Nzev dlu Patriot Down /Patriot Down
seril:NCIS: Námoøní vyšetøovací služba
seril NCIS: Námoøní vyšetøovací služba - 161.dl Patriot Down
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Datum premiry:
2010.05.18 - Útery
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Pidno dne:
19.07.2010, 14:21:25
Zmna dne3:
19.07.2010, 14:21:25
Dlka dlu:
45 min.


At the squadroom, Tony is watching the Annapolis Commencement coverage on ZNN News while McGee and Ziva are working at their desks. "Ah graduation, for many an alcohol induced purple haze." "Easy there Hendricks, it'll pass," McGee replies. Tony tells McGee that when he was on the Baltimore Police Department, every graduation they'd head down to the drunk tank and there would be 100 seniors throwing up on themselves. "Good times," Tony says. Ziva walks up, smiling and says, "Need I remind you that I too will be a graduate soon." "With a degree in what?" McGee asks. "English as a 10th Language," Tony replies. Ziva explains that her naturalization interview is that week, both written and oral exams. "It is how an alien becomes a citizen," she tells them. "Oh, I know what it means Ziva," Tony says. McGee asks if she's ready then asks her what the Fifth Amendment is. Ziva gives him the answer and Gibbs walks in and says, "Not bad, David, not bad at all." "DiNozzo, eighth letter of the alphabet," Gibbs asks. "G," Tony replies. "No, H for homicide got one on the beach in Annapolis, could be academy related," Gibbs says as he grabs his gear to head out. As the team grabs their gear to head out, Vance walks up and wants a moment with Gibbs. Vance tells Gibbs that every television station will be covering the Annapolis graduation so he wants the murder on the down-low until they know something. Smirking, Gibbs replies, "Keep what on the down-low, Director?".

The team is on the beach, processing the crime scene. Tony is taking photos of the burnt body, which is in very large fire pit, beneath burnt wood and ash. "Helluva way to go," Tony says. "Smells like mesquite," McGee replies while smelling the air. "Who are you, Bobby Flay?" Tony asks. McGee points out that certain woods burn differently than others and it's still green out there, that's why the wood is smoldering. Tony thinks it's perfect for making Smores and McGee says he never liked Smores. "What are you talking about? What's not to like? You got your chocolate, graham crackers, gooey marshmallows. What kind of Boy Scout are you?" Tony asks. "I"m a Webelos actually," McGee says. "Zip up Webelos, your inner geek is showing," Tony says as he looks at the zipper on McGee's pants.

Gibbs and Ziva are questioning Navy Ensign Philip Bosch. Bosch tells Gibbs that the fire was ready to go when they got there. He set it up the night before so that when they arrived, all he had to do was drop the match and light it. Ziva asks if he thinks someone came during the night and deliberately put the body underneath. "Had to have, ma'am," Bosch replies. Gibbs notices Bosch is pale and looking sluggish and asks if he's feeling alright. Bosch explains he was up all night celebrating and hasn't slept yet. Gibbs smiles and says, "Go get some sleep, we'll be in touch."

Ducky walks up and says, "Whenever a good Nor-wester blows, Christopher is certain to have sand between the toes." Ziva asks what Christopher is. "He's a creation of AA Milne, who also liked a good romp on the beach," Ducky says. Ducky looks at the remains and says that this one put up quite a fight. The nails were broken at the cuticle, the heat cooked off most of the flesh but not all of it as he looks at the flesh on one hand. Ducky points out that killers use a normal fire as a crematorium but it doesn't work because it doesn't generate the necessary temperature. He takes out a medical kit and syringe. "See that, it wasn't hot enough," McGee tells Tony. "Thank you Wee Willy Webelos," Tony sarcastically replies. Tony holds the kit while Ducky fills the syringe with fluid and asks McGee for his portable finger print kit. Ducky rehydrates the dehydrated digit with saline, which allows them to get the victim's identification. "It's like watering a mummy," Tony says. McGee runs the fingerprint on the scanner and gets a hit. When he is silent for a moment, Gibbs says, "Words McGee." "Boss, this is Special Agent Lara Macy," McGee tells the him.

In the squadroom, McGee looks up information on Macy, while Tony looks at her photo on the large screen, while holding his badge with a mourning band around the middle of it (this is done in memory of a fallen comrade). Macy was transferred out of the NCIS: LA office the previous June to a new assignment in Marseilles. "Supposed to feel safer on American soil," Tony says. Ziva points out it that it could have happened to any one of them, it's the risk they take. Gibbs comes in and tells them the Agency is on alert and the Director has ordered a threat assessment. "So now what?" Ziva asks. "We assess," Gibbs says. "Figure out who killed another female agent," Tony replies. McGee replies, "Up hold justice to the full extent of the law". Tony responds, "Or whatever it takes". Gibbs figures Macy is a Marine, Agent and a daughter so he wants to begin with the daughter part of her first. Macy's mother lives on a farm in Cumberland, Maryland so Gibbs tells them to call and let her know they are coming. Ziva's phone rings, she answers it, then hangs up. She tells Gibbs that one of the men in Macy's office in Marseilles is calling into MTAC. The team is puzzled wondering how that office knows already. Gibbs heads up to MTAC.

In MTAC, Gibbs and Vance chat with Special Agent Emil Mineoux, from Macy's office. Macy left four days prior for personal time. Vance informs Mineoux that Macy is dead. When asked, Gibbs says Macy was murdered. "On my watch Agent Mineoux so if you think this is case related, I'm going to need every document, every file that you can get your hands on," Vance tells Mineoux. Mineoux wonders who would want Macy dead. Gibbs tells him to check her apartment, phone records and mail. Mineoux tells them that Macy was staying at the Freemont Inn while she was in Norfolk. "It's a great loss for Director, the whole agency," Mineoux says. "You have no idea," Vance replies.

In autopsy, Ducky is talking to Macy's remains. Gibbs walks in and says, "You're talking to yourself again Ducky." Ducky tells him that on the contrary, Macy is enlightening him. He shows him the bone chip in Macy's neck. Ducky believes a serrated knife was pulled violently up and around her neck, practically severing it from the spinal cord. "Macy can hold her own? Professional hit?" Gibbs says. Ducky believes it looks like a professional did it. Ducky wonders why Macy was set ablaze in NCIS jurisdiction.

Gibbs heads out and up to Abby's lab and he asks what she has. "Questions, for you," Abby says calmly. "Case first," Gibbs says as he looks over the evidence brought in from Macy's hotel room. She points out people travel for business or pleasure and if Macy was traveling for pleasure, why didn't she stay at her mother's home in Maryland. All of the items Macy brought with her were work related items. Abby checked the last phone call coming in on Macy's phone. It was an incoming mad from a store bought, disposable cell phone. Macy made five phone calls since her arrival in Norfolk an all were to a Petty Officer Kaylen Burrows. Burrows is currently stationed on the USS Majestic. It was docked outside Marseilles until a few weeks ago, then made port in Norfolk at the same time Macy did. "Agency Macy followed Burrows back to the states, business," Gibbs says. "Not pleasure," Abby replies. "Gibbs, speaking of business, we need to talk, about stuff and things," Abby says. "Not now Abs," Gibby replies. "Okay," Abby says as she watches Gibbs leave.

Gibbs heads down the hallway and runs into Allison Hart. "Hello, Mr. Gibbs," Allison says. Gibbs makes a comment about her wandering around and she reminds him she has a pass now. Gibbs walks up, looks at her badge and says, "Limited access. Your client, Colonel Bell, he'll be disappointed." She tells him it's not about Colonel Bell, she's on her way to see Abby because the Mexican government wants Pedro Hernandez's body back. "He's just a drug dealer," he says. "Maybe, but if you had an unsolved case, you'd want your evidence back to," she replies. "You better get to work," Gibbs says as he turns and begins to walk away. Allison invites Gibbs out for dinner, which he turns down, she then invites him out for a beer, which he also turns down. "If I didn't know any better Mr. Gibbs, I'd think you were avoiding me," she says. Gibbs just stares at her for a second, then rounds the corner without another word.

Tony and Ziva board the USS Majestic to talk to Petty Officer burrows. They enter the mess hall and Tony can't stop talking about the food. "We are not here to eat, Tony," Ziva says. "I mourn, I eat, I'm Italian," Tony replies. "Jews and Italians are similar that way," Ziva responds. Tony indicates where Burrows is, so the two NCIS agents approach her and sit down. When Tony makes the introductions, Burrows gets up to head back to work, but Tony puts his hand on her shoulder, indicating she needs to sit back down. Burrows claims she's running late and needs to get started on her watch. From across the room, two men watch what is going on at Burrows table. Tony starts asking about the Flan. "Can we stop talking about the Flan," Ziva says. "What are you anti-flan?" Tony asks. Tony looks at Burrows and asks if she will tell them what happened between her and Special Agent Macy in Marseilles?". "I don't know who that is," Burrows replies. Tony reminds her she spoke with Macy five times that week alone. The two men who were watching Burrows, approach her table and tell her it's time to go. "Haha, it's kinda cute how you guys all look out for each other. And you ate all your Flan, well done big boy," Tony says to the men. "This is a private conversation," Ziva tells them. "Well this is a US Naval vessel ma'am and we have responsibilities," one of the men says to Ziva. "And so do we. She'll meet you up on deck. Gentleman," Tony replies. The two men leave as Tony gets up to answer his cell phone. Abby calls to tell him she got into Macy's laptop and is able to view the files. Macy had started a case file but it was incomplete because the victim of the crime refused to testify and refused to cooperate at all. "Who was the victim exactly?" Tony asks. Abby tells him the victim was Kaylen Burrows. Tony swings around to look at Burrows, then asks Abby, "What was the crime?". "Rape," Abby replies.

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