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seril:NCIS: Námoøní vyšetøovací služba
seril NCIS: Námoøní vyšetøovací služba - 10.dl Pohøbená zaživa
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Datum premiry:
2004.01.06 - Úterý
esk premira:
2007.04.25 - Støeda
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Navy NCIS 010
Pidno dne:
23.04.2010, 13:42:50
Zmna dne3:
23.04.2010, 13:42:50
Dlka dlu:
45 min.

Vystrašené ženě se podaří vyhrabat z hrobu a zastaví na lesní cestě okolo jedoucí auto. Jeho řidiče požádá o pomoc. Nepamatuje si nic ze své minulosti, jen to, že se jí někdo pokusil zavraždit a nedaleko v lese pohřbít. Je přesvědčená o tom, že do jedné z vojenských lodí někdo nastražil bombu.

Případem je pověřen Gibbs a jeho tým. Agentka Kate Toddová navštíví oběť v nemocnici - vezme její otisky prstů a šatstvo, které pošle na důkladnou expertízu. Na oblečení se najdou chemikálie, které se používají k výrobě nebezpečných trhavin. Agenti nenajdou u hrobu oběti žádné podezřelé stopy - jen klíč. Ten je od hotelového apartmánu, který si na delší dobu pronajal jistý Richter, majitel německé společnosti. Vyšetřovatelé však zjistí, že Richtera někdo zavraždil. V apartmánu se najdou otisky prstů ženy se ztrátou paměti. Kate ji přivede do márnice a doufá, že když uvidí Richterovu tvář, tak si vybaví nějaké souvislosti. Tvrdí, že ho určitě nezná, ale Kate má pocit, že nemluví pravdu...


We join Gibbs in his basement. This morning he is not working on his boat; he is asleep under its shell. The television blares the opening of the U.S. Farm Report as the telephone rings. It is Tony, calling from the office at 05:20. He's slept there all night; the boiler in his apartment building blew, so he has neither heat nor electricity and will not for a month. He teases Gibbs about falling asleep working on the boat. Gibbs heats his coffee in a very unsanitary manner, if not a typically male one. Tony fills Gibbs in on what we've already seen. Gibbs has Tony send Kate to the hospital. Tony leads in to asking if he can stay with Gibbs. Gibbs flatly refuses. Indications are that things didn't go well at all the last time Tony stayed with Gibbs. Who's surprised? Talk about the Odd Couple!

At the snowy crime scene, Ducky is taking pictures. He gives Gibbs a lecture about why graves are dug six feet deep. We learn that this grave was quite shallow and apparently hastily dug; the grave digger also left no tracks. Gibbs sends Ducky out to check if there are any more bodies. At the hospital, Kate learns about amnesia from a doctor who rambles in a way that is not nearly as cool as Ducky. We learn that our Jane Doe suffered blunt force trauma to the head and had some petechial (pinpoint) hemorrhaging on her eyelids which indicate suffocation (probably from being buried alive). Kate gets her first look at Jane Doe, who is lying on a gurney looking sad and pathetic with a bandage wrapped around her head. There is discussion of the amnesia and we learn that Jane Doe's memory may come back in a flash or may come back slowly over a period of days or weeks. We watch as Jane Doe is hustled into a wheelchair and taken past Kate into the bowels of the hospital, for some neurological tests. She gives Kate some puppy-dog eyes as she passes.

Back at the crime scene, Gibbs is on the phone with Kate, who wants to put Jane Doe's picture on TV to find someone who knows her and can help her. Gibbs, who is looking at things more from the perspective of finding a culprit, says no. He wants the gravedigger to think Jane Doe is dead. Gibbs is clearly unimpressed with Kate's humanitarian standpoint. He is busy digging up the dirt of the shallow grave and running it through a soil sifter, looking for clues. Thus far, he has found an arrowhead and a shark's tooth, which he gives to Ducky, who has not found any more bodies. We learn how a shark's tooth could get into Rock Creek Park, and then Ducky wants to notify ARPA. Gibbs will do so, after he finishes processing. Ducky points out that the fine for disturbing an archaeological site is $250,000, but Gibbs points out in return that it was a crime scene first. We think Gibbs' time line may be a bit off, but he's in charge. (And he's hot, so who wants to argue?) Ducky starts telling another story.

At the hospital, Kate is interviewing Jane Doe and taking her fingerprints. Jane Doe is a very sweetly pathetic sort. Kate wants Jane Doe's clothes to run through forensics looking for explosive residue. Kate begins to take fingerprints; Jane Doe believes she may have done this before. Kate says this is good news; Jane will be in a database somewhere. Jane pessimistically points out that it might be a terrorist list. Kate points out that knowing a bomb is there doesn't mean Jane placed it. The crucifix around Kate's neck makes Jane have a flashback of being in a church.

Back at the crime scene again, Ducky is telling another story. Tony is listening while Gibbs actually works. He segues into trying to ask Ducky if he can stay at his place, and Ducky neatly blocks that line of inquiry. Gibbs finds a key in the dirt he's sifting through. It goes back to the lab and Abby, who reports that it is a magnetized key to open a magnetic lock, a hotel room or any high-security lock. Kate arrives inquiring about the fingerprints and clothing. Abby has no hits on the prints yet but the gas chromatograph is still running on the clothing. Gibbs asks about the interview; we learn that Kate has learned nothing of use but is definitely bonded with Jane. The gas chromatograph reports that there are definitely traces of high-grade explosives on her clothing.

In the hospital, Jane Doe now believes she is a terrorist. She goes on about strawberries and blueberries and Kate tries to be nice to her. Kate points out that the residue could have come from a legitimate occupation. The woman replies skeptically that maybe she is an explosiverhersteller which is apparently German for bomb-maker. This is a clue! Perhaps Jane works for a German firm out of D.C. This only makes Jane believe more strongly that she has placed a bomb on a ship; Kate points out that maybe Jane knows who did put the bomb there and that person tried to kill her. "Why do you believe in me?" Jane asks. (We all wonder the same thing, Jane.) Kate replies, "Why do you like blueberries?"

Outside the room, the doctor refuses to release Jane as long as she doesn't know her name, though she's in no medical danger. Kate and Jane come around the corner with the miraculous news that Jane has remembered who she is - her name is 'Maureen Ingalls' and she lives in Alexandria. Kate will take Maureen into protective custody at her home. The doctor takes Maureen to get a set of scrubs since she has no clothing. Gibbs, who knows better, asks who Maureen Ingalls is; we learn that she is Kate's cousin. In the conversation that follows, Kate goes very mama-bear over Jane Doe. Gibbs allows it, but clearly has reservations.

In the lab, Abby has matched the key to a system manufactured for a hotel. Tony notes tiny writing on the key's surface. It reads "The Apartment" when magnified, etched by a micro-laser. At Kate's extremely nice apartment (which must cost a pretty penny for a place that size in D.C., and we all begin to wonder how much she makes), Jane knows that the ship in question was not a carrier or a submarine. Kate notes that there are no active battleships, so the ship must be either a cruiser or a destroyer. Jane is sure it's one or the other and suggests searching them. Kate points out that there are 18 destroyers and 7 cruisers in Norfolk alone.

In the lab, Abby has found that there are only three hotels in the D.C. area that use the magnetic keys. The first one is the Jackson Hotel (whose number Gibbs knows off the top of his head). They begin calling hotels. Kate and Jane are looking over a list of ship names, hoping one will jog Jane's memory. We learn that Navy cruisers are named after famous battles and the destroyers are named after Navy heroes. (Useful the next time anyone wants to play Trivial Pursuit, yes?) Jane finagles her way into getting Kate to take her out to dinner. She's a bit on the melodramatic side. Most of us would just say we could use a sandwich, but Jane is weak from hunger. They get coats; the one Kate gives Jane is floral and fairly ugly. But Jane thinks she has a coat like this. Kate points out that it is a designer coat carried by only a few stores in the area.

In the lab, we learn that none of the hotels micro-etch their keys, but that the Jackson takes permanent residents. Tony pushes his luck wanting to know how Gibbs knows so much about the Jackson; Gibbs finally breaks and tells him that his ex-wife lives there.Kate and Jane go shopping, but Jane doesn't remember anything until a big bald guy wanders into a women's apparel shop. Jane has a flashback to the man who attacked her, who was apparently also big and bald. Gibbs and Tony are investigating the room at the Jackson that matches the magnetic key. The key opens the door; when they enter, they find the big bald guy from Jane's flashback lying dead on the floor of a head wound... and surrounded by loose cash.

There is negotiation with the D.C. Metro detective who comes to investigate; Gibbs wants to keep the investigation as it is related to Jane Doe and the possible bomb. Ducky embarrasses the Metro ME into giving up the body. The corpse has been dead at least eighteen hours. Tony begins checking the room for bloodstains on whatever object might be the murder weapon; it turns out to have been a bust of JFK.

Kate and Jane go for dinner someplace nice. Kate throws the name of the dead man - Walter Richter - at Jane; she has no reaction. She does have a flashback of being at a similar restaurant all alone and sad and pathetic. In the lab, Abby has found a partial palm print on the bust of JFK. There's not enough to use for identification, though. However, on the good news side of things, a print lifted off the desk in the hotel room belongs to Jane Doe. In Autopsy, Ducky places the time of death of the victim at least 44 hours ago. It's a safe bet that the dead man is not the grave digger.

Tony finds good news in the background on the dead man; Richter was the head of security for a German firm called BFF, which makes bomb-detecting devices for the U.S. Navy. At the BFF headquarters, Gibbs and Tony question Richter's boss, a German fellow called Dr. Brauer. Brauer was at the hotel suite Friday, entertaining some business associates from Berlin. The hotel suite is registered in Richter's name to keep it secret from any competitors. Tony inquires about their explosiverhersteller, who Brauer identifies as Suzanne McNeil.

Brauer asks if Suzanne is dead; they do not answer, instead asking what Suzanne does. She formulates explosives for BFF's tests. He asks again to be told that Suzanne is not dead; Tony answers that Suzanne is not dead. Brauer freezes; his hands tremble. Clearly something is not right; Tony and Gibbs both comment. Brauer plays it off as a natural response due to Gibbs' line of questioning. He shows Gibbs and Tony a picture of McNeil - she is Jane Doe.

Back at HQ, Kate takes Suzanne to see Richter's body. Suzanne has a flashback to Richter giving her an envelope full of cash - six months severance, and he advises she takes it. She remembers whacking Richter with the JFK bust. She tells Kate that she remembers nothing, and leaves quickly.

At BBF HQ, Gibbs is on the phone with Kate. He has emailed Kate Suzanne's personnel file, and has some ideas about why Brauer might want her dead. Kate calls out to Suzanne, who has her back to Kate; she reacts, but only with her face and eyes, carefully controlling her body. She remembers; we know she remembers.

Tony has learned that the new bomb-sniffer BFF is working on isn't working as well as it should. It is being tested in a lab at BFF. Brauer shows them to the lab. Kate gives Suzanne her personnel file to try and jog her memory, and points out to the "sad and lonely woman" that there is still time for a husband and kids. Suzanne points out in a very jaded manner that the good ones are all married. Tony and Gibbs question Brauer about his relationship to Suzanne; he points out that he is happily married. Gibbs makes a reference to the movie "The Apartment". Bauer denies having an affair with Suzanne. In the lab, we find that the tests being run on the bomb-sniffing equipment are done on a mock-up of the interior of a Navy ship.

At HQ, Suzanne is still "trying to remember." Kate tells her to give it time; Suzanne points out that she may not have it since someone tried to kill her and someone bashed in Richter's head. She asks Kate to take her to her job, let her sit at her desk and try to remember there, in familiar surroundings. Kate falls for it. Gibbs and Tony watch a test of the bomb-sniffer. We get more information about Suzanne's job - her job is to make explosives that the bomb sniffer can't detect, to push its boundaries and make it better. Bomb maker - 1; sniffer - 0.

Kate does something silly; she lets Suzanne go to her desk alone, and waits in the lobby, where she meets up with Gibbs, Tony and Brauer. Suzanne returns to the lobby. She flashes back to the church; Brauer was at the church. She flashes back to the restaurant; Brauer was there with his wife. She flashes back to struggling with Brauer and then falling, hitting her head on a chair leg. She approaches and greets Brauer as though she does not know him. Gibbs points out that this is good and bad; bad because she can't give Brauer the explosive formula and good because she can't pin her attempted murder on Brauer. They go apart to speak privately.

Suddenly Kate's brain begins to function as she watches the conversation. Everyone cheers. Suzanne accuses Brauer of not having the guts to leave his wife but he could bury Suzanne. She warns him to keep a pleasant face; he wouldn't want the agents to suspect anything. Gibbs and Tony discuss the lack of possibility of Tony coming to stay with Gibbs. Kate is actually thinking for the first time all day. Brauer points out to Suzanne that what happened in the office was an accident; she was out of control. He offers her anything. She wants a wedding ring. He says he'll give it to her; he'll divorce his wife and marry Suzanne. She doesn't buy it; he didn't even have the guts to dump her in person - that's what Walter was for.

It occurs to Kate that Suzanne knew how Richter died without being told and without seeing the wound. Finally. Suzanne stands up with a small round object in her hand - a highly volatile explosive compound. Brauer jumps up, screaming that she has a bomb. Suzanne turns and says "Sorry, Kate" before dropping it. The whole world goes to hell.

Outside, later, the medics are patching up Kate, who was closest to the explosion and got pretty banged up. She also looks like someone just kicked her puppy in the head and pulled her braids. Tony wants to help make her feel better; Gibbs knows this is not possible. Kate will have to work through it on her own. Tony walks away; Gibbs calls after him to let him know he can stay at Gibbs' place. Gibbs and Kate share a significant eye contact across the busy parking lot.

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