Nzev dlu The Mystery Menace /Podivná pøíšera

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seril Pokémoni - 102.dl Podivná pøíšera
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Datum premiry:
1999.06.24 - Ètvrtek
Epizodu pidal uivatel:


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Kd epizody:
Pidno dne:
15.01.2011, 13:52:38
Zmna dne:
15.01.2011, 13:52:38
Dlka dlu:

Naši hrdinové se konečně dostávají do Trovitopolisu, odkud jim chybí už jen kousek na ostrov Trovita, kde leží další Stadion. Výhled na město je skutečně překrásný, ale naši přátelé netuší, že je někdo sleduje…

Rakeťáci tentokrát vymysleli dokonalý plán - použijí výbušninu, aby Pikachu spadnul do díry a pak ho jednoduše chytí. Aktivují tedy detonátor, bohužel, James nedal výbušninu na správné místo a tak se propadnou sami. Otřes půdy ale způsobí, že se zřítí i Ash, Tracey a Misty. Všichni spadnou přímo vedle kanalizace, do které se hned vydají (musím konstatovat, že takhle čistou vodu jsem v kanalizaci ještě neviděl…) . Po chvilce chůze ale Ashovi něco zaklepe na rameno… Ash se otočí a uvidí velké chapadlo! Okamžitě přikáže Pikachu použít svůj Bleskový útok (ThunderShock nebo ThunderBolt), ale Misty ho zastaví, protože všude kolem nich je voda. Ash povolá Bulbasaura, ale to chapadlo ho chytí a odnese pryč. Ash se chce za ním vydat, ale v tom se nad nimi objeví důstojnice Jenny a pomůže jim ven. Bohužel Rakeťáci takové štěstí neměli a tak teï bezcílně bloumají kanálama.

Ve vězení, kde jsou kvůli vazbě, jim nakonec důstojnice Jenny oznámí, že jsou volní, ale v tom okamžiku za nimi přijde starosta a začne blábolit něco o tom, že za týden jsou volby a nikdo se to nesmí dozvědět, že by to zkazilo pověst atd atd. Chce, aby zůstali ve vazbě alespoò do dalšího týdne, ale Jenny to odmítá. Naši přátelé se rozhodnou, že i přes varování starosty se vydají hledat Bulbasaura. Starosta se ale rozhodne rázně zakročit a posílá do stok armádní jednotku.

Ve stoce Misty vyklouzne z ruky Togepi, ale chytí ho na poslední chvíli, než spadne do vody. Ale bohužel, Misty i s Togepim odnese to záhadné chapadlo. Mezitím se Rakeťáci, kteří se s tou příšerou také setkali, rozhodnou jí vyděsit a převzít tak iniciativu . Nasadí tedy hrůzné grimasy a vyběhnou za roh, kde na ně čeká co jiného, než armáda! Velitel dává pokyn k palbě na 3 "neznámé objekty" a Rakeťáci pod palbou těsta (???) utíkají ze scény.

Ash se rozhodne použít Muka, kterého mu dal Profesor Oak a ten je zavede až k díře v kanálu, kterou proplavou… Poté, co se Ash probudí (omdlel) se dozvídá, že ta příšera není nikdo jiný, než 2x tak velký Bulbasaur a chapadlo nebyla nic jiného než jeho Šlehavý útok (VineWhip). Bohužel, mezitím, protože armáda nic nenašla, se starosta rozhodne zabetonovat všechny východy z kanálů. Ale jak už to tak bývá, když voda nejde jednou cestou, tak jde druhou… Starosta tedy ve vaně pocítí velký omyl svého rozhodnutí, když obrovský proud vody znící jeho potrubí a on s vanou vyletí ven. Za ním se na vodě vezou naši přátelé i s Bulbasauurem. Ten má starostu ještě stále rád (i přesto že ho starosta jako dítě pustil v bedně do kanálů, protože se nechtěl vyvinout). Starota má ale v záloze armádu, kterou neváhá použít, ale zastavuje jí Pikachu s Bulbasaurem. Nakonec ten velký Bulbasaur pochopí, že ho starosta nechce a tal ůStarosta mizí ze scény":o)))

Všechno dobře končí, Kanály jsou v pořádku a Bulbasaura dostává na starost sestra Joy. Nakonec se i Rakeťáci dostávají ven z kanálů. Naši hrdinové se tedy vydávají na ostrov Trevita.


We begin as we see our three heroes: Ash, Misty and Tracey walking in a mountainous/desert region that looks like Monument Valley. Tracey is up ahead, and like Misty, is walking and is just fine. Ash, however, is tired and hungry. He offers to eat if his companions are tired and hungry too. Tracey then calls to Ash and Misty to see what he is seeing. They run up to Tracey, and they discover that they have come upon the awesome metropolis that is the city of Trovitopolis, the largest city on Mandarin Island South.

We then see Jessie, James and Meowth of the diabolical Team Rocket, who are up on a hill. They spy on our heroes as this time, they have cooked up what they think is the perfect plan. Where our heroes are standing is actually a large trap, as they have put dynamite under the ground and once detonated, they will have trapped Pikachu. Meowth thinks they are totally prepared this time. Once Jessie and James hear the word "prepare", they start reciting their motto, but to no avail, as Meowth slams them into the ground. Jessie and James ask Meowth why he did what he did, and Meowth tells them that this should be a sneak attack. Jessie and James agree, and James grabs the small plunger handle and pushes down on it. After about 5 seconds, nothing happens. Meowth wonders where the explosion is, and then the ground disappears underneath them and they fall into a dark hole as deep as an ocean abyss. Misty turns her head and has noticed something. Ash asks, and she thinks she heard someone screaming. Tracey wonders why anybody would be screaming, and all of a sudden, the ground starts to crack and it collapses right underneath them, and they too fall into a hole as deep and dark as an ocean trench.

The scene fades to black as we see our heroes, in a cave, waking up after their plight down the hole. Ash and Misty are both woken up by Pikachu and Togepi, although Tracey is stuck in some rubble. Ash, Misty and Pikachu pull him out, and they manage to do so although Tracey lands and sits on Ash. Tracey gets off Ash, they look down the cave, all stand up and start to walk down the cave. It is now dark and they are still walking down the cave. They then see a light at the end of the tunnel and keep going. They get to the end of it, and they walk through a large hole in the wall of a sewer system. They then figure that all they have to do now to get out is find a manhole to climb out of. They walk quickly through the sewer to look for one, and then, we see something running past; and Ash hears a bell-ringing sound. He asks his friends if they heard what he heard, and Misty quips that Ash's ears might be ringing from the fall they had earlier. We then see a long shot through a pipe, and the same creature runs past making the same bell-ringing sound. Ash hears the bell-ringing again, and then, something that looks like a plant or a vine starts tapping Ash's shoulder. He turns around slightly and tells Pikachu to stop tapping on his shoulder, but Pikachu is walking on the ground in front of Ash, then Ash starts to wonder what was tapping his shoulder. Then, the vine appears in much greater form. Tracey and Misty see it and she becomes petrified, and points to Ash that there is a giant monster right behind him. Ash screams, but does not let fear get the better of him. He commands Pikachu to use ThunderShock, but Misty stops Pikachu as she points out that if Pikachu uses an electric attack, everyone will get shocked. Ash agrees and sends out Bulbasaur. He commands it to use Razor Leaf, but the creature hits the leaves away, grabs Bulbasaur and pulls it into the sewer water, out of sight. Ash attempts to jump in after it, but Misty, Tracey and Pikachu hold him back. Tracey points out that he will be dragged down too, but Ash does not care and still attempts to jump in, with his friends holding him back, and they struggle for a while. Then, a light from above comes down on them and they look up, and Officer Jenny shouts if she can hear anyone, and our heroes respond. They ask her if she can help them get out of the sewer. Jenny responds that the sewer is very dangerous and wonders what they are doing down there, and throws a rope down to them. Ash still refuses to leave without Bulbasaur, but Misty and Tracey tie him up and Jenny then hoists Ash up, kicking and screaming.

The scene fades out to the police station where we find that Ash, Misty and Tracey have been thrown in jail. Ash bangs on the cell door, shouting that they didn't do anything wrong and to let him and his friends out so he can find his Bulbasaur. Misty and Tracey wonder why they were thrown in jail for walking in the sewers. Ash still bangs on the door, and the door is opened by Jenny and slams into Ash; and she announces that they are free to go. Misty and Tracey are relieved, and Ash asks what took so long. Then a large man with a large mustache enters, and hopes that Jenny is not releasing our heroes. Jenny then acknowledges the Mayor of Trovitopolis's presence. She tells him that they only arrived in town today and are going to the Pokémon Gym on Trovita Island, and that their story checks out. The Mayor can't have this incident leaking out yet and says she should keep them locked up until the next week. Jenny tells him that she can't hold them if they aren't charged with a crime. The Mayor has to accept that because it is the law, but he forbids them to say anything about the creature. Tracey says that he can't do that, because it is the truth, and Ash says that all he cares about is getting his Bulbasaur back. The Mayor loses his temper and threatens to have them all arrested for endangering public safety. Misty doesn't understand, and Jenny reveals to them that they are not the first people to have seen the creature. The Mayor is reluctant, but Jenny tells them anyway. She reveals to them that the police force has had a number of reported encounters with a mysterious creature reaching out of the sewers, but no serious injuries reported. She then tells them that the Mayor says the people will panic if the word gets out about the creature, because they will never be able to capture it. Ash asks why, and Jenny reveals that there are almost 500 miles of sewer under the city, and over 5,000 manholes. The Mayor then says that is why they have to take drastic and immediate action to ensure the safety of everyone in the city. He also says that the city election is next week and if word gets out that he is letting a monster run amuck then he will be ruined and never voted back into office. Misty points out that there's no reason to be mad at it if all it wants to do is eat. Someone is knocking on the door and it is Nurse Joy. She tells him that she has heard what he intends to do about the sewer creature problem. The Mayor tells her that is his business, and our heroes ask Nurse Joy about his plan. She tells them that instead of capturing the creature so it can be studied, the Mayor intends to send a SWAT team down to the sewers to destroy it. Ash and Misty respond by saying the Mayor's plan is cruel, and Tracey also points out that it could be a whole new species of Pokémon. The Mayor says that any talk of any such plan is pure speculation, and that there is no proof. Jenny tells him that such a plan is illegal and the police force don't know anything about it. The Mayor loses his temper again and proclaims that he is the Mayor, he is responsible of the city and he will do what he sees fit for the city.

The scene cuts to the city Pokémon Center and our heroes and Nurse Joy are speaking to Professor Oak via videophone. He says that Tracey is right; it could be a whole new species of Pokémon, or maybe a Pokémon that has undergone a strange mutation. Ash asks Oak what they should do, and Oak says that there has to be some way of preventing the Mayor from exterminating the creature. Nurse Joy does not think so, because the only thing the Mayor cares about is being re-elected, and he's not going to let anything get in his way. The scene has transitioned outside and they see dozens, if not hundreds of campaign posters all over building walls and park fences. They then go up to a statue of the Mayor, and then recognize an "M" symbol on the foundation of the statue, and recognize it from all the campaign posters they saw earlier. Ash grows impatient and tells his friends to come to the sewers with him to look for Bulbasaur. His friends follow him. The scene cuts to the Mayor and his SWAT team, and he gives them a pep talk. Ash, Misty, and Tracey are spying on them, and wonder how they are going to get in with the SWAT team covering the entrance. Ash knows they have to find a way in before it is the end of the creature- and Bulbasaur.

We then see Ash, Misty, Tracey and Nurse Joy at another entrance to the sewer on the other side of the sewer. Ash attempts to climb up to it, but to no avail. The scene cuts to Team Rocket who we have not seen since their plight down a dark hole at the beginning of the episode. Jessie says that they have been wondering around the sewers all day, and they still haven't found a way out. All Meowth wants to do is find a place to eat, but James says there is nothing to eat down where they are. They hear the same bell-ringing sound, and the creature re-appears and starts rubbing Meowth's chin, then appears in front of Team Rocket. Meowth thinks it is one of his human companions who is petting him, but James says it wasn't him. They then see the creature, freak out and scurry down the sewers in fear. The scene wipes to Team Rocket again who are more exhausted than before. Jessie asks James what the creature was, and James says he never ever wants to find out. They then hear footsteps, and a being with a flashlight points it at Team Rocket. James sends out his Weezing and commands it to use SmokeScreen, as it engulfs the sewer with smoke. Team Rocket then make their getaway, screaming in fear. It turns out that Ash was holding the flashlight and Misty and Tracey are there too. Ash asks if everyone is alright, then Misty realizes that Togepi is missing. Tracey thinks that the creature got it, then they spot Togepi at the end of the path. Misty chases after it, and she picks up Togepi. Ash and Tracey point to the creature which has reappeared right in front of Misty, and she screams. It grabs Togepi. Misty pulls back, but the creature pulls Misty and Togepi down into the sewer water, out of sight. Ash then pulls out his secret weapon he asked Professor Oak to send- Muk. Muk then Body Slams Ash in affection.

The scene cuts back to Team Rocket and they are even more exhausted than before. They can't take being chased by the creature anymore, and Meowth is sick of being scared, and he proclaims that it is their turn to do the scaring in the sewer. Jessie and James agree, and they make themselves up to look as scary possible such as Jessie splitting her huge hair at 2 ends and Meowth biting onto James's head. They then come across none other than the Mayor's SWAT team. The Squad Leader radios in to the Mayor, and tells him that they have discovered 3 unidentified creatures. The Mayor compliments them on their excellent work, and commands them to attack immediately. Jessie, James and Meowth stare at the SWAT team dumbfounded. The leader tells his team to get their puddy guns ready and they open fire on Team Rocket. Jessie shouts at them that they are not really monsters and they run off scared again.

The scene cuts back to Ash and Tracey, with Muk in front. They come to a dead end, and Muk points out that they have to go into the underwater tunnel to find Misty, Togepi and Bulbasaur. Ash and Tracey jump in and swim down the tunnel, and it becomes darker and darker until eventually, they reach the end. They see the creature again, and the scene fades to white.

The SWAT team has come out of the sewer and reported back to the Mayor. They tell him they couldn't find a creature that matched the original description, but found 3 other creatures down there. The leader comes to the conclusion that the sewer could be infested with freaks like the ones they saw. The Mayor grows increasingly paranoid and orders that every manhole to be sealed and seal off the sewer. They do so, and a montage of shots show them sealing off all the exits and manholes of the sewer system.

We then see a white light, and Misty's voice trying to wake up Ash. He eventually wakes up, and sees an opening into the city. He wonders where he is, and he then sees his Bulbasaur. He is overjoyed, and he embraces it. Then, the creature appears yet again and taps Ash on the head. He screams. Tracey tells Ash they finally found the creature- and it's a Bulbasaur, but it is twice its normal size, probably from living down in the sewer for so long. Misty also tells him that the mysterious creature was really just a big Bulbasaur using Vine Whip. Ash wonders how a Bulbasaur got down in the sewer. Tracey says that it isn't a wild Pokémon, because it has a collar on it. Ash figured that somebody just gave up on raising it and threw it away. Misty asks Tracey why it took Bulbasaur and Togepi, and he figured it was probably lonely all by itself. Ash walks up to the Bulbasaur and pets on its head, and he then catches a glimpse of the collar and notices that it has the Mayor's "M" symbol on it.

The scene cuts to the Mayor's office in City Hall, where Nurse Joy confronts him about sending his personal army of his to seal up every manhole in the city. The Mayor says that his plan is perfect, as they don't need to worry about exterminating the creature. Nurse Joy lets him know about the fact that our heroes are down in the sewers, and if he seals up the sewer system, they will never be able to get out. The Mayor assures Joy that he will remove all the concrete as soon as the election is over. Nurse Joy says that the beginning of the election isn't until next week, but the Mayor re-butts that kids shouldn't be playing around in the sewers anyway. Nurse Joy becomes visibly frustrated with the Mayor's incompetence. The scene cuts to a montage of water leaking out of the concrete sealant of the sewer entrances, then cuts to the Mayor taking a bath, confident of a landslide victory in the polls. Then, an earthquake starts, then water forcefully erupts from the floor right under the Mayor's bathtub. The entire bathroom fills up with water and breaks through the bathroom door, flooding the entire house. We then see the Mayor in his bathtub, Ash, Misty holding Togepi, the two Bulbasaurs, Tracey, and Pikachu on a surfboard. Then, they all land outside and the Mayor falls to Ash's feet. The Mayor asks them to state their business, and Ash asks if the giant Bulbasaur looked familiar to him. He sees his trademark "M" initial on Bulbasaur's collar. Then, the Mayor has a flashback to when he was a boy. The Mayor, in a visibly frustrated state, puts his Bulbasaur in a box on the sewer river. He walks away while Bulbasaur floats down the river into the sewer, out of sight. The Mayor then realizes that this was the same Bulbasaur he threw away when he was a boy because it wouldn't evolve. The giant Bulbasaur picks up the Mayor using Vine Whip, much to the Mayor's chagrin. Misty says to the Mayor how he could do such a terrible thing to his own Pokémon, and Tracey also says that even after all these years, it was still happy to see him. A bunch of people are seeing the Mayor half-naked and he becomes embarrassed. He asks our heroes to ask Bulbasaur to put him down, and they will only do so if he apologizes to it for what he did to it so long ago. He then shouts that he is the Mayor, he has to maintain his authority, and that he will not apologize to a Pokémon. The Mayor's SWAT team arrives, and he tells them that the Bulbasaur is violating the law by holding him, the Mayor, hostage. They prepare to open fire on Bulbasaur and it becomes visibly scared. But Ash steps in, and commands Pikachu to stop the SWAT team with Thunderbolt. Then he commands his Bulbasaur to use Vine Whip on them. It does so, and sends the SWAT team flying off. The Mayor becomes scared and offers a truce with his Bulbasaur, but Bulbasaur, visibly angry, spins him around a few times and throws him into the air with Vine Whip, blasting him off out of sight. Then, we see his statue we saw earlier, and the Mayor comes out of the sky and crashes into his statue, toppling it and his chances of winning the election and becoming Mayor of Trovitopolis City again.

We then see Ash, Misty, Tracey, Joy and Jenny at the oceanside. Jenny is sure after all the things that have happened that they will have a new Mayor. Joy would be glad to take care of the giant Bulbasaur at the Pokémon center. Ash asks Bulbasaur if that's okay, and it nods. Ash then asks about a Pokémon Gym is on Trovita Island, and Joy points to the island, visibly in sight. She explains that it would only take a few minutes to get the island from where they are by ferry. Jenny says that there is a ferry that goes there once a day, and she offers to take them to the pier where the ferry is. So, our heroes set their sights on Trovita Island, and another unexpected adventure...

Meanwhile, Team Rocket has found an exit from the sewer system, and they are happy to see daylight again, but it has been bared up by the city. They realize they are trapped there. They declare "we're all washed up!" But then, Jessie sneezes, which breaks the metal bars, setting them free. They are overjoyed and they escape on a final note that ends the episode.

Televizn tb

== osoby ==
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Postavy jednoho dlu

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Originln Nzev
Premiera v skr
82. dlHrùza ve vzduchu
A Scare in the Air
´´Shimura Izumi´´1999.02.04 - Ètvrtek
83. dlProblémy s Pokéballem
PokéBall Peril
´´Fujita Munekatsu´´1999.02.11 - Ètvrtek
84. dlZtracený Lapras
The Lost Lapras
´´Sakai Hiroshi´´1999.02.18 - Ètvrtek
85. dlNebezpeèné vlny
Fit to be Tide
´´Kajiura Shinichiro´´1999.02.25 - Ètvrtek
86. dlVzpoura Pikachu
Pikachu Re-Volts
Akihiro Tamagawa1999.03.04 - Ètvrtek
87. dlThe Crystal Onix
Sklenìný Onix
Izumi Shimura1999.03.11 - Ètvrtek
88. dlVšechno je rùžové
In the Pink
Yûsaku Takeda1999.03.18 - Ètvrtek
89. dlNebezpeèné krunýøe
Shell Shock!
Toshiya Yamada1999.03.25 - Ètvrtek
90. dlZápas na plovoucím divadle
Stage Fight!
Shin´ichiro Kajiura1999.04.01 - Ètvrtek
91. dlSbohem Psyducku
Bye Bye Psyduck
Masaaki Iwane1999.04.08 - Ètvrtek
92. dlVyjímeèná Joy
The Joy of Pokémon
Izumi Shimura1999.04.15 - Ètvrtek
93. dlManévry na Pupkovém ostrovì
Navel Maneuvers
Yusaku Takeda1999.04.22 - Ètvrtek
94. dlSvaèinový útok
Snack Attack
Masayuki Fujita1999.04.29 - Ètvrtek
95. dlA Shipful of Shivers
A Shipful of Shivers
Kiyotaka Itani1999.05.06 - Ètvrtek
96. dlMòau vládcem
Meowth Rules!
Yuji Asada1999.05.13 - Ètvrtek
97. dlTraceyho nový kamarád
Tracey Gets Bugged
Osamu Inoue1999.05.20 - Ètvrtek
98. dlBájeèné volno
A Way Off Day Off
Izumi Shimura1999.05.27 - Ètvrtek
99. dlZápas na Mandarinkovém ostrovì
The Mandarin Island Miss Match
Sato Yamamoto1999.06.03 - Ètvrtek
100. dlKdepak jsi, Pokémone
Wherefore Art Thou, Pokémon?
Yusaku Takeda1999.06.10 - Ètvrtek
101. dlHijé, malý Pokémone
Get Along, Little Pokémon
Katsutoshi Kobayashi1999.06.17 - Ètvrtek
102. dlPodivná pøíšera
The Mystery Menace
Izumi Shimura1999.06.24 - Ètvrtek
103. dlNápadník pro Misty
Misty Meets Her Match
Shin´ichiro Kajiura1999.07.01 - Ètvrtek
104. dlVelké problémy
Bound For Trouble
Masaaki Iwane1999.07.15 - Ètvrtek
105. dlZamražený Charizard
Charizard Chills
Yusaku Takeda1999.07.22 - Ètvrtek
106. dlVodní dobrodružství
The Pokémon Water War
Izumi Shimura1999.07.29 - Ètvrtek
107. dlZápas o potravu pro pokémony
Pokémon Food Fight!
Masaaki Iwane1999.08.05 - Ètvrtek
108. dlDvojité problémy
Pokémon Double Trouble
Sato Yamamoto1999.08.12 - Ètvrtek
109. dlPodivný pozorovatel
The Wacky Watcher!
Katsutoshi Kobayashi1999.08.19 - Ètvrtek
110. dlOmraèující pyl
The Stun Spore Detour
Masaaki Iwane1999.08.26 - Ètvrtek
111. dlKoneènì turnaj!
Hello, Pummelo!
Shinichiro Kajiura1999.09.02 - Ètvrtek
112. dlDragonite pøichází
nter The Dragonite
Yusaku Takeda1999.09.09 - Ètvrtek
113. dlA žije Lapras
Viva Las Lapras
Izumi Shimura1999.09.16 - Ètvrtek
114. dlPodzemní zápas
The Underground Round Up
Sato Yamamoto1999.09.23 - Ètvrtek
115. dlStanový útok
A Tent Situation
Yusaku Takeda1999.09.30 - Ètvrtek
116. dlDávný protivník
The Rivalry Revival
Katsumi Hashimoto1999.10.07 - Ètvrtek

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3 . srie ==>>

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