Název dílu Dead and Unburied
Mrtvý a nepohřbený usa
seriál:NCIS: Námořní vyšetřovací služba

seriál NCIS: Námořní vyšetřovací služba - 75.díl Mrtvý a nepohřbený
Aternativný názvy epizody
Datum premiéry:
2006.10.17 - Úterý
Česká premiéra:
2009.08.04 - Úterý
4 . sezónu s : 24 díly
Díl v serii
Produkční číslo:
Kód epizody:
Navy NCIS 075
Délka dílu:
45 min.
Přidáno dne:
17.05.2010, 21:37:39
Změna dne:
01.01.1970, 01:00:17
Seznam žánrů






Díl seriálu je v jazycích..

V prázdném domě je nalezeno tělo pohřešovaného mariòáka. NCIS přijde na to, že byl pohřben za domem a pak vyhrabán. Před několika měsíci byl mariòák odvelen do Iráku, ale do služby se nedostavil.

Při vyšetřování vyplynou na povrch další skutečnosti - mrtvý mariòák měl dvě snoubenky. Ty o jeho smrti netušily, protože jeho kamarád posílal oběma předem připravené dopisy z Iráku, již několik měsíců.

Abby provede testy DNA a ukáže se, že obě z nich jsou vázány k místu činu. Zjistí se také, že si mariòák od obou snoubenek půjčil velké množství peněz.


McGee is taking photos of the corpse and Ducky wants to make sure he gets a picture of the back of his head. McGee and Palmer run into each other in their hurry to get their work done, but Ducky assures them there isn't any rush since their patient isn't going anywhere. McGee warns Ducky that the old Gibbs is back. "The old Gibbs?" Ducky inquires. Gibbs shows up on the scene and orders McGee down on his hands and knees. McGee is worried that Gibbs is going to step on him, but realizes as Gibbs looks at him quizzically that he should be looking for footprints in the carpeting. Ducky explains that the carpeting is made of sisal, a naturally stiff fiber made from the leaves of cactus. Ducky continues with all the qualities that make it a good carpet and concludes with "but personally I prefer a good shag." Gibbs, McGee, and Palmer look at him and Ducky quickly concludes "from a criminal investigative standpoint."

McGee finds no dirty footprints and Ducky says it's safe to assume that their friend didn't stroll in there on his own. Tony arrives with a cup of coffee. Gibbs grins at him, but it is the coffee that he is happy to see. Tony has ID'ed the body as Lance Corporal James Finn, stationed at Quantico. Finn has been missing for six months, since his unit shipped out to Iraq. Gibbs helps McGee up and tasks him with finding where Finn was buried. "It won't be far, McGee. Had the trip been longer some bits would have fallen off," is Ducky's helpful input. McGee will look in the backyard. Tony is just standing there and Gibbs looks at him. Tony realizes that the scene will not sketch itself and starts to move, running into Mr. Palmer. Ducky suggests that Mr. Palmer should get the gurney as there is nothing left for them to observe here.

Tony observes that the crime scene is very tidy and Ducky informs him that it is most likely just a body drop. It is a tertiary or quaternary or quinary crime scene, Ducky informs him, letting him know that he could go on. "Oh, you did" Tony reminds him. Tony thinks it is an odd decorating choice, although it does give the house that lived-in look. Ducky points out that the dirt was brushed off Finn's face, causing Tony to look in. Just as he does, a bug crawls out of Finn's nose and Tony leaps back, bumping into Gibbs and spilling his coffee. Ducky identifies the bug as a carrion beetle and puts it into an evidence jar, remarking that Shakespeare got it wrong: "we are not food for worms, it's the flies and beetles that feast upon us." Gibbs does not care about the poetry of it, he just wants to know why it was done. Ducky tells him he will have to research the predatory manipulative grandiose nature of this behavior but his first impression is "that we're dealing with a complete loon." Gibbs leaves the room but Tony is pleased that Ducky's Master's in Psych is starting to pay off. Ducky chuckles.

Outside the house, Ziva is interviewing the realtor who is crossing herself as she walks away. Ziva is all business, asking when was the last time she was at this house. She showed it yesterday morning and there was no rotting corpse in the living room then. A couple of dozen realtors have access to the lock box; a local contractor and the realtor own the house together. She buys them and Bob, Robert Whitehead, fix them up and they split the profits. Ziva would like Bob's contact info, she would also like to know whether it was Bob or her that put the body in the house. Neither says the realtor, Jody Carvell, although it is an empty house which appears to be a real plus if you're looking for a place to ditch a body. Just then Jody's husband, Rick, shows up. Jody tells Ziva she called him and the calls to Rick to just duck under the tape. Rick starts to but Ziva stops him, telling him this is a crime scene. Jody is not fine, she had to cancel her 1:00 showing.

In the back yard, McGee has found the grave. It has been raining so things are pretty washed out. There is a fence around the property, but anyone wearing gloves could have gotten over it. Ziva comes running to catch up with them, telling them about the financial arrangement and the fact that every real estate agent in town had access to the house. That's not the mystery Tony wants solved. He wants to know how they can charge $600,000 when it only has 2.5 bathrooms. McGee reminds him of the saying "location, location, location" with the third location being said as they come upon the location of the grave. The ground wasn't real hard nor the dirt very well packed and from the marks a garden spade was used so it could be either a man or a woman who did the digging. There is a body bag left in the hole. Gibbs wants it and a soil sample sent back to Abby. Gibbs also wants ground penetrating radar but McGee tells him those are booked weeks in advance. Gibbs stares him down until McGee continues that he will tell them it is an emergency and he will not budge until it shows up. Ziva volunteers to stay with McGee so that Tony can check out the other real estate woman, which is fine with Tony. Gibbs walks away telling Tony to stay with McGee and Ziva to come with him. "You shouldn't have licked your chops like a hungry wolf" Ziva chides Tony as she follows Gibbs.

We see a full moon rise and set, complete with a wolf howling, and the sun come up. It's morning in the squad room and Tony is looking for some deodorant to help him freshen up. Tony is feeling better, he tells McGee, because before he smelled like dirt and sweat and now he smells like dirt, sweat, and, he looks at the deodorant stick to see, sandalwood. At that moment Ziva walks into the squad room and we realize that Tony was raiding her desk for the deodorant. Ziva doesn't believe he used her deodorant, but Tony tells her their partners, what's the big deal. "A hair" Ziva exclaims and throws the deodorant out. Tony reminds Ziva that she attaches electrodes to men's testicles so she shouldn't get bent out of shape about this. The ground penetrating radar techs did not show up until dawn, he spent the night with McGee, they saw the sunrise; it was very Brokeback Mountain. McGee tells Ziva Tony had him at howdy. Ziva thinks that's very romantic and is sorry she missed it. McGee is happy to show off his new phone which takes video. He shows Ziva the majesty of the sun but she scoffs at the 2-inch screen. Then Ziva wonders if they're all getting these new phones. Nope, McGee bought his. Tony and Ziva are instantly wondering how expensive it was; McGee has spent a lot of money recently, new phone, new watch, new teeth. What's up? Tony wants to know.

Gibbs strides into the squad room and puts a stop to the inquisition by announcing that Ducky has positively identified the body as Lance Corporal Finn. Gibbs starts to ask Ziva a question, but is stopped by the sight of McGee. He wonders how long it would take him to put on a clean shirt. McGee answers 10 seconds but qualifies that with a little longer to do the buttons before realizing it was a rhetorical question. Ziva informs Gibbs that the contractor has been out of town so he's off the hook and she's going to check on the real estate ladies later today. Tony is offended that that is all that Ziva got done. No, she says, while Tony and McGee were watching the sunrise she pulled Finn's SRB and is unimpressed. He flunked things so they made him a supply clerk. Finn signed out on a 3-day pass right before they deployed to Iraq and he never returned. Gibbs wants to speak to Finn's CO, but he's in Iraq so Tony will get him online through MTAC. McGee is going after Finn's bank records, etc. Tony tells Gibbs they found a shovel about 10 feet from the grave site and, as Gibbs points at him, assures him that Abby all ready has it. Gibbs leaves the squad room. "Yep, the old Gibbs is back," McGee informs the team.

Down in Abby's lab, Abby is admiring the compositon of the scene, with the corpse staring at the TV screen. If it was in a museum, you would think it was a sad commentary on the human condition. Again, Gibbs is more interested in who did this than the poetry of the scene. Abby turns and notices that Gibbs shaved his moustache. She liked him with a little facial hair, but Gibbs reminds her that he still has his eyebrows. "Good point!" says Abby. Abby found Finn's blood, hair and fingerprints on the plastic, so he was probably wrapped in it, but there was nothing else on the plastic or the shovel. Abby starts to tell Gibbs about a friend who used to display road kill in his living room and got an NEA grant, but Gibbs wants to move on. Abby reports on the soil analysis, it was pretty clean but since the place was just landscaped she's not surprised to find a commercial product. She sent the acidity levels to Ducky. Abby moves on to Finn's personal effects, none of which have a date. There was $31.71 in cash, clothing was Dockers from Sears, nothing remarkable about anything. "And his underwear are boxer briefs, like you wear Gibbs" Abby suggests. "You're fishing, Abs" Gibbs chides her and leaves. "So are they regular boxers? Trunks? Bikinis? Nuthin?" Abby keeps trying but Gibbs is gone.

In autopsy, Ducky is waiting for some test results from Mr. Palmer, which he has just finished. Ducky needs them to determine "how long our friend has been leaking into the top soil. Agent Gibbs will be here soon and he will ask . . ." Gibbs strides into autopsy and finishes Ducky's sentence for him "How did the Lance Corporal die, Doctor?" Ducky tells him the how will take a while, that he should try when. Gibbs assures him that is his next question. Ducky tells him that he can answer the when, but sees Mr. Palmer gesturing to him to stall. So Ducky does, explaining how tricky the calculation is based on all the variables. Gibbs wants a round number and Mr. Palmer pipes up with 92 days with a 3 percent margin of error. Gibbs turns around and looks at Mr. Palmer, then glances back at Ducky, then walks over to Mr. Palmer and the computer. It would appear that Finn deserted before he died. At that moment Ziva walks in to tell Gibbs that Finn's fiancee is upstairs, she saw the report on the local news. "How, Doctor," Gibbs says as he leaves. "As soon as I know, you'll know" Ducky replies as Gibbs leaves autopsy. It would appear that things are getting quite frosty between Gibbs and Ducky.

Ziva is filling Gibbs in on Finn's fiancee, Siri Albert, when Tony walks up to tell Gibbs that Finn's fiance is in the conference room. They soon discover that Finn had two fiances and they are both in the conference room. The team opens the door to the conference and peek in to see two very unhappy looking women.

Gibbs and Ziva interview fiancee number one, Siri Albert, who assures them that her fiance, James Finn, is not dead. He's been writing her letters from Iraq every week. He shipped out 3 months ago, and she saw him right before he left. Siri has brought his letters along with her. Gibbs tells her they'll need to look at them. Fine, but she wants them back.

Tony and McGee are talking to fiance number two, Rebecca Kemp, in the squad room. She also has a pile of letters from Finn and she hands them to McGee. Rebecca wants to know who that other woman is. Tony tries to steer her off of that point, but Rebecca is not budging. Rebecca is engaged to Jimmy Finn and if that other woman is engaged to him as well, well, Jimmy better hope he's dead. If he isn't, Rebecca will kill him.

Siri tells Gibbs that James and she had a deep spiritual connection. Finn came and went because he was in Special Ops. Ziva assures her he was not, but Siri knows his missions were top secret. It was better if Siri didn't know the details, because of the danger to her.

It's been six months since Rebecca saw Finn, right before he went to Iraq. McGee asks how they met and Rebecca tells them. McGee is surprised that worked, but Rebecca says she must have been feeling patriotic. Most guys don't shut up about their online war games, but this guy had seen real action. McGee and Tony exchange looks at that. "Plus the sex was fantastic." That statement got Tony's attention for sure.

Siri tells Ziva and Gibbs that they got engaged about a week before he left, mainly because Finn wanted to borrow $30,000. Finn said it was for gambling debts and if he didn't pay up, they would hurt him. "Who?" Gibbs wants to know. Again, it was better if Siri didn't know, because of the danger.

Back in the squad room, Rebecca is protesting that she didn't give him the money, she loaned it to him. They didn't have a written contract, but an oral agreement for him to pay back the money with interest. Rebecca maxed out all her credit cards and she wants that money back.

Ziva asked about Finn's state of mind before he left. Siri assures her he was sweet and they made love. Gibbs asks if they used a condom but Siri is on the pill. Gibbs leaves the room after her answer. Siri explains to Ziva that they were engaged.

Out in the corridor, Gibbs is on the phone with Abby, inquiring as to whether or not she can get DNA from Finn's skivvies. Abby tells Gibbs it depends, but he was wrapped in plastic and it has been cold, so there is a chance. Gibbs wants her to run the test and get cheek swabs from his fiancees. "Wait, did you say fiancees? Like plural? Huh. Kinky!" is Abby's reaction.

Ziva does the cheek swab on Siri who wants to know if that's it. For now, Ziva tells her, but she has to follow her home and retrieve James' belongings. Okay, but Siri will want them back when James returns. Ziva informs Siri that James is dead and cannot return. Siri tells Ziva they have a spiritual connection and she would know if James is dead. They're soul mates. Ziva takes Siri down to autopsy and has Ducky show her Finn's body. It is definitely James Finn.

Tony sees Agent Lee going by and asks for her help getting a check swab from Rebecca. Lee will file for a DNA search warrant for him. Tony asks Lee if she misses working with them, but Lee feels she's better suited to the legal department. "Why?" she asks. "Do you miss me?" Tony spots Gibbs and tosses a "Sure" over his shoulder as he runs to tell Gibbs that Lee will get them the cheek swab. Gibbs leans over to pull something off of his shoe and wonders if Rebecca is paranoid or guilty. Tony thinks she's just angry at everyone because of the situation. Gibbs tells Tony to take Rebecca back to her apartment and get Finn's stuff and no he doesn't want to wait for a search warrant.

Rebecca is sitting in the squad room waiting for Tony when Ziva comes through with Siri. Ziva sends Siri ahead to the elevator while she gets her coat. Rebecca goes to confront Siri, looking for her money. Insults are exchanged and then blows. The two women are on the floor wrestling. Tony points and hollers "Chick fight!" Gibbs slams down the phone and runs to intervene. Tony just stands and points and McGee turns on the video camera on his new phone, trying to capture the action. Gibbs pulls Siri off of Rebecca and throws Siri into the open elevator. Ziva gets in with Siri, as Gibbs picks some part of Siri's belongings off of the floor and throws it in the elevator as well. Gibbs then pulls Rebecca to her feet and gives her the Gibbs look.

Gibbs strides into autopsy demanding to know how Finn died. Ducky is unmoved and tells him when he knows, Gibbs will know. Ducky is seated at his microscope, with his glasses dangling from one ear. Gibbs leans in and tries to get Ducky to hurry. Ducky stands, put his glasses back on, and informs Gibbs that shaving off his moustache has brought back his usual impatience. Gibbs is pleased to hear that because it means he's doing his job. Ducky has a theory about the cause of death, but it's not airtight. Ducky has found a fracture on the back of the skull, along with an epidural hematoma on the brain, but it was small and statistically only fatal in 17 percent of cases. The most likely cause was blunt force trauma. They're looking for a baseball bat or a golf club, perhaps wielded by a disgruntled fiancee. "You tell me how," Gibbs tells Ducky. "I'll figure out who" and he strides away. Ducky watches him walk away with an unreadable look on his face.

Up in MTAC, Jenny is speaking to someone on the phone talking about monitoring La Grenouille. Gibbs joins her, asking about this mission and is told it is need to know. Gibbs is there to speak with Finn's commanding officer in Iraq. Jenny asks him if they know yet why someone would unbury a body. Gibbs tell her that's need to know. Jenny smiles and reminds him that she's his boss. Finn's commander comes on and tells Gibbs that Finn wasn't the strongest Marine and he wasn't surprised he went UA. But Finn was well liked within his unit. Gibbs wants to know how the fiancees are getting letters. The CO wondered about that as well and calls up Lance Corporal Hagan, referring to him as "soon to be Private Hagan." It seems Hagan was mailing the letters for Finn. There's still a stack of unsent letters and the CO will see that Gibbs gets them. "Two fiancees. Is that a Marine thing?" Jenny wonders. "Oh, that's need to know, too," Gibbs responds and leaves MTAC.

McGee is in Abby's lab staring at the photo of Finn's corpse sitting in the chair looking at the TV. Abby still believes it's art, but McGee can't see it. She protests that he took the picture, but McGee insists he only took it because Ducky told him to. McGee is sorry and Abby is disappointed but she's sure he finds other things beautiful. "Like Gibbs breaking up a chick fight?" McGee asks her. Abby is very disappointed that she missed that particular scene. McGee runs the video on his phone for her for which Abby "hugs and kisses technology."

Abby did get a match on Siri's DNA on Finn's clothing, but not just her. There was another woman as well. McGee figures that's why Rebecca refused the cheek swab since she told them she hadn't seen Finn for 3 months. Abby just wants to see the video again. McGee thinks there's a lot of anger in Rebecca, but Abby wouldn't rule out Siri. Siri started the fight and was dishing it out pretty good. They're watching the part where Gibbs pulls Siri off of Rebecca and Abby says "This is my favorite part." "Which part?" asks Gibbs, who has come up right behind them and is peering at the phone video.

Down in the evidence locker, Tony and Ziva are going through Finn's personal belongings. Tony is lucky to have escaped unharmed from Rebecca's apartment. She threw Finn's belongings at him, including a copy of Moby Dick. That, apparently didn't belong to Finn, but Tony confiscated it so Rebecca couldn't re-arm. Finn had pretty much the same items at each fiancee's house, including one sock from a pair of socks. Tony finds a black mesh t-shirt and asks Ziva about them. Ziva tells him it depends on who is wearing the shirt to which Tony starts to ask about himself. Ziva cuts Tony off with a quick "No." Gibbs arrives as Tony has dug in Finn's jeans pocket and found a pre-paid calling phone. Gibbs doesn't see the engagement rings. Tony offers to go and get Siri's and all the other gifts Finn might have given her and tells McGee he gets Rebecca. Ziva asks Gibbs how the women could have been so clueless. "Since he's dead, maybe they weren't," is Gibbs comment.

Ziva's phone rings and it is the realtor who is unhappy that the police tape is still up at the house. Ziva explains that it is an ongoing investigation, but Mrs. Carvell is having none of it. She loses money every day she cannot show the house and she wants to speak to Ziva's supervisor. Gibbs gestures to Ziva for her phone, takes it and hangs up on Mrs. Carvell, and hands the phone back to Ziva, all without saying a word. Ziva gets in the elevator with Gibbs and they both smile as the doors close.

McGee is approaching Rebecca's apartment door. He gets no response but notices that the door is ajar, so he goes in and discovers Rebecca shot and unresponsive beside her sofa. McGee calls 911 for her.

Ziva and Tony are brainstorming in the squad room. They still don't know why someone would unbury a body. Tony thinks perhaps someone was sending a message but Ziva feels it would be easier to rent a billboard. The second unanswered question is where is the money? Perhaps the money was spent on Siri's engagement ring. Tony needs to take it down to Abby, but Ziva can save him a trip. She brings Tony's hand close to her mouth and blows on the ring. Tony likes that. The stone is holding condensation which means it's a fake. Tony would like Ziva to test it once more but Ziva is not blowing on Tony again. Unanswered question number three is why bury a shovel? Tony is puzzled. Tony can't answer that question either. But he has a better question. Tony puts his arms around Ziva and bends in to use her keyboard.

Tony's question? "Who is Darkman?" Tony starts expounding on the movie Darkman, as Gibbs walks in. Gibbs tells them they left out this question "Who shot Rebecca?" Siri has an unsubstantiated alibi and no gunshot residue on her hands. Ziva believes that Siri could have shot Rebecca but not Finn. Siri's reaction to Finn's body was genuine. Tony speculates that if Siri felt Rebecca killed Finn, she would have sought revenge. Ziva thinks shooting someone in broad daylight is just dumb and Gibbs tells her she's not thinking like a jealous woman.

McGee comes in with the rest of Finn's belongings and an update on Rebecca. They're keeping her overnight at the hospital; she lost a lot of blood but will recover. Rebecca did not get a look at her shooter, but says she heard a female voice at the door and when she opened the door, bang. Tony is sure it is Siri, but McGee disagrees. When he searched Rebecca's apartment, he found a gun between the couch pillows. Apparently Rebecca shot herself. They all have theories as to why she did it. She lost everything to Finn, so it could have been a failed suicide attempt, or a bid for sympathy, or an attempt to hide the fact that she had sex with Finn the day he died. Tony asks Gibbs' what his gut is telling him. Gibbs asks McGee for his shirt. McGee is reluctant, he knows it's messy, but Gibbs is insistent. The camera pulls back and we see a blood stain on McGee's shirt. Gibbs is getting out an evidence bag and stuffs McGee's shirt into it, telling him to take it down to Abby. "Or would you rather wait for a search warrant" Gibbs asks him as he leaves the room.

McGee is left standing bare chested with Tony and Ziva ogling him. McGee begs Tony for one of shirts. He does not want to have to walk around like that for the rest of the day. Tony begins unbuttoning his own shirt, saying he cannot resist a damsel in distress. McGee gets Tony's worn shirt, Tony gets the clean one. Ziva leans back in her chair admiring the two of them, commenting that it's just like Chippendale's. "Without the bow ties and muscles."

Gibbs walks in to Jenny's office unannounced. She asks him to wait as she is e-mailing the Secretary General of the UN, but Gibbs says Kofi can wait. He needs to discuss the Finn case. He doesn't understand the women. Jenny says they trusted a man who took advantage of them. Gibbs doesn't understand how they could be in a relationship and not know they were being lied to. Jenny tells him that he lied to her. Not exactly lied, but he didn't tell her the whole truth. Gibbs is unhappy to be compared to Finn. Jenny meant that you can be involved with someone without knowing everything about them. How could he not tell her about his family? Gibbs tells her to finish her e-mail and leaves. Jenny stops him telling him that he wanted her advice and he shouldn't be too hard on the fiancees, Finn duped them. Jenny says she shouldn't have brought up the past, Gibbs had his reasons for not wanting to talk about it. Gibbs stops, and closes the door, turning back to her. "We're talking about it now" he tells her. "Now is not Paris," she reminds him. Her priorities in Paris were clear he responds. She had a job to do in Europe. If he had told her about his family, would it have made a difference Gibbs wonders. "We'll never know," Jenny tells him. Gibbs looks at her, gives that knowing half-smile, and leaves her office. The look on Jenny's face says she is unhappy with how things turned out, but they can't be changed.

Gibbs is in his basement working on his boat when his phone rings. It's Ducky who is surprised to find Gibbs at home. Leaving at 21:30 is early for Gibbs. "Did you call to talk about my work hours, Dr. Mallard?" "No, Agent Gibbs." Ducky had a hunch and trimmed Finn's nasal hair. He found fiberglass there, most likely inhaled from insulation. Gibbs asks if that means that the house wasn't just a body drop. Ducky replies that the lance corporal is speaking softly, but he has more to say. Gibbs ends their conversation and Mr. Palmer walks in to autopsy as Ducky is getting ready to leave.

Ducky asks Mr. Palmer to clean up and Mr. Palmer is happy to. Ducky commends him on his can-do attitude, noting that Mr. Palmer has been working long hours lately and he appreciates it. As Ducky gets on the elevator, he meets Agent Lee, remarking on her long hours at work as well. Lee tells Ducky that she is still organizing the paperwork on the Wheaton case. She needs a copy of the autopsy report. Ducky is a little confused, since he sent her a copy yesterday. Lee confesses that she accidentally shredded it and Ducky tells her she needs to be more careful. "I'm sure Mr. Palmer will give you what you need" he tells her as the elevator doors close. Agent Lee enters autopsy and puts her folders down. Mr. Palmer turns out the lights and they proceed to passionately strip, embrace, and fall to the floor.

Gibbs is back at the house with the contractor. They have opened up the floor in the living room, exposing layers of pink fiberglass insulation. This is how the house looked three months ago. There was no security on site at night. As Gibbs examines things, Bob explains what they used and then wonders what Gibbs is seeing. Gibbs remarks that he would have built his joists on 16 instead of 24, but Bob tells him he wouldn't make a profit. And then Gibbs spots a discolored joist. Bob suggests it might be mold, but mold spreads from the bottom up. Tony goes to get the black light as McGee hangs up his phone, saying they'll be there soon.

Abby found only one call on the pre-paid cell phone, to a storage facility. McGee halts in his report and Gibbs tells him to call the storage facility. McGee explains that he did, he was just taking a breath. McGee says that Finn logged into the facility once and that McGee and Ziva are going to go check it out. He then apologizes to Gibbs for breathing and leaves.

Tony returns with the light and tells Gibbs that this reminds him of Pacific Heights. "Don't tell me" says Gibbs "a movie." "Yes it is" and Tony proceeds to detail the movie while he sprays luminol on the joist and discovers organic material. Ducky thinks a blunt object hit Finn's temple or maybe it's the other way around suggests Tony. If Finn landed face first in the insulation he would have breathed it in.

Just then Mrs. Carvell arrives horrified to see that Bob has let them rip up her house. Since she is a partner in the house, Bob felt compelled to notify her. Jody informs Bob that the cost of this is coming out of his profits. Tony suggests that she should calm down. Jody informs him that she just found a dead guy in the living room and she is losing money every day. Plus her father just died from leukemia. She's not calming down.

McGee and Ziva arrive at the storage facility. McGee is concerned that they will find a body, he hates that, but Ziva doesn't think so. Neither is prepared for what they do find: nothing. Ziva wants to borrow McGee's flashlight; she doesn't carry hers because it is too heavy and pulls her pants down. He gives it to her and then closes the door. Ziva finds a bag suspended from the ceiling that was hidden by the door when it was open. Now we see McGee's feet. Ziva is standing on his shoulders and directing him so that she can get the bag down. The bag is too small to hold a body, Ziva tells McGee. Big enough to hold a head he points out. What it does hold is gold coins.

Tony shows up in Abby's lab with the fiberglass from the crime scene, telling Abby it's a rush job. Should it go in front of her other rush jobs? Yes. So Abby will call it a rush, rush job and do it first, unless she gets a rush, rush, rush job. Abby has a report for Gibbs on Rebecca's DNA. It does not match the sample found in Finn's shorts, which means they're looking for a third woman.

Tony and Ducky exit the elevator and head for autopsy. Ducky needs to revisit the body since they revisited the crime scene. Something is troubling Ducky. Something is also troubling Tony. "Finn had two entrees and still had something for dessert. Makes me wonder if there was anything, you know, special about him," Tony says. Ducky doesn't follow exactly. "Like what?" he asks. Tony gives him a knowing look and a nod. "Oooohh, like that," Ducky understands now. "Did he have extra women because he had something extra for the women," Ducky says as he rolls up his sleeves and walks across autopsy to Finn's drawer and pulls him out so Tony can look for himself. Finn's body is not in very good shape and Tony looks away and covers his nose and mouth. "Sadly," Ducky tells him "the first thing the maggots eat is the soft tissue." Still Tony has given Ducky an idea. "To vomit?" is Tony's only thought. No, Ducky is going to re-examine the soft tissue. He thanks Tony for the idea who tells him he does what he can. Tony walks away, coughing slightly, and wondering "Ducky-is there any way to psychologically to 'unsee' something?"

Back in the squad room, Ziva tells Gibbs that there was about $78,400 in gold in Finn's bag. McGee is tracing the mint numbers as they speak. The coins were purchased in three batches. They figure two were paid for by the fiancees and Finn bought the rest himself. McGee is telling them the dates of the purchase when Abby calls to say that she got a hit on the third woman's DNA from the bone marrow donors database. It's the realtor, Jody Carvell. Ziva is surprised but Gibbs reminds her that Jody's father died of leukemia. Ziva and Tony are to go and pick her up.

Tony and Ziva arrive at the Carvells house arguing about whether or not Ziva should have picked up on the fact that Jody and Finn had sex. Ziva accuses Tony of always going to the sex place, which is why he has a leg up on other investigators. Tony tells her she said "leg up" and he immediately went to the sex place. Meanwhile, Jody is backing her car out of the driveway and nearly runs them over. Tony hollers at her to stop, but Jody changes direction and drives over her yard to get to the neighbor's driveway. Tony and Ziva draw their weapons and Jody stops. She is sorry but she has to get to a showing. As Tony gets Jody out of her car, he sees the luggage in the back seat. Rick Carvell comes out of his house and objects to the agents pointing their guns at his wife. "She tried to rat on us" Ziva tells him. "She means rabbit" Tony explains. Jody sticks to her story that she was in a hurry to get to a showing. They're not arresting her, but they are taking her in. Rick accompanies his wife, even though she says he doesn't have to.

Gibbs is in interrogation with Jody, wondering why she didn't admit her relationship with Finn. Jody was afraid that her husband would find out. She did not kill James, it was an accident, he fell, he hit his head, she did not kill him. She loved him. "Swear to God," she tells Gibbs. Gibbs wonders if she knows how many murderers swear to God they didn't do it. Jody is from a good Catholic family who means it when they swear to God.

Tony and Ziva are in the observation room when Ducky comes in. Ziva remarks it has been a while since Ducky has been there. "I've learned as much as I can from the dead," he tells her. "It's time to listen to the living."

Jody and Finn met in a bar. Gibbs wants to know if she slept with him the first night. An indignant no is her answer. Gibbs forgot she came from a good Catholic family. Did she sleep with him the second night, he asks. Jody doesn't answer, but it's obvious the answer is yes. She lied to her husband, he didn't know. Jody knows it sounds immoral, but it isn't what Gibbs thinks. Gibbs understands. They had a deep spiritual connection. "Exactly," she tells him. Jody was going to leave her husband but she had to wait "for your father to die" Gibbs finishes for her. It sounds horrible the way Gibbs says it, Jody complains. "It is" he tells her. Jody's father would have disowned her if she had gotten a divorce.

In the observation room, Ziva informs Ducky that she inherited $2 million from her father. "Aaahhh" says Ducky.

Back in interrogation, Jody still insists she did not kill James. Nor did she bury him. She didn't even know he was dead. They had a fight. James wanted to borrow money from her and she refused so he said they were through. James was going to leave and she took his cigarettes in an attempt to get him to stay. We see through a flashback that they scuffled, Finn tripped and fell into the open floor, hitting his head and landing face down in the insulation. Jody just left him there and drove around in her car for an hour. When she came back to check on him, he was gone. When she saw him at the showing, she could only think of one explanation: It was the hand of God.

In observation, Ziva wonders if even Gibbs can arrest God. Tony compares it to the Thing trying to bring in the Hulk. Ducky realizes that Jody is telling the truth and leaves observation to tell Gibbs. Ziva asks Tony what he thinks. "I'm glad the glass is bulletproof" is all Tony has to say.

Ducky opens the door to interrogation and asks Gibbs if he can have a word with him. Gibbs gives him a word in response: Working. Ducky tells him it's related and important. Gibbs joins Ducky in the hall where Ducky informs him that Jody is telling the truth. "God put the body there?" Gibbs asks. No, someone who is playing God. She didn't do it. Gibbs wonders what Ducky's gut is saying. Ducky is seeing guilt, empathy, and remorse, which do not fit the psychological profile. Gibbs sees deceitful, conniving, and an adultress, which does. Ducky tells Gibbs he's just trying to give him his professional opinion. Gibbs thinks it can wait until after he is through interrogating the suspect.

Up in the squad room, Ducky is enlisting McGee's help. Ducky wants to talk to Rick Carvell and for McGee to tape the conversation with his new cell phone. McGee is to tape Rick, surreptitiously. McGee gives Rick a bottle of water, and introduces him to Ducky. Ducky starts talking about the murder. McGee uses the start of the conversation to distract Rick while he starts the recorder on his cell phone and places it discretely on the desk. "Strange, isn't it, Rick. Someone committed a murder, standard. But then they covered it up, standard. And then they uncovered it. Far from standard." Ducky circles around Rick while talking to him. Rick asks if he thinks his wife is involved. Ducky tells him no, and that's the problem.

Down in interrogation, Jody is telling Gibbs that James was too big of a man for her to carry and bury. Gibbs explains how she could have done it. Jody waves her hands and asks how she could have done that without ruining her perfect nails.

Ducky continues to talk to Rick while McGee tapes them. "I tried to convince Agent Gibbs that your wife was telling the truth. I'm afraid he doesn't believe me." Rick smiles briefly. Ducky wonders why that pleases him. Rick feigns disbelief. Ducky tells him that he flashed a slight, reflexive smile when he said Gibbs didn't believe him. Rick denies it. But Ducky has it on tape and shows Rick the evidence. "I don't know if God was watching your wife and Finn that night, but you were." Rick continues to act as if he doesn't know what Ducky is talking about. Ducky keeps circling him and telling him that he was the one who buried the body. Why would he do that, Rick asks Ducky. "Because you wanted the money. You had to wait until her father died before you could implicate her in the murder." Once they had the inheritence, Rick disinterred the body. Rick laughs slightly and tells Ducky he has a vivid imagination. But imagination doesn't prove anything. Quite right, Ducky agrees. But evidence does.

Abby shows up in the squad room and Ducky goes over to ask her if she lifted the DNA from the shovel. From the sweat they discovered on the handle of the shovel. Abby stumbles a bit, but agrees with Ducky, saying it is running and she just needs to get a sample. Ducky walks over and relieves Rick of his water, telling Abby to test it against the saliva on the bottle. At that Rick, confesses. He tried to cover up Jody's murder, but he didn't kill Finn. "That cheating ***** did" he shouts, pointing a finger at Jody. Gibbs and Jody have just entered the squad room from interrogation.

McGee informs Gibbs that Rick admitted to burying the body. Jody is horrified to hear this, but Rick asks her who else cleans up her messes. He was watching them through the window. "You watched us make love?" Jody asks. "That's not what I'd call it" he replies. Gibbs wants to know what happened next. They had a fight, she hit him on the head, and she ran. Jody says he's lying and Rick claims all he did was bury the body. "I'm afraid you did a bit more than that," Ducky tells him. Rick admits to unburying him. Ducky informs the room that a re-examination of the soft tissue revealed petechial hemorrhaging resulting in asphyxia. Ducky then looked for signs atelectasis, shallow breathing caused by an obstruction such as plastic, and he found it.

"Lance Corporal Finn was buried alive," Ducky says in disgust as he leaves the room.

Rick continues to say all he did was bury him and Jody lunges at him accusing him of murder. Gibbs stops another fight before it can start and tells Ziva to get Jody out of there. McGee is to handcuff Rick and get a sworn statement. "I hope you fry" Jody shrieks as she leaves the squad room. "Go to hell" is Rick's response.

While all this is transpiring, Abby is standing transfixed, holding the water bottle. "Wow" she says. "I gotta come up here more often."

The elevator door opens and Ziva come out, banging into Gibbs. Ziva confesses that she screwed up. "Well, yeah," Gibbs tells her. "You almost spilled my coffee." No, when Tony and Ziva went out to pick up Jody Carvell, she left the bag of gold coins on her desk. Ziva knows she should have taken it to evidence, but she was focused on Jody. Gibbs hands her a folder, telling Ziva here is the inventory; Gibbs took the gold to evidence. Ziva discovers that the inventory only accounts for $18,000 of gold. They're $60,000 short. Gibbs gave Siri and Rebecca back their money. He figured he'd save the courts some paper work. Ziva wonders if Gibbs is getting soft but corrects herself. Of course he isn't. He shaved his moustache.

McGee approaches them to say that reception called about someone coming in with information about a case. They walk up to McGee's desk and he introduces them to Jessica Coleman, James Finn's fiancee. Jessica extends her hand, displaying an engagement ring identical to Siri's.

71. díl
William G. Webb
72. díl
Dennis Smith
73. díl
Terrence O´Hara
74. díl
Thomas J. Wright
75. díl
Colin Bucksey
76. díl
James Whitmore Jr.
77. díl
Dennis Smith
78. díl
Thomas J. Wright
79. díl
Terrence O´Hara
80. díl
Dennis Smith
81. díl
Dennis Smith
82. díl
Colin Bucksey
83. díl
Terrence O´Hara
84. díl
Thomas J. Wright
85. díl
Dennis Smith
86. díl
Colin Bucksey
87. díl
James Whitmore Jr.
88. díl
Thomas J. Wright
89. díl
James Whitmore Jr.
90. díl
Dennis Smith
91. díl
Martha Mitchell
92. díl
Thomas J. Wright
93. díl
Terrence O´Hara
94. díl
Dennis Smith

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