Nzev dlu Double Identity /Double Identity
seril:NCIS: Námoøní vyšetøovací služba
seril NCIS: Námoøní vyšetøovací služba - 155.dl Double Identity
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Datum premiry:
2010.03.09 - Útery
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Pidno dne:
19.07.2010, 14:13:22
Zmna dne3:
19.07.2010, 14:13:22
Dlka dlu:
45 min.

A park ranger pulls up to a secluded spot in the woods, listening to the radio. He's eating a bagel and drinking coffee. A duck sound begins squawking, it's his cell phone, his wife is calling. He argues with his wife on the phone over apologizing to her mother. Suddenly, a gun shot rings out. His wife cries out asking what it is and two more shots rings out, the last one shattering his passenger side window. He gets out of his car and looks to where the shots are coming from. A man comes out of the woods holding his stomach. Phil draws his gun and tells the man to hold it. The man drops his hand and reveals he's been shot in the stomach.

In the squadroom, Tony is ringing the water out of one of his socks into his trash can (or his desk drawer..hard to tell). Ziva and McGee make faces while they watch him. "Jethro working you so hard you have to do the laundry at the office?" Ducky says as he walks in. Tony tells him he stepped in a puddle. "He did not watch where he was walking," Ziva says. Tony was texting Ziva. "Tony thinks that probationary agent means I'm his personal assistant. He wanted me to pick up his latte," Ziva says. Tony has his foot propped on his desk, wiping it and tells Ziva he was running late. "That is your problem," Ziva says. "I hate rain," Tony replies. "I love it. Rain is so invigorating, cleansing, it makes the air fresh and the city sparkle," Ducky tells them. Ducky walks to Gibbs desk, places a paper on it and asks where he is. The team says they haven't seen him but believe he's in the building somewhere. Ducky leaves and Tony asks if anyone has any Talc. "Hey, would you just take your foot to the locker room please," McGee asks Tony. Ziva quietly asks if any of them have noticed a change in Ducky lately. McGee says that he seems awfully chipper of late. "Ducky seems plucky. No-one loves rain in D.C.," Tony says. "No, his ties, he's been wearing tied ties, not his bow ties," Ziva tells them. McGee tells Ziva that's very observant. Gibbs walks in and McGee tells him Ducky was looking for him. Gibbs asks what he wanted and McGee tells him he left something on his desk. Gibbs grabs it, puts it in a file folder then tells the team it's time to go, Marine shot in Rock Creek Park. Tony grabs his wet socks as Gibbs tosses him a clean, dry pair that he took out of his desk. Tony thanks him then asks if they are clean and says of course they are.

At the crime scene, the team begins to process the evidence. A 9MM handgun was found at the scene by one of the Park Police Officers. As Tony is checking it out, the Officer looks down and notices Tony has one white sock and one black one on. McGee takes the opportunity to take a photo of Tony's mismatched socks. The FBI ERT removed a slug from the Park Ranger's vehicle. The footprints are too muddy so there's nothing they can lift. Tony asks him to get all the evidence to their office. The Officer tells him it's between him and the FBI, they aren't getting in the middle of it. Tony wants to know why the FBI got involved and the Officer tells him they called them in for ballistics. The only thing found on the victim is what looks like a house key, tied to his shoe laces. "Then how did you ID Lieutenant Mayne?" Tony asks. The officer pulls out a mobile fingerprint scanner and asks why they don't have them. Tony stutters and says they are coming, they just haven't been issued yet. McGee is drooling over the new technology and asks if he can try it. The officer scans McGee's fingerprint when Gibbs walks up. He tells them the victim is in surgery and the park police and FBI can clean up, he wants to get to the hospital. The officer pulls up McGee's photo and name from AFIS Mobile and shows it to McGee. "Timothy (no middle name) McGee" he says and shows him his record for breaking into a police impound yard. McGee is upset as he thought that record was supposed to be expunged. McGee pulls up Mayne's data on his PDA. He has a wife, Leah, who lives in Woodley Park. McGee thinks there is something wrong with the Officer's equipment because according to the database, Mayne went missing in Afghanistan six years ago.

Gibbs is waiting outside Mayne's room in ICU. The doctor comes out and Gibbs wants to know when he can talk to him. The doctor tells him he's not sure because one bullet grazed Mayne's forehead and the other bullet went deep inside his abdomen. Mayne has lost a lot of blood and the slug is embedded in his spine and it's far to dangerous to remove it at this time. The doctor gives the nurse some orders, signs the chart and tells Gibbs he'll let him know if there are any changes.

Tony is sitting in the hallway with Leah Mayne. She is in disbelief after she hadn't heard from her husband in 6 years. She just assumed he was dead and can't believe he's alive, been living in D.C. and has been shot. Gibbs walks up and tells her they have fingerprint identification but he'd like for her to make a visual ID. After a moment's hesitation, she agrees. Gibbs offers her his hand and helps her up. Leah walks into ICU with Gibbs and Tony. She says it looks like her husband except last time she saw him he was clean shaven and had a Marine buzz-cut. She describes a birthmark on his left shoulder. The nurse pulls back the gown and reveals the birthmark. Leah asks Gibbs where John has been for the last 6 years. Gibbs says he doesn't know but they are going to find out. He and Tony leave and give her a minute alone with her husband. In the hallway, Gibbs tells Tony to stay there and call him if Mayne regains consciousness. "You subscribed to the DiNozzo theory, always suspect the wife?" Tony asks. Gibbs smiles and walks away. Tony looks inside ICU as Leah takes out her cell phone and makes a call.

Back in the squadroom, Ziva walks by Tony's desk and notices his sock hanging from the lamp. Using her pen, she picks up the sock and deposits it in Tony's desk drawer. Gibbs walks in asking what they have got as Ziva shuts the drawer. Three years ago, Lt. Mayne was part of a 3-man deep cover recon in Afghanistan. Mayne went missing. The other 2 men were Captain Gordon Holcomb and Sergeant Matthew Gontz. McGee hangs up the phone and tells Gibbs that Holcomb is still in the military, stationed at Quantico and he's coming in the next morning. Gontz was honorably discharged 5 years prior and they still haven't found him. Gontz went through a divorce and a series of jobs. Gibbs remarks that Gontz had trouble readjusting to civilian life. McGee is going to try and track him down through Social Security Administration.

In her lab, Abby is feeding a small puppy food. Gibbs walks in and asks what the dog is doing there. Abby introduces him to Mortimer and proudly tells him she is an SVPR - Substitute Volunteer Puppy Raiser. Mortimer is going to be a seeing eye dog one day. Gibbs gives her a look so Abby puts the dog down. She tells him the 9MM gun is unregistered and only has Lt. Mayne's prints on it. There were 2 shots fired and 13 remain in the magazine. The slug the FBI pulled from the SUV is too mangled to match but it's bigger than a 9MM. Gibbs tells her that Ducky talked to the Doctor, Mayne's wounds weren't self-inflicted. Abby follows Gibbs to the elevator and asks what is going with Ducky. She says he's acting very "un-Duck-like." Ducky leaves every day for lunch and the "Duck-man' is a creature of habit, bringing his lunch in and eating it at his desk every day. Gibbs tells her he's sure Ducky is fine then tells her to not let the dog out of her sight. Abby turns when she hears the puppy bark and sees he's got her skeleton foot between his teeth. She goes running back into the lab as the elevator doors close on Gibbs. ("No Mortimer! That's not YOUR bone!")

McGee and Ziva show up at a cab company looking for Gontz.They find Gontz and ask him about the recon mission where Mayne went missing. Gontz says he's told that story a hundred times and McGee tells him they need to hear it for themselves. The 3 men were inserted into a hostile environment on a keyhole mission, defensive weapons only. The mission was to place and recover remote target sensors and everything went according to plan until they made for the exit rendezvous and Lt. Mayne broke his leg. "How did it happen?" Ziva asks. They were going over a wall outside of a small village and Mayne snagged his K-bar sheath on some barbed wire and fell. "It just wasn't his day," Gontz says. Holcomb and Gontz stashed Mayne in the basement of an abandoned building while they went to commandeer a vehicle. When they returned, Mayne was gone and they assumed he'd been captured. Ziva asks if they still went to the exist rendezvous. "We had to. We followed mission protocol. I've never forgiven myself for leaving a team member behind," Gontz replies. The Marine Corp tore the countryside up and down looking for Mayne. Gontz asks if they are done because he has to clock in. As Ziva and McGee start to leave, Gontz calls out for them to wait and asks why all of this is coming up again. McGee tells him Mayne is no longer MIA, he showed up the day before, shot.

Holcomb meets with Gibbs, Ziva and McGee in the conference room at NCIS. Holcomb can't believe Mayne is alive and tells Gibbs the last time they saw him was when he broke his leg. "It just wasn't his day," Holcomb says. At the sound of the same words Gontz used, Ziva and McGee look at one another. Gibbs phone rings so he answers it. Tony calls to tell him that Mayne is awake. Gibbs asks if Holcomb has had any contact with Gontz since the mission. Holcomb says he lost track of him after he got discharged. Holcomb wants to know if Gontz has been told Mayne's alive. "Yes he has," Gibbs replies.

At the hospital, the team waits outside Mayne's room for the doctor. Dr. Tallridge comes out and tells them he's conscious but incoherent so he shouldn't be bombarded with questions. The doctor wants to keep him sedated so Leah asks for how long. "It's to early to tell," the doctor says. A woman comes up and asks for Gibbs. She introduces herself as Rachel Wells and says she was told by police to see him. Gibbs asks what it's about. She tells him her husband went jogging the morning before. When he didn't return, she reported him missing and showed the police his photo. She hands Gibbs a photo of her and Mayne. "You're married to John Mayne?" Gibbs asks. "No his name is Christian Wells," Rachel replies. "No, his name is John and he's my husband," Leah tells her.

Outside the hospital, Gibbs and Rachel get a cup of coffee and sit down to chat. Rachel and Christian met two years ago on the track. They just nodded heads for about a month, then finally talked and went out for coffee. Shortly after they began dating. "How long have you been married?" Gibbs asks. "Just over a year," she says. They eloped over Christmas in Hawaii. Gibbs asks if she met his family. Rachel tells him he has no family, he's an only child and both of his parents are dead. Gibbs tells her Christian's real name and that he went MIA in Afghanistan. He asks if Christian has a job. She tells him he day-trades and he'd inherited a lot of money, but that's not why she married him. Gibbs asks if she's a runner, how come the two of them didn't go running together the morning he was shot? Rachel says she's been nursing a hamstring. She gets up to go back inside and Gibbs asks if she knew he was meeting someone in the park the day before. She stops, turns and says, "No." "Know he owned a gun? He had it with him," he says. After hesitating a moment, Rachel heads back inside the hospital.

In the squadroom, Ziva tells Gibbs the district does not take fingerprints when issuing a driver's license which is why Christian Wells didn't come up on the scan. Records reflect his arrival in the Virginia-Maryland area 5 years ago but nothing prior to that. Lt. Mayne has constructed a new life. McGee has found a whole bunch of brokerage and bank accounts in his name. One mutual account alone he has over $5 million in it and his total worth is over $12 million. Over the last 2 weeks, someone ran credit checks on Christians Wells. Gibbs asks if he has a name. Peter Iger of Iger Investigations. McGee called him and left a message. Gibbs tells McGee to track down the source of the money and for Ziva to track down Iger.

At the hospital, Tony watches as the doctor checks on Mayne. When the doctor comes out, Tony says Mayne looks coherent enough and want to question him. The doctor tells Tony he's not out of the woods yet and won't allow Tony to question him. "Have you informed the wife of his condition?" Tony asks. "Which one?" the doctor asks. Smiling Tony says it's quite the dilemma isn't it. Rachel Wells comes in and demands to see her husband immediately. Dr. Tallridge tells her that her husband is still in critical condition and he can't let her in the room. Leah Mayne walks up and overhears the last part and says, "No no no no. If you let that bimbo into my husband's room I will sue this hospital and you personally for everything you've got." Rachel walks away and Leah follows. "You ever been married doc?" Tony asks. "Twice, but never at the same time," he replies.

Ziva finishes a phone call and hangs up. She's heading out to see the P.I., Iger. Ducky walks in as she's leaving so she compliments him on his tie. Ducky thanks her and begins to tell her he got it at the Metropolitan museum and tells her what it's supposed to represent. Ziva looks to Gibbs while Ducky carries on. When Ducky is done, Ziva compliments him on the 'flowers' or 'whatever' on his tie then tells him she has to run. Gibbs holds up a piece of paper and asks Ducky if he needs it. Ducky thanks him and tells him he just needs a long weekend. Palmer has autopsy covered and Ducky is reachable on his cell phone. "Duck, everything okay? "Gibbs asks. "Yeah, never better why do you ask?" Ducky says. "Half my team's worried about you," Gibbs says. "Which half?...Abby and Ziva," Ducky says with a smile and walks away.

Still waiting at the hospital, Tony takes an opportunity and slips into Mayne's room. Raising Mayne's bed, Tony says, "Rise and shine sleepyhead. How ya feeling?" "I've felt better," Mayne replies. He asks who Tony is. Tony takes note that he's thinking clearly, shows his badge, introduces himself and says, "I'd like to ask you a couple questions Lt. Mayne." Tony asks who he should call him, Lt. Mayne or Christian Wells. Mayne's heart monitor begins beeping at a faster rate. Tony tells him there are 2 women claiming to be his wife out in the waiting room. He asks where Mayne went after Afghanistan. His monitors begin beeping loudly so the nurse comes in and asks what Tony is doing in there. Tony lies and says he was fluffing Mayne's pillow, he looked uncomfortable. She kicks him out so Tony ends up talking to Leah and Rachel in the waiting room. Mayne sees both women standing there talking to Tony.

Ziva shows up to meet with Iger. She walks up to a car and hears a man talking on the phone so she knocks on the window. He lets her in the car, which is trashed with papers and food. He thanks her for meeting him there because he hasn't left that spot in 3 days. "Stakeouts are brutal," Ziva says. He asks what she needs. "Why were you investigating Christian Wells? Come on, we know you ran credit checks on him," she asks. He tells her a client hired him. Ziva asks who hired him to find out about Wells. A guy who had an internet photo of a marathon runner crossing the finish line, thought it was someone he knew. Iger pulls up the photo on his laptop and tells Ziva he found out his name by running his number through the marathon registration information. It wasn't the person his client was looking for. Iger tried to do a little more by checking into Wells finances but he didn't get anywhere. "Took ten minutes, easiest $500 bucks I've ever made," Iger says. "You should have dug deeper," Ziva tells him. "Why?" he asks. She wants the name of his client but he tells her it's privileged. She tells him it's not privileged because they are investigating a shooting and it will take nothing to get a subpoena. After a minute, Iger pulls up the contract and tells Ziva the man who hired him was Gordon Holcomb. "Major Gordon Holcomb?" she asks. "Yeah, think he was a Marine?" Iger asks. "Yeah," Ziva says.

In ICU, the team is working on Mayne who has gone into cardiac arrest. Tony and Leah walk in and watch as the team tries to revive him. "We've lost him," the nurse says. Tony looks uncomfortable at this news.

At the squadroom, McGee is going over the updated evidence about Holcomb with Gibbs. "As much as I was thinking one of the wives did it, this guy's looking awfully guilty. Now that Mayne's dead, guilty of murder," Tony says. When Mayne went missing in Afghanistan he was broke, pulling in $3300 a month. Six years later his name is Wells and he's worth over $12 million. "Where did the money come from?" Gibbs asks. McGee is only able to trace the money back 5 years from a wire transfer from an off-shore account in Nevis. "Freeze all his accounts," Gibbs says. "You got it boss," McGee answers. Gibbs thinks there's a connection with what went down in Afghanistan 5 years ago. He questions McGee about Holcomb and Gontz using the same choice in words. "It's like they were reading a script," McGee says. "Check with our agents in Kabul, see what they dig up," Gibbs tells Tony. McGee's phone rings and he hangs up. He tells Gibbs that Major Holcomb is in the lobby.

Ziva escorts Iger into the interrogation area. Iger gave up on his stakeout because the client wouldn't pay for any more time. "I hope I helped, I didn't really tell you anything new," he says. Just then, McGee and Holcomb walk down the hallway. Holcomb glares at Iger as he passes by. Ziva and McGee smile at Holcomb's reaction. "You guys are really devious," Iger tells Ziva as they walk away.

In the interrogation room, Gibbs pulls out the marathon photo of Mayne. He asks Holcomb why he hired the P.I. "I was surfing the internet, came across the marathon and thought the runner in that picture looked like John Mayne," Holcomb says. "You spent $500 of your own money to hire a private investigator?" Gibbs asks. "Yeah," Holcomb replies. "You didn't mention that yesterday," Gibbs adds. "The investigator told me it wasn't him," Holcomb says. "So when you saw the photo, why didn't you call the police? Why didn't you call us?" Gibbs asks. "I never came to terms with what happened during that Op in Afghanistan. One of my men was left behind. I knew the chances of that runner in the photograph being Mayne was slim so I didn't want to dredge everything up with the Marine Corp again. Trust me, if that P.I. had told me Mayne was alive, I'd have come to you in a second," Holcomb says.

In autopsy, Ducky is reviewing Mayne's x-rays. He feels something is amiss and Lt. Mayne is even more of a mystery. The doors open and in walks Abby with Mortimer. "Ah so this is the little rascal I've heard so much about," Ducky says as he bends down and pets the puppy. Abby wants the puppy to have a playdate with Ducky's mother's dogs. "We'll see," Ducky says. Ducky asks if she matched the slug from the Lt.'s body. "No, it was a .45, the gun they found at the scene was a 9mil but there was definitely a second weapon like Gibbs' suspected," Abby says. Ducky checked Mayne's x-rays for a previously broken leg but found no evidence. Abby is staring at him and tells him she's looking at his tie. "My neckwear seems to be a source of fascination. Do you like it?" he asks. "Yeah but you're Ducky and Ducky wears bow-ties," Abby tells him. Ducky talks to her about making a change. She tells him he looks adorable with his tie. Abby tries to get Ducky to go to lunch with her but he declines. She asks about the next day but he tells her he has plans, then dismisses her so he can call Gibbs to tell him about the lack of a broken leg. "He's up to something Mortimer," Abby whispers to the dog on her way out.

Rachel Wells has shown up at NCIS. She is upset with Gibbs and refuses to believe her husband isn't who he said he was. "Before we had a fingerprint ID, now we have a positive DNA match," Gibbs tells her. Rachel sees Leah walking on the other side of the squadroom with McGee. "Oh don't tell me they're releasing Christian's body to that woman," she says. He tells her at this point, they aren't planning on releasing his remains to anyone. She's upset because she tried to get money out of the ATM that morning and was declined and the bank told her all their accounts were frozen. He tells her that Mayne lived a fraudulent life, his parents are still alive so there is no inheritance. She wants to know how she is supposed to live and if she needs to get her lawyer involved. "I don't know, you do whatever it is you need to do okay?" Gibbs says as he walks away. Gibbs asks Special Agent Sanchez to escort Rachel back down to the lobby. "I'm not going away Agent Gibbs," Rachel says on her way out.

Gibbs ask Tony what he found out. "About the time Mayne went MIA, an Afghan drug lord claimed some U.S. soldiers stole millions from him. Maybe that's how poor Mayne became rich Wells," Tony says. Gibbs points out the other 2 men were lying about Mayne's broken leg. "Okay, let's get em back in here," Tony says. Gibbs want to get to the cab driver first because he's the weakest. "He is the weakest link and I'm on it boss," Tony says.

Gontz is in interrogation when Gibbs walks in. Gibbs slams a folder down on the table, then stands across from Gontz. "They told me John Mayne died," Gontz said. Gibbs tells him he was killed and they believe it had to do with millions. "Any idea how he got it?" Gibbs asks a bit sarcastically. Gibbs walks over, pulls information out of the file and tells Gontz they think the money was stolen from an Afghan drug lord who has been a guest at Gitmo for the past 6 years. "He claims that he was robbed by Americans," Gibbs tells him. When he gets no response, Gibbs sits down and says, "Come on man, what happened on that Op?" "You help me, I'll help you," he tells Gontz. While doing their Op, on the way out of the village they took fire from the drug lord's guards, who thought they were after the money. After they took the guards out, they found 5 oil drums full of U.S. bills. They left Mayne to guard the money while they went in search of a vehicle and when they got back, Mayne was gone. They told the story about the broken leg because they couldn't tell the truth about the money. Gontz felt guilty all these years thinking Mayne was captured because they wanted the money, only to find out he was alive.

Music is playing as a Chrysler pulls up outside someone's home. Holcomb gets out, goes to the door and rings the bell. The door is opened by Leah Mayne and she greets Holcomb with hugs and they kiss. Ziva has followed Holcomb and takes photos of the two of them together.

In interrogation, Ziva confronts Leah Mayne with the photos she took. Ziva asks how long she and Holcomb have been involved. "Involved. After Gordon returned from Afghanistan and told me about John being MIA. He stopped by to check on me every 3 or 4 months and about 3 years ago, his marriage started to fall apart and that's when things started to change between us," Leah answers. Tony asks her if the phone call she made from the hospital was to Major Holcomb.

In another room, Holcomb admits Leah called him to tell him John Mayne was alive. He knew he was alive before Gibbs brought him in. "You didn't tell us you hired a private investigator. When are you going to stop lying," Gibbs yells. "I was just trying to protect my career and marriage. Now they are both over," Holcomb says.

Leah says Holcomb stayed with his wife for the kids. Tony asked if she was still collecting her husband's military salary and allowance and Leah says she was. When asked, Leah tells them she didn't know her husband was alive until they called her to the hospital. Ziva asks where she was the morning John was shot. "With Gordon," Leah says.

Holcomb tells Gibbs he lied to his wife. He told her he had to spend the night at Quantico. He and Leah spent the night at a hotel in Falls Church and didn't know until Leah was called to the hospital that John Mayne was alive.

In the squadroom, McGee pulls up footage from the hotel. The video shows Leah and Holcomb checking out of the hotel, the Major paid in cash. "Of course he did, he's married," Tony tosses in. Ziva stares at him. McGee says the video confirms they were both in Falls Church at the time of the shooting. "You are so quick to suspect the wife," Ziva tells Tony. "Still do, he's got 2 of em. And 2 lives," Tony says. "Which life got him killed?" Gibbs asks. "I'm thinking it's the little hottie. Knew about her husband's former life and stolen money. Don't ya think? I mean she said she didn't go running because of a blown hammie but she was strutting around pretty good last time I saw her" Tony adds. "Let's find out where she was," Gibbs says. Ziva wonders about Gontz because he knew about the stolen money and could have crossed paths with Mayne. Suddenly a loud clap of thunder and lightening let loose outside. Tony whines about no more rain because the weather man said it would miss them. "What do you care about it. A little rain's not going to hurt you," Ziva says. "It'll hurt my wallet. I just had my car washed," Tony says. "That is why I never wash my car in the winter," Ziva tells them. "That's a big mistake because you got to wash off the de-icing salt, otherwise it'll eat through the undercarriage," Gibbs tells her. Tony points his finger at Gibbs, agreeing with him. Suddenly, Ziva looks down, picks up a business card and goes over to McGee's desk. She asks him to track down where the cell phone on the card was on the morning Mayne was shot. She hands him the card for Peter Iger. Gibbs asks Ziva what's going on. She tells him Iger lied to her. He told her he hadn't left his stakeout for 3 days but his car was so spotless on the outside, she could see her reflection. McGee tells her the Iger's phone was off that morning. "I do not believe it. He is always on it. That man practically has a wire growing out of his ear. He would never turn it off Gibbs," Ziva says. McGee points out he would if he didn't want to leave an electronic trail. Gibbs asks if Iger's phone is on right then. McGee pulls it up and gives Gibbs the location.

Tony and McGee find Iger's vehicle, which is locked and Iger isn't in it. Tony sees a laptop on the passenger side and wants to take look at it. McGee calls Ziva and has her pull up the cell tracker and she tells him he's at a restaurant a block away. "Perfect, I'll get the slim jim," Tony says. "Hey, hey, we don't have a warrant. I have a record and besides a slim jim is very very old school," McGee says. Tony asks if he has a better idea and McGee says he does. He puts Ziva on hold and tells Tony he built an application on his phone. Punching in the vehicle's identification number, McGee is able to hack into a database and pull down the codes for the remote for the car. "I'm glad that MIT education paid off for something McGee," Tony says. "It is pretty super isn't it?" McGee says. The two go back and forth about unlocking the door. Tony grabs McGee's phone and hits the button unlocking Iger's doors. He gets in, sits in the passenger seat and checks out the laptop. McGee tells Tony they can't look at Iger's computer. "You know you're right. You could be in here in 10 seconds and then we could be out of here. Come on, I'll hold the phone," Tony says. An older Chinese couple are watching Tony and McGee from inside the restaurant. McGee hacks into the laptop, pulls up Holcomb's file and then turns the laptop back over to Tony.

Ducky walks through a cemetery, carrying a bouquet of flowers. Ducky stops at a headstone and reads the name, it belongs to his mother. He places the flowers by the headstone and begins to talk to his mother about the opera the night before. Mortimer comes up to Ducky and he realizes Abby is there. She asks when his mother died and hugs Ducky.

Tony reads Iger's files. He has photos of Mayne running and tossing a water bottle. Tony reads a letter that indicates Iger took the water bottle and sent it to a lab for verification. Iger got an email back telling him the fingerprints belonged to Lt. John Mayne, so Iger knew the truth all along. McGee tells Ziva to check the database and see if Iger has a registered .45. McGee wonders why Iger wouldn't turn the information over to Holcomb. Tony tells him he only got his meager fee if he handed it over to Holcomb. Iger blackmailed Mayne to get more money. While Ziva's running through the database to check on the .45, McGee's cell tracking system shows that Iger is moving back towards his car. Ziva gets the hit on the database she needed; Iger owns a .45 gun. Tony taunts McGee that it's too bad they won't be able to use the information because they obtained it illegally, because McGee broke into Iger's car. "Criminal," Tony calls McGee. Ziva notices on McGee's computer that Iger is on his way back to his car and warns McGee to get out of there. Iger rounds the corner and McGee and Tony are standing by his car. "Hey, NCIS right?" Iger says. Tony tells him they have to ask him a few questions. McGee asks to see his .45. Iger nervously tells them he hasn't carried it in years, he sold it at a gun show. Tony asks Iger to put the bag down but rather than listen, Iger tosses it at Tony and takes off running. Gibbs pulls up and Iger runs into the car. Gibbs asks Iger if he tried to shake Wells down. Iger says it was self-defense, Wells shot first. Iger says Mayne stole millions, he only asked for $100,000.

Ducky returns to autopsy and Gibbs is lying on one of the tables. "When were you going to tell me Duck?" Gibbs asks. Ducky says he was going to have a service but all his mother's friends predeceased her. "When were you going to tell us?" Gibbs asks. Ducky tells him he didn't want to impose. He's surrounded by death, he wanted to deal with the personal loss by himself. Ducky tells Gibbs he sold the house, it closes the following week and he got rid of his mother's wretched dogs. Gibbs asks what he's going to do. Ducky says he put an offer in on a charming brownstone and he's been working with a charming real estate agent named Sophie. "She's quite a bit younger than myself," Ducky says. Gibbs hops off the table and walks over to Ducky and says, "So I take it Sophie is the one who doesn't like the bow ties?" "Well...." Ducky says with a knowing smile.

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