Nzev dlu Twisted Sister /Zlobivá sestra
seril:NCIS: Námoøní vyšetøovací služba
seril NCIS: Námoøní vyšetøovací služba - 79.dl Zlobivá sestra
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Datum premiry:
2006.11.21 - Úterý
esk premira:
2009.09.07 - Pondìlí
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Navy NCIS 079
Pidno dne:
23.05.2010, 10:20:10
Zmna dne3:
23.05.2010, 10:20:10
Dlka dlu:
45 min.

McGee pracuje v noci na své nové knize, když se před dveřmi objeví jeho sestra Satan, dezorientovaná a celá od krve. Nedokáže říct, co se stalo, a McGee se obává, že vzhledem k jejím problémům s alkoholem to mohlo být cokoliv.

Poruší proto veškerá nařízení a riskuje ztrátu zaměstnání. Druhý den se mailem omluví, že do práce nedorazí, protože je nemocný, a snaží se zjistit, co se událo. Zamíří k Sářině škole, kde však k jeho překvapení kolegové vyšetřují vraždu Jeffa Pettyho. McGee místo činu ihned opustí. Sáře se vybavují pouze útržky a nedokáže říct, zda někoho zabila. Posléze vychází najevo, že mrtvý je její bývalý přítel, který ji opustil kvůli její kamarádce-roztleskávačce. Sarah nesla rozchod těžce, a dokonce i v mailu napsala, že Jeffa zabije. Navíc si na svém blogu vybíjela nenávist vůči roztleskávačkám a zesměšòovala je. Důkazy jasně svědčí proti ní a McGee se rozhodne informovat NCIS. Sarah proto od něj uteče, ale zapomene u něj mobil. Když pak Gibbs vytočí číslo z mobilu mrtvého, dovolá se McGeeovi, a ten má co vysvětlovat.

Sarah je hlavní podezřelá, mluví proti ní její maily, nalezená krev, výpověï taxikáře i otisky na vražedné zbrani. Nebyly však prokázány stopy po alkoholu či omamných látkách. Tony nachází dívku v univerzitní knihovně a přivádí ji na oddělení. K překvapení všech se Sarah zmíní o knize, kterou McGee o NCIS vydal.

Probíhá výslech Jeffovy nové přítelkyně Carolyn, právě tak jako Sáry. Zmatená Sarah se k vraždě přiznává. Ve stejnou chvíli však Abby přichází s jasným důkazem, že vraždu spáchat nemohla, že jí přece jen kdosi přidal do pizzy omamnou látku. Bezpečnostní záznamy z jídelny pak odhalí skutečného viníka a vraha –je jím jedna z roztleskávaček, Madison.


McGee is pacing outside the bathroom door, listening to the shower run. He is concerned about his sister, who has been in the shower for over an hour. Sarah wants all of the mystery blood washed away. None of the blood is hers, but Sarah has no idea who the blood belongs to. She went to a club with girls from school to listen to a crappy band and the next thing she knew, she was at Tim's door. McGee reminds her that she left out the part where she said she killed someone. This takes Sarah by surprise and she opens the bathroom door. Sarah does not remember saying that.

McGee quizzes her on how much she had to drink. Sarah initially denies drinking anything as she is under 21, but McGee points out that her fake ID says she is 22. McGee presses Sarah on this point and she admits to having a few drinks. McGee reminds her that she cannot hold her liquor. The last time Sarah had to much to drink she painted ***** on Katie Hutchinson's garage. Sarah assures McGee she would have done that sober since Katie stole her boyfriend.

McGee's cell phone rings; it is Ziva and McGee hangs up on her.

Sarah assures Tim that she barely touched her second beer. She remembers this because she had to, but Sarah stops talking as she remembers being in a food court, looking at pizza, and then sees her English Literature book. McGee asks her what she had to do and Sarah tells him she had to study. Sarah has remembered that after the concert they went to the food court, but she left early because she had to go to the library to study. McGee is glad that Sarah is starting to remember things but Sarah is concerned by the fact that she cannot remember.

McGee suggests that someone might have slipped something in one of her drinks, but Sarah assures her that she is very careful about that. "Smart Girl 101: You don't take drinks from guys you don't know." McGee wants her to provide a urine sample anyway and picks up a coffee cup and hands it to her. Sarah refuses to pee in a mug with a picture of their grandmother on it.

McGee starts to call the police but Sarah doesn't want him to do that. She tells McGee that the blood could have been animal blood. McGee reminds Sarah that he is a federal agent and he has a responsibility. Sarah tells him that she didn't come to a federal agent, she came to her big brother.

In the squad room, Ziva reports on the various ways she has tried to contact McGee without any success. Gibbs tells them to keep trying, but Ziva wonders why no one was this concerned about her when she was being framed by the Iranians (Season 4, Episode 1: Shalom). Gibbs and Tony remind her that McGee is extremely punctual (McTimex), she is not. Tony manages to get access to McGee's personal calendar to see if he has a doctor's appointment. He does not, but Tony discovers that McGee has hired a personal trainer and he has an appointment at a Harley Davidson dealership. Tony starts to wonder about the source of McGee's extra income.

Gibbs gets a phone call telling them of a dead sailor and they start to gear up. Jenny walks into the squad room to tell them that McGee sent her an e-mail saying he has laryngitis and won't be in. Jenny bets that McGee sent an e-mail to Gibbs as well, who stops and turns back to his desk to check his e-mail. Gibbs has 63 unread e-mails, one of which is from McGee saying he won't be in today. Tony and Ziva look at Gibbs who rousts them with a "You still here?" Gibbs follows them, making a "hm" noise at Jenny as he passes her.

Meanwhile, Sarah is wondering just who e-mails in sick to work. McGee explains that if he called, they'd know he was lying. Sarah also reasons that someone with laryngitis couldn't call and then realizes that McGee had that excuse ready to use for a comic book convention. McGee wants to get back to reconstructing Sarah's night. Sarah left the bar at 9:30 pm, arrived at the food court around 10pm, and showed up at McGee's door at 2:30am. This leaves about 4 hours unaccounted for.

Sarah tells McGee that she is impressed and asks if this is what he does at work. McGee looks pleased and nods his head. Sarah then shoots him down by saying "you, like, state the obvious and make pretty pie charts?" "No, we collect facts and we formulate theories," McGee tells her and then suggests if she can do better, to go right ahead. Sarah is up to the challenge. Sarah puts on McGee's NCIS cap and states the facts of the case, there are 4 hours unaccounted for and she has no memory of those hours. Either she drank more than she remembers or she repressed some traumatic memory or she was drugged.

Sarah goes over and looks at her clothing. The blood stains and the fact that she is careful about what she drinks tell her that it was a traumatic event. "But what and where?" Sarah feels the answer to that is in her shoes. They are new and although the soles are muddy, they are also barely scuffed. So she didn't walk to McGee's apartment. She also sees her money in an evidence bag and says that she had $14 when she left the food court but now she only has $2. Sarah must have taken a cab to McGee's. Find the cab and you'll find out where Sarah was when she decided to come to McGee's.

McGee swings into action on his keyboard, looking for the online log books of the two major cab companies. He asks Sarah if she thinks she caught the cab on campus but he gets no response. Turning around, McGee sees that Sarah has fallen asleep.

The scene shifts to the campus where we see cheerleaders practicing their routines. McGee pulls up in his Porsche Boxter and gets out, looking at the taxi cab log. The campus security guard tells McGee he'll have to move his car, but McGee flashes his NCIS badge at him. The security guard tells him that the rest of his team is over there, pointing. McGee looks over to see a dead body and Tony taking pictures of the crime scene.

At the crime scene, Tony realizes that this is his 100th body and asks Gibbs to take his picture with the corpse. Gibbs is bagging evidence and stops to look up at Tony who realizes that perhaps that wasn't such a good idea, saying that remark seemed less disgusting inside his head. "By comparison with what else is in there I'm sure it was," Ziva assures him. Gibbs wants to know if Ziva got any information from the jogger, but there was nothing useful there. Ziva cannot tell Gibbs how long the body has been there. Right then Ducky strolls up and assures them that luckily he can.

Ducky apologizes for their tardiness, saying they had trouble parking the van because it is homecoming. Ducky looks around the crime scene and remarks that he thought McGee would have gotten to the crime scene before he did. Gibbs tells him that McGee isn't here. Ducky is sure he saw him in the parking lot. Tony assures Ducky "we're at a college. Pencil neck geeks are a dime a dozen." As Ducky chuckles, Gibbs looks around for McGee but doesn't see him.

Ducky uses his liver probe to determine that the time of death was between 10 and 12 hours ago. Tony continues taking pictures of the evidence at the crime scene as Ziva bags it. And then Ziva shouts that she has found another body. In addition to all the other evidence at the crime scene, there are ten dead goldfish at the scene.

Across the campus, McGee is watching his team work and then runs to his car and drives away before he can be seen.

Back at his apartment, McGee tests the blood on Sarah's clothes to see if it is human blood or not. It is human blood. Sarah stumbles in and wonders what time it is. When McGee tells her it is after 10, she is annoyed because she missed her class. McGee wanted Sarah to get some rest before, but he doesn't finish his sentence. "Before what," Sarah wants to know. McGee turns to look at Sarah and she knows it isn't good by the look on his face. McGee found the taxi and although he hasn't spoken to the driver yet, he did get a look at the log. Sarah was picked up by the cab at the quad early in the morning. McGee tells her that NCIS was on the scene processing a dead body.

Sarah turns and leaves the room. McGee follows her asking her where she is going. Sarah needs to get to the library to study for her test. McGee tells her she cannot go, but Sarah is insistent because she has a Chaucer mid-term to study for. Sarah still protests that the blood could be animal blood, but McGee informs her it is human blood. McGee wants to take Sarah to NCIS. "Why NCIS?" Sarah asks and McGee tells her the body was a sailor. Sarah has another memory flash, seeing a sailor running towards her calling her name. Her English Literature book is prominent in this flashback as well. Sarah asks McGee if he knows the sailor's name. McGee does not, but Sarah does.

Gibbs and Ziva are walking into autopsy as Ziva informs Gibbs that the body belongs to Seaman Jeff Petty. The family is being notified as they speak, a duty that Ducky does not envy. Ducky reminisces about being an officer with the Regiment and twice being called upon to render such services. Ducky prefers combat to telling a family that one of their loved ones shall never be returning. As he speaks, Ducky is dissecting a goldfish and remarks "Luckily in this case we are spared such a duty." Gibbs wants a time of death on the goldfish. Ducky does not have that information, but he has the cause of death. "Asphyxiation" Ziva guesses. Ducky just smiles. "Suffocation" is her next try. "Overfeeding?" The correct answer is nicotine poisoning. This gets Gibbs' attention. Abby's testing provided the results, but no one knows how the goldfish got into the nicotine.

Seaman Petty's cause of death is easier to explain, he was stabbed, most likely by a combat knife. All the team bagged at the scene was trash. Gibbs tells Ziva to tell DiNozzo to keep looking. Ziva gets an uncomfortable look on her face and tells Gibbs that Tony went home. "He went home?" Gibbs asks with an incredulous look on his face. Ducky is watching the conversation go back and forth between Gibbs and Ziva like it was a tennis match. Ziva tells Gibbs that Tony wasn't feeling well, probably caught something from McGee. "So he went home?" Gibbs still can't believe it. Looking even more uncomfortable, Ziva informs Gibbs that the director told Tony he could go home. Ducky is quite amused by this turn of events. Gibbs is not. Gibbs is leaving autopsy when Ducky states "I'm not done, Gibbs." "Make it fast, Dr. Mallard." The body was killed on scene and the tox screen shows no drugs. Ziva remarks that Petty's CO said he was a model sailor. There was no other trauma other than the entry wound, no DNA under the fingernails. Ziva believes that Petty was surprised. "Or he knew his killer" is Gibbs' take on it and he leaves.

Back at McGee's apartment, Sarah is curled up next to the bathtub, crying. McGee is pounding on the bathroom door, trying to get information from her. McGee cannot help Sarah unless she talks to him. Sarah opens the bathroom door and tells McGee that she used to date Jeff Petty until he started dating her old roommate. "And" McGee prompts. Sarah threatened to kill him once or twice. "Maybe even three times." McGee realizes he knows about this, saying this is the sailor you dated last year. McGee thought Sarah didn't like him, but Sarah asks McGee what he expected her to say. "I really liked this guy and he just broke my heart when he dumped me for some skanky cheerleader?" Sarah assures McGee she didn't mean she was going to kill Petty, it was just one of those things you say. McGee wants to know if anyone heard her say that. Sarah confesses that she didn't say it, she e-mailed it.

McGee tells Sarah that they have to go to Gibbs now. Sarah insists she hasn't done anything wrong, but McGee reminds her that she doesn't remember what she did. Sarah is hurt that McGee would think she could have done this and McGee does think that. Sarah was drinking and it could have been accidental. Sarah swears she didn't, but McGee knows she doesn't remember so she cannot swear that she didn't do it. Sarah feels that no one will believe her if her own brother doesn't. McGee takes Sarah's arm and she pulls away, asking him if he's going to arrest her now. McGee leaves the living room to go into the bedroom and get his cell phone, telling Sarah that their only option now is to go to NCIS. When he returns to the living room, Sarah is gone and the apartment door is standing open.

Tony and Jeanne are on the couch in Jeanne's apartment watching a movie. Tony obviously has not been following along and Jeanne calls him on his film buff status. Tony proceeds to demonstrate by giving her a boring lecture on German expressionism in film. Jeanne puts her hand over Tony's mouth to stop him and wants to know what they are doing. She's not referring to the conversation, but rather their relationship. They've been dating for over a month and have not "taken it to the next level." Tony makes a joke saying "you mean Italian neo-realism?" No, Jeanne means sex. This frank conversation is making Tony uncomfortable. Tony doesn't seem like the type who usually waits, but they haven't had sex yet. Tony gives her a glib answer, but Jeanne wants a serious one. And Tony obliges. He doesn't want to rush things. "If you always do what you've always done then you'll always get what you've always got. And while what I got had its perqs, I'm looking for something different now." Jeanne accepts that, but tells him whenever he's ready, so is she. They kiss.

Abby is talking to Jenny about her bowling date with Marty. Gibbs walks in and tells Jenny he's been looking all over the building for her. She tells him that since they're low on agents, she's helping Abby. Gibbs responds that the only reason they are low on agents is because she sent Tony home. Jenny responds that there is no reason they should all get sick. Abby is watching this exchange and starts talking for both of them.

Abby as Gibbs: Next time you send one of my team home, you clear it with me first, Director.
Abby as Jenny: Oh, I didn't know I needed your permission to manage my own personnel, Agent Gibbs.
Abby as Gibbs: Your personnel?
Abby as Jenny: Last time I checked it said Director on my door, not yours.
Abby as Abby: The kids don't like it when Mommy and Daddy fight.

The looks on Gibbs' and Jenny's faces as they watch Abby do the above routine are quite amazing.

Gibbs moves on to asking for results from Abby. Has she managed to get the call log off of the cell phone they found? Abby is just putting it back together right now and turns it on to find fifteen missed text messages. Someone is really trying to get hold of Seaman Petty. Just then the cell phone rings and Abby doesn't know what to do. Gibbs tells her to put it on speaker and answer it. "Finally. Where the hell are you?" McGee asks. McGee is driving around looking for Sarah. "McGee?" Gibbs asks in return. "Boss?" McGee responds. "Why do you have my sister's cell phone?" "I've got a better question for you. What is your sister's cell phone doing on my dead body?"

The elevator doors open into the squad room and people get off, everyone except McGee. Tony, standing in the squad room, waves at McGee as the doors close again. Tony remarks that he thought being sent to the principal's office was bad. Ziva is surprised to hear that McGee is still in the elevator but Tony informs her that that's where Gibbs wants McGee to wait until Gibbs gets to NCIS. Ziva whistles and wonders just how mad Gibbs is. "Well, considering McGee's been covering for his sister, who's implicated in the death of a Navy sailor," Tony says as the elevator doors open again, people get off, and Gibbs gets into the elevator, "I'd say he's handling it pretty well."

Gibbs confronts McGee in the elevator, wondering what McGee was thinking. McGee tells Gibbs he would apologize, but he knows how Gibbs feels about that. Gibbs stops the elevator, turning it into his conference room. Gibbs is not surprised to find out that McGee never had laryngitis. Gibbs does not really care that withholding evidence is against NCIS policy and a crime, he cares that McGee did not come to him. Gibbs has physically backed McGee into a corner of the elevator. McGee tells Gibbs that he planned to come to him, but when he saw the body, he knew he had to come to Gibbs. Gibbs means before that. "I couldn't take that chance," McGee tells him. "I don't know what my sister did or didn't do, but I know what it looked like. We say better 10 guilty men go free than one innocent get punished but I know from experience that it doesn't always work out like that. I couldn't take that chance with Sarah. Not with the police, not with NCIS, not even with you. She's my sister." All through this speech, McGee is standing up straight and looking Gibbs in the eye. At the end of it, Gibbs looks deeply at McGee and then turns the elevator back on. "Apology accepted," Gibbs tells him and turns to face the front of the elevator.

On the plasma in the squad room are the ID cards for Jeff Petty and Sarah McGee. Tony realizes that Sarah is the girl he saw on McGee's iPod (Season 3, Episode 16, Family Secret). Tony is commenting that McGee got the "shallow end of the gene pool" when Ziva points out that Gibbs and McGee are coming. Tony thought McGee would be limping at the very least and asks Gibbs if he's getting soft in his old age. As Gibbs stops and stares at him, Tony amends that to "prime of your youth, sir!" McGee stops and stares at the image of his sister on the plasma. Ziva tells him they needed her picture for the BOLO. Tony tells McGee they said it was grand theft auto on the BOLO not murder. Ziva tells McGee they need to find her, she's their only suspect. "Witness," McGee corrects. The team fills McGee in on their investigation so far, which makes Sarah much more than just a witness. Sarah has motive and opportunity.

Gibbs wonders why Sarah is running. McGee tells them that Sarah is mad and scared, she doesn't think McGee believes her. Gibbs ask him if he does. McGee assures them all that Sarah is not a killer. "But?" Gibbs asks. But it could have been an accident. Sarah may have been drugged. Ziva tells McGee that Abby ran the urine sample and it was clean. Their only other suspect is Petty's new girlfriend, Heather, a cheerleader. She also wrote a threatening e-mail, "worried that Popeye was getting his spinach somewhere else" as Tony so colorfully puts it. Gibbs is on the move, going to find Heather. Ziva is to impound the taxi cab. Tony is to find Sarah. McGee is to go home, he cannot keep working on this case. McGee asks Gibbs how he knows he won't keep working on the case if he does go home. Gibbs gives him an exasperated look and tells him to "c'mon" and leaves with McGee in tow. Ziva asks Tony if he wonders if Sarah did it. Nope, Tony wonders why McGee never told him he had a sister. Ziva rolls her eyes.

Gibbs and McGee are in a college dorm. McGee is watching a group of students in the common room preparing for homecoming. Gibbs is interviewing Heather. She was supposed to meet Petty at the food court, but he never showed. The head cheerleader, Madison, is unhappy with the assembly of a water gun, telling the people working on it that if they can't get it working, she'll find geeks who can. McGee is moves into the room, apparently staring at Madison's backside. When she calls him on it, it turns out that McGee is actually checking out the assembly of the water gun. McGee corrects the placement of the check valve and then notices that the fish tank in the common room is empty.

Gibbs is still interviewing Heather when McGee comes into the room. McGee arrives just in time to hear her tell Gibbs that he better make her pay for this. When Gibbs ask who "her" is, she tells him "that jealous *****, Sarah McGee." In addition to the threatening e-mails, Sarah trashed them in her blog. Gibbs, of course, does not know what a blog is. Heather tells McGee that she saw Sarah at the food court and that when Sarah found out Jeff was coming to see her, she left to find him. McGee comes in to the room to ask how she knew that's what Sarah was doing. Gibbs gets in McGee's face and pushes him back into the corridor. Gibbs tells McGee there was a reason he was supposed to stay in the hall, but McGee says there was a reason he didn't and points out the empty fish tank to Gibbs.

Tony visits Jenny in her office to ask her for some romantic advice. It was either her or Gibbs and Gibbs' track record with women sucks so here he is. Jenny is very pleased with this. Tony dances around the issue but spells it out enough for Jenny to get the drift. He's been seeing someone special for a month and they still haven't done what he usually does. Jenny wonders why. Tony says "because of the particular importance of this person, I thought it would be a good idea to take things slowly, which is kind of a new concept for me. But at a certain point things have to speed up, right?" Since Tony is attracted to her and she is attracted to Tony, Jenny wonders what the problem is. Tony's cell phone interrupts this conversation. It is Ziva calling to say that campus security has Sarah. Tony suggests that Gibbs is all ready on campus, but Ziva says Gibbs wants them to bring her in. Tony hangs up the phone, Jenny looks at him and says "Good luck."

Tony and Ziva are walking through the campus library with a campus security guard. He tells them that Sarah sleeps there a lot. This results in a riff from Tony and Ziva. "How McGeeish of her." "Must be in the McGenome." The security guard is eager to assist, but Ziva assures him they can handle it. Tony and Ziva walk up to Sarah who is engrossed in her book. Tony clears his throat and without looking up Sarah tells him he cannot have her number. Tony assures her he all ready has her number and shows her his badge. Sarah looks up and tells them that her eyes are watering because of the bad lighting in the library. Ziva tells her they are not arresting her, but she does have to come with them. Sarah packs up her things, including the English Literature book we've seen in the two memory flashbacks, and asks them if they're being nice to her because Tim's her big brother. Tony assures her that he's "always nice to hot girls." Sarah smiles and says he must be Tommy. "Tony" corrects Tony. "Sorry, in Tim's book you're Tommy," Sarah says. "Which would make you Lisa?" she asks Ziva. Tony and Ziva exchange looks as they escort Sarah from the library.

This is the first time we learn that McGee has written a book and indeed published it; many things fall into place, not least his new-found wealth. Cue also the chance for many jokes.

Back in the squad room, McGee is pacing, wondering what is taking them so long. He takes out his cell phone to call Tony, but just then Tony, Ziva, and Sarah arrive. Sarah tells McGee she's been at the library. She told him she had to study. And then she tells him that Tony is much cuter than Tommy. "Tommy?" McGee says. Tony brings out a copy of Deep Six and is amazed that if you rearrange the letters of Thom E. Gemcity you get Timothy McGee. McGee gets a horrified look on his face as Sarah tells him he should have told her it was a secret. Tony and Ziva delight in telling McGee that they can't wait to read about their characters, reading the character descriptions from the book jacket. Gibbs has become LJ Tibbs in the book. McGee is mortified. "Where is LJ, Dead Agent Walking?" Tony wants to know. Gibbs is in the evidence garage. Tony walks away waving the book at McGee. "Tony. Tony!" McGee says, but it is too late. McGee grabs Sarah by the elbow and informs her that he's going to kill her.

Down in the evidence garage, Abby has found the murder weapon. It was stuffed behind the seat cushion in the cab. Tony, Ziva, McGee, and Sarah exit the elevator and see the cab, which causes another memory flashback for Sarah. She sees her English Literature book, her hands covered in blood, and the knife, and hears a voice hollering "Hey! No!" As McGee realizes they found the murder weapon in the taxi, everyone turns and stares at Sarah.

Tony and Ziva are standing in the observation room watching Sarah study at the table in interrogation, wondering who studies while they are waiting to be interrogated about a murder. The answer? "A McGeek." Tony reads to Ziva from McGee's book. Ziva returns the favor. Neither is pleased with what has been written about them and there are many threats on McGee's life.

Up in the director's office, Jenny is bombarding McGee with all of the physical evidence against Sarah. McGee defends his sister, but he has no evidence to support his defense. McGee insists she was drugged, but the lab tests disagree. McGee argues that by the time the tests were run, whatever was in her system had been metabolized. "And if that's true, whose fault is that?" Jenny asks him. McGee knows that he should have brought Sarah in. Jenny interrupts him to tell him that his actions "or should I say inactions did nothing to help your sister but it did impugn the integrity of this agency." McGee will not take any more of this, stands up, tells Jenny in no uncertain terms that his sister is more important to him than the integrity of this agency, turns in his badge and gun, and leaves the office.

Gibbs picks up McGee's badge and gun and goes after him. McGee is set on quitting. He keeps walking even though Gibbs calls for him, forcing Gibbs to run to catch him. When Gibbs does catch up, he head slaps McGee. "Never let someone manipulate you like that again. Not even the director," he tells McGee. The director wanted him to quit because it is her job to protect NCIS. Gibbs puts McGee's gun and badge in a drawer in his own desk and tells McGee to sit and stay until he gets back. Reluctantly, McGee sits at his desk. McGee asks Gibbs if he believes that Sarah did it. Gibbs doesn't know. He will know after he interrogates her. McGee wants to watch but Gibbs forbids it. McGee can't just sit there. Gibbs reaches into a bookcase, pulls out a copy of Deep Six, and throws it on McGee's desk. "Here. Read a book," he says as he leaves the squad room, leaving McGee to wonder how long Gibbs has known about his novel.

Gibbs walks into interrogation and looks at the book Sarah has been studying, asking what her major is. "English Literature." He asks her if she intends to be a writer like her brother and her response is "I intend to be a writer." Gibbs asks her why she put her brother down. Sarah denies it but Gibbs calls her on it, telling her McGee just resigned because of her. Sarah is upset to hear that because Tim loves NCIS. He loves her more, Gibbs tells her. Sarah starts to cry and then apologizes. Gibbs assures her fake tears don't bother him. Sarah insists they are not fake. Gibbs next accuses her of faking her memory loss, but she assures him that is real as well. They lock eyes and Sarah tells him she just gets memory flashes. Gibbs tells her to hold on to them, but Sarah says she can't. Gibbs tells her she doesn't want to because if she did want to, she would remember. "And how would you know?" Sarah asks. "I've been there," Gibbs assures her.

Another memory flash shows Sarah eating pizza in the food court, the English Literature book, and a close-up of Jeff's face along with his voice calling "Sarah. What are you doing? Stop it!" and then a moan. Jeff' is lying on the ground and Sarah has the knife in her bloody hands. Sarah confesses to Gibbs that she stabbed Jeff.

Abby runs into the squad room in search of McGee. Abby needs to know what Sarah's favorite pizza is. "Cheeseless with pickles, tabasco sauce, and peanut butter." This is the correct answer and Abby does her happy dance around the squad room. Sarah was doped and Abby has the proof. McGee is to get everyone and bring them to her lab because Abby has even more information.

In the observation room, Tony and Ziva are watching Sarah sob when McGee comes in to tell them Abby's good news. As he talks, McGee realizes that Sarah is crying and wants to know what Gibbs did to his sister. Tony tells him that Sarah admitted to the stabbing. McGee leaves observation and breaks in on the interrogation. Gibbs cautions McGee but he blurts out that Sarah was drugged and Abby has proof. Gibbs tells McGee to stay with Sarah and leaves. Sarah tells McGee that she remembers the knife, she remembers Jeff lying there. McGee assures her that his little sister could never kill anyone.

Down in Abby's lab, she has all the evidence spread out on the table. Abby noticed that the floor mat from the cab smelled like Nilosorb. Tony doesn't know what that is, picks up the mat and takes a deep sniff. As Tony chokes, Gibbs informs him that it is industrial strength vomit cleaner. Abby ran the remains through the mass spec and found cheeseless pizza with pickles, tabasco sauce, and peanut butter. Ziva's immediate reaction is yuck. Abby also found traces of a date rape drug, GHB. Tony wonders if Seaman Petty tried to rape Sarah stating that there is nothing like a death threat to get your dander up. Ziva wonders if Tony is speaking from experience. Abby has managed to determine the window of exposure. Sarah was dosed at the food court. Tony is dispatched to get those security tapes. Ziva is going to get the names of everyone who works there. Gibbs looks at Abby and wonders what he was going to say to her. "I don't know. What were you going to tell me, el magnifico?" she asks. Gibbs leans in and very lightly kisses her cheek and then says "Good job" ans starts to leave.

Abby has more information for him. She solved the mystery of the smoking goldfish. "At first I couldn't figure out how they were lighting cigarettes underwater. And then I found this. They were trying to kick the habit." Abby holds up a plastic bag with a nicotine patch in it. "Our little Nemos were swimming in a bag that sprung a leak. Sprang a leak. Sprung, sprang, sprung." Gibbs puts on evidence gloves and takes the bag from her. Abby continues talking about the nicotine buzz, but Gibbs interrupts telling her to get Ducky on that, pointing to the video phone. Abby tells Gibbs it is a very complicated piece of equipment. She'll probably have to go get the manual out, but Gibbs cuts her off again with a terse "Abs!" Abby smiles and reaches out and presses one button "Ducky?" "Yes, my little lotus blossom" Ducky replies. Gibbs wants to know the time of death of the goldfish. Ducky was just working on that. Abby wonders if he was using a little teeny tiny liver probe. "Being cold blooded, temperature is useless in determining the time of death," Ducky informs her. "So you don't know," Gibbs asks. "Au contraire. They died about the same time as our victim," Ducky answers. Gibbs leaves at this but Abby still wants to know how Ducky figured that out.

Tony is running the security footage from the food court on the plasma in the squad room. Gibbs wants to track Sarah from the time she enters until she leaves. Tony fumbles at the keyboard, he is no McGee when it comes to this. Ziva laughs as Tony manages to lock up his keyboard. Gibbs tells Tony to get McGee and Tony runs off to do that. While he's gone, Gibbs asks Ziva if she knows what a "clog" is. "A shoe or a blocked drain?" Ziva responds. "On the Internet" Gibbs asks. "I thought that was a blog, but my English is often wrong," Ziva tells him. Gibbs tells Ziva that Sarah wrote a blog trashing the cheerleaders and wonders if Ziva can find it. "Probably on myspace" Ziva says as she heads to her desk. Ziva finds it and starts to read out loud as Tony, McGee, and Sarah enter the squad room. The comments on the cheerleaders are not very nice. Tony suggest that McGee should let Sarah ghost write for him.

Gibbs tells McGee to find Sarah in the security footage. Gibbs asks Sarah how she gets her favorite pizza ready-made. She doesn't, she makes it herself. The food court has everything except the peanut butter, so Sarah carries that with her. McGee finds the footage of Madison tampering with Sarah's backpack.

We're back on campus and the cheerleaders are still practicing, this time a human pyramid. The pyramid falls over and Madison tells them to take five, peeling a nicotine patch off her side as she walks away. She will try quitting after football season she tells Heather and then suggests that Heather go home. Once again, she is bending over as Tony and McGee walk up on them and once again she asks them if they've seen enough of her ass. Tony takes her cigarette away from her. McGee turns her around to put the cuffs on and says he believes she knows his sister as Sarah walks up and slaps her in the face. "That was for spiking my peanut butter," Sarah tells her and slaps her again. "And that was for setting me up to be raped." Tony cuffs her and says "and this is for being an accessory to murder." Madison insists she was framed, but Tony tells her they've seen her spiking Sarah's peanut butter with GHB. They have Madison's fingerprints on the peanut butter jar and they have footage of her leaving the food court with Officer Tate.

Heather is shocked to learn that Madison killed Jeff. Madison insists she did not, she was just using Officer Tate to get even with Sarah for her blog. But Jeff saw them and had to play the hero. Another memory flashback shows us the attempted rape, Jeff coming to Sarah's aid, and Jeff being stabbed. Madison insists Tate stabbed him. Ziva brings Tate up in cuffs who insists that Madison stabbed him. They start screaming at each other and Gibbs tells Tony and Ziva to take them away. As they drag them away, Tony starts reading Madison her rights, which include the right to do splits and wear short skirts.

Heather is left standing there with tears running down her face. Sarah apologizes to her, telling her that Jeff was a great guy and he really loved Heather. She knows because Jeff e-mailed her saying he was sorry, but he met his soulmate, which was Heather. Sarah hugs Heather while McGee looks at Gibbs. "Sometimes, McGee, a little lie is good for the soul" Gibbs tells him.

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