Nzev dlu Flesh and Blood /Flesh and Blood
seril:NCIS: Námoøní vyšetøovací služba
seril NCIS: Námoøní vyšetøovací služba - 150.dl Flesh and Blood
Aternativn nzvy epizody
Datum premiry:
2010.01.12 - Útery
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Titulky Verze ripu Velikost Jazyk Autor
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Pidno dne:
19.07.2010, 13:50:30
Zmna dne3:
19.07.2010, 13:50:30
Dlka dlu:
45 min.

A Navy Jet lands on an air strip. A man is waiting for the pilots to reach him. One of the pilots is criticizing the other for 'hotdogging'. The second pilot, Prince Sayif, tells the man to get the car. The driver replies, "Yes Your Highness" then heads off to start the car. The American pilot jokes with Sayif about having someone wait on him hand and foot. Sayif tells him if the driver doesn't get his act together, he can have him. The driver heads to the car, takes out the keys and looks up as he hears a jet fly overhead. Suddenly, the car he's about to enter explodes, knocking the driver out of his shoes and sending him flying across the tarmac.

In the squadroom, Tony is on the phone arguing with someone. He tells them that his name is Anthony DiNozzo Jr and lives in Washington, D.C. and his father's name is Anthony DiNozzo, Sr. and he lives in New York city. Ziva walks in and looks at Tony curiously. "Is that so complicated? Jr. Sr. Can you follow that?," Tony yells into the phone. Ziva walks over to McGee's desk and asks what is going on. McGee tells her that Tony is trying to withdraw money from a bank in New York and apparently the bank confused his account with his father's so Tony can't get the money. Ziva smiles. Tony sarcastically says, ":Let me get this straight, you want me to spell my name again? Okay. It's big D as in dimwit, little I as in idiot, little N as in nimrod, little O as in obtuse, double Z as in ZZ Top...." Ziva ask what Tony needs the money for. McGee tells her it's to go on a cruise with his fraternity buddies in the spring. Ziva wonders why Tony doesn't just call his father to straighten things out. Tony tells the caller he'll hold, the points at Ziva and tells her to mind her own business. "Ew, grouchy," Ziva says. McGee tells her that Tony left a message for his father 2 days ago and hasn't heard back. Tony is upset when the caller asks him to spell his name again, "Are you guys in India?" he asks. Gibbs walks in and tells Tony to get off the phone, they got a dead foreign national at Pax River. "Pax River, weren't we just there?" McGee asks. Tony beats his forehead with the telephone receiver as everyone grabs their gear and heads out.

At the crime scene, Ziva asks Tony where he is going on his cruise. "It's a need to know information, you don't need to know," Tony responds. "Aren't you too old for spring break?" Ziva asks. Tony tells her no, then gives Gibbs an update on the vehicles registration. The car was leased from Beltway Auto Executive Leasing, rented to Prince Sayif Ibn Alwaan on a month-to-month basis. "Hope he got the full coverage," Tony adds. Gibbs walks around, looking at the burnt up vehicle. Ziva tells him the explosive device was placed underneath the car. He tells her to get the car to Abby and walks away. Gibbs walks over to the victim, Walid Abbas, who was in the U.S. on a Visa and worked for Prince Sayif. "You know there are over 7,000 Princes in the Royal family," Tony adds. Gibbs asks Ducky what he's got. Ducky tells Gibbs that Walid wasn't killed by the explosion, at least not initially. There were no burns or blisters on his skin or hands. Ducky believes the cause of death is blunt force trauma when Walid's head hit the tarmac. "I heard the saying he got blown out of his shoes but I never thought I'd see it," Tony says as he looks at Walid's shoes on the ground. Ducky says if the explosion had knocked his socks off, it would be impressive. McGee questions Sayif's flight instructor (who is one of many Sayif has gone through) who informs him that Prince Sayif has been in the country for three months. He's attached to the Navy Marine Core Strike Pilot Training Program. They are hoping he doesn't screw up his check run so he'll graduate in two days and won't be the Navy's problem anymore.

Gibbs walks into the hangar while Sayif is on the phone. Sayif tells Gibbs he was making arrangements to be picked up. "Cancel them," Gibbs says. Gibbs tells Prince Sayif that he doesn't want to jump to conclusions but they have to assume the bomb was meant for Sayif. Until they discover otherwise, the Prince is now under NCIS' protective custody. Prince Sayif isn't to happy and tells Gibbs assassination attempts are a part of their lives. He came to the United States for flight training and he isn't going to let what happened stop him. "I don't have influence with your country but I do with the United States and I'll have your training stopped immediately," Gibbs quietly says to Sayif. "Okay, protective custody on my terms," Sayif replies. He refuses to be sequestered in a base or a government safe house. Prince Sayif is staying at the Presidential suite at the Adams House and tells Gibbs if he'd like to protect him there, he's welcome to. Gibbs smirks as he watches Sayif walk away.

Gibbs and DiNozzo join Director Vance in MTAC. He is getting information and providing updates on the bombing. The Saudi Embassy wants their Royal Guard to be part of the protection detail. Gibbs informs them that Prince Sayif was brought back to NCIS while his room and the adjoining rooms were being cleared at the Adams House hotel. Freedom fighters are claiming to be responsible for the assassination attempt. The Saudi Ambassador assured the United States that Prince Sayif will be flown home after he graduates flight training school. McGee slips quietly into MTAC and waits until they are done their conversation. Vance wants to continue the conversation in his office. As the trio are heading out, McGee needs to speak with Tony. Smiling, he tells Tony he has a visitor. Tony wants to know who it is but McGee refuses to tell him, smiling the whole time. "What's the matter with you?" Tony asks. McGee just keeps smiling as Tony looks at him and walks out. Tony walks out and looks down, he sees his father taking to Ziva. Anthony DiNozzo Sr. flirts with Ziva, telling her how stunning she is and did she ever think of wearing her hair down. From the landing above, McGee and Tony squat at the railing while listening to Sr. chat with Ziva. Ziva is about to respond when she sees the duo overhead. Mr. DiNozzo follows Ziva's eyes and calls out "Junior" and Tony yells back, "Dad what are you doing here?" McGee is laughing and smiling behind him.

Tony Jr. and Tony Sr. are returning from getting coffee. Tony wants the bank mix-up straightened out and asks why his father's name was still on the account as a trustee. Sr. says he'll take care of it. Tony tells him he could have just done it with a phone call. Sr. says he will, it's just they haven't seen each other in a long time. "So you thought you'd just fly down and surprise me?" Tony asks. "I took the train, it's not that far," Senior responds. Tony looks concerned and asks if his father is okay. Senior tells him that everything is okay, they'll have dinner and catch up. Tony walks over and places a piece of paper on Ziva's desk. Senior asks about Ziva. "Ziva is Ziva, there's nothing to tell," Tony replies. Tony, Ziva and Prince Sayif head through the squadroom towards the elevator. McGee yells to Tony that the hotel suite has been cleared, they are heading over so Tony says he's coming. Senior notices Prince Sayif and asks about him. Tony wants to know how his father knows the Prince. Senior says that Prince Omar and he have done business together and they met in Monte Carlo years ago. He asks Tony what Sayif is doing there. Tony quietly tells Senior about the assassination attempt. McGee yells from the elevator, "Should I continue holding the door?" Tony bellows that he's coming, he'll meet them in the garage. Senior asks what happened and Tony tells him he can't talk about it. One look from Senior and Tony says, "Car bomb." Senior wants to know if Sayif's father has been notified. Tony tells him he has and is flying in but in the meantime, Tony needs to head over to the Adams House hotel, he'll get Senior a cab. Tony asks his father if he's sure he doesn't want to tell him something. "Your busy, it can wait," Senior says.

Gibbs arrives on the floor of the Presidential Suite of the Adams House Hotel. The security detail lets him inside the suite. Sayif is in the middle of a conversation so Ziva and McGee join Gibbs. Gibbs asks who the other man is with Sayif. McGee tells him it's Sayif's older brother, Prince Abdalla, he lives in D.C. and is a Deputy Minister at the Saudi Embassy. Ziva quietly tells Gibbs, "They do not know I speak Arabic." Gibbs smiles and says, "Ah good." Ziva tells Gibbs that Sayif is getting chewed out for his western ways and his Sayif's pleasures are what brought on the attack. Sayif says something to Abdalla and Ziva tells Gibbs, "That is to disgusting to translate." Sayif goes into another room while Abdalla joins the NCIS crew. Introductions are made and Abdalla discusses the bombing. He tells the NCIS team that Walid was not only Sayif's aide, but a family friend. Gibbs asks about the Freedom fighters and Abdalla thinks they may have been involved. Tony walks in and gives Gibbs an update on the security detail. Sayif comes walking out, dressing in sweat pants and a sweatshirt. Tony asks where he thinks he's going and Sayif replies, "The fitness center." Tony informs Sayif that he needs to be accompanied by an agent. "Fine, I choose her," Sayif says and indicates Ziva.

In autopsy, Ducky hears the door open and believes it's Gibbs who walked in. He says that his initial observations were correct, Walid did die from blunt force trauma to the head. "I'll be sure and tell him," Vance replies. "Oh Director Vance. It's not often I'm graced by your presence in autopsy. To what do I owe the pleasure," Ducky asks. Vance tells Ducky that the Saudi embassy would like a quick release of the body for religious reasons. Ducky says as soon as he's done, he'll make arrangements for the body to be picked up. Before he leaves, Vance asks Ducky how his mother is doing. Ducky thanks him for asking and tells him she is slipping away slowly, losing touch with reality. When Ducky visited her that morning, she insisted the clock on the wall was going backwards. "Actually I've had days like that," Vance says, then smiles and leaves. "Haven't we all," Ducky quietly adds.

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