Název dílu Singled Out
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seriál:NCIS: Námořní vyšetřovací služba

seriál NCIS: Námořní vyšetřovací služba - 73.díl Z kola ven
Aternativný názvy epizody
Datum premiéry:
2006.10.03 - Úterý
Česká premiéra:
2009.07.21 - Úterý
4 . sezónu s : 24 díly
Díl v serii
Produkční číslo:
Kód epizody:
Navy NCIS 073
Délka dílu:
45 min.
Přidáno dne:
16.05.2010, 22:26:41
Změna dne:
01.01.1970, 01:00:17
Seznam žánrů






Díl seriálu je v jazycích..

Bylo nalezeno opuštěné auto celé od krve registrované na počítačovou programátorku z námořnictva Anne Sullivanovou. Zároveò jedna z řidiček nahlásila, že viděla vůz, za jehož zadním sklem křičela žena celá od krve. Podle popisu i otisků prstů auto řídil Justin Farris, známý zloděj aut. Ten se také posléze sám na policii přihlásil s tím, že auto ukradl, aniž by tušil, že vzadu někdo je. Když zjistil, že ho někdo pronásleduje, nechal auto stát a utekl. Ze stop je zřejmé, že žena byla odvezena pryč jiným autem.


It opens with Tony in Jenny's office looking around, especially her flowers. Apparently it is a passion of his. She asks Tony how he thought he did as team leader and rates himself a B-. he claims to have no problem working for Gibbs again though. Jenny gives him an offer for his own team because his performance has been great.He is having second thoughts though about leaving Gibbs and the rest.

Tony is going to the squad room and a gets a call from dispatch and Tony tells them to call Gibbs, because he isn't team leader.

they go out and arrive at a car that is stolen and has blood in the back. Gibbs is having trouble finding things because Tony decided to rearrange the supply cabinet. It is more efficint this way. Ziva comes to the conclusion that she was not slaughtered in the back. Tony gives and order and to report to him. gibbs looks at him wierd and sends Ziva and Tony out. Meanwhile Gibbs and McGee try to figure out where the missing lieutenant went and find her other shoe. They find that she was forced and put into another car.

Ziva and Tony arrive at the lieutenants apartment and it looks a lot like McGee's. She has a pile of profiles of potential targets.

At the squad room they are reviewing the victim Lieutenant Sullivan and suspect so far had no hits but a likeness to a mug shot, Justin Ferris. Tony and McGee come to the conclusion that Gibbs is more human because of the moustache.

Abby's Lab: She arranged the profiles and on is missing, AB1016. She was profiling men and the information is on her computer except the hard drive is smashed badly.

Tony is on the phone and can't get Probie to come over. McGee doesn't respond well being called probie. McGee doesn't think that Tony could rate his own team because if he did he wouldn't be here. Gibbs tell McGee that his first partner still calls him Probie. Tony was going out to get Justin to find that he is turning himself in.

In interrogation Justin says that he just stole the car and Sullivan woke up screaming so he left her. She started screaming about being Singled out. Justin says he thought a silver honda was tailing him.

In autopsy Ducky is profiling Sullivan. he is conducting a psychological profile. Sullivan is a loner who has been around the world.There seems to be hostility between Gibbs and Ducky.

In the squad room they find that Sullivan is a female version of McGee.

Gibbs wakes up Abby by telling her that her computer is on fire. The find a time table which is encrypted. Abby finds a $5,000 software called morph-pro. Tony said that it is big bucks on a lieutenant salary. Gibbs claims that we have nothing until they crack the encrypting. Ducky runs down a list of of possible passwords and gets it with Spanish Rose. Sullivan was trying to find a husband.

She used morph-pro to find what her adult offspring would look like. They try Ziva and Tony, and Gibbs and the director. Abby discovered that the lieutenant was at a speed dating event. Apparently McGee has also been to a speed dating event. The men remain the same but the women change every night. Ziva goes undercover as a geek.

Ziva is surprised at the idea of 90 second dates. Ziva talks to the guys about herself and tries to get their prints. Tony is at the bar and asks the guy if he has ever seen his "friend" lieutenant. the bartender says she is with the speed dating party and one of the guys she was with is with Ziva. Gibbs tells Tony to take him down except his print didn't match.

In interrogation Calvin is being questioned by Tony and Ziva about this stolen car. He reported it missing from his house in Fairfax but he was at the Bellmont every night for 3 nights. He was speed dating and didn't want his wife to find out. He is describing a person who stole his car.

In Abby's lab she is running prints off a pay phone and where the calls came from.

They all show up at the warehouse with guns drawn and start searching the premises. Tony finds clues that they were planning a heist and Ziva finds the missing profile.

In the hotel we see two people exchanging money who look like workers. We then see Sullivan crying and scared with duct tape over her mouth. Ziva comes in and tells him not to shoot or she will shoot. Gibbs tells Tony it is only a couple of minutes between death or life.

Tony walks into Jenny's office and decides to pass on the promotion. Jenny told Tony that she is proud and sometimes wishes she would have taken her career slower.

71. díl
William G. Webb
72. díl
Dennis Smith
73. díl
Terrence O´Hara
74. díl
Thomas J. Wright
75. díl
Colin Bucksey
76. díl
James Whitmore Jr.
77. díl
Dennis Smith
78. díl
Thomas J. Wright
79. díl
Terrence O´Hara
80. díl
Dennis Smith
81. díl
Dennis Smith
82. díl
Colin Bucksey
83. díl
Terrence O´Hara
84. díl
Thomas J. Wright
85. díl
Dennis Smith
86. díl
Colin Bucksey
87. díl
James Whitmore Jr.
88. díl
Thomas J. Wright
89. díl
James Whitmore Jr.
90. díl
Dennis Smith
91. díl
Martha Mitchell
92. díl
Thomas J. Wright
93. díl
Terrence O´Hara
94. díl
Dennis Smith

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