Nzev dlu A Way Off Day Off /Báječné volno

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prohlte: 2 . seznu s : 35 dly

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seril Pokémoni - 98.dl Báječné volno
Aternativn nzvy epizody
lb se ti?? Dej to vdt!:


Datum premiry:
1999.05.27 - Čtvrtek
Epizodu pidal uivatel:


Epizodu naposledy upravil uivatel:


slo epizody:
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Produkn slo:
Kd epizody:
Pidno dne:
01.01.2011, 16:18:28
Zmna dne:
01.01.2011, 16:18:28
Dlka dlu:

Naši hrdinové se plaví na Laprasovi a jsou velice znudení a navíc hladoví, když tu náhle dorazí k dalšímu ostrovu. S nadejí, že tam naleznou neco k snedku, vydávají se na ostrov.

Na ostrove se všem líbí. Ash se svými kamarády vypustí dokonce ven všechny své Pokémony, aby i oni mohli užívat pokoje a klidu na ostrove. Pak Ash zahlédl dokonce hejno Farfetch'du. Pozdeji šli všichni trhat ovoce, kolik ho na ostrove bylo!

Mezitím na druhém konci ostrova odpocívali Jessie, James a Meowth. Meli volno, takže nechteli o kradení Pokémonu dnes ani slyšet... hned ale zmenili názor, když zahlédli ve vode hrajícího si Togepiho a Marilla! A když poté pozorovali prcky i se všemi jejich vypuštenými Pokémony, chystali už další plán, jak všechny ukrást (Gotta steal'em all :-).

Kamarádi na ostrove také odpocívali, pouze trhali ovoce a nekterí jejich Pokémoni si hráli. Pak se objevil Jigglypuff a všechny uspal... když se probudili, byl vecer. Všichni se podelili o natrhané ovoce a meli co delat, aby jim vše nesnedl Snorlax :-) Když umyli nádobí (Prosím vás, hlavne si z nich neberte príklad, až se budete chystat na výlet pod stan. Všechny porcelánové talíre, misky, hrnce a skládací stolky nechte doma... ovoce se dá na opušteném ostrove doopravdy sníst i bez toho!), šli spát. Jedinému Ashovi se spát nechtelo, a tak na brehu more za svitu hvezd a mesíce premýšlel o tom zvláštním GS-ballu, který s sebou neustále tahá. Až k nemu prišel Pikachu a pozorovali nocní oblohu spolecne.

Zatím co Misty, Tracey a jejich Pokémoni spali, Jamesova Victreebell si jejich spánek ješte pojistila spacím práškem. Pak už mohli Raketáci bezpecne zaútocit - vystrelili prísavky a chytili všechny Pokémony. Naneštestí chytili i Snorlaxe, takže když chteli pritáhnout spící Pokémony k sobe, nemohli je utáhnout. Ale všichni Pokémoni nespali. Charizard a Traceyho nový Pokémon, Scyther, byli neustále bdelí a navíc leželi o trošku dál, takže je ani spací prášek neuspal. Takže nejen že oba vysvobodili všechny Pokémony z prísavek Raketáku, ale také vyhlásili poplach a všechny probudili. Strhl se kratický souboj mezi Pokémony kladných a záporných hrdinu a jak to tak v animovaných japonských seriálech dopadá, samozrejme zvítezili ti kladní. Raketáci odleteli ze scény.

Druhého dne z rána se opet naši hrdinové vydali na cestu


Ash and his friends sail onboard Lapras, but all of them seem bored. Pikachu points to a nearby island, which they mark as their destination. As they head for it, Jigglypuff surfaces nearby. They touch down in a cove as Pikachu and Togepi run off while the humans take in the island scenery. Misty sends out her Goldeen and Staryu to play, along with Ash's Lapras. A piece of fruit hits Ash in the head as they see a Farfetch'd flying above them. A whole flock takes off from the island as Tracey sketches them. Pikachu and Togepi return with some fruit as Pikachu points to all the fruit trees. Ash and Misty take a bit of the yellow fruit, finding them sour. Tracey finds darker one that are riper. The group decides to rest for the day on the island as a vacation. Ash brings out his Pokémon, his Snorlax and Charizard quickly going to sleep. Tracey brings out his Pokémon. Misty brings out Psyduck, but it is already out. Scyther shows off its strength, scaring some of the Pokémon. Togepi is not afraid, walking up to Scyther and playing. Everyone else soon follows. Ash calls to Charizard to greet, but it looks away. Ash walks closer as Charizard uses Flamethrower on Ash. The attack also heads toward Scyther, but it deflects it with its scythes. Charizard notices as Scyther steps closer. Charizard stands up, as the two seem ready to fight. Ash stops them as the two turn away.

Meanwhile, Team Rocket is also taking their vacation on the island. Jessie decides to not steal any Pokémon, but when she spots Togepi playing with Marill nearby, Lapras eating algae, and Goldeen and Staryu swimming, they realize that Ash and his friends are nearby. Ash’s group enjoys the break as Team Rocket observes nearby, deciding to poach all the Pokémon.

Ash and co. bring back fruit as Snorlax attempts to eat the pile, but Scyther wards him away. Inside the pile, Jigglypuff pops out and sings, putting everyone to sleep. As usual, Jigglypuff stops, gets angry and draws on everyone.

When everyone wakes up, they decide to let Snorlax sleep longer while they continue preparing. The Pokémon enjoy their share of fruit as everyone realizes how much they need the vacation. Tracey brings fruit sandwiches to the table as Misty is curious about the new food style. Snorlax comes up and takes the entire plate, sliding the contents into its mouth. It goes back to sleep, leaving everyone else to clean the dishes. Tracey notices that Snorlax doesn't eat as much now due to less energy exertion. Misty slams Ash for not really training Snorlax. Togepi seems happy playing with Marill's tail. Scyther flexes its power while training in the middle of the pond, Charizard watching with intent.

At night, everyone is asleep, but Pikachu wakes up and notices Ash is not there. Ash is out on the beach, speculating about the GS Ball, comparing it to a normal Poké Ball. Pikachu comes over as they watch the stars bright and clear. Ash pulls out his two badges and remembers how different Cissy and Danny were as Gym Leaders compared to the Kanto Gym Leaders, reflecting on his wins for the Coral Eye Badge and Sea Ruby Badge, wondering about the next one.

Back at the camp, Tracey talks in his sleep about finding and sketching the Legendary birds. Misty wakes up to his talking, but a Sleep Powder attack over the camp silences all but Charizard and Scyther. James's Victreebel stops sending the powder as Jessie fires a bazooka, capturing everyone with suction plugs. Meowth tries to reel them all in, but Snorlax is too heavy to drag. Scyther slashes the rope as Charizard steps up to aid. The powerful Pokémon roar battle cries, waking the camp and getting Ash and Pikachu to return. Team Rocket rappels in on a zip-line reciting their motto, crashing into a tree before they can finish, which makes them say their final lines incoherently due to being stunned from the impact. Meowth jumps in and gets them in line with scratches to the face.

Team Rocket sends out Arbok and Weezing as Ash sends Pikachu. Weezing's SmokeScreen covers the field, but Scyther's Swords Dance clears it and sends Weezing flying. Bulbasaur, Squirtle and Pikachu take turns using Vine Whip, Water Gun and ThunderShock to attack Team Rocket. Charizard follows up with Flamethrower as Scyther uses Skull Bash to send them blasting off. Ash congratulates the Pokémon as they watch Charizard and Scyther walk away in an informal respect motion.

The next day, Ash brings out Lapras as everyone departs the island with refreshed spirits. Meanwhile, Team Rocket winds up stuck on a small rock island. They try to relax as a Farfetch'd comes up. They find out the small rock holds the Farfetch’d flock. They all smack Team Rocket with their sticks.

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Originln Nzev
Premiera v skr
82. dlHrůza ve vzduchu
A Scare in the Air
´´Shimura Izumi´´1999.02.04 - Čtvrtek
83. dlProblémy s Pokéballem
PokéBall Peril
´´Fujita Munekatsu´´1999.02.11 - Čtvrtek
84. dlZtracený Lapras
The Lost Lapras
´´Sakai Hiroshi´´1999.02.18 - Čtvrtek
85. dlNebezpečné vlny
Fit to be Tide
´´Kajiura Shinichiro´´1999.02.25 - Čtvrtek
86. dlVzpoura Pikachu
Pikachu Re-Volts
Akihiro Tamagawa1999.03.04 - Čtvrtek
87. dlThe Crystal Onix
Skleněný Onix
Izumi Shimura1999.03.11 - Čtvrtek
88. dlVšechno je růžové
In the Pink
Yûsaku Takeda1999.03.18 - Čtvrtek
89. dlNebezpečné krunýře
Shell Shock!
Toshiya Yamada1999.03.25 - Čtvrtek
90. dlZápas na plovoucím divadle
Stage Fight!
Shin´ichiro Kajiura1999.04.01 - Čtvrtek
91. dlSbohem Psyducku
Bye Bye Psyduck
Masaaki Iwane1999.04.08 - Čtvrtek
92. dlVyjímečná Joy
The Joy of Pokémon
Izumi Shimura1999.04.15 - Čtvrtek
93. dlManévry na Pupkovém ostrově
Navel Maneuvers
Yusaku Takeda1999.04.22 - Čtvrtek
94. dlSvačinový útok
Snack Attack
Masayuki Fujita1999.04.29 - Čtvrtek
95. dlA Shipful of Shivers
A Shipful of Shivers
Kiyotaka Itani1999.05.06 - Čtvrtek
96. dlMòau vládcem
Meowth Rules!
Yuji Asada1999.05.13 - Čtvrtek
97. dlTraceyho nový kamarád
Tracey Gets Bugged
Osamu Inoue1999.05.20 - Čtvrtek
98. dlBáječné volno
A Way Off Day Off
Izumi Shimura1999.05.27 - Čtvrtek
99. dlZápas na Mandarinkovém ostrově
The Mandarin Island Miss Match
Sato Yamamoto1999.06.03 - Čtvrtek
100. dlKdepak jsi, Pokémone
Wherefore Art Thou, Pokémon?
Yusaku Takeda1999.06.10 - Čtvrtek
101. dlHijé, malý Pokémone
Get Along, Little Pokémon
Katsutoshi Kobayashi1999.06.17 - Čtvrtek
102. dlPodivná příšera
The Mystery Menace
Izumi Shimura1999.06.24 - Čtvrtek
103. dlNápadník pro Misty
Misty Meets Her Match
Shin´ichiro Kajiura1999.07.01 - Čtvrtek
104. dlVelké problémy
Bound For Trouble
Masaaki Iwane1999.07.15 - Čtvrtek
105. dlZamražený Charizard
Charizard Chills
Yusaku Takeda1999.07.22 - Čtvrtek
106. dlVodní dobrodružství
The Pokémon Water War
Izumi Shimura1999.07.29 - Čtvrtek
107. dlZápas o potravu pro pokémony
Pokémon Food Fight!
Masaaki Iwane1999.08.05 - Čtvrtek
108. dlDvojité problémy
Pokémon Double Trouble
Sato Yamamoto1999.08.12 - Čtvrtek
109. dlPodivný pozorovatel
The Wacky Watcher!
Katsutoshi Kobayashi1999.08.19 - Čtvrtek
110. dlOmračující pyl
The Stun Spore Detour
Masaaki Iwane1999.08.26 - Čtvrtek
111. dlKonečně turnaj!
Hello, Pummelo!
Shinichiro Kajiura1999.09.02 - Čtvrtek
112. dlDragonite přichází
nter The Dragonite
Yusaku Takeda1999.09.09 - Čtvrtek
113. dlAť žije Lapras
Viva Las Lapras
Izumi Shimura1999.09.16 - Čtvrtek
114. dlPodzemní zápas
The Underground Round Up
Sato Yamamoto1999.09.23 - Čtvrtek
115. dlStanový útok
A Tent Situation
Yusaku Takeda1999.09.30 - Čtvrtek
116. dlDávný protivník
The Rivalry Revival
Katsumi Hashimoto1999.10.07 - Čtvrtek

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prohlte: 2 . srii s : 35 dly

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