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seriál:NCIS: Námořní vyšetřovací služba

seriál NCIS: Námořní vyšetřovací služba - 55.díl Past
Aternativný názvy epizody
Datum premiéry:
2005.11.22 - Úterý
Česká premiéra:
2008.03.12 - Středa
3 . sezónu s : 24 díly
Díl v serii
Produkční číslo:
Kód epizody:
Navy NCIS 055
Délka dílu:
45 min.
Přidáno dne:
14.05.2010, 09:26:54
Změna dne:
01.01.1970, 01:00:14
Seznam žánrů






Díl seriálu je v jazycích..

Vojenská jednotka objeví při zásahu v lese dvě odřezané lidské nohy. Neobyčejného případu se ujme NCIS. Na místě činu je nalezen i kousek gumové rukavice s otisky prstů. Mezitím co doktor Mallard a jeho asistent pan Palmer zkoumají, komu patří chybějící končetiny, Abby se pokouší zjistit, komu patří otisky prstů na rukavici. Počítač je opakovaně přiřadí Anthonymu DiNozzovi. Jeho nadřízený Gibbs však tento názor ani na chvíli nesdílí a rovněž tak Tonyho kolegové.

Do vyšetrování se zapojí i FBI, vyslýchá podezřelého agenta NCIS a zároveò vydá příkaz, aby mu byly odebrány otisky zubů. Tyto se také shodují s kousanci na amputovaných končetinách. Gibbs tuší, že je to past a jeho tým se snaží získat nové důkazy, které by DiNozza očistily.

V okruhu možných podezřelých je například i mafiánský boss Mike Macaluso, kterého Tony dostal za mříže, či Georgie Stewart, kterého Tony obvinil z kontaminace krevních vzorků a jemu se v důsledku tohoto zjištění zhroutil celý další život. Ve hře jsou i všechny Tonyho bývalé přítelkyně a řada dalších. Vyšetřování zavede detektivy až ke Carle Johnsonové, jejíž DNA odpovídá DNA oběti. Carla Johnsonová je ale v pořádku...


This episode begins with a bunch of youngsters out in the woods, necking around a campfire. The party is broken up by a couple of MPs, who discover a woman's leg sticking out from under a bush.

The scene at NCIS begins with Ziva reading "The Handbook of American Slang" as Tony oohs and aahs over his the web site "". On his way back to his desk, McGee pulls up his jacket to let Ziva see his tush, which she rates as a 4. He's indignant until she explains it is out of 5. Tony presents his for review and is outraged that she gives it a 2, much to McGee's delight.

To reach the crime scene the team has to cross some stepping stones across a stream. Ducky tries to help Ziva; she refuses and they both fall in. They find the finger of a rubber glove. The legs, it appears to Ducky, have been severed by a saw. There are curious bite marks. The team tries to estimate the woman's height and weight from the legs; but Tony is able to assess it expertly!

Now the curious things start:First of all the rubber glove comes back with Tony's fingerprint. Tony thinks Ziva has set him up. Next they take an impression of Tony's mouth, and that fits the bite marks.As evidence is discovered, Abby is distressed because it is her forensic results which are 'proving' Tony to be the killer.

Jenny has to proceed on the evidence and officially suspend Gibbs, while turning the case over to the FBI. There is as yet no ID of the victim. However, there is any number of people who might have set Tony up. Fornell has to detain (though not yet charge) Tony on the evidence, so Tony goes to jail on a holding arrangement, after being interrogated at NCIS HQ by Agent Sacks (Tony's Nemesis). After irritating Sacks to the point that Sacks leaves in disgust, we have a bored Tony alone in an empty room. He entertains himself by tapping on the table which rapidly escalates into a full scale percussion performance...and this percussive music becomes the soundtrack as we watch the team race to duplicate the evidence which is being confiscated by the FBI. The performance peters out into Tony checking his appearance in the two-way mirror and patting his hair into place after the exertions of his drum solo.

It also has the favourite scene where Gibbs visits Tony in jail, bringing Tony's favourite pizza. Tony is glad to see him and starts running ideas past Gibbs: it becomes a soliloquy about the circumstantial case against him, incidentally revealing much about his childhood and insecurities. The Agent Tony interrogates the Suspect Tony, concluding that he is not going to get out of this. Gibbs beckons him back to the bars of the cell and leans forward as if to say something, but in reality to reach behind Tony's head and slap him, for which Tony says "Thank you, boss". You realize that Gibbs hasn't actually said anything in the entire scene, but you've known what he was thinking throughout. Magic.

McGee and Ziva start looking for subjects; but there is a big choice. McGee has the men and top is George Stewart - a forensic technician whom Tony has discredited and has since won a sealed court case. Ziva has the women's list - top of that is Lt Pam Kim a surgical nurse, who egged his car and put him on the herpes website, she is currently on honeymoon. Kim is annoyed to be brought in for questioning.

Ziva quotes an old Hebrew proverb- a little fire burns a lot of corn; Jenny comes in at that moment and translates but she and Gibbs agree it makes no sense; however, she has traced Stewart's alias. Next, Charles (whom Abby calls Chip, much to his irritation), reveals he has found carpet fibres from a 2004 Ford Mustang; Tony's is much older. Ziva and Gibbs pay Stewart (or Petrie as he is now called) a visit in his autopsy lab; he is hostile. Unfortunately the carpet fibres match Tony's car and Tony's DNA is on the severed legs. The victim still remains a Jane Doe.

At this point, Abby matches the bone marrow to a live person, indeed a nurse, who is on a bone marrow donor database; she did donate blood to a recently deceased person, indeed a Jane Doe. Abby analyses the carpet fibre again - it must have been carried to the crime scene. Meanwhile, Gibbs and Ziva are back at Stewart's with a warrant; he signed for the Jane Doe body.

McGee visits Tony; with Chip's present of a harmonica. Gibbs and Ziva arrest Stewart and find the body minus the legs. Now Fornell visits Tony and lets him go. It's still not 100% clear what has happened.

Abby finds sweat in the fibres, from which she hopes to find DNA. Jenny has the records of Stewart's court case, Gibbs carps at how long it has taken and then realises his place and thanks the Director.

Downstairs, Chip confesses; he worked at the medical lab that Tony busted; he framed Tony, for example by taking an apple out of the trash to make Tony's teeth imprints, the two bloody tissues from his trash after Tony's undercover mission, which he took a savage beating when he was captured and hit seven times, a piece of one of the gloves he used and a carpet fiber from his car. He flourishes a knife in front of Abby.

Gibbs, reading through the court case records, has realized too. The team rushes downstairs, but Abby has already hog-tied him.

47. díl
Dennis Smith
48. díl
James Whitmore Jr.
49. díl
William G. Webb
50. díl
Terrence O´Hara
51. díl
Thomas J. Wright
52. díl
Dennis Smith
53. díl
Colin Bucksey
54. díl
Aaron Lipstadt
55. díl
Thomas J. Wright
56. díl
Terrence O´Hara
57. díl
Stephen Cragg
58. díl
Dennis Smith
59. díl
Leslie Libman
60. díl
Colin Bucksey
61. díl
Dennis Smith
62. díl
James Whitmore Jr.
63. díl
Thomas J. Wright
64. díl
Terrence O´Hara
65. díl
Dennis Smith
66. díl
Leslie Libman
67. díl
Dennis Smith
68. díl
James Whitmore Jr.
69. díl
Dennis Smith
70. díl
Dennis Smith

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