Nzev dlu The Mandarin Island Miss Match /Zápas na Mandarinkovém ostrovì

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seril Pokémoni - 99.dl Zápas na Mandarinkovém ostrovì
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lb se ti?? Dej to vdt!:


Datum premiry:
1999.06.03 - Ètvrtek
Epizodu pidal uivatel:


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Dl v serii
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Produkn slo:
Kd epizody:
Pidno dne:
01.01.2011, 16:40:21
Zmna dne:
01.01.2011, 16:40:21
Dlka dlu:

Na zacátku tohoto dílu práve Ashuv Bulbasaur porazil Butterfree nejakého trenéra, na kterém si Ash cvicil své dovednosti. Už to byl tretí zápas, který vyhrál zde, na Mandarinkovém ostrove, a tak jeho sebevedomí znacne stouplo. Poté Ash jako vždy dostal hlad a tak se šel spolecne s kamarády najíst.

Nekde na brehu more se naši hrdinové ládovali sedvici, když se Tracey docetl z jakéhosi lístecku, že se na zdejším ostrove nachází Prima, slavná trenérka Pokémonu. Misty z toho byla u vytržení, protože Prima je její idol - trénuje hlavne vodní Pokémony. V tu chvíli se za nimi samotná Prima objevila. Misty byla nadšená, chtela se s ní hned skamarádit, ale Prima, jako by je ignorovala, šla si povídat s Togepim, který práve svacil na stole. Ash se s ní hned chtel utkat v Pokémonu. Chtel zápasit, ale Prima si místo toho, aby prijala ci odmítla jeho výzvu, stoupla k zábradlí a obdivovala sveží vánek a klidné more. Ash ji ješte chvíli premlouval, aby s ním Prima zápasila. Ale po chvíli to vzdal a aby jí ukázal své znalosti v oblasti trénování Pokémonu, vyzval na souboj zrovna kolemjdoucího trenéra.

Mezitím též Raketáci zjistili, že na ostrove je Prima. Je to skvelá trenérka, bude mít skvele vytrénované Pokémony... a tak opet chystali plán, jak jí je všechny ukradnou.

Ashuv zápas s tím trenérem dopadl vítezne: nejprve Ashuv Squirtle porazil Persiana. Protivníkuv Tauros zvládl oslabeného Squirtla, ale Ashuv Charizard si pak jedním útokem hrave poradil s Taurem. Ash vyhrál zápas, ale zvolil si Charizarda - to nemel delat, protože jeho Charizard ho stále neposlouchá. A tak ted, namísto toho, aby se vrátil do pokéballu, zacal létat vzduchem sem a tam a obcas nekoho sežehnul svým plamenem. Když to uvidela Prima, stále stojící opodál, prispechala s klidem na pomoc. Zvolila si Slowbroa, který Charizarda znehybnel. Ash si ho tak mohl povolat zpet do svého Pokéballu. Ted chtel opet s Primou zápasit, ale ta videla, že Ash nicemu nerozumí... co se mu snažila pred tím zápasem ukázat. Tak radeji všechny pozvala na své vystoupení, kdy bojuje se schopnými trenéry a zároven o nich prednáší.

Naši hrdinové se s radostí na prednášku dostavili, aby videli Primu v akci (Nejvetší radost z toho ale mela samozrejme Misty). Vyhrála trikrát za sebou, porazila oponenty vždy jediným útokem. Nejprve její Slowbro porazil Machampa, potom se svým Dewgongem zvládla Marowaka a nakonec Primin Cloyster premohl Kadabru.

Po skoncení tohoto vystoupení pozvala Ashe a jeho prátele do svého domu. Ash neustále trval na svém a chtel s Primou bojovat, aby jí ukázal, jak je dobrý. A aby Prima Ashe poucila, nakonec jeho výzvu prijala. Každý si smel zvolit jediného Pokémona. Ash predpokládal, že Prima zvolí vodního, a tak si do tohoto zápasu vybral Pikachu. Souperil s Cloystrem. Po napínavém zápase, ve kterém se Pikachu moc snažil, nakonec Ash prohrál. Prima se omlouvala, ale musela to udelat... aby Ash konecne ztratil své sebevedomí. A ted ho zacala poucovat o tom, jak je dobré vedet, že duležité je také umet prohrát, že trenéri vyhrávají díky svým Pokémonum, tak at všechnu slávu neberou na sebe, a že jejich Pokémoni pro ne bojují, aby jim ukázali, jak je mají rádi. Ash si vše z toho vzal k srdci. Náhle se objevili Raketáci, se smíchem dojati Priminou prednáškou. Už nechteli ukrást její Pokémony, protože videli, jak je dobrá, zkrátka proti ní nemají šanci. Tak chteli radeji konecne ukrást Pikachu, tentokrát oslabeného po souboji s Cloystrem. Prima však povolala ledovou Jynx a ta si s Raketáky poradila. Jessie a James v mžiku zmizeli ze scény.

Ash, Misty a Tracey se loucí s Primou. Slibují, že si vše z jejích slov budou pamatovat. A nyní se pouštejí na cestu za dalším odznakem, do stadiónu, na který jim dala tip Prima. Tak co myslíte, získá Ash další odznak :-)?


Ash, Misty, and Tracey are on Mandarin Island, and Ash is on a winning streak. He finishes off a Butterfree with Bulbasaur's Razor Leaf. Ash starts to get a bit full of himself, then lets known the fact that he is hungry. Misty and Tracey then gets something to eat.

As Ash and Misty eat, Tracey tells them that Prima (who is better known as Lorelei of the Elite Four) is going to give a lecture on the island. Misty is ecstatic, and tells Ash and Tracey that Prima is her hero. She hears a voice behind her, and turns to see Prima herself! Misty and Tracey introduce themselves while Ash chokes on his sandwich. She walks past them, however, and bends down to look at Togepi.

Nearby, Meowth watches from the bushes while Jessie and James eat. They peer through their binoculars, and James recognizes Prima. Unfortunately, he doesn't remember who she is. Prima looks out at the ocean, and makes many philosophical comments about nature. But all Ash wants is a battle. But Prima continues to ignore him. Ash interprets this to mean that she's afraid to battle and goes off in search of someone else. He does find a opponent who accepts his challenge. As Prima watches, Ash offers to let the boy set up the rules and they agree on two Pokémon each. Ash sends out Squirtle, and the boy releases a Persian.

Squirtle uses Water Gun, but Persian dodges it. It unleashes a Thunderbolt attack, but Squirtle uses Withdraw. Squirtle then pops out of its shell and Skull Bashes Persian, and knocks it out. The boy then sends out a Tauros, who Take Downs Squirtle right away knocking it out. Ash withdraws Squirtle and sends out Charizard, but Ash still cannot control Charizard and it burns him.

Prima continues to watch as Tauros uses Take Down. Charizard then uses Flamethrower, knocking out Tauros in one hit. He then flies into the air and tries to burn everything in sight. Ash tries to call it back, but the beam from the Poké Ball misses. When Ash gets burned again, Prima intervenes, sending out her Slowbro. Slowbro uses Disable, immobilizing Charizard in midair. It then brings it down to the ground, and Ash succeeds in calling it back. Prima asks Ash if he knows what he's doing, and he defends himself by saying that he was in the top sixteen in the Indigo League. Prima isn't impressed and starts to leave. She turns and asks them all to come to her demonstration later. They enthusiastically accept.

Later, Ash and his friends watch Prima battle from the stands of Mandarin Island Stadium. Team Rocket has also snuck in dressed as food vendors. James now fully recognizes Prima, and they plan to steal her Pokémon. The demonstration goes on for a while and Prima defeats every Pokémon she goes up against. Ash watches intently, determined to try to pick up some tips. After the demonstration, Prima invites Ash and his friends to her house for some tea. As Misty and Tracey thank her for inviting them and rave about her Pokémon, Ash sits in silence. Suddenly, he speaks up and announces his suspicions that Prima is trying to teach him reverse psychology (or perverse psychology, as he calls it). Prima tells them that every person has a particular way of acting in and out of battle. She explains to them that she is like the water. She usually "goes with the flow", but when she's in battle, she becomes as cold as ice. She walks outside, and tells Ash that the most important thing is knowing where your strength lies. Ash may be strong in some ways, but he needs to develop what comes from the inside.

Ash then once again challenges Prima to a battle which she accepts. They agree on one Pokémon each, and send out their Pokémon. Ash uses Pikachu, and Prima chooses Cloyster. Pikachu uses Thunderbolt, but Cloyster Withdraws into its shell. As a result the attack has no effect. Pikachu uses Agility, but is knocked back by Cloyster's Reflect attack. Pikachu uses Thunder which hits but then Cloyster starts to glow red. Tracey warns Ash that this is Rage, which increases its Attack level. Pikachu tries a Quick Attack, but is pummeled by an Aurora Beam and Take Down. Ash loses.

Prima calls back Cloyster, and looks at Pikachu to see if it is okay. She tells Ash that he has the skills he needs to be a Pokémon Master, but he needs to remember that his Pokémon are the ones who win the badges. She tells him that with his Pokémon and friends at his side, he'll always succeed. She then tells him that if he wins all the gym badges in the Orange League, he'll be presented with an "Honorable Trainer" trophy. Ash then thanks Prima.

Suddenly, voices sound from above. It's Team Rocket, and they ask if Prima has a recording of her lecture on a CD. She replies that it's on tape only, and whispers to Ash and his friends that it's $18.95. Team Rocket falls out of their balloon, then says their motto. Misty correctly guesses that their original plan was to steal Prima's Pokémon, but they tell her that they figured they'd lose. They then decided to stick with the program and steal Pikachu. Ash gets ready to fight, but Prima tells him that she'll take care of it.

She sends out Jynx, who uses Ice Punch and freezes Team Rocket. Jynx then uses Blizzard and blows them into the sky. The pieces from the ice block rain down, making sparkles in the sky. Everyone watches, amazed. That evening, Prima tells Ash that the nearest gym is on Trovita Island, which is straight across the bay on the other side of Mandarin Island. Ash and his friends thank Prima again for everything that she taught him. They wave farewell, and head towards their next adventure.

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Originln Nzev
Premiera v skr
82. dlHrùza ve vzduchu
A Scare in the Air
´´Shimura Izumi´´1999.02.04 - Ètvrtek
83. dlProblémy s Pokéballem
PokéBall Peril
´´Fujita Munekatsu´´1999.02.11 - Ètvrtek
84. dlZtracený Lapras
The Lost Lapras
´´Sakai Hiroshi´´1999.02.18 - Ètvrtek
85. dlNebezpeèné vlny
Fit to be Tide
´´Kajiura Shinichiro´´1999.02.25 - Ètvrtek
86. dlVzpoura Pikachu
Pikachu Re-Volts
Akihiro Tamagawa1999.03.04 - Ètvrtek
87. dlThe Crystal Onix
Sklenìný Onix
Izumi Shimura1999.03.11 - Ètvrtek
88. dlVšechno je rùžové
In the Pink
Yûsaku Takeda1999.03.18 - Ètvrtek
89. dlNebezpeèné krunýøe
Shell Shock!
Toshiya Yamada1999.03.25 - Ètvrtek
90. dlZápas na plovoucím divadle
Stage Fight!
Shin´ichiro Kajiura1999.04.01 - Ètvrtek
91. dlSbohem Psyducku
Bye Bye Psyduck
Masaaki Iwane1999.04.08 - Ètvrtek
92. dlVyjímeèná Joy
The Joy of Pokémon
Izumi Shimura1999.04.15 - Ètvrtek
93. dlManévry na Pupkovém ostrovì
Navel Maneuvers
Yusaku Takeda1999.04.22 - Ètvrtek
94. dlSvaèinový útok
Snack Attack
Masayuki Fujita1999.04.29 - Ètvrtek
95. dlA Shipful of Shivers
A Shipful of Shivers
Kiyotaka Itani1999.05.06 - Ètvrtek
96. dlMòau vládcem
Meowth Rules!
Yuji Asada1999.05.13 - Ètvrtek
97. dlTraceyho nový kamarád
Tracey Gets Bugged
Osamu Inoue1999.05.20 - Ètvrtek
98. dlBájeèné volno
A Way Off Day Off
Izumi Shimura1999.05.27 - Ètvrtek
99. dlZápas na Mandarinkovém ostrovì
The Mandarin Island Miss Match
Sato Yamamoto1999.06.03 - Ètvrtek
100. dlKdepak jsi, Pokémone
Wherefore Art Thou, Pokémon?
Yusaku Takeda1999.06.10 - Ètvrtek
101. dlHijé, malý Pokémone
Get Along, Little Pokémon
Katsutoshi Kobayashi1999.06.17 - Ètvrtek
102. dlPodivná pøíšera
The Mystery Menace
Izumi Shimura1999.06.24 - Ètvrtek
103. dlNápadník pro Misty
Misty Meets Her Match
Shin´ichiro Kajiura1999.07.01 - Ètvrtek
104. dlVelké problémy
Bound For Trouble
Masaaki Iwane1999.07.15 - Ètvrtek
105. dlZamražený Charizard
Charizard Chills
Yusaku Takeda1999.07.22 - Ètvrtek
106. dlVodní dobrodružství
The Pokémon Water War
Izumi Shimura1999.07.29 - Ètvrtek
107. dlZápas o potravu pro pokémony
Pokémon Food Fight!
Masaaki Iwane1999.08.05 - Ètvrtek
108. dlDvojité problémy
Pokémon Double Trouble
Sato Yamamoto1999.08.12 - Ètvrtek
109. dlPodivný pozorovatel
The Wacky Watcher!
Katsutoshi Kobayashi1999.08.19 - Ètvrtek
110. dlOmraèující pyl
The Stun Spore Detour
Masaaki Iwane1999.08.26 - Ètvrtek
111. dlKoneènì turnaj!
Hello, Pummelo!
Shinichiro Kajiura1999.09.02 - Ètvrtek
112. dlDragonite pøichází
nter The Dragonite
Yusaku Takeda1999.09.09 - Ètvrtek
113. dlA žije Lapras
Viva Las Lapras
Izumi Shimura1999.09.16 - Ètvrtek
114. dlPodzemní zápas
The Underground Round Up
Sato Yamamoto1999.09.23 - Ètvrtek
115. dlStanový útok
A Tent Situation
Yusaku Takeda1999.09.30 - Ètvrtek
116. dlDávný protivník
The Rivalry Revival
Katsumi Hashimoto1999.10.07 - Ètvrtek

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