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seriál:NCIS: Námořní vyšetřovací služba

seriál NCIS: Námořní vyšetřovací služba - 49.díl Vražedné hry
Aternativný názvy epizody
Datum premiéry:
2005.10.04 - Úterý
Česká premiéra:
2008.01.30 - Středa
3 . sezónu s : 24 díly
Díl v serii
Produkční číslo:
Kód epizody:
Navy NCIS 049
Délka dílu:
45 min.
Přidáno dne:
14.05.2010, 08:58:28
Změna dne:
01.01.1970, 01:00:14
Seznam žánrů






Díl seriálu je v jazycích..

V dnešní části se hlavním předmětem vyšetřování NCIS stane obávaný vězeò, masový vrah a psychopat Kyle Boone, který si svůj trest odpykává v přísně střežené státní věznici. Guvernér Virginie Gibbsovi přikáže, aby se setkal s několikanásobným vrahem tři dny před jeho popravou. Gibbs se s ním ke své nelibosti opět setkává, aby objasnil určité nesrovnalosti v jeho případu. Byl to právě Gibbs, který jej před deseti lety pomohl usvědčit. Inteligentní Boone však odmítá přistoupit na jeho hru a rozhodne se, že to federálním agentům neulehčí.

Gibbs příjme do svého týmu novou kolegyni, agentku Paulu Cassidyovou, která by měla nahradit zavražděnou agentku Caitlin Toddovou. Všichni jsou v očekávání, s jakým nasazením se pustí do plnění nových úloh.

Kyle Boone vraždil poprvé v roce 1974. Jako dítě zavraždil svoji matku - prostitutku. V jeho domě se najde množství fotografií, na kterých jsou zachyceny týrané oběti, všechno ženy. Gibbs se snaží najít místo, kde Boone jejich těla pochoval. Abby a McGeemu se z fotografií podaří, podle záchytných bodů, najít pravděpodobná místa týrání a vražd žen. Případ se začne komplikovat, když na jednom z předpokládaných míst objeví agenti oběť, která musela zemřít nedávno a vzápětí někdo unese agentku Cassidyovou...

Vrahem posledně nalezené oběti byl Boonův advokát. V poslední chvíli zachrání DiNozzo s McGeem Cassidyovou. Gibbs může zase v klidu spát. Příští den - v sobotu se bude Boone smažit na elektrickém křesle.


A prisoner under armed escort is directing the search of an old barn. He indicates the loft where a container of human tongues is found. The warden is upset, the prisoner had promised this was the location of his victims' bodies. The prisoner says that if he can talk to the person who put him in prison, Leroy Jethro Gibbs, he will divulge everything.

Agent Paula Cassidy is in the squad room looking at the prisoner's arrest sheet. She recalls how she was a junior at Georgetown 10 years ago when Gibbs caught Kyle Boone. Tony comments that the fear Boone created must have made dating difficult. Cassidy and Tony begin a banter about what Tony's focus is, she hands him what looks like a compact and tells him its a mirror. Tony pops it open, and finds birth control pills, and won't give it back. He wants to know who she is dating. Cassidy pins him on the desk, tells him about her boyfriend lawyer Bob, and makes him give the pills back.

McGee has arrived and apparently doesn't know who Boone is, so he and us get an update. Boone killed 22 women but only 5 bodies were found. His only mistake was killing a petty officer, which got Gibbs involved, and him caught. He is to be executed on Saturday, but wants to talk to Gibbs first. Gibbs comes in and is very displeased that Boone is up on the plasma. Tony tells him "She did it." Gibbs does not intend to meet Boone, however the Governor wants him to and the SecNav orders him to. It is obvious Gibbs and his team are still hurting from the death of Kate. Cassidy can't sit at her desk and Gibbs is a little harsher than usual with her, Tony explains that it's been a tough month. Cassidy tries to get Tony to talk about Kate, he of course turns the conversation to how Bob is in bed.

Boone's lawyer introduces himself to Gibbs on the way to the cell. His lawyer is trying to get Boone a deal for telling where the bodies are. Gibbs gives Boone 2 minutes to talk. They seem to understand each other. Boone knows what buttons to push. He asks Gibbs how the wife is (ex #1 ?), and points out that she left him. Boone feels that Gibbs has changed, more abrupt now. Boone brings up Kate's death and Gibbs leaves. Ducky is worried about Gibbs emotions getting out of hand with this additional stressful case. When the case originally transpired Gibbs took it very hard.

The team is called out to Boone's old farm house, Gibbs asks for Cassidy specifically. When they arrive Gibbs takes her measurements, Tony is quick to offer them up, he intends to shove her up a chimney. While at the truck McGee wants to know if they have in knee pads (Cassidy stands on his back in the chimney). Tony tells him that Kate is in charge of inventory, ask her. Very sad :( In the chimney they find a scrapbook full of Polaroids of Boone's victims. They had been tortured, tied up, tongues cut out, and hearts carved into their backs.

On Gibbs second visit to Boone his autobiographer is there. Boone knows Gibbs has the scrapbook before he mentions it. The writer is very excited that it has been found and wants to look at it. So does Boone, then he will tell where the bodies are. Gibbs tries to needle Boone with comments about his prostitute mother who ran out on him as a kid. It doesn't work and Gibbs says he's not playing Boone's game anymore. Gibbs has Boone transferred to NCIS in an attempt to throw Boone off balance.

Abby is finding IDs on the 27 victims in the scrapbook. She IDs the first victim, disappeared in 1974 when Boone was still a kid, as his mother. The last 4 victims she is unable to ID yet. McGee has the idea to use the geographic landmarks in the photos to search satellite images and find the location.

Gibbs is observing Boone in interrogation when Ducky comes in. Ducky warns him that Boone will never tell him where the bodies are and that this case has already hurt him enough. Tells Gibbs that he lost one relationship, a wonderful girl, because of this case. Gibbs gets angry and says she left me. Ducky retorts that he made it impossible for her to stay. Gibbs goes in with Boone and Cassidy comes over the intercom. Boone says it sounds like you replaced your dead female, can I meet this one. Boone's lawyer shows up and wants to have a confidential conversation with Boone, no mikes.

Tony, McGee, and Cassidy go to the dumping ground that McGee and Abby located. At the site they find bones and then another body. Cassidy treks back up to the truck to call Gibbs. She is being watched through binoculars. While she is gone McGee realizes that the dead woman is pictured in the scrapbook. They wonder how that is possible she's only been dead a few days and Boone has been in jail. Gibbs congratulates Boone on getting him to play the game. Boone says he is the only one who can find the new killer, they can't execute him now. Gibbs says he doesn't care, they will find him without Boone's help.

At the truck Cassidy is struck from behind and kidnapped, a Polaroid is left behind for the team to find. The team go into overdrive to find her, as Abby says "we cant lose another agent, I cant take this." They consider the biographer, he has a record. Meanwhile Cassidy is in the trunk of a car. The scene is shot to look like she is in the biographer's car. Gibbs asks to find out if his mobile has a GPS locator. McGee says he does and he has already homed in on it. Abby and Gibbs both praise him at the same time. Gibbs and DiNozzo is on chase and manage to cut him off but they only manage to catch him but Agent Cassidy is not there. On a different location we see Boone's lawyer take the tape off Cassidy's mouth and start taking her pictures.He was not Boone's lawyer by accident. He starts to torture her, says Boone wants Gibbs to remember him for a long time. It cuts to Gibbs and Boone in interrogation as Cassidy fights for her life. Gibbs is threatening to burn the scrapbook unless he tells him where she is, Boone knows he can't. Boone is taunting him trying to push Gibbs to kill him (and thereby ruin his own life). Gibbs pulls the gun and fires but no rounds. Gibbs walks out while Boone tells him she will die. Cassidy proves him wrong as she is at NCIS, she won the fight.

47. díl
Dennis Smith
48. díl
James Whitmore Jr.
49. díl
William G. Webb
50. díl
Terrence O´Hara
51. díl
Thomas J. Wright
52. díl
Dennis Smith
53. díl
Colin Bucksey
54. díl
Aaron Lipstadt
55. díl
Thomas J. Wright
56. díl
Terrence O´Hara
57. díl
Stephen Cragg
58. díl
Dennis Smith
59. díl
Leslie Libman
60. díl
Colin Bucksey
61. díl
Dennis Smith
62. díl
James Whitmore Jr.
63. díl
Thomas J. Wright
64. díl
Terrence O´Hara
65. díl
Dennis Smith
66. díl
Leslie Libman
67. díl
Dennis Smith
68. díl
James Whitmore Jr.
69. díl
Dennis Smith
70. díl
Dennis Smith

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vygenerovano za: 2.30074191 sek.

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