with the counterfeit money. They hug, but Marcy is not very friendly. They chat for a moment, then Marcy says that "we" were able to trace the money. Kate catches the "we" with consternation. Marcy chastises Kate for thinking anyone would slip her info on this. We see Agent Fornell standing nearby as Marcy explains that "we" had to inform the FBI. Kate is less than pleased.

Back at the marina, Fuller says that Jenny and Nancy - the young ladies Tony was admiring earlier - were very helpful. They saw a young man in his late twenties with a couple of cell phones and a laptop working on the boat. They saw a white van pull up, the men moved heavy suitcases and a third man to the van from the boat, and left. Tony insists he could get more information from the young ladies if Gibbs gives him a chance. Reluctantly, Gibbs allows it.

Back at HQ, Kate is standing in the squad room looking extremely incensed when Gibbs arrives. He asks if she got anything from her friend; she says "Yep." He walks around her to see Fornell sitting in his chair and turns back to her, saying, "You disappoint me, Kate." He then tells her she needs to seriously rethink her definition of the word 'friend.' She says that in Marcy's position, she'd have done the same thing. Fornell makes a crack about her running out of job options, then tells Gibbs that the serial numbers on the fake bills match some that were passed by 9/11 hijackers. The killers are terrorists.

In MTAC, Morrow is on the video chat with the director of the FBI, discussing the terrorists and that the FBI has a database of terrorist information. Morrow wants to know why NCIS didn't have access to this database. There is political maneuvering, and Morrow obtains permanent access to the database with some well-placed threats.

Back at the marina, Tony is enjoying an afternoon with a pair of young Australian 'sheilas' in bikinis. He seems to be working very hard, if his extremely poor Australian accent is taken into account. He gets them to re-enact their afternoon to try and remember more details about what they'd seen. As this is happening, the terrorist database finds a fingerprint match - a Seth Shakir, a Saudi terrorist with a high priority. He's wanted for a bombing in Baghdad. Tony returns from the marina with information: one of the girls remembered that the man driving the van was wearing a uniform. Tony got surveillance tapes and learned that the van belongs to the power company.

Abby arrives, bearing news that she was only able to match prints to the drug dealers in the cooler. She is advised that she did not have access to the whole database, and chastises Fornell. She also says that she found traces of C4 on the boat. Fornell is relieved that the terrorists are "just gonna try to blow something up." Fornell puts out an APB for the power company truck and leaves. Gibbs thinks Fornell is too fixed on his target. He mentions the great Northeast blackout of August 2003, which was caused in part by a tree falling on some power lines. With some research, they learn that three key failures in Virginia's power grid could cascade and black out the entire United States. They head for the nearest node, in Fairfax.

At or near the node in question, Shakir is seen working on his laptop. Gibbs finds a place where a transmission line crosses the node; if this were blown, it would work the same as taking out the node itself. They head for it, and spy Shakir sitting below the tower, working. He sees them arriving and begins to yell in Arabic. He grabs an AK-47 and shoots at their car. Gibbs returns fire. Shakir falls down, dropping his glasses, and crawls back to his computer, attempting to go ahead with the detonation. He is typing in the number to the cell phone when Gibbs shoots him. Shakir tries to continue, but Gibbs and Kate shoot him again and he dies.

They move to investigate the setup, disconnect the computer from the phones, and discuss. Gibbs says they are lucky he wasn't phone savvy; he'd typed in six of the seven numbers to the phone. Kate says he was savvy enough to wire all three phones to the same number. Gibbs points out that if Shakir had truly been savvy, he'd have used speed dial. Interesting comment from a man who acts as if he is a technophobe.

Cut to: a lighted basketball court, at night. Young black men are playing basketball; Fontaine is telling her story to a camera, clearing "Seadog's" name with the media. Gibbs is watching from outside the court. Fontaine finishes her story and approaches Gibbs. They talk. She cannot guarantee the story will be aired, but she is trying. He thanks her, walks away, and is picked up by the Bond Girl in the silver BMW.

Dl serilu je v jazycch..
Hlavn postavy dlu

== osoby ==
== postava ==

Dabing dlu

== osoby ==
== postava ==

Datum uveden

20:00 - USA
0. dl
Bellisario Donald P.
1. dl
´´Bellisario Donald P.´´
2. dl
Alan J. Levi
3. dl
Bradford May
4. dl
Alan J. Levi
5. dl
Terrence O´Hara
6. dl
Dennis Smith
7. dl
Michael Zinberg
8. dl
Ian Toynton
9. dl
Dennis Smith
10. dl
James Whitmore Jr.
11. dl
Alan J. Levi
12. dl
Jeff Woolnough
13. dl
Peter Ellis
14. dl
Alan J. Levi
15. dl
Thomas J. Wright
16. dl
Peter Ellis
17. dl
Dennis Smith
18. dl
Peter Ellis
19. dl
Dennis Smith
20. dl
Jeff Woolnough
21. dl
Terrence O´Hara
22. dl
Alan J. Levi
23. dl
Thomas J. Wright

Peteno: 834 krt
vygenerovano za: 0.28416109 sek.

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