Nzev dlu Misty Meets Her Match /Nápadník pro Misty

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seril Pokémoni - 103.dl Nápadník pro Misty
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Datum premiry:
1999.07.01 - Čtvrtek
Epizodu pidal uivatel:


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Kd epizody:
Pidno dne:
15.01.2011, 19:39:21
Zmna dne:
15.01.2011, 19:39:21
Dlka dlu:

Když se naši hrdinové plaví k ostrovu Trovita (na Laprasovi, presto, že jim v minulém díle sestra Joy zamluvila lod :o), zahlédnou malickou holcicku se svým Seelem, jak se topí ve vodním víru. Misty ihned vypustí z pokéballu Staryu a plave s její pomocí holcicku zachránit. Pritom už tu malou hledají její prátelé... a jeden kluk si všimne Misty, jak holcicku zachránila, a velice ho zaujme.

Kluk beží za malou holcickou, je to jeho sestra. Seznamuje se tak s Ashem a Traceyim, ale hlavne s Misty... Ten kluk je z Misty úplne okouzlen. Zanedlouho se Ash dozví, že je místním trenérem stadionu a vyzve ho na souboj.

Následuje jakýsi "vstupní test", všichni jedou rychle na lodi po proudu reky a Ashovi Pokémoni se snaží sestrelit terce. zatímco se Ash snaží, trenér vzadu na lodce flirtuje s Misty.

Ash vstupní test samozrejme udelal, takže príštího dne bude s trenérem souperit. S Traceym šel prespat snad nekam do hotelu, zatímco Misty prijala pozvání a šla s tím trenérem na veceri. Tam se seznámila ješte lépe i s jeho mailckou sestrou. Videla všechny jeho Pokémony, jak tancí do rytmu hudby. Trenér je ucí tancovat, aby byli silnejší. I Misty si s ním potom zatancovala a on se ji ptal, jestli by tu nechtela zustat. Misty se nemohla rozhodnout...

Druhého dne zacal zápas mezi trenérem stadionu Trovita a Ashem. Misty, Tracey, trenérova sestricka a další její kamarádi vše sledovali z výšky z balónu. Ash se snažil co mohl, protože chtel získat odznak, zatímco jeho souper se snažil ukázat výhru Misty.

Ash si zvolil tri Pokémony. Pikachu, Bulbasaura a Squirtla. Když vyhrají alespon dva z nich, získá Ash odznak. První šel na radu Pikachu proti Elektabuzzovi. Pikachu prohrál, a Misty, která vše sledovala, by tedy mela mít radost. Predstírala, že ji má. Jako druzí zápasili Bulbasaur a Exeggutor, tentokrát vyhrál Ashuv Pokémon, když uspal soupere spacím práškem. To trenéra trošku zarazilo, nicméne kvuli Misty byl odhodlán vyhrát. Poslal tedy Starmie proti Ashovu Squirtlovi. Squirtle už málem prohrál, když tu zacala zezhora z balónu Misty Ashe povzbuzovat, že se preci nedá tak lehce porazit. To Ashe i jeho Pokémona tolik povzbudilo, že nakonec padlo vítezství na Ashe. Získal tedy tretí odznak... a poražený trenér nyní pochopil, že Misty miluje Ashe a ne jeho. Rozloucil se tedy se štastlivcem Ashem a s milovanou Misty a samozrejme ji nechal otevrenou cestu na návrat, kdyby si to preci jen rozmyslela.


Getting a ferry from Trovitopolis, Ash, Pikachu, Misty, Togepi, and Tracey are finally going to make it to Trovita Island, which is surrounded by whirlpools and huge spiked rocks. Ash is determined to get his third Orange League Gym Badge. Suddenly, Pikachu spots a little girl and a Seel caught in the strong current, crying for help. Misty jumps into action by sending out Staryu and then swims down to rescue the girl. Ash joins in by sending out Lapras and helping Misty bring the girl up onto the surface. Meanwhile, a young man has been watching the whole thing, and is impressed by Misty's actions.

Team Rocket are not too far behind, and their submarine gets caught in one of the whirlpools.

While riding Lapras the rest of the way to Trovita Island, Ash and Misty ask the girl what she was doing out on the current. The girl, who introduces herself as Mahri, says that she and her Seel were just playing when the current sucked them in. Misty then tells Mahri to always be careful next time she goes swimming. As Lapras and the ship both arrive in port, the young man, who later introduces himself as Rudy, arrives to embrace Mahri, who is revealed to be his sister, and thank Misty for rescuing her by offering plenty of flowers. Rudy hands Togepi to Ash, and then dances with Misty. He compliments the young water-type Pokémon Trainer on her daring rescue of Mahri, and asks if she could train the other Pokémon trainers at his gym. Misty and Ash are both awestruck that Rudy is the Trovita Island Gym Leader. Ash wastes no time in challenging Rudy. After a war of words, Rudy tells Ash that if he wants to challenge him, he has to pass a small attack test.

The group head off to Rudy's speedboat, and Ash must knock down all the targets in order to challenge Rudy. Ash is successful with Pikachu on the first target, but Rudy is too busy looking at Misty instead of paying attention. Ash sends out Charizard. Ash, Pikachu and Tracey manage to dodge a Flamethrower, but Misty isn't as lucky and she gets charred. Ash quickly calls Charizard back, apologizes to Misty, then continues with the test.

Team Rocket show up again, meanwhile, Ash sees another target appear in front of them, and Squirtle destroys it with a Water Gun, causing a tree to fall and send Team Rocket flying. Ash then has an easy time using Pikachu, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur to destroy the remaining targets, and eventually passes the test. As night falls, Rudy schedules the gym battle for tomorrow, and invites Misty to join him and Mahri for dinner, leaving Ash, Pikachu, and Tracey high and dry.

A few minutes later, Ash is talking to Professor Oak on the telephone, and Oak wishes Ash good luck in his match with Rudy tomorrow. Tracey then butts in and shows Oak his latest Pokémon sketches, while Ash and Pikachu sit down to eat a takeaway meal.

Meanwhile, Rudy, Mahri, and Misty finish an exquisite dinner and head down to the gym to see Rudy's Pokémon working out by dancing to music as a way of improving their skills. Rudy and Misty get out on the dance floor, shortly followed by Mahri and Togepi. Rudy asks Misty if she would stay with him and Mahri forever. Given food for thought by those words, Misty stops dancing to think about it, while Rudy tells her to make her decision after the match tomorrow.

The next morning, Ash and Rudy are both ready to battle each other on top of one of the island's huge spikes. The spectators, Misty, Togepi, Tracey, and Mahri included, watch from a hot-air balloon, and one of Rudy's friends does commentary while riding a Pidgeot. As the match begins, Ash sends out Pikachu, and Rudy sends out Electabuzz, since both are Electric-type Pokémon. Pikachu tries to take down Electabuzz with a Thunderbolt and a Quick Attack, but Electabuzz defeats Pikachu with a ThunderPunch, giving the first victory to Rudy.

Meanwhile, Mahri asks Misty what Rudy said to her last night. Misty uneasily answers that it was nothing important, but obviously, she's still thinking about the offer from Rudy.

For the next round, both trainers will use Grass-type Pokémon, so Ash sends out Bulbasaur, and Rudy sends out Exeggutor, and asks for some music. Exeggutor easily avoids Bulbasaur's Razor Leaf attack by dancing to avoid the leaves, then knocks Bulbasaur down with an Egg Bomb. As it looks like Exeggutor is about to deliver the finishing blow, Ash quickly orders Bulbasaur to use Sleep Powder, which successfully puts Exeggutor to sleep, as well as cause it to fall off the cliff, knocking Team Rocket back down into the sea below. Bulbasaur rescues Exeggutor with its vines, and the second victory goes to Ash.

Now, in the third and final round, Water Pokémon will be used, so Ash sends out Squirtle, and Rudy sends out Starmie, as well as dedicating the final victory to Misty. Squirtle and Starmie both attack each other with Water Guns, and Rudy quickly plays some more music, causing Starmie to spin so much, it uses a Thunderbolt attack to knock Squirtle into submission, leaving Ash horrified. After thinking over the chance of a lifetime from Rudy, Misty finally makes her choice: she yells at Ash to win since he can release Squirtle's hidden power. Mahri is shocked, while Rudy loses his confidence after hearing Misty's words. Ash orders Squirtle to fight back. Squirtle escapes the Thunderbolt with another Water Gun, Withdraws inside its shell as it's about to fall off the cliff, then releases huge jets of water from its shell to fly back onto the battlefield. Misty realizes that Squirtle has now learned Hydro Pump! Squirtle uses its new attack and a Skull Bash to defeat Starmie, giving the final victory to Ash, who celebrates by dancing with Squirtle and Pikachu about how they need one more badge to get into the Orange League.

As the sun sets, Ash receives his Spike Shell Badge from Rudy, who also offers Misty one more bunch of flowers. Rudy is now convinced that Misty wants Ash, who doesn't seem to have a clue about it. And so, Ash, Misty, Tracey, Pikachu, and Togepi board Lapras and sail off into the sunset.

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Originln Nzev
Premiera v skr
82. dlHrůza ve vzduchu
A Scare in the Air
´´Shimura Izumi´´1999.02.04 - Čtvrtek
83. dlProblémy s Pokéballem
PokéBall Peril
´´Fujita Munekatsu´´1999.02.11 - Čtvrtek
84. dlZtracený Lapras
The Lost Lapras
´´Sakai Hiroshi´´1999.02.18 - Čtvrtek
85. dlNebezpečné vlny
Fit to be Tide
´´Kajiura Shinichiro´´1999.02.25 - Čtvrtek
86. dlVzpoura Pikachu
Pikachu Re-Volts
Akihiro Tamagawa1999.03.04 - Čtvrtek
87. dlThe Crystal Onix
Skleněný Onix
Izumi Shimura1999.03.11 - Čtvrtek
88. dlVšechno je růžové
In the Pink
Yûsaku Takeda1999.03.18 - Čtvrtek
89. dlNebezpečné krunýře
Shell Shock!
Toshiya Yamada1999.03.25 - Čtvrtek
90. dlZápas na plovoucím divadle
Stage Fight!
Shin´ichiro Kajiura1999.04.01 - Čtvrtek
91. dlSbohem Psyducku
Bye Bye Psyduck
Masaaki Iwane1999.04.08 - Čtvrtek
92. dlVyjímečná Joy
The Joy of Pokémon
Izumi Shimura1999.04.15 - Čtvrtek
93. dlManévry na Pupkovém ostrově
Navel Maneuvers
Yusaku Takeda1999.04.22 - Čtvrtek
94. dlSvačinový útok
Snack Attack
Masayuki Fujita1999.04.29 - Čtvrtek
95. dlA Shipful of Shivers
A Shipful of Shivers
Kiyotaka Itani1999.05.06 - Čtvrtek
96. dlMòau vládcem
Meowth Rules!
Yuji Asada1999.05.13 - Čtvrtek
97. dlTraceyho nový kamarád
Tracey Gets Bugged
Osamu Inoue1999.05.20 - Čtvrtek
98. dlBáječné volno
A Way Off Day Off
Izumi Shimura1999.05.27 - Čtvrtek
99. dlZápas na Mandarinkovém ostrově
The Mandarin Island Miss Match
Sato Yamamoto1999.06.03 - Čtvrtek
100. dlKdepak jsi, Pokémone
Wherefore Art Thou, Pokémon?
Yusaku Takeda1999.06.10 - Čtvrtek
101. dlHijé, malý Pokémone
Get Along, Little Pokémon
Katsutoshi Kobayashi1999.06.17 - Čtvrtek
102. dlPodivná příšera
The Mystery Menace
Izumi Shimura1999.06.24 - Čtvrtek
103. dlNápadník pro Misty
Misty Meets Her Match
Shin´ichiro Kajiura1999.07.01 - Čtvrtek
104. dlVelké problémy
Bound For Trouble
Masaaki Iwane1999.07.15 - Čtvrtek
105. dlZamražený Charizard
Charizard Chills
Yusaku Takeda1999.07.22 - Čtvrtek
106. dlVodní dobrodružství
The Pokémon Water War
Izumi Shimura1999.07.29 - Čtvrtek
107. dlZápas o potravu pro pokémony
Pokémon Food Fight!
Masaaki Iwane1999.08.05 - Čtvrtek
108. dlDvojité problémy
Pokémon Double Trouble
Sato Yamamoto1999.08.12 - Čtvrtek
109. dlPodivný pozorovatel
The Wacky Watcher!
Katsutoshi Kobayashi1999.08.19 - Čtvrtek
110. dlOmračující pyl
The Stun Spore Detour
Masaaki Iwane1999.08.26 - Čtvrtek
111. dlKonečně turnaj!
Hello, Pummelo!
Shinichiro Kajiura1999.09.02 - Čtvrtek
112. dlDragonite přichází
nter The Dragonite
Yusaku Takeda1999.09.09 - Čtvrtek
113. dlAť žije Lapras
Viva Las Lapras
Izumi Shimura1999.09.16 - Čtvrtek
114. dlPodzemní zápas
The Underground Round Up
Sato Yamamoto1999.09.23 - Čtvrtek
115. dlStanový útok
A Tent Situation
Yusaku Takeda1999.09.30 - Čtvrtek
116. dlDávný protivník
The Rivalry Revival
Katsumi Hashimoto1999.10.07 - Čtvrtek

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