Nzev dlu Jack Knife /Jack Knife
seril:NCIS: Námoøní vyšetøovací služba
seril NCIS: Námoøní vyšetøovací služba - 153.dl Jack Knife
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2010.02.09 - Útery
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Pidno dne:
19.07.2010, 14:10:04
Zmna dne3:
19.07.2010, 14:10:04
Dlka dlu:
45 min.

A Marine, Damon Werth wakes up in a alley, lying in a dumpster complaining about his head. He sees his fellow Marine buddy lying on the trash below him and calls for him. He tells his buddy, Heatherton, it must have been a good party. When Heatherton doesn't answer, he grabs his arm and rolls him over. He falls backwards when he sees Heatherton's throat is cut.

McGee brings Gibbs home. McGee notices that Gibbs has cleared up the stack of magazines in the living room and remarks that it it looks nice and homey but "Not homey as in your my homey" he adds. McGee offers to check the fridge for food and Gibbs says he only asked McGee to drive him home. McGee opens the fridge and only finds fish food. "You know what I could do, feed the fish and if you get hungry, you could eat the fish," McGee tells Gibbs. Gibbs relaxes on the couch and McGee offers to help him with his shoes. Gibbs pulls out his gun and lays it on the coffee table. McGee nods his head, says "alright" and starts to head out. McGee pokes his head around the corner and says, "You got a new lock on the front door." "That's to keep out unwanted guests," Gibbs replies. McGee says he'll pick Gibbs up in the morning and leaves. Gibbs picks up his gun and aims it a partially closed door. "I know my goldfish didn't eat a t-bone," Gibbs says. Werth steps from the shadows and replies, "I'll pay you back Agent Gibbs."

"Friends are welcome, your not a friend," Gibbs says as he stands up. "I need help, I didn't want anyone to see us talking," Werth replies. "Your paranoid," Gibbs says, still aiming his gun at Werth. Werth informs Gibbs he's clean, he's off the juice. Gibbs asks who is after Werth. Werth says it's a man named Aaron Szwed who owns a trucking company. A friend of Werth's from the Corps had been doing work for him, questionable work. Gibbs lowers his gun and tells Werth to continue. Werth approaches Gibbs and hands him a photo of himself and Heatherton that was taken after they'd been shipped stateside. Heatherton's wife and kid left him because he had trouble readjusting to life when he returned. "Like you?" Gibbs asks. "I didn't carry him out of the desert so he could wind up dead in some alley tonight," Werth argues. Gibbs hands the photo back to Werth. Werth says Heatherton stopped by for a drink, wanted to talk about the last job he did. The two men ended up partying and Werth blacked out again. Gibbs wants to know if Werth's head is straight. "I only had a couple of beers, I swear," Werth replies. "You only had a couple you remember," Gibbs says. "He's still laying out there Gunny," Werth tells Gibbs. After a moment's hesitation, Gibbs calls McGee and tells him, "Hey McGee, day's not over."

McGee, Gibbs and Werth pull into the alley. McGee and Gibbs get out with flashes and walk down the alley. McGee tells Gibbs technically it's Metro's jurisdiction but they can take it if they find a reason. Gibbs points out they have a cooperating witness. However, Heatherton hasn't been on active duty/service since he was wounded in Iraq. They come across Heatherton's body and McGee says he'll call Metro. Gibbs replies, "Get Ziva and DiNozzo out of bed." "What?" McGee replies. "Wake them up," Gibbs says. McGee was confused, he realizes Gibbs wants him to wake them up out of their own beds, not that they were sleeping together. "Need some sleep yourself do ya McGee?" Gibbs asks as he walks back to the car. McGee says no but Gibbs shines the flashlight on his face and tells McGee he has bags under his eyes. "It's a look that I'm going for," McGee replies. As Gibbs approaches the car, Werth asks if he believes him now. Gibbs wants to know what Heatherton was doing for Szwed. Werth says he was driving a truck, doing some serious driving. Heatherton was across country and back in less than a week. Heatherton said he messed up but he had to, something about being a human first. Heatherton was recruiting Werth for his next run. Werth went to see Szwed before he showed up at Gibbs' house. Werth made a deal for 2 man job the next day and told Szwed he had someone in mind. Gibbs reminds Werth it's a murder investigation. "Szwed's bodyguard, Lucas, he carries a jack knife. I think they killed him," Werth says. Gibbs tells Werth he's a witness, he's not getting involved. Werth wants to know what he's supposed to tell Heatherton's wife and little girl. "I'll tell you, your just a witness here and not a very good one," Gibbs says. "No, I'm the guy taking a dead man's place behind the wheel. You need me Gibbs," Werth adds.

Gibbs shows up at Fornell's door. Fornell answers in his navy blue bathrobe, matching pajama bottoms and slippers, all disheveled. "What happened to your face?" Gibbs asks as Fornell is now sporting a beard. "What happened to your arm?" Fornell replies. "The job," Gibbs says. "Same," Fornell adds. Gibbs hands Fornell a cup of coffee with a smile. Fornell hesitates and looks at Gibbs before accepting it. Gibbs mentions Fornell just got home a few hours ago. "Rico case, couple of mob hits, deep cover. No sugar?" Fornell replies. Gibbs hands him a packet of sugar with a smile. "Try not to look so chipper," Fornell says. Gibbs watches, smiling and handing Fornell a stirrer, as Fornell adds the sugar, tosses the wrapper on the ground, then stirs his coffee and finally sips it. "Alright go," Fornell says. Gibbs tells Fornell he's taking his crime scene. "Let me hop in the shower," Fornell says and turns away. "Tobias, nice slippers," Gibbs says as Fornell shuts the door in Gibbs face.

McGee is sitting in the car with a sleeping Werth. McGee clears his throat loudly, waking Werth. "You were sleeping. It's kinda like being in a cave with a hybernating bear, ya know? Makes me nervous" McGee says. Werth says he'll fall right back to sleep. McGee says he can't do that, his brain keeps going, starts spinning and doesn't stop. Werth, dozing in the back seat says it would get irritating. McGee wishes his brain had an on/off switch. Werth says in the Corps you learn to sleep whenever you can. McGee says, "That makes sense. You never know what's gonna happen next right?" McGee closes his eyes, then quickly opens them to find Gibbs sitting in the passengers seat. "Anytime Alice," Gibbs says with a smile. McGee says he wasn't sleeping, he and Werth were just talking. McGee looks back and Werth is sitting upright, wide-eyed in the back seat with Fornell sitting next to him. "Alright, let's go process the scene," Fornell says then looks at Gibbs, "You're already doing it aren't you?" he adds.

At the crime scene, Tony walks from the truck, stretching complaining about gaining weight this time of year and sleeping bad, waking up with knots in his back. "That's because you sleep in a chair," Ziva says. "it's not a chair," Tony says. "It's a knot chair?" Ducky asks as he checks out Heatherton's body. Tony brags about his top of the line chair, with massage features and a cup holder. "It is a massage chair that gives you knots. It is not healthy." Ziva says. "I'm gonna show you dear boy that with the passing years, the knots do not get any looser. For the sake of your health, give up the chair." Ducky tells Tony. "Coul we just not, say knot anymore? Thank you," Tony says and turns around to photograph the body. Ducky tells them Heatherton's throat was slit with what appears to be a serrated blade; death would have been quick.

In the conference room at NCIS, Fornell goes over the case file on Aaron Szwed for inter-state trafficking. It's all allegations, Fornell tells Gibbs. Szwed runs a fleet of trucks moving products over land. "It's legit," Gibbs says. Szwed's delivery rate is higher than industry average and his prices are higher as well. On average, Szwed uses two drivers and one is always armed. Szwed came across the FBI's radar a year ago when one of his drivers shot a hijacker. The firearm was registered and Szwed didn't catch any flack for it. Gerald Lucas is listed as Szwed's head of security but Fornell couldn't find any employment records for Heatherton. "He was off the books. Why don't we bring Szwed in and ask him about it?" Werth adds. "Three reasons," Gibbs responds. "What's he moving? Where's he moving it? Whose he moving it for? It's tough to run the interrogation when you don't know the who, what, where, when, why and how," Fornell asks. "We know the when," Werth adds. Gibbs phone rings and he answers it. It's Ducky so Gibbs tells him he'll be there in two minutes. Werth stands up to follow but Gibbs tells him to sit, eat and drink. Werth feels he's good but Gibbs puts down a cup in plastic and tells Werth he'll be good when the lab says he's good. Gibbs and Fornell leave a frustrated Werth behind.

Fornell and Gibbs enter the elevator. Fornell asks, "Cooperating witness Jethro? Come on, what's the real story?" Gibbs says Werth was a Marine, saved a friends life, couple of other guys too. "Core didn't work out? Seems like a team guy," Fornell replies." Gibbs says he broke a rule. "And you didn't lock him up?" Fornell asks. Gibbs says he gave Werth a medal, he just had one lying around. "You know, it's not like he's wearing your pin. Your not going steady with the guy," Fornell replies. Gibbs says it didn't meant anything. "I think it meant something to him," Fornell adds as the elevator bell rings that they've arrived on their floor. As Fornell steps off the elevator, Gibbs hesitates, shakes his head up at the ceiling, then steps out and follows Fornell into autopsy. Fornell talks to Gibbs as they walk in. Ducky says, "In some eastern cultures it is believed that if you save a man's life you become responsible for him. I can imagine the pain the poor boy must be experiencing at the loss." "Assuming he's part of one of those eastern cultures," Fornell adds. Ducky says a mutual saving of a life is a powerful bond, and with a chuckle and pointing to Gibbs and Fornell adds, as evidenced by the two of you. "Oh is that why we're friends?" Fornell asks Gibbs. "It's more like shared misery," Gibbs responds. "God knows, you got enough to go around," Fornell sarcastically replies. "Hey, I'm a happy guy," Gibbs says. "Since when?" Fornell asks. "You don't know what I've been doing, I haven't seen you in months," Gibbs tells Fornell. "Whose fault is that? You only call when you need something," Fornell argues. "Well apparently when I need grief," Gibbs retorts. Ducky clears his throat to get their attention. He found fractures on Heatherton's right hand. "Recently?" Fornell asks. With a smile, Ducky replies, "I just found them." Someone tried to get Heatherton to talk and crushed the bones in his hand. "I wonder what he had to say," Fornell asks.

With a lullaby playing in the background, McGee is napping at his desk while Tony and Ziva stand and watch. McGee claims he wasn't sleeping. "We didn't say anything McGee," Ziva says. McGee wipes his mouth, points at Tony and says, "But you did something didn't you? What'd you do? Did you try and put my hand in this water?" "That would be a little juvenile," Tony replies. McGee thinks Tony drew on his face so he holds up a CD and looks into the back of it to check his reflection. "No, I suggested stripping you naked, putting a tag on your toe and dragging you down in to autopsy so when you woke up you'd think you were dead but Ziva thought it was in poor taste," Tony responds. McGee thanks Ziva, who his smiling behind her hand. "I did not agree. I think their would be a lot of people who would like to see you naked," Tony adds. McGee finishes looking at his reflection, convinced that his face is clean, he puts the CD down. He asks Tony if there was anything in Heatherton's apartment. "Nothing out of the ordinary sleeping beauty," Tony replies. McGee found a couple of speeding tickets on Heatherton, one in Texas and one in New Mexico. "Oh so he gets around. So whose this confidential witness that's got Gibbs so gung ho about taking this guy down?" Tony asks. "Confidential," is all McGee says. "Oh okay. So I'm not going to tell you what Ziva did while you were napping," Tony says. McGee believes Ziva didn't do anything to him while he was napping. "Whatever you say McGee," Ziva replies. Werth walks in yawning and says Ziva's name. Tony looks up as Ziva says, "Damon?" "Yeah I was just peeing in a cup," Werth replies. McGee shows Werth the way to the men's room. Gibbs and Fornell walk in and Gibbs tells them the truck rolls in six hours and wants to know what they got. Tony tells him nothing. Fornell says he doesn't like the sound of that. More enthusiastically Tony says, "Oh, we got nothing." Fornell and Ziva look at Tony, then Fornell turns and talks to Gibbs. He wants to stop Szwed and stop the truck. "Or put someone on it," Gibbs says. "Whoa who whoa, are we doing about letting Johnny Rambo go all First Blood again?" Tony asks. "Gee, I hope not," Gibbs says. "We are putting way to much trust in this guy," Tony adds. "Sounds like a big gamble Jethro," Fornell says. Looking at Ziva, Gibbs says, "Let it ride."

In her lab, Abby is listening to music on her Ipod.A beep goes off and she looks at the clock. She walks over to where McGee is sleeping, his head resting on Bart, her stuffed hippo. Abby takes out one of her earphones and puts it to McGee's ear, which startles him awake. "You told me to wake you up at 2," Abby says. After he sits up, Abby asks about his trip to Africa and if he came into contact with a fly, possibly came back with a disease. McGee says he's not sick, he's just exhausted. He had no idea how hard Gibbs works, keeping up with Gibbs schedule is going to kill him. Abby tells him it won't work as it took years for Gibbs to get used to his schedule. McGee feels he owes Gibbs for saving his life. "That's part of his job description," Abby replies. "He pushed me out of the way of a moving car," McGee says. "Pushing people is really rude, McGee," Abby replies. "He's up at the crack of dawn, if he goes to bed at all. What exactly is running through that guy's veins?"McGee asks. "Coffee, McGee," Gibbs says when he walks into the lab. "Right, boss," McGee replies. "No, get me some," Gibbs replies. McGee is on it as he gets up to get some coffee for Gibbs. Gibbs tells McGee to get everyone ready. "Your enjoying having a valet," Abby tells Gibbs. "You done?" he asks her when one of her machines beeps. She tells him that Werth was 'roofied." "Is there anything else that you need?" she asks Gibbs. With a smile, Gibbs replies, "IF there is, McGee will do it."

In the garage, Tony is cleaning out the NCIS van. "Last one to use the van should have to clean it out," Tony whines. Ziva reminds him he was the last one to use it. Tony laughs and tells her he wasn't because it smells like falafel's, holding a plastic basket with them in it. He knows a certain probie agent who eats falafel's and asks if Ziva wants to help him. Ziva thinks about it for a second, then says sure. She walks over and kicks the wastebasket to the door of the van, then walks away. "Probie?" Werth asks. Ziva tells him she's in the process of becoming a sworn NCIS Agent. Werth points out she has to be a U.S. Citizen and a legal resident. She tells him she's in the process of becoming a U.S. Citizen and strings are being 'tied' in regards to her residency. "Pulled, you pull strings," Tony corrects her. Werth mentions pulling heart strings. "Don't confuse the girl. It's taken a lot of marionetting to get her this far," Tony tells Werth. Werth asks Tony who her puppet master is. "It's probably best if we table the conversation of qualifications in case someone asks how your qualified to be on this op," Tony tells Werth. "It's not my first rodeo," Werth responds. "I know that cowboy," Tony says. Gibbs, Fornell and McGee exit the elevator and Gibbs tells them to get ready to roll. "Yeah boss let's get this guy out of here," Tony replies. McGee goes over the initial route they will take and he has gotten the prepass tracking numbers on all of their rigs. He's also got copies of Szwed and Lucas' drivers license. Tony doesn't think that will help and McGee thinks they might get lucky. "No no, the less we leave to luck the better with a civilian on the inside," Fornell responds. He walks over to Werth and says, "We're putting a lot of faith in you, son. Observe only." "Understood," Werth answers. Gibbs informs him that one of their guys goes with him as his partner. Fornell tells him to find out what's in the truck, take it to the other end and they will be following. The team brings up Rule #27 - there are only two ways to follow: first way they never notice you and the other way is they only notice you. They will have one team on the inside and one on the outside and they'll bust them on both ends. McGee begins to head to the car when Gibbs says Fornell is with him. "Well, then where are we?" Tony asks.

Tony pulls surveillance outside the warehouse while Werth and Ziva enter. Werth tells Lucas Ziva is his partner. "What, not comment that I am a woman?" Ziva asks. Lucas asks if she's kidding, like if he had a choice he'd hang around more dudes. "That'll make patting you down more enjoyable," Lucas says. "Try not to enjoy it to much," Werth tells him. Holding out her arms Ziva replies, "Good luck with that."

McGee enters the truck, telling Tony he got the telescopic mic up; he gave Ziva and Werth the blueprints so they could find a 'sweet' spot to place it in the warehouse. Tony comments on how much coffee McGee has and he should be careful with it. McGee opens the second cup and begins pouring sugar out of it into his coffee. "That's a lot of sugar," Tony says. As McGee drinks his coffee, they hear Ziva, Werth and Lucas' voices come over the mic. "Oh, what's pretty boy mumbling about now," Tony says.McGee says, "Wow can you hold a grudge." "He broke my nose," Tony quietly says. McGee points out that Werth dislocated his shoulder. "Well you have another shoulder and I only have one nose and it's on my face. It's on my face McGee," Tony replies. McGee reminds Tony it was two years ago and he should just drop it. Tony said that's fine but Werth keeps coming back. Gibbs should tell him to just be on his way and go live his own life. McGee says Ducky thinks Gibbs feels a connection to Werth since they saved him. "Two schools of thought on the life saving/responsibility issue You got Robin Hood Prince of Thieves versus the World's Greatest Athlete," Tony says. McGee saw that one. Tony talks about actor Jan Michael Vincent, who played on Airwolf and his character's name was Stringfellow Hawke, the best character name ever according to Tony. The two men go back and forth debating about Robin Hood and the World's Greatest Athlete. McGee reminds Tony that Werth risked his life to save his country. McGee doesn't know what it is that they owe Werth but feels they do owe him. "Do me a favor, pace yourself with that stuff," Tony says as he watches McGee drink his coffee. Tony gets up and McGee leans forward, wondering what the weird sound is he is hearing coming from the mic.

Lucas has had Ziva and Werth empty their pockets. Ziva ask what he's looking for and Lucas responds, "Privacy." He tells them they can have their phones back when they are done then asks if they know how to use a CB radio. He points to their items on the table and tells them to collect their gear. Ziva puts a gun in her boot while Lucas grabs two bottles out of the fridge. He puts one on the table and hands the second one to Werth and says they probably have a lot of questions. "Just one, where's the truck?" Ziva asks.

At Gibbs' home getting ready, Fornell asks Gibbs if he hired a cleaning lady, it looks different. Gibbs says he didn't as his phone rings. Gibbs is doing a little circle dance trying to put his sling back on. "Want a hand?" Fornell asks with a smirk. Tony calls to tell Gibbs a truck is pulling in, it looks like it's almost kickoff where is he. Gibbs says they are switching vehicles, they'll be there shortly. "This is something for you isn't it? Letting me drive your car," Fornell says. "It's no biggie, you already slept with my wife," Gibbs says as he tosses Fornell the keys and heads out the door.

At the warehouse, the truck is backing in and Lucas closes the door behind it. Szwed tells Lucas to swap the plates and strip the markings. "Your partner's nice to look at. She double clutch?," Szwed asks Werth. Following, Ziva tells him she navigates. Szwed responds that men are terrible with maps anyway. Ziva wants to know where they are going and what they are taking. Szwed stops and looks at her. "Whats in the truck?" Ziva asks. The truck is full of melons. "We're moving melons?" Werth asks. Lucas tells them yes, they are moving them out of the truck, they have to empty it. "We are driving a truck full of nothing?" Ziva asks. "Not for long," Lucas says and walks away. Werth thinks it's not a trafficking job at all, it's a hijacking. "And we are the hijackers," Ziva adds.

Werth and Ziva finish unloading the melons off the truck. Lucas removes the markings from the side of it. Szweb walks up and uses trucker talk to Ziva and Werth. Werth wants to make a pitstop because they only have 3/4 of a tank of gas and he doesn't like to take chances. Szweb tells him to make it quick. Quietly Ziva asks Werth what language Szweb was using. Werth explains that Szweb says the truck is fast but to not push her, even when they are running on empty and to watch out for cops. "So the truck is a she," Ziva says. "Let's go rob someone," Werth says and shuts Ziva's door.

Tony and McGee watch as Szweb pulls out of the warehouse in a Ferrari. Tony tells McGee he had a hamster named Ferrari. They watch the truck pull out and notice the markings are stripped and the plates have been switched. McGee uses the binoculars while they wait for the signal from the truck. Tony wonders how difficult it must be to drive the truck because Werth keeps using his brakes. Ever the geek, McGee goes over the trucks specifications for Tony. McGee is tapping his fingers on the dashboard, which annoys Tony. Tony tells him to knock it off. McGee tells him he's not tapping his fingers, he's using Morse Code which is why Werth is tapping the brakes. "FU....E...L Fuel Tony they're stopping for fuel," McGee yells. Tony tells McGee he's done with the coffee but McGee wants to stop and get a refill. Tony reminds McGee they are the invisible tail, not the visible one. Tony calls Gibbs and tells him about the rendezvous spot at the gas station. Gibbs and Fornell have just driven past it. Fornell turns the car around, burning rubber as he does. They pull into the gas station, Fornell is driving fast and Gibbs is reminding Fornell, loudly, that they are on a stake. Fornell and Gibbs argue as they get out of the car. Gibbs tells Szweb he has a nice car. Gibbs yells at Fornell that he's getting a Slim Jim. "I don't want a Slim Jim," Fornell responds. "I wasn't asking ya," Gibbs yells back as he heads inside. Fornell stands there laughing. Fornell starts to ask Werth questions about the truck's engine. Ziva gets cash from Szweb to pay for the gas. Fornell mentions to Werth that it's against the rules to have his girl along and why aren't there any markings on the truck. Fornell takes a step towards the truck but Werth pushes him back and reveals his gun. Heading inside, Ziva hands off the truck gps to Gibbs as he comes out. Fornell backs off and apologizes to Werth. Lucas and Szweb keep an eye on the situation. Ziva returns and hands Szweb his change. The truck and Ferrari leave the gas station. Fornell tells Gibbs that Werth was convincing and wants to know what Werth did that was wrong. Gibbs tells him "a small bout of steroid induced psychosis." "Oh great," Fornell replies.

In the truck, Ziva opens a compact, hands Werth an ear piece and puts one in her ear. She asks if McGee can hear her. "Roger that, 10-2, you are loud and proud. Come back," McGee says rather enthusiastically. Ziva smiles and asks if McGee is okay. Rather cheerfully, McGee says he's good, Tony's driving and he's been studying up on the lingo. McGee asks where they are bringing the cargo. Ziva watches Werth, who is driving intently. She tells McGee they are picking up, not dropping off and then gives him their destination and arrival time. McGee tells her he'll run a check, he thinks it might be a cargo vehicle. He continues to chat and gets up to move into the back of the van. Tony swerves the van to knock McGee off balance but McGee just continues and then says "over" to Ziva. She thinks the conversation is over and removes her ear piece. McGee keeps calling Ziva's name.

Ziva notices how tense Werth is so she tells him quietly to relax. He does and explains that Heatherton drove the lead vehicle in their convoy, when they got hit. Ziva talks about how trauma intensifies memory, which can make it feel ever present. Werth wonders if there is a reason and Ziva replies, "Perhaps to teach you so you do not allow it to happen again." He feels he keeps getting stuck in the same pattern. Ziva reminds him that the last time she saw him, he was in control, he helped them. She tells him he can move forward, he can find the right path.

Gibbs is on his cell phone saying "slow down" over and over. Fornell thinks he's talking to him so he hits the brakes on the car. "Not you, McGee," Gibbs says. McGee has narrowed it down to a garage owned by David Devoisier. It appears the cargo is assorted machinery. "Put the pedal to the medal Tobias," Gibbs says.

Gibbs and Fornell check out Devoisier's garage. They inquire if he normally gets a lot of shipments of machinery in the middle of the night. Devoisier wonders why this particular shipment has raised a red flag. Gibbs tells him they believe it may be hijacked. Devoisier wants to know who is hijacking him and Fornell tells him it's an ongoing investigation and they can't reveal who. Fornell tells him the truck originated in San Diego. "Then it's Aaron Szwed. You can bleach a blue color but that doesn't make it white," Devoisier says. The contents of the shipment belong to Szwed. Devoisier won them and Szwed lost so he wants the contents back. "This is all about a bet?" Gibbs asks.

Szwed was in over his head, throwing away money he couldn't afford to lose and wanted to prove he could run with the faster crowd. The wagers was Szwed's best car versus Devoisier's. It was a cross country race and the winner took the pink slips. "Sure, speed limits, there really just suggestions," Fornell says. They had teams backing them up in case they needed tires or something. Devoisier overheard Szwed cursing out Heatherton when he overheated because Heatherton was a no-show. Devoisier is shocked to learn Heatherton is dead. Gibbs wants to know if Devoisier can get a hold of his driver. "Sure why? Do you want to stop my truck?" Devoisier asks.

McGee pulls up Devoisier's records. Devoisier was on a commercial flight a week ago from San Diego to Dulles. Szwed had two speeding tickets, one in Texas and one in New Mexico. Fornell wonders if there's a fender bender that they are missing. Gibbs tells McGee he's going to lose him and hangs up. McGee moves back to the front of the van and wonders what kind of cars are worth killing for. Szwed was driving a Maybach and Devoisier was driving a 1970 Plymouth Barracuda Convertible.

Lucas radios Werth and tells him to pull over, the truck will be coming through soon. Szweb tells him to use the trailer to block the road. Ziva asks McGee what their plan is. As McGee is telling her he doesn't know, the van blows a tire. Tony gets the van to the side of the road and isn't happy.

The truck carrying the cars comes down the road and Szwed orders Werth to block the road. Werth hesitates and asks Ziva what to do. She tells him to stop the truck so Werth drives his truck and blocks the path of the second truck. Werth and Ziva stand beside the truck as the other driver struggles to stop and control the truck. It finally skids to a stop right in front of the two. "And you people think I'm crazy," Werth tells Ziva. Lucas orders them to put a gun on the driver. Lucas and Szweb open the back of the truck and find Gibbs and Fornell standing their, guns drawn. "Do I even have to tell you, your under arrest?" Fornell says. Ziva walks up, astonished and looks in the back of the truck. Gibbs smiles back at her.

Devoisier is in the NCIS garage and is thanking Gibbs for returning them. "Boys and their cars. I"m a hot rod girl myself," Abby says. Ziva asks how much Devoisier paid for the car. "I paid $1.2 million," Devoisier replies. Fornell whistles and Gibbs just smiles. "Are you stupid?" Abby asks him. "Stock. Hemi. Cuda. Convertible. From 1970, only 18 made Abbs," Fornell says as he walks around the car. "wow a hemi cuda, that's like the holy grail of muscle cars huh?" Abby asks Devoisier. Abby uses a magnet on the car and turns out one of the fenders is made of bondo. NCIS retraced Devoisier's path and he had an accident while on the road. He killed an 18 year old girl who was crossing the street. Heatherton brought the girl into the hospital and saved her, until she died. Devoisier couldn't destroy the car so he killed Heatherton, his only witness. Abby taunts him about how she'll find blood and hair when she starts taking the car apart.

In the squadroom, a lullaby is playing while McGee snores at his desk. Tony, feet up, hands behind his head, watches Werth filling out some paperwork. Werth says he's not looking forward to his next conversation. "It is better to do it in person. Tell Heatherton's wife that her husband died a good man, for being a good Samaritan and Devoisier is not," Ziva replies. Werth gives Ziva a hug and kiss on the cheek and she tells him she'll see him later. Tony says that Heatherton's wife lives in Cleveland, he went to school in Columbus and has friends there. If Werth is looking for work there, Tony will make some calls. Werth shakes his hand and thanks him. Tony offers Werth a ride but he says he'll walk then leaves. Tony watches Ziva then asks if her "see you later" was meant as a goodbye or she'd see him at a later date. Ziva wonders if Tony is having problems understanding simple English. He tells her to just answer the question and she doesn't.

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