Nzev dlu Shell Shock! /Nebezpeèné krunýøe

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seril Pokémoni - 89.dl Nebezpeèné krunýøe
Aternativn nzvy epizody
lb se ti?? Dej to vdt!:


Datum premiry:
1999.03.25 - Ètvrtek
Epizodu pidal uivatel:


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slo epizody:
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Produkn slo:
Kd epizody:
Pidno dne:
04.12.2010, 23:42:19
Zmna dne:
04.12.2010, 23:42:19
Dlka dlu:

Ash a spol jedou na laprasovi. V tu chvíli je těsně míjí obrovskou rychlostí dvě lodě mířící na blízký ostrov. Lapras se vydává za nimi. Zjišťují že se poblíž ostrova našla zkamenělina kabuta. A je tam televize. Vedoucím archeologů je Joy. Ta do kamery vysvětluje důležitost

Tohoto nálezu. Rakeťáci je pozorují z ponorky a přemýšlí, že by mohli ukrást pikachu a zároveò se dostat do televize. Ash, Místy a Tracey se přidávají do archeologického týmu.

Vydávají se do zátoky, kde by měli být další zkameněliny. Najednou se proti nim valí obrovský balvan. Machokové ho odhazují a všichni jdou dál.

Konečně dorazili do zátoky a vykopávky se rozjely na plno. Ze srázu se na ně valí další kameny. Pikachu vidí jednoho muže a vydává se za ním. Ash ho následuje a jeho následují další. Ash to bere zkratkou a povaluje ho. Ten všechny varuje, že nastane zkáza, když toho nenechají. Oni nevěří, ale v tom přibíhá vědec a oznamuje, že našli další zkamenělinu.

Všichni jsou uvnitř jeskyně, kde byla zkameněliny nalezena. Tracey zjišťuje, že celá jeskyně je pokryta zkamenělinami kabutů. V tu chvíli se propadá strop jeskyně a na scénu vsházejí rakeťáci. Chtějí ukrást všechny zkameněliny. Hází jim bombu. Ti si ji přehazují, až ji dostane ash. Ten na ni kouká a pak ji odhazuje pryč. Jejím výbuchem se uvolnili všechny zkameněliny a rakeťáci je odvážejí balónem.

V tu chvíli se všechny zkameněliny probouzí k životu. Všichni utíkají z jeskyně. Venku jim ten muž co je varoval povídá ať jdou do lesa a zbudují si vor. To udělají a na poslední chvíli se dostávají z bortícího se ostrova. Omlouvají se tomu muži a sledují jak dlouhý pás kabutů odplouvá pryč


Aboard Lapras, the group follows a news crew to an uninhabited island, where a scientific expedition is underway after the discovery of a fossilized Kabuto. While on the island Ash and the gang are shocked to find out that Nurse Joy is the director of the Kabuto excursion. While listening to Nurse Joy being interviewed by a news reporter they find out that the reason why the crew has come out to Fairchild Island is to study the habitat of the extinct Pokémon Kabuto. She also remarks that they would like to find out if the claims about Kabuto oil are true or not. The claims being that the oil can not only bring good health, but also cause someone to live forever. After hearing all of this Ash and Tracey jump in front of the reporter's camera and ask if they can help with the fossil digging. Then a moment later Ash looks into the camera and makes a scene, which in turn causes Misty to grab him while yelling at him for embarrassing them.

Meanwhile Team Rocket have been watching the whole scene from their Magikarp submarine. At which Jessie says that she wonders why a television crew would be on the island. Which then prompts Meowth into saying that if they hurry up and catch Pikachu they can then maybe catch some face time too.

After the Team Rocket scene the show cuts to Nurse Joy leading a group of explorers, the news crew, and Ash's group to the digging site. A group of Growlithe also accompany the team to possibly find the scent of the Kabuto. While Machoke are seen carrying some equipment, along with Rhydon for drilling holes. As they pass by, a mysterious silhouette of a man is seen behind a tree. They eventually reach a small cliff path which Misty is very uneasy about because of the height. At the same time Team Rocket is shown following the same path on a lower section of the cliff. As Nurse Joy's team moves on the Growlithe start to growl at a large boulder on a hill at which Nurse Joy dismisses. Suddenly the boulder gives way and starts racing towards them. As the boulder races down you can see a leg of a man on top of the hill. Hinting that the boulder was pushed down by him. While the group is running down the hill Ash mentions to Nurse Joy to use the Machoke at which she agrees and tells them to stop the rock. They succeed and the team is saved. Unfortunately for Team Rocket, the boulder then rolls off the side of the cliff and hits James on the lower level of the cliff into what looks like a canyon.

As the team keeps walking once again a silhouette of a man is seen, but this time from behind a rock. Pikachu catches a glimpse and looks over which catches Ash's attention. After not seeing anything Ash says, "Nothing there Pikachu." and turns around. Although, the moment he turns around the man's figure can be seen again. Eventually the team reaches their destination, "a hidden bay on the island's desolate northern shore." Right away the crew gets down to digging with some Machoke and Rhydon pitching in. As Ash, Tracey, Pikachu, and Togepi dig, a bunch of boulders start falling down from the top of the cliffs onto them. Luckily Nurse Joy commands Rhydon to use Horn Drill on the crashing boulders and once again the team is saved.

After the second near boulder catastrophe Misty mentions that she thinks all these accidents aren't really accidents. That maybe someone else is causing all these bad things to happen. Tracey brings up the point that the island is supposed to be deserted and that can't possibly be true. Just as he says that a dark silhouette of a man is seen running from behind a tree at which Pikachu notices and starts chasing after him. Ash follows suit and ends up jumping on the man bringing them both to the ground. As the rest of the crew catches up the identity of the man is finally revealed. With that he then sternly tells them all to leave the island while admitting that he has been the one who has been pushing the boulders onto them.

The man then explains that he was only trying to keep them out of danger. He then tells of an ancient prophecy which implies that anyone who comes to the island to disturb the Kabuto will cause the island to be swallowed by the sea. At that moment an explorer comes running into the forest, ecstatic to have found another Kabuto fossil. This then causes the team and the man to venture into a cave where the fossil was found. When they get to the end of the cave they find tons of Kabuto fossils on the walls. Suddenly the cave starts to crumble only to reveal Team Rocket, who plan to steal all the Kabuto fossils for themselves. James then throws a bomb that gets passed around until Ash catches it and throws it at the wall of Kabuto Fossils. The fossils then explode off the wall and Team Rocket wraps them up in a net and tries to get away with their hot air balloon. The Kabuto then end up coming to life as the light of the moon hits them and one ends up popping Team Rocket's balloon which leads to them blasting away.

As the island starts to crumble apart the team decides to head for the boat, but the strange man insists that the prophecy said to run into the forest and make a raft. So they listen to the man and start building a makeshift raft. As the island sinks they all jump on the raft and Ash sends out his Lapras and Squirtle while Misty sends out her Staryu and Goldeen to help pull the raft. They all make it to sea safely and watch the island completely sink. Joy remarks that maybe the Kabuto oil does cause them to live forever. She then apologizes to the man for not believing him and the news reporter says that she thinks it's best that no one ever find out the Kabuto's secret. At the end the Kabuto are seen swimming towards the moonlight, looking for a new safe home.

Televizn tb

== osoby ==
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Originln Nzev
Premiera v skr
82. dlHrùza ve vzduchu
A Scare in the Air
´´Shimura Izumi´´1999.02.04 - Ètvrtek
83. dlProblémy s Pokéballem
PokéBall Peril
´´Fujita Munekatsu´´1999.02.11 - Ètvrtek
84. dlZtracený Lapras
The Lost Lapras
´´Sakai Hiroshi´´1999.02.18 - Ètvrtek
85. dlNebezpeèné vlny
Fit to be Tide
´´Kajiura Shinichiro´´1999.02.25 - Ètvrtek
86. dlVzpoura Pikachu
Pikachu Re-Volts
Akihiro Tamagawa1999.03.04 - Ètvrtek
87. dlThe Crystal Onix
Sklenìný Onix
Izumi Shimura1999.03.11 - Ètvrtek
88. dlVšechno je rùžové
In the Pink
Yûsaku Takeda1999.03.18 - Ètvrtek
89. dlNebezpeèné krunýøe
Shell Shock!
Toshiya Yamada1999.03.25 - Ètvrtek
90. dlZápas na plovoucím divadle
Stage Fight!
Shin´ichiro Kajiura1999.04.01 - Ètvrtek
91. dlSbohem Psyducku
Bye Bye Psyduck
Masaaki Iwane1999.04.08 - Ètvrtek
92. dlVyjímeèná Joy
The Joy of Pokémon
Izumi Shimura1999.04.15 - Ètvrtek
93. dlManévry na Pupkovém ostrovì
Navel Maneuvers
Yusaku Takeda1999.04.22 - Ètvrtek
94. dlSvaèinový útok
Snack Attack
Masayuki Fujita1999.04.29 - Ètvrtek
95. dlA Shipful of Shivers
A Shipful of Shivers
Kiyotaka Itani1999.05.06 - Ètvrtek
96. dlMòau vládcem
Meowth Rules!
Yuji Asada1999.05.13 - Ètvrtek
97. dlTraceyho nový kamarád
Tracey Gets Bugged
Osamu Inoue1999.05.20 - Ètvrtek
98. dlBájeèné volno
A Way Off Day Off
Izumi Shimura1999.05.27 - Ètvrtek
99. dlZápas na Mandarinkovém ostrovì
The Mandarin Island Miss Match
Sato Yamamoto1999.06.03 - Ètvrtek
100. dlKdepak jsi, Pokémone
Wherefore Art Thou, Pokémon?
Yusaku Takeda1999.06.10 - Ètvrtek
101. dlHijé, malý Pokémone
Get Along, Little Pokémon
Katsutoshi Kobayashi1999.06.17 - Ètvrtek
102. dlPodivná pøíšera
The Mystery Menace
Izumi Shimura1999.06.24 - Ètvrtek
103. dlNápadník pro Misty
Misty Meets Her Match
Shin´ichiro Kajiura1999.07.01 - Ètvrtek
104. dlVelké problémy
Bound For Trouble
Masaaki Iwane1999.07.15 - Ètvrtek
105. dlZamražený Charizard
Charizard Chills
Yusaku Takeda1999.07.22 - Ètvrtek
106. dlVodní dobrodružství
The Pokémon Water War
Izumi Shimura1999.07.29 - Ètvrtek
107. dlZápas o potravu pro pokémony
Pokémon Food Fight!
Masaaki Iwane1999.08.05 - Ètvrtek
108. dlDvojité problémy
Pokémon Double Trouble
Sato Yamamoto1999.08.12 - Ètvrtek
109. dlPodivný pozorovatel
The Wacky Watcher!
Katsutoshi Kobayashi1999.08.19 - Ètvrtek
110. dlOmraèující pyl
The Stun Spore Detour
Masaaki Iwane1999.08.26 - Ètvrtek
111. dlKoneènì turnaj!
Hello, Pummelo!
Shinichiro Kajiura1999.09.02 - Ètvrtek
112. dlDragonite pøichází
nter The Dragonite
Yusaku Takeda1999.09.09 - Ètvrtek
113. dlA žije Lapras
Viva Las Lapras
Izumi Shimura1999.09.16 - Ètvrtek
114. dlPodzemní zápas
The Underground Round Up
Sato Yamamoto1999.09.23 - Ètvrtek
115. dlStanový útok
A Tent Situation
Yusaku Takeda1999.09.30 - Ètvrtek
116. dlDávný protivník
The Rivalry Revival
Katsumi Hashimoto1999.10.07 - Ètvrtek

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