Nzev dlu Kill Ari: Part 2 /Zabít Ariho II.
seril:NCIS: Námoøní vyšetøovací služba
seril NCIS: Námoøní vyšetøovací služba - 48.dl Zabít Ariho II.
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Datum premiry:
2005.09.27 - Úterý
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2008.01.23 - Støeda
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Navy NCIS 048
Pidno dne:
13.05.2010, 09:32:57
Zmna dne3:
13.05.2010, 09:32:57
Dlka dlu:
45 min.

Agenti si povšimli nepřítomnosti Ariho a snaží se ho vypátrat.

Gibbs zjistí, že se ztratil Dr. Mallard. Ten se mezitím vyměnil s Geraldem Jacksonem a je rukojmím Ariho. Ari vysvětluje Mallardovi, jak to bylo doopravdy s Kateninou smrtí. Nakonec propustí Ari i Dr. Mallarda v pořádku.

Tony sleduje Zivu až do městských lázní. Zjistí, že se tam potkala s neznámou ženou a obě si vyměnily župany. Když DiNozzo prohledává vyměněný župan najde uvnitř falešný pas a peníze. Vše je připraveno pro Ariho. Na čí straně je Ziva?

Jenny s Gibbsem se během akce ocitají ve vážném nebezpečí. Gibbs pochopí, že si s nimi Ari zahrává a rozhodne se využít novou agentku z Mossadu, Zivu Davidovou, ke svým záměrům. Ta ale z jakýchsi důvodů nevěří tomu, že by Ari měl cokoliv do činění se smrtí Kate, nakonec se ale dohodne s Gibbsem na dalším postupu. Je pak svědkem toho, kdy se Ari sám přizná Gibbsovi k zabití Kate, svým líčením mu totiž chce způsobit bolest a dodá, že Gibbs mu silně připomíná jeho vlastního otce, který v něm neviděl nikdy nic jiného než dalšího možného agenta. Když chce po Gibbsovi vystřelit, zasáhne Ziva a Ariho zneškodní. Jak se později ukáže, byl to vlastně její nevlastní bratr. Sama pak odváží jeho tělo do Tel Avivu, zatímco tým NCIS se na pohřbu loučí se svou kolegyní Caitlin. Jistou satisfakcí je pro ně fakt, že Ari je již také mrtvý.


Ari has kidnapped Gerald. He contacts Ducky and tells Ducky he wants him to prove Ari's innocence and offers to exchange Gerald for Ducky. Ducky agrees and leaves the locked-down NCIS headquarters. Gerald and Ducky meet on the street - Ducky instructs Gerald to go directly to the NCIS headquarters and tell them what's going on. Meanwhile, Gibbs and Abby are in the lab, trying to locate Ducky. Gibbs yells at Ducky on his voice mail and hangs up. Abby expresses worry while Gibbs is yelling. Abby tries to reason with Gibbs. McGee comes in with an outside number called to Ducky's office just prior to Ducky leaving. They attempt to trace the number. Meanwhile, Ducky and Gerald have changed places. Ducky and Ari sit in Gerald's car watching Gerald attempt to start Ducky's manual transmission historic Morgan sports car. Ari reassures Ducky that he wouldn't kill a fellow physician (But do we believe him? Not likely!). Gerald can't start Ducky's car. Ari says it's too painful. They leave in Ducky's car instead of Gerald's, leaving Gerald behind. McGee traces the number to Gerald's cellphone. Ari and Ducky talk cars. Ari wants a test drive. Ari has Gerald's cellphone and throws it in the park, and then throws Ducky's cellphone into the park as well. It's still raining outside. Back in the lab McGee gets the GPS fix on the cellphones, leading Gibbs to the park where the cellphones lay in the wet grass.

Meanwhile, Tony has tailed Ziva to a sports club or hotel or some kind of indoor pool. As Tony watches Ziva swimming, Kate appears in a Catholic school girl uniform. Kate asks Tony if he is intimidated by Ziva. We get a bit of information about Tony and his views of women here. Kate mentions past women who have intimidated Tony, including a divorce attorney and his mother. Tony says, "Mothers don't count." Kate and Tony have a "does not/does too" when Kate says Ziva intimidates Tony.

Gibbs is desperately trying to locate Ducky and Gerald's cellphones in the dark rainy park. Kate appears behind Gibbs - she tells Gibbs that Ducky is going to be the next one to take a bullet for him. Kate (reflecting Gibbs internal fears) says maybe the only way to save the rest of the team is for Gibbs to kill himself. Gibbs finds Ducky and Gerald's cellphones, by calling them. Predictably, when called, Ducky's ringtone is 'Scotland the Brave'. Abby is back in the lab with McGee, worrying that Ducky is already dead. Gibbs says they aren't dead because Ari dumped their cellphones, not their bodies. Gerald appears in the lab and says that Ari has Ducky and let Gerald go. Meanwhile, another woman has appeared at the pool where Tony is watching Ziva.

Back in the NCIS offices an off-topic conversation about stick-shift automobiles between McGee, Gerald and Abby. Abby talks about a red 47 ford 1/2 ton pickup with four on the floor and Bubba riding shotgun. ["Shotgun" is the front passenger seat in a vehicle, next to the driver.] Bubba is: "Best **** ****-dog back in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana".

Tony and Gibbs have a broken conversation by cellphone; there is a mix-up about Tony's location "Embassy" or "Embasero" Hotel. Gibbs reassures Gerald it wasn't his fault that Ducky went off with Ari. Gibbs orders everyone to talk in phonetics, which Abby does.

Tony takes pictures of Ziva and the other woman at the pool. There is some kind of exchange between the two women. Ziva leaves and Tony sneaks into the pool to see what was exchanged. It's an envelope of money and a phony French passport for Ari. The woman catches Tony. He says he's going swimming and that he's a nudist, member of the Hackensack Nudist Society, which has the pool reserved. She says she's married. He runs out to meet Gibbs and tell him what he found. Gibbs gives him a pizza. Gibbs alerts McGee. Tony eats pizza. The woman comes out of the hotel and Gibbs follows her, leaving Tony to continue tailing Ziva. As Gibbs tails the strange woman, he sees Ducky's car, stops him, thinking Ari is with him. He loses the woman. Ari has already left Ducky's car, and Gibbs realizes it was a set-up so that Gibbs loses the woman set to meet Ari. Ducky tells Gibbs that Ari made a logical reasoning as to why he didn't kill Kate. Ari has told Ducky, "It's a shame that one of them (Gibbs or Ari) has to die."

Tony stands outside the hotel. Ziva confronts him and gives him details of his tailing of her. She offers him coffee. He doesn't trust her. She eats the last piece of pizza. There's obvious attraction between the two of them, but not much trust. Ziva tells the story of her 16 year old sister killed by Hamas suicide bombing. She mentions that her sister was the best of them. "She had compassion." Tony tries to get information out of Ziva, but he isn't very successful.

Back in the office, McGee is working alone. He sees Kate laying in the file cabinet - she's asking why he hasn't come down to Ducky's lab to see her body yet.

He's interrupted by Abby asking about tyres. Tyres from the lab shooting match a Chevy suburban. NRO orbited a new keyhole - something about a golf course. That orbit took the keyhole over Newport News and it shows the rooftop where Kate was killed. Pictures of all the rooftops. But no pictures of Ari on the rooftop. In the picture is a black Chevy suburban leaving the site. They find a license plate number in the picture. McGee puts out a BOLO. Gibbs goes over to the Director's house - McGee calls his cellphone giving him the license plate number. Gibbs calls Jenny up (chuckling when he remembers her phone number), asking her to partner him for the night. Jenny misunderstands, but quickly realizes it's work-oriented.

Jenny and Gibbs discuss Ari and Ziva - it's obvious Gibbs doesn't trust Ziva and accuses her of being an assassin. He tells Jenny that Ari is using her. Jenny and Gibbs are outside watching the address of the Chevy registered to Ari. They briefly discuss the past until Jenny tells Gibbs to "shut-up". They notice movement in the SUV up the street. "SHOOTER!" Someone shoots at them. Jenny and Gibbs race after him and shoot him down. Only after he is dead do they realize it isn't Ari.

The shooter was aiming for Jenny. All rounds came from the Bravo 51 that was used to shoot Kate. He was a well-known terrorist. Mohamed Esfiri (per Ohio drivers license displayed) is considered to be the sniper. The team is allowed to go home and prepare for Kate's funeral. Gibbs doesn't believe it. He thinks it was Ari. Jenny tells him he is obsessed. Gibbs asks Jenny, "how did he know you were in the car?" Gibbs says the guy was sent to die - not to kill. Jenny says, "I'm not saying you're right... but if you are, how do we prove it?"

McGee confronts the corpse of Kate with Tony alongside. McGee admits his fear of seeing Kate. Tony acknowledges that McGee was very strong to go down to autopsy alone.

Gibbs and Fornell meet in the rain, in a park. Gibbs asks, "What is Ari's real mission here? Are you going to lie to me?" Fornell responds, "I'm going to lie to you." Fornell doesn't know Ari's mission. Fornell hints that Gibbs needs to go watch a movie and get out of the rain. He finally reveals a specific movie pick: The Peacemaker.

Back in the office, Deputy Director David (Israel) is asking for Ziva in MTAC via teleconference. A small amount of plutonium is missing from a power plant. Ari was to buy a trigger and deliver it to a Hamas cell with the plutonium. Mossad was to grab him at that time. But Ari is behind schedule. Deputy Director David instructs Ziva to cooperate. In the lab, Gibbs questions Ziva about the brass (bullet casings). Ziva tells Gibbs he is a broken record. Gibbs discusses weaponry, and it is revealed that Ziva knows his weapons record. Jenny says that Ziva profiled the team for Ari - it is standard operating procedure for a controller (Ziva was Ari's controller on his missions). Gibbs asks to be alone with Ziva. Ziva stands like a sullen teenager waiting to be reprimanded. Gibbs asks if Ziva knows about his first wife and daughter. Ziva says yes and apologizes. Gibbs says that's why Ari is targeting women. Ziva looks reluctant but Gibbs explains about Bravo 51 being called a "Kate". Ziva says Ari is innocent, but agrees that it should be investigated. Gibbs says he is counting on Ziva to back him up if Ari is guilty.

Gibbs returns to his basement where Ari is sitting in the dark with Gibbs rifle. Ari says he killed Kate to cause Gibbs pain. Gibbs reminds Ari of his father, who Ari hates. Ari's father didn't marry Ari's mother - who was a Muslim (Ari's father was Israeli). He groomed Ari to be a mole in Hamas. Ari's mother was killed in a retaliation Israeli strike. Ari blamed him for his mother's death. Ari calls himself a monster. Ari aims the gun at Gibbs, but is shot down with one shot to the head, by Ziva coming down the basement staircase. Ari was Ziva's half-brother. Sequence of Ziva looking over her dead half-brother and a song being sung in Israeli to a shot of the team standing looking over Kate's casket at her funeral.The team places roses on her casket, remembering happier moments. Ziva is escorting Ari's body back to Tel-Aviv. Gibbs makes peace with Kate's corpse. Abby plays New Orleans style funeral music (Jazz). The team walks away - another story finished.

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